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19176818 No.19176818 [Reply] [Original]

In chapter 9 of 'The Path of Cinnabar' (translated 2009) Evola makes a critque of theosophy titled "Hermeticism and My Critique of Contemporary Spiritualism" where he recapitulates his arguments made in his earlier 'The Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism'.

Does it hold up or is he making a "no true Scotsman" argument against Blavatsky's theosophy?

>> No.19176936

Hello logo

>> No.19177004

will loco ever recover from this? it seems like every week is a new all time low

>> No.19177008

>im not like the other theosophists
every tradlarper ever

>> No.19177028

Traditionalism is much different from theosophism because it does away with all the western prejudices and "mystic" shit. I don't know how you could read Guenon's Reign of Quantity and think it was truly comparable to Blavatsky, you're either being dishonest or are just stupid/ignorant if you think so.

>> No.19177038

>oh i like a little bit of rome, a little bit of greece, a little bit of india, a little bit of egypt, a little bit of islam and my system consists of picking my favorite thrice-translated quotes
>no i'm not a theosophist what gave you that idea

>> No.19177163

Not at all, thanks for showing how little you know about it. Traditionalism is about taking what is perennial and what transcends all of these things, taking everything into account, to arrive at the unchanging truth behind them all, through synthesis (not syncretism). Pathetic strawman btw, you're too small-minded for spirituality, so stick to exoteric christianity, there's no shame in that and it's better than getting into vulgar occultism and ruining your life.

>> No.19177298

Cinnabar has a path? I thought it was basically just a gym, a few houses, and the pokemon mansion

>> No.19177351

Cool projection, why don't you pick an actual tradition instead of inventing "Tradition" and pretending it always existed. It's moderns cataloging things they find and lazily assimilating them to an ideal to produce classification, nothing more, certainly nothing spiritual about a dry exercise of autodidactic doxography by proto-otaku.

>> No.19177361

You can catch a Growlithe there right? See the real esotericism is that its evolved form, Arcanine, is the only true "Legendary Pokémon." Not even Evola knew this, only the wise masters of Kanto, who refused to initiate him because he was region locked.

>> No.19177472

Do you have an actual critique of the Traditional method or are you going to keep giving your opinion?

>> No.19177593
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>logo still coping after his dumbest take/self-own of the year
i love these dumpster fire e-celeb narcissists, top tier entertainment

>> No.19178956

>a "no true Scotsman" argument against Blavatsky's theosophy?
Why do you think that?

>> No.19178981

Bro something about Cinnabar is fucking spooky. The abandoned mansion with the weird South American travelogues about Mew, resurrecting those creepy fossils from the Museum from the dead, the fucking unnatural glitch demon you can summon via an esoteric ritual along its coast.

Everyone talks about Lavender Town but that whole part of the game around Cinnabar just feels cursed.

>> No.19179490

These esoterics were all stupid, right? That is, when they were not dangerous.

>> No.19179553

Traditionalism has extremely weak methodology. Firstly, in order to find what is ‘perennial’ we need a definition of that term - since the number of issues on which every religion is agreed is practically zero. Now, we’re going to need a way to ‘quantify’ the occurrence of an idea, and a threshold at which an idea is said to be perennial. However, we also then must define what is a separate religion, which is challenging since religions aren’t static, and if we take the doctrine at a particular time that is just cherry-picking. Also, religions influence each other, and only ideas that arise independently can truly be said to be perennial. So clearly this task is virtually impossible to undertake with even a vague sort of objectivity.

>> No.19179596

No, we don't. Your standards are irrelevant.

>> No.19179612

>nooo you can't have an opinion
Of all the cults to join... you join one that only exists online and ends with you attacking a walmart by yourself?

>> No.19179651

Did I step on your vagina?

>> No.19179668


>> No.19179729

So you’re saying that you just pick and choose based on, what, gut feelings? Traditionalism is completely subjective? And here you say that using this school you can uncover the truth.

>> No.19179746

>So you're saying
No, I'm not, Cathy Newman.
It's not subjective. It just doesn't adhere to your arbitrary standards, but to traditional standards. You could read the introduction to Revolt where this is explained for you.

>> No.19179767

Are you truly such a piece of intellectual driftwood that you cannot defend your positions? All you gave me was a buzzword and a suggested reading. Make an argument, describe your methodology, or fuck off.

>> No.19179803

Why have you gotten your panties into such a twist? I just told you Traditionalism doesn't adhere to your standards. The reason for this is explained in the introduction to Revolt, which is why I recommended you read it. If you don't want to or think that's ridiculous, that's fine, but go cry about it somewhere else.

>> No.19179818
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All philosophy is prevarication.

>> No.19179825

Yes we're all aware that traditionalism has its own methodology of "things I like are telluric" and "things I don't like are chthonic." Stop pretending to be tough because you agree with a book you fucking nerd

>> No.19179839

>"things I like are telluric" and "things I don't like are chthonic."
At least read something so you know why it asserts what it does before trying to criticize it, pea brain.
>Stop pretending to be tough because you agree with a book you fucking nerd
Lmao I don't even fully agree with Evola, yet what you're doing here is just pathetic.

>> No.19179840

I made the following criticism: Since Traditionalism is basically just a popularity contest for religious ideas, you have to find a way to show what is popular.

>> No.19179851

Why would you want to read fascist and anti-Semitic garbage?

>> No.19179854

>Traditionalism is basically just a popularity contest for religious ideas
But it's not. What a strange hill to die on.

>> No.19179860

>it's pathetic to disagree with me
anon, you're going to be late to school, time to log off 4channel and go to class

>> No.19179862
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>imagine unironically falling for this bait

>> No.19179865

If this is the e-celeb thread, can someone shoot a link to the last full episode of BAP's podcast, where the guest is Moldbug?

>> No.19179875

Go back

>> No.19179906

To reading things that are actually worth reading? If you mean Reddit, the reason they don't want you to go there is because they think it will un-indoctrinate you.

>> No.19179949

Making up shit is not disagreeing with something, retard. You have to actually understand something to be able to disagree with it.

>> No.19179959

Your ‘critique’ of Traditionalism is extremely weak and betrays a lack of familiarity with Guenon’s writings.
>Firstly, in order to find what is ‘perennial’ we need a definition of that term - since the number of issues on which every religion is agreed is practically zero.
Perennial here means ‘eternal’, Traditionalism is not saying that every religion agrees on every detail, but rather that there is an eternal (perennial) metaphysical truth, which exists independently of religion and which descends down into the human sphere when it appears through the medium of religion, when it manifests itself in the form of esoteric teachings within religions that in certain cases can differ on a surface level from the exoteric doctrine; while in other traditions the metaphysical teaching is more openly taught, less esoteric. Guenon, Schuon and Coomaraswamy identify this eternal metaphysical truth as being non-dualism, and they cite writings and scriptures which reveal an understanding or non-dualism in almost every major religious tradition. They don’t say that every religion contains a 1:1 copy of Shankara-style Advaita, but rather say that the same truth which Advaita is a clear expression of is also pointed to directly or indirectly in other traditions esoteric/mystic traditions. And they don’t say that the esoterism of all traditions amounts to simply Advaita either, since they also admit a gradient of esoteric teachings, some of which make more concessions to popular sentiment etc relative to other schools. The ones that make more concessions are just more indirect.

>Now, we’re going to need a way to ‘quantify’ the occurrence of an idea, and a threshold at which an idea is said to be perennial.
This is not something which can be proven after a certain number of citations, it’s a worldview which people can choose to accept or reject, in the writings of the Traditionalists they cite countless texts which back up what they say, they have no desire to quantify this to skeptics, but are just explaining their worldview, for the benefit of those who are curious and open-minded towards these ideas; their books are not written for skeptics and atheists.
>However, we also then must define what is a separate religion, which is challenging since religions aren’t static, and if we take the doctrine at a particular time that is just cherry-picking.
This is no problem for Traditionalists, since they admit that religions are fluid and change, the eternal metaphysical truth which exists independently of religion is what is unchanging.
>Also, religions influence each other
Yes, but it cannot be demonstrated or proven that X doctrine appearing in Y religion is the result of Z influence but these inevitably amount to subjective opinions. So the mere fact of influence taking place does not prove disprove anything regarding the eternality of a metaphysical truth.

>> No.19180045

In these threads it always just so happens that any disagreements with Tradition are due to not understanding it ("you're making stuff up," "yuo didnt read my guru," etc.)

>> No.19180212


>> No.19180269

That’s not true, people can disagree with it for all sorts of reasons while understanding it, such as for example they are atheists, or they reject the premise of perennialism outright, or they hold to a ‘linear progress’ conception of history; one can do all of these while fully understanding traditionalism or/and Guenon’s books; most critiques of the Traditionalist school tend to mischaracterize what it says and strawman its ideas though.

>> No.19180287

>disagree with trads
>give them a reason
>they say you just don't understand
It happens EVERY time, it is always that the opponent just didn't read thoroughly enough

>> No.19180359

>>give them a reason
What reason?

>> No.19180372

You assume all reasons are equal, but they aren't. If your reason is based in mischaracterization, you've either not read or understood what you read, or worse.
People like Frater can explain why they disagree with Evola without mischaracterizing his ideas.

>> No.19180435

>only people I like can disagree with the other people i like
Dangerously based, you ride that tiger

>> No.19181311

it isn't bait he unironically is a low IQ pseud who should lurk more

>> No.19181321
File: 237 KB, 853x1000, 1632451628010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no argument
Tradchads win again, without even trying this time. Join us or be BTFO.

>> No.19181328

I feel like I was a pioneer of hating Logo, I'm so glad everybody else has caught up on how insufferable that guy is now.

>> No.19181330

I don't like Frater. He just has at least half a brain.

>> No.19181333

All of this is already accounted for you fucking halfwit. You clearly haven't even read Guenon or Evola, not even their wikipedia pages. This is either bait or you're legitimately stupid.

>> No.19181350
File: 565 KB, 600x610, 299385722044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made the following criticism: Since Traditionalism is basically just a popularity contest for religious ideas, you have to find a way to show what is popular.
I didn't know people this stupid posted on /lit/. What do you normally read?

>> No.19181366

>still no argument

Good for you to have such clear vision. I didn't know about him until recently and as soon as I saw him I thought he looked like scum, then when I looked into him I realised I was right.

Yes, you haven't actually given a reason, you have basically just shown that you don't understand the first thing about Traditionalism and you disagree with your false conception of it.

>> No.19181398

>you don't understand the first thing about Traditionalism and you disagree with your false conception of it.
Every single time in every single thread, tradfags cope and seethe over the only book they've read

>> No.19181444


interesting how nobody has tried to refute this

>> No.19181446

>still no argument
>telling others to cope

>> No.19181548

Trips of truth. Bait retard hasn't even attempted addressing this >>19179959

>> No.19182274
