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19179809 No.19179809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck is ''logo''?
I have a life outside of the internet and thus do not watch any ''twitch streamers'' or ''debaters'',someone who does not have a life,please explain

>> No.19179821

The logos is the word of God.
Anything else (streamers, youtuber) is not worth knowing if you value your soul and mind.

>> No.19179994
File: 20 KB, 334x242, Morgan-NotWrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anything else (streamers, youtuber) is not worth knowing if you value your soul and mind.

>> No.19181450

bump because I still don't know

>> No.19181475

some pseud who looks like styxhexenhammer with aids, tells people to read books then gets caught saying he reads books that don't exist and seethes about it for a week. ya it's funny watching these e-celeb dumpster fires getting shit on nonstop but ultimately not worth your time, this is the shittiest of shitty e-celeb drama, just do something productive like reading a book.

>> No.19181751

Some retarded guy

>> No.19181759

Clinically retarded Twitter Paris. Avoid at all costs

>> No.19181773

He self-published a book which had the word lugubrious in it, we all had a good laugh about it. He was kinda like a proto-RC Waldun but less intelligent.

>> No.19181901

>was kinda like a proto-RC Waldun but less intelligent.
Ok but how?