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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 54 KB, 500x500, 51gYzDOPscL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1917779 No.1917779 [Reply] [Original]






>> No.1917799

Cannot Wait!

>> No.1917812 [DELETED] 

>still reading fantasy

I seriously hope you guys kill yourself.

>> No.1917868

>2011 posting on dickbutt and believing you have room to judge. teehee. D:

>> No.1917879

Bah, I've already read 5/6ths of it from the scans.


>> No.1917884

>going on 4chan to discuss literature

>> No.1917888 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 474x517, 1295206633142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw 1Q84 isn't even in the Amazon Top-100 pre-orders but Dance With Dragons is #1
God damn you modern readers... God damn you...

>> No.1917889
File: 44 KB, 1282x802, syrio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after watching the show,
I'm doubly convinced HE'S STILL ALIVE
I always thought so...........

>"what do we say to the god of death?"

>> No.1917895


>> No.1917896



>> No.1917900

Does IQ84 have a tv show?

>> No.1917903

I'll enjoy being able to look at spoilers with impunity.

>> No.1917908
File: 26 KB, 140x207, 1310156473347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about people who keep-up with new releases in general?

>> No.1917912
File: 485 KB, 600x694, Maisie3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read the books?
how come his head isn't with neds and septa mordanes?
that whole line about the god of death?

>> No.1917928


The god of Death is prominent in Braavos where Syrio is from.

The Septa's head was most likely placed there by Joffrey to punish Sansa and horrify her. Some fencing master would be irrelevant.

>> No.1917953
File: 75 KB, 1282x802, syrio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its obvious from one line of dialogue
that they're setting him up as a faceless man -

>> No.1917957

this is gonna make me look like a shit, but I barely got through the first one right before the show, I haven't got my hands on the second one yet heuh!

one question - Ser Loras and Renly go homosexual in the later books because that was no near in the first, and I wanna know if I have room for complaint?

>> No.1917961 [DELETED] 

>1984 was written in 1947 I believe
>most people who enjoy reading already have their copy

>> No.1917962


No it isn't "obvious". Purely speculative. The Many-Faced God is based on Braavos. Talking about the only god being the god of Death is like saying valar morghulis. Which is a common saying in Braavos.

>> No.1917969


They never go mansex on each other in the books simply because neither of them have a POV. But yes they are gays in love with each other in the books too.

>> No.1917970

no, it was VERY heavily implied - the chest shaving wasn't in the books - mostly dialogue

>> No.1917985

how is that NOT obvious?
they don't have the room (like the books) to be as subtle - so they DON'T show him dying? kinda like the books?

TL:DR you are a REALLY dumb fag

>> No.1917999
File: 151 KB, 1282x802, adwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. -

>> No.1918001


You're the really dumbfag for not googling "Is Syrio dead?" and finding out that all the facts point to him being dead, especially statements by GRRM himself.

>> No.1918005

Nothing points to him being dead except maybe occam's razor, but that has never applied in ASOIAF anyway.

>> No.1918008
File: 21 KB, 367x451, 1266592565771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



he is just as overrated as martin, oh god

>> No.1918022

so even after he's said
"why does everyone think he's invincible"
they left it SO open in the show? they wouldn't do that for shits and gigs, my friend

and I've read these books since they came out in 1996
most of those threads you "google" have me all up in them.........I'll put one dollar on it next season when we meet Jaqen............

and as for "valor morghulis" after Arya says it, EVERYBODY ON THE SHIP WANTS HER TO REMEMBER HER NAME...... that becomes important.......its kinda like the faceless man motto


>> No.1918074


>they left it SO open in the show? they wouldn't do that for shits and gigs, my friend

Yes he would because he doesn't really give a shit about putting fan speculation to bed and because he likes the way he made it in the books (with Arya leaving him behind because of Syrio's own teachings, the whole "look with your eyes" thing).

>I'll put one dollar on it next season when we meet Jaqen............

What exactly is this supposed to mean?

>> No.1918075


google has failed me

>> No.1918088

google for ADWD_1.zip through ADWD_5.zip

>> No.1918097

virus detected

>> No.1918100

at a bookstore tomorrow

>> No.1918103
File: 95 KB, 375x500, cheneyproud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go ahead and end this arguement.
Syrio is dead.
The gentlemen the in the cart with his head covered is Jaqen. He is a faceless man from Braavos.
He is also gone or at least that personality is.

Valar Morghulis translates to every man must die.

It is the motto unofficial motto for the faceless men.

>> No.1918104
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot-2011-07-11_11.08.58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr durr

If you're so paranoid, why not run it through a VM or Sandboxie or something?

>> No.1918107

I'll be over here enjoying my scans

>> No.1918115


>> No.1918117

in the show you here a scream that isnt his and a metal sword hit the ground his was wooden.. im thinking jcvd drop to the splits lethal nutpunch ala bloodsport

>> No.1918122

>He is also gone or at least that personality is.

so what about his syrio personality? is that gone, too?

>> No.1918128

Gone, yes. Gone to the Summer Isles, to teach dem brown bitches how to waterdance.

>> No.1918138


I'm just saying - it seems like the producers of the show wanted to know then and there HOW TO SHOOT THAT SCENE (because its a HUGE discussion amongst asoiaffags)

yet it stays almost the same, with dialogue ADDED about the god of death????

come on now..............

>> No.1918224


............AND its the one episode GRRM wrote for season one

>> No.1918296

I just think this sort of speculation is pointless.

The series isn't done yet. GRRM can change whatever the fuck he wants, whenever he wants.

>> No.1918330

I was in the middle of reading The First Law.

Do I buy the third book in that series or this book tomorrow?

>> No.1918334

I'll be at the book store at 9am waiting.

>> No.1918337

>implying this won't be only the fourth best fantasy novel this year after The Heroes, The Republic of Thieves, and The Crippled God.

>> No.1918339


>> No.1918347


Dance has received way better reviews.

>> No.1918410


Yeah, because ASOIAF has gotten mainstream approval via the HBO series. Of course everyone is slurping Martin's coolaid now.

>> No.1918414

Get a bus to Dundalk don't let them orange bastards get you down

>> No.1918433

It's coming boys, it's coming.

>> No.1918435

If the ebook isn't available as .epub in 9 hours I'll lose all faith in the piracy scene

>> No.1918443

>having faith in the book piracy scene

fucking deluded.

>> No.1918450 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 92x126, 1281872505058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I already read the book and know that you all will be disappointed of it after waiting for 10 years

enjoy your pleasant anticipation while you have it

>> No.1918458

You haven't read the book, though. You stopped at page 753, just like everyone who was reading the scans.

And the vast majority of readers didn't wait the SIX (not ten) years since the last book, since most readers started during or after the first season of the HBO show.

I didn't even have to wait a single day to start reading ADWD after I finished AFFC, and I finished reading the scans yesterday, so I'll only have waited two days to finish ADWD.

>> No.1918468

>You haven't read the book, though. You stopped at page 753

actually I read all 959 pages but not that it matters.

I'm not saying it's a bad book just not at the same level as the first three

>> No.1918472

Then be a fucking bro and upload pics of the last 200 pages.

Should take you 30-45 minutes and you'll be a legend forever

>> No.1918474

>since most readers started during or after the first season of the HBO show

Why do people act like ASoIaF was some kind of unknown niche series before the Game of Thrones TV show?

It wasn't.

>> No.1918485

You misunderstood. The MAJORITY of readers are new. You can verify this easily by looking at the best-seller standing of the books. More books have been sold in the past 4-6 months than during the decades before the HBO show.

No, it wasn't unknown to begin with, but now it's a mainstream phenomenon.

>> No.1918495


my sister has it now and even if not I would be too lazy to do that now

besides doesn't it come out tomorrow? fuck if she wouldn't read it I would have sold it on ebay a long time ago

>> No.1918506

Yeah, everyone believes you.

Trust me.

>> No.1918508

I avoided the series for years because I thought it looked dumb. The one time I picked a book up I happened to flip to Dany's lesbian scene in COK, and I was like: ....nope.

Then about a month before the TV show started I happened to read The Hedge Knight. Liked it a lot, read the next two, then started reading the main series while watching the show. So it's been nice not having to wait on GRRM.

Reading all four books at the same time has made it very clear that the first one was the best, and the 3rd and 4th a good deal worse.

>> No.1918512


Nigger, go grab your camera, take it from her, take pics, give it back. At least give us another 50 pages, that should take about 10 minutes.

>> No.1918553

let the science speak

>> No.1918585

The VAST majority of readers are not new. The book was absolutely huge before the show, hence being made into a series by HBO, and the majority of people who watched the show were readers. Yes the books have spiked up thanks to the show, but they've been in the top 100 since forever and they have been out for years.

>> No.1918592

Dude, even GRRM has said that there are many more readers now than before the show. Book sales have risen by several orders of magnitude. For the first time ever, all the books are now (or were, until a couple of weeks ago) in the top ten of the NYT best-seller list.

Nothing I'm saying is "opinion", or even remotely controversial. Just look it up. Most readers are brand new, period.

>> No.1918638

What you're doing is completely misconstruing the facts. Never before have all the books been in the top 10, why would they have been? They were released years apart. Yes, of course there are new readers, that DOES NOT MEAN that the MAJORITY of readers are new. Not even close.
You're wrong.

>> No.1918649

>Reading all four books at the same time has made it very clear that the first one was the best, and the 3rd and 4th a good deal worse.
what the fuck am I reading
3rd book has been the best in the series so far
Martin could have cut the entirety of book 1 if he wanted to start the story from Ned's execution (since that's where it actually starts)

>> No.1918665



>> No.1918673

Quality of writing 1>>>>2>3>4. But that's to be expected. The first book in a series always has the best quality.

>> No.1918680

I'm so going to pirate it when it hits retail in 6 hours and 15 minutes from now

>> No.1918724

You think you have it bad
>july 18th

>> No.1918729

No, it's just because it feels new and fresh. Later on you've grown accustomed to the style.

>> No.1918748

12 hours*

And even then, it'll take at least a day for it to trickle down from the topsites.

>> No.1918748,1 [INTERNAL] 

=) As soon as its realised (those that have read the scans) PLEASE IM IMPLORE YOU!!! Scan the last 200 pages (part 6 of the scans). In northern Ireland we cant get it till the 13th. And since there is no mail. Amazon delivery is not till the 14th =(....just those last pages. And you will have saved my life. Literaly. I am dying here!

>> No.1918894

I'm really surprised a decent ebook version hasn't leaked yet. The leaked photo version is unreadable.

>> No.1918895

only the first pages are unreadable

>> No.1918899

The later sections are better, but it still hurts your eyes to read like that. I'll wait for a decent ebook version.

>> No.1918902

Balls, won't be able to collect mine until Saturday.

Suppose this gives me time to re-read 2-4.

>> No.1918907

Anyone know why the print in book two was so tiny? I had to squint to see some words on my first read.

>> No.1918913

any idea when the mobi/epub version will release? like, will i be able to torrent it at midnight so i can start before the stores open?

>> No.1919088

Wondering the same thing myself. My local bookstores are only going to have hardcovers so fuck them. I haven't had space for hardcover books in years.

>> No.1919110

Preordered the ebook. Should be downloaded before I even wake up tomorrow.

>> No.1919144

Fuck hardcovers.
Did I ever tell you how much I love you?

>> No.1919159

why there is no pdf now when so many people received the fucking book already? had it for days...

>> No.1919373


Because German is bitch tier.

Anyway, the book has been released in Australia in eformat, so it's only a matter of time. Unless AUS wants to confirm for bitch tier as well?

>> No.1919409
File: 115 KB, 1097x609, 20110711223941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1919457

It fucking better be out tomorrow.

UK here.

I've been waiting 10 years for this. Feast for Crows just went off on a tangent.

I'll be paying out for a hardback. Not because I'm technologically retarded I just need it now and I haven't paid out for an iPad or a Kindle yet

>> No.1919460

What the hell is wrong with you Dingos? It's available on ibooks, just buy it and upload it or is $15 too much for you idiots?

>> No.1919464


Because I hate Apple.

Is it available on Microsoft comaptible software yet?

>> No.1919472

I know this is going to get lost in here, not to mention a lot of
>buying books

but I preordered this for my Nook. Can I download it tonight at midnight? How does this work?

>> No.1919479

I have had an idea

>I just started reading Feast for Crows (about 200 pages in)
>This is supposed to run concurrent with FfC

should I just read both at the same time?

>> No.1919485


I can't even imagine how that would work...

Anyway, even within a particular book, the chapters aren't chronological. There is literally no reason to do what you suggest.

>> No.1919494

Feast first than Dance. You suffer like the rest of us.

>> No.1919502

Are you kidding me? Cry me a river. Spend the $15 and get it done, I'll do it but I cannot get an Australian account without an Aussie credit card.

>> No.1919510

>get up for work tomorrow at six
>order Dance on my Kindle
>read Prologue on subway commute


>> No.1919517

Very disappointed in you Australians right now

>> No.1919525

Is it going to have any Arya kicking ass or is it just Tyrion and Danaerys?

>> No.1919534

Only two Arya chapters. I've read the first. It's pretty awesome.

>> No.1919540

Australians are definitely descended from criminals. Apparently they are too stupid or poor to pay $15 to get it from ibooks and upload it. Very disappointed in you guys.

>> No.1919547


Good enough for me

>> No.1919588



Ausfags can't get it delivered to them yet I think.

>> No.1919597

The book is officially getting released at midnight PDT. So Australians will get it at some point during the middle of the day. The only people getting them early are due to errors or stores that don't give a fuck.

>> No.1919602

No, it's available on ibooks in australia. You can easily see that by changing your country to Australia in itunes. But you need an Australian itunes account to buy it, and you cannot get that without an Australian cc. It is available electronically in Australia, end of discussion.

>> No.1919607

Australian here. It takes my money, but refuses to let me download the book. So there.

>> No.1919639

where is the fucking book

>> No.1919667

Fuck the ebook. Someone just provide scans of pp.750~1050. Please!

>> No.1919676

Come on people , we are waiting for the damn book.

>> No.1919676,1 [INTERNAL] 

i second that. )= Will someone please download/take photos of pages 750-1050 at least )= Its not that much to ask. And since we`ve already gotten to 750 is a shame for us not to get to read the rest )=

>> No.1919695
File: 40 KB, 640x480, Picture0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what Amazon just brought me...

>> No.1919700

Ok, but you're still fat and ugly.

>> No.1919707

you lucky motherfucker... now wipe that smug smile off your face and start scanning! thanks dude.

>> No.1919712

Well it's midnight in most of Europe now. If it can be had from itunes at midnight lots of people should be able to get it now. What's the holdup?

>> No.1919716 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 316x401, 1308400775478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I got that from Amazon.de two weeks ago
.mfw I'm slim and do not have a neckbeard

>> No.1919718

aren't the ebooks DRM protected? where do u get the pirated copies?

>> No.1919719

clearly neckbeards are delaying the release of the book

>> No.1919721

Looks like it's time to get off /lit/. Got to avoid spoilers.

>> No.1919722

well, clearly being fat and having a neckbeard got him the book early. theres time to lose weight and shave later.

>> No.1919722,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1919727

be a bro and scan pages 754-799
23 pictures, 10 seconds per picture, a little longer to zip and upload.. should take about 5 minutes

We'll love you forever

>> No.1919733

>implying DRM protection stops any piracy

>> No.1919735


>> No.1919733,1 [INTERNAL] 

please give us scans. You need to feed our addiction.

>> No.1919753
File: 795 KB, 1936x2592, IMG_20110711_161657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1919755


>> No.1919762

page number?

You probably want to do two pages at a time, but up to you, anon.

>> No.1919763
File: 788 KB, 1936x2592, IMG_20110711_162637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1919766

It's been purchased off itunes in the UK now. What the fuck is the holdup with you foreign fags?

>> No.1919770
File: 784 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_20110711_162911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working with a camera phone, so didn't know if it would look like ass at two pages. First page is 754.

>> No.1919778
File: 1.22 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_20110711_163224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1919779 [DELETED] 
File: 618 KB, 1056x1408, 1301909081946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Preorder on the kindle in uk
>Amazon says will be downloaded on the 12th
>Its been the 12th for half an hour and no download.

Anyone else in my boat?

>> No.1919781

Stop with this pictures shit. The ibook is available in the UK, Australia, and all of fucking Europe. Someone buy it and put it online.

>> No.1919782

DPI seem to be slightly less than the initial rips (which were probably done with a real camera, but this is easily good enough to read.

and its well-lit, for once.

if you have any kind of platform you can rip to keep your camera stable, go for it.

>> No.1919787

Amazon uses pacific time, you have to get it off itunes. Do that then put it online.

>> No.1919788

god tier image quality, make them all like this

>> No.1919789
File: 1.10 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_20110711_163653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1919798

If you like, LMK when you are done and I'll upload them as ADWD_6.zip

>> No.1919806

Have to get back to work. Here's a zip up to page 801: http://www.mediafire.com/?lm1ua36adpl2yca

If more is needed, keep the thread alive for a few hours, I'll see if I can add more.

>> No.1919808

This does not count the pages already posted.

>> No.1919811

you're a god among men,
may R'hlor light your path.

>> No.1919821

>Amazon uses pacific time

Even Amazon.co.uk?

>> No.1919838

Yes, you can only get it through itunes uk right now. Please do so and upload it.

>> No.1919838,1 [INTERNAL] 

omg thank you so much! You really are a god! Yes if its not too much trouble! =) Im a fast reader haha. Thanks again!

>> No.1919854

I still havent read Bran 1 because of how shitty the scans were for it.

>> No.1919868

Seriously is this fucking hard? The book is available everywhere except North America in iBooks format on iTunes. Are you all such fags that you cannot buy it for $15 and put it online? Fuck you must be poor and living in your parents' basement.

>> No.1919869


I would, but I dont know how to remove the DRM.

>> No.1919875,1 [INTERNAL] 

someone upload the ibook!

>> No.1919875

Why don't you wait a few hours and buy it yourself you cheap fuck?

It's not like it's going to be worth the wait. Chill.

>> No.1919878


Confirmed for god tier

>> No.1919875,2 [INTERNAL] 

google how to remove DRM?

>> No.1919880

upload it and let somebody else remove the drm

>> No.1919881


If any of you fags can tell me how to remove ibooks DRM so that it can be read on a kindle, I'll help you out.

>> No.1919880,1 [INTERNAL] 



try that!

>> No.1919886

ITT: The Tywin Lannister of anons

>> No.1919890

Calibre can remove the DRM, or just upload it and let someone else do it and then you download the fixed version. This isn't hard.

>> No.1919886,1 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.1919895


Calibre just gives me a 'cant convert due to DRM message'

>> No.1919898

Upload the file and I'll fix it and re-upload

>> No.1919900

http://www.drm-remove do com /resource/remove-ibooks-drm.html

>> No.1919900,1 [INTERNAL] 


Try that! =)

>> No.1919918



>> No.1919919

Still not up? What the hell!

>> No.1919922




>> No.1919933
File: 76 KB, 475x360, 1287059555041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will have it tonight at 12am. thank you Kindle.

>> No.1919936

Someone who is not a lazy son of the bitch remove the DRM on this for me thanks.

>> No.1919937

I will be here at 12:05 for a link to the .MOBI

>> No.1919939

how do i convert this to read on my pc? my kindle broke

>> No.1919940


Need a hero to remove the DRM and reupload.

>> No.1919943

Is the file the real deal? and if so how do i open it...

>> No.1919946


Yes but it has DRM, waiting on someone to crack it.

>> No.1919951


The link to the plugins you need is dead.

>> No.1919954

Just finishing FFC.


>> No.1919960

my book store sold it to me this morning

>> No.1919962

He knows too much and is he king of the game. DNW

>> No.1919973


What happened to this guy?

>> No.1919975

Give me a couple minutes and I'll re-upload.

>> No.1919983
File: 46 KB, 400x400, Charlie-Sheen-Winning-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for a d/l link.

Guess I'll finish up to 800 or so and look for a hero tomorrow. Either way no money from me george, fuck you!

>> No.1919985

Zomg it's almost here!

>> No.1919986

kay. best not be troll.

>> No.1919990


>> No.1919993


>> No.1919994

anyone here know how to crack drm?

>> No.1919995



>> No.1919999

You have no idea how badly you're about to get fucked do you?

>> No.1920001
File: 9 KB, 220x251, 1264654965839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1920004
File: 29 KB, 280x390, Abu hamza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only have about 15% of FFC left. My anus is ready.

>> No.1920005

So far, no Brienne chapters; we see her through Jaime.

TONS of Tyrion chapters. He's sort of the main character in this one.

No Littlefinger POV. I doubt we'll ever get that.

The Cersei chapters are about her being humiliated and tortured. It's good shit.

>> No.1920006
File: 175 KB, 426x700, tumblr_lmv3qrvhxQ1qlsk4co1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1920007

3 bran chapters. Takes the piss.

>> No.1920010


>Tyrion main character
>Cersei getting tortured

Thank you based god!

>> No.1920012
File: 43 KB, 312x700, tumblr_lmp55wdVek1qkio9mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random shit while waiting


>> No.1920018

Oh, and Dany rides Drogon. And he kills like, hundreds of people in a few minutes, just cause he felt like it.

That's been the biggest "OH SHIT" moment for me so far.

>> No.1920020
File: 355 KB, 350x607, murd2011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1920025

Can't remove that DRM ... someone else is going to have to do it.

>> No.1920026
File: 68 KB, 425x280, flanbusters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone actually doing anything or are we all just holding our dicks hoping that some is doing something?

>> No.1920027


>> No.1920029

I tried, that DRM is locked tighter than your boss' pedo bear approved 14 year old daughter

>> No.1920030

Where was the ebook bought from? I might give it a shot.

>> No.1920033

I don't have a dick but I'm just waiting

>> No.1920038

I've taken off DRM a bunch of times and I can't do it - and I'm the one who said I would do it. Someone must be able to though. Apparently it's also available on Amazon UK now, so if anyone has the MOBI file that's a lot easier to change into epub.

>> No.1920039

If you change the extension from epud to .zip you can see that it was bought in itunes.

>> No.1920040

That Dany chapter and the Theon chapter just before it have been two of my very favorites so far (the other being Bran II). The Dany chapter is awe-inspiring, reminiscent of the final chapter of AGOT. The Theon chapter is wonderful because Ramsay has thoroughly been established as one of the truly evil characters, and the Theon plot line in Dance has you aching for him to man up and do something about his situation. The series has very few moments when characters get to do something heroic and survive, and Theon's daring princess rescue is, consequently, one of the coolest parts of the book.

>> No.1920041

It's purchased from iTunes.

>> No.1920047

Someone upload the fucking mobi. This is ridiculous.

>> No.1920049

Stripping the DRM. Give me a few minutes to decrypt.

>> No.1920051

This is where those anon hackers are really fucking handy.

>> No.1920054

dedrm guide for calibre:
Or just post the file and let someone else do it.

>> No.1920055
File: 181 KB, 640x800, XU7on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit>>1920051
I type that and this dude steps up.

>> No.1920061

That link says ibooks can't be stripped. Anyone know where to get a calibre plugin for an ibook?

>> No.1920063

Hardy har har. The guy who bought it is the one who has to strip the DRM. The encryption key uses info from his computer/ebook reader.

>> No.1920064

Where would people rank it in the series? Better than 4?

And do you think we'll ever have another event like Dany being unburnt?

>> No.1920066

WAY better than 4.

Dany rides Drogon.

>> No.1920067

stop spoiling shit

>> No.1920071


>> No.1920074

Very jealous at the people who get to pick it up tomorrow on release day. Luckly my local waterstones were kind enough to hold my copy until Saturday.

>> No.1920075

Yes. I would say it is the second best, after A Storm of Swords.

>> No.1920081

Is anyone going to be able to remove the DRM or are we just going to sit here complaining for another two and a half hours?

>> No.1920083

Just because he gets grascale doesn't mean he's definitely going to die. They say that it takes years to even start to cripple you, and the plot might not last that long anyway.

>> No.1920088

I think it's the latter.

>> No.1920094

die, fuckers

>> No.1920095


My speculation on the word Brienne shouted in Crows "Kingslayer".

>> No.1920096



>> No.1920095,1 [INTERNAL] 

the files further up. Ive tried calibre etc. its says there is no drm. then when i attempt pdf it. it says cant because of drm. =/

>> No.1920099

Don't get attached to quentin either

>> No.1920100

Somebody just post the Mobi version, no DRM worth speaking about and Kindle version has released in the UK.

>> No.1920102


Don't hold your breath, I'm fairly sure given the plugins that the guy who bought it needs to strip it.

>> No.1920104

seriously fuckers, use spoiler tags at least

fuck you

>> No.1920105

>If you have ebooks bought at the Apple iBooks store, it is not currently possible to remove the DRM.


>> No.1920108

Looks like no way to remove drm from ibooks (Fairplay). Someone needs to get it from a different source such as Kindle, Nook or any ADEPT epubs.

>> No.1920118

If you've really kept yourself spoiler free the temptation to fuck with you is really strong.

Best not mention un-ned

>> No.1920119

hmmm please somebody take pictures again.

>> No.1920132


yes, in fact, I am spoiler free. I'm here waiting for the drm removal since, being from spain, I own the spanish translation of the series and no fucking way I am buying the same book twice. So please, be considerate.

>> No.1920133

.azw so 4 kindle crck it plz

>> No.1920135

same case here, only not from spain

>> No.1920136

the fact that its only 2.something megs makes me too suspicious to try.

>> No.1920140


bitches here say they have kindle version already

where the fuck are you fuckers

>> No.1920144


>> No.1920145

what? I did not zip it or ANYTHING, that is the size for the kindle for w/e reason .mobi

>> No.1920146

I need the serial number of the kindle that this was purchased from.

>> No.1920148

On 4chan.

But mance rayder dies

>> No.1920149

why would I pay for that?

>> No.1920151

Processing Book: A Dance With Dragons: Book 5 of A Song of Ice and Fire (Song of Ice & Fire 5)
No kindle.info files have not been found.

>> No.1920153

That's actually the best spoiler. Well done.

>> No.1920157

It was tempting to go for the big one but I felt kind.

>> No.1920159

Yeah, we either need the serial number of the kindle device, or the person who bought the book needs to strip the DRM.


>> No.1920160

fuck give me a few,

>> No.1920162

Motherless whores.

>> No.1920163

It's case sensitive, by the way, so you need to type it out exactly.

>> No.1920164



>> No.1920167

That doesn't work with Apple's DRM.

>> No.1920171

If you don't feel like entering in your serial number then install an old version of kindle4pc and use the calibre plugin. See this post:

>> No.1920173

That only works if the original buyer does it.

>> No.1920175

why am I waiting now when I know I'll just read it tomorrow? goddamnit

>> No.1920178

Because you want a nice big taste of GRRM's cock, same as all of us.

>> No.1920183

>>1920167 said he had the kindle version,
might be a troll, but whatevs.

>> No.1920186

going to do it myself mobi

>> No.1920192


Kindle = mobi
Apple = epub

The methods that remove epub DRM don't work with Apple's Fairplay DRM. It hasn't been cracked yet, and no one is really trying, as far as I can tell.

The mobi format that Amazon uses relies on the device/account that purchased it to encrypt the book. Either the original buyer needs to download the ebook via Kindle4pc, then use calibre to decrypt it, or I need the serial number of the Kindle that originally bought the ebook.

I could try to brute force it, but it would probably take months.

>> No.1920197

yo this DRM is crazier than when Ned Stark got his fucking head chopped off

>> No.1920198

Whoever uploaded it give your pid or serial, or just remove the drm yourself. Fuck, it's like amateur hour here.

>> No.1920199

book pirate scene is awful

>> No.1920202


>> No.1920203


>> No.1920208


Thanks bro. You'll always have a place in my heart...

...and anus.

>> No.1920209

\o/ at least i learned something new while i wait.
2 more things and i go to my bed of Black and White

>> No.1920212

is a mobi file

>> No.1920214



>> No.1920217

How do I convert that into something readable?

>> No.1920218

Because there are MANY places to buy ebooks that don't have DRM at all.

People who buy ebooks from Apple need to be fucked upside down.

>> No.1920219


>> No.1920220

Calibre. You can make it into a PDF using whatever formatting you want.

>> No.1920222

good job trooper

>> No.1920219,1 [INTERNAL] 

um. i cant open it =/

>> No.1920226

epub and pdf coming up give me 10 minutes

>> No.1920227

mobipocket reader

>> No.1920229

thank you good ser!

>> No.1920233

I love that this thread actually accomplished things.

Brb, knock at door, sirens outside.

>> No.1920235



You are a god!

>> No.1920237

or FBReader

>> No.1920237,1 [INTERNAL] 

yes please pdf it for me. i am a hopeless calibre bum )=

>> No.1920241

thank you so much

>> No.1920242

might convert it to html because it just moves so slowly in pdf format (6945 pages)

>> No.1920244

Then the font you're using is huge bro.

>> No.1920246


¡¡gracias hermano!!

>> No.1920254

Our story begins on page 282. Enjoy.

>> No.1920246,1 [INTERNAL] 

wow. yeah. o.o thanks!!!

>> No.1920256

all versions; pdf,epub and mobi again! no spoilers for 6 hours would be enough thanks

>> No.1920257

Cool, thanks bro.

I won't blow you as hard or as long as I'll blow the dude who uploaded and cracked the book, but I still love you.

>> No.1920260


>> No.1920264

Back from work, I'm the fat neckbeard who was taking pics of his book. Good to see everyone has a readable solution. Now, back to reading.

>> No.1920270

w/e slut; also today was my first day on this board...

>> No.1920270,1 [INTERNAL] 

i fucking love you! Thanks so much! Calibre was killing me haha. PDF is perfect =) much thanks!

>> No.1920273

So do I read this or Sophie's World/Lolita first? Hmmmmmmmm

>> No.1920313 [DELETED] 

Thank you very, very much!

>> No.1920320


Great job! Thank you very much!

>> No.1920335

pdf doesnt work, sorry guys... maybe those of you who need a pdf can convert the epub? two out of three is not bad.

>> No.1920337

Awesome dude thanks u da man!!!

>> No.1920350

It works, there are just thousands of blank pages for some reason.

>> No.1920351


>> No.1920353



>> No.1920395


The blank pages are annoying as fuck. Hopefully a better one will turn up soon, as I won't be getting my hardcopy for several days.

Still thankful for what we've got so far, though. Far better than nothing.

>> No.1920423

download calibre and read one of the ebook formats. no blanks in the .epub file im reading..

>> No.1920434

Does it count as piracy if I buy the book in a day or two anyway?

>> No.1920441

I've found the .mobi has blank pages in calibre but the .epub doesnt.

>> No.1920442


>> No.1920456

is there any leaks without the blank pages?

>> No.1920486 [DELETED] 

blah, couldn't help myself. Book coming tomorrow, but wanted to start reading.

I wonder how long it going to to be before some uploads the audio. I saw it on iTunes already (Roy Dotrice is back!).


>> No.1920496

blah, couldn't help myself. Book coming in tomorrow, but wanted to start reading.

I wonder how long it's going to be before someone uploads the audio. I saw it on iTunes already (Roy Dotrice is back!).


>> No.1920502

OMG Varys ftw.

Now the question is who survives their cliff hangers.

>> No.1920507

Released at 12:01 pacific time. Mad bummer.

>> No.1920516


>> No.1920548

How do I convert these to xhtml? My ABBYY pdf to html converter crashes due to 4000 pages, and Calibre doesn't seem to offer html output.


>> No.1920806

Anybody done yet?

Holy shit. Cliffhangers galore. Of course it will be even worse at the end of the next book after Pate/Jaqen steals Sam's horn, blows it and brings the wall down.

>> No.1920825
File: 44 KB, 539x454, 1306549963375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1920826


>> No.1920830 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 512x668, 1309944630446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Bear Island, boy. A place where even the women are men.

>> No.1920857

I lol'd.

>> No.1920880

After watching game of thrones I am going to buy the second book because I can't wait for the second season.

Then I'll buy the third one.

I've heard the fourth and fifth one sucks, why?

>> No.1920884

People say that in the fourth book nothing happens, but I don't know, I enjoyed it a lot. The fifth is this one, and everyone is pissing their pants about it, soo...

>> No.1920888


take your shit to. perhaps it's not as appealing, but it's better suited for fucking retards. this is a lit board--STICK TO LITERATURE!!!!!!

>> No.1920894 [DELETED] 

>watching the series and thinking he knows everything about the first book

i seriously hope you fucking read the first one before buying a clash of kings.
and nope, all the books are as good as the first one, it just happens that /lit/ is full of pseudo-critic people getting mad at everything

>> No.1920903


Im a casual reader, I know i missed a lot but I dont feel like reading an entire book when I already know most of the story.

>> No.1920909

you are welcome.


>> No.1920912
File: 19 KB, 210x305, Jon+Snow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the ENTIRE book by the way.

>> No.1920924


what do you recommend for viewing?

>> No.1920939

I think Audible already has the audiobook done...

waiting for my copy...free version that is

>> No.1920951


Calibre for pc. Laputa for android.

Calibre can also convert the book into many other formats if you want to read the book on an ebook reader.

>> No.1920955


Excuse my lazy ass, but I see several links and I'm just going to ask instead of searching the thread.

Any links for the full book yet? Preferably PDF, but all formats will do.

>> No.1920984 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 250x308, oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no one answered me

>> No.1920986


See >>1920909

It is the whole book. There is a (linked) table of contents, but it's not indexed unfortunately.

>> No.1920988


Cool, downloading now.

>> No.1920990


And by indexed I mean searchable. It is not searchable.

>> No.1920999

Hey you is this;
and this:

the same? As in full books, etc.?

>> No.1921004

Holy Shit! The Kindle retail version lets you use text to speech. That NEVER happens. I usually just pirate books and import them onto the thing so I can listen to stories while working or playing games. This is fucking rad.

>> No.1921006

The spilers...lies...lies i tell you...well not all but a good chunk!

>> No.1921039

Dude, just download the audio book. It came out at the same time as the hardcover.

>> No.1921049

geez, Melisandre should already notice that her interpretations of her prophecy is always wrong...