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File: 38 KB, 250x381, TheHandmaidsTale(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1917379 No.1917379 [Reply] [Original]

Men are an enemy to women.

They exist only to subjugate, abuse and oppress.

The problem is that men's natural aggression instincts cause them to see women as possessions instead of people. Men act on this, leading to rapes and sexual assaults. Male-dominated society subtly encourages these behaviors while pretending to look down on them. Women are disregarded as either "good girls" or "whores," and both are treated unwell.

A woman should never let a man in her life to control her. Yet every system of employment in which females can become involved requires her to be subjugated by males. The only other option is marriage, an even worse form of slavery to women.

>> No.1917386

Is there no escape from the shackleholds in which men force women? How does a woman truly liberate herself from her male captors?

>> No.1917395


No human being is free. How can women expect to be anymore free than their fellow men.

The only way to free women is to claim that there are no women.

>> No.1917411

Agreed. Men, throw off the shackles of woman's morality and embrace your true nature as the glorious oppressor of femininity!

Too long have we held in place the system of morality imposed on us by women. Why, when our talents lie in domination through force, must we pussyfoot around with mere psychological hegemony?
If this poster has opened your eyes, as he has mine, cry out with me the watchwords of our gender.
Subjugate! Abuse! Oppress!

>> No.1917483


Another typical misogynist retard.

>> No.1917489

You sound fat.

>> No.1917504


Yes, because someone can totally "sound" fat.

By all means explains how that works.

>> No.1917506

Margaret Atwood's not nearly as extreme a feminist as people make out. She's more likely to beat up female characters for their weaknesses than their strengths.

Fuck, all men do wrong in her books is look up CP.

Oh, wait.

>> No.1917516

Certainly, pumpkin. The things you say and the way in which you say them are characteristic of fatness. I won't spoil the party by going into all the ways that someone cannot sound like anything using the written word.

Nevertheless, I'm sorry, and I take it back. You really sound cute :3

>> No.1917532


>All men do wrong in her books is CP

And create totalitarian societies where rape is A-okay and lesbians are incriminated. But then again that's intended to mirror real life history.

>> No.1917610

How do Oryx and Crake and The Blind Assassin compare to Handmaid's Tale? (haven't read either)

>> No.1918825


They're better.

>> No.1918845

OP are you being sincere? I hope so, because for god sake people are so bland on this board I hope for just once there can be something dazzling.

>> No.1918877


>Are you being sincere?

Yes. Why?

>> No.1918879

You might like Valerie Solanis' book S.C.U.M manifesto. How do you stand visiting this site considering the misogyny?

>> No.1918881


>> No.1918898

Feminism 101, the thread.

>> No.1918981


Not really.

>> No.1918990

1. make a thread with the words "women, "feminism" "good/bad"
2. wipe ass with hand and wait for 1 million replies
3. ???????
4. profit

>> No.1918993

luckily capitalism's inexorable race to the bottom is likely to continue to reduce gender disparities in wealth if nothing else; it seems reasonable to assume this ought to have a not deleterious effect on the equalizing of gender power relations

although it is possible that this only holds in the first world labour aristocracy, and is moreover only a mildly pleasant side-effect of a deeply destructive system, there is nevertheless cause for optimism i believe

>> No.1919132

Women could easily set up lesbian separatist communes, supporting themselves with agriculture, garment production and lesbian pornography (making that isn't a form of subjugation because they would control the means of production).

That they don't do that is conclusive evidence that, deep down, women want to be with abusive men. When you look at their deepest fantasies, like the Twilight series or Harlequin novels, it's all about being impregnated by a vampire billionaire sociopath. That's what women want. They might cry about their treatment to enlist the sympathy of a beta male who will raise the sociopath's kids, but that's manipulative bullshit, like 90% of what comes out of female mouths.

Like >>1917411 says, there really is nothing for it but for men to subjugate women and treat them like shit. It's ultimately what women want. Women find men who treat them as equals contemptible.

>> No.1919139

A very bad book, a great author.

>> No.1919153

Women are an enemy to men.

They exist only to be sniping, immature and self-obsessed.

>> No.1919158
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>OP is a male troll
ok, 2/10

men and women subjugate each other, it's a constant struggle for power, the problem is nature has made men smarter and stronger, so it seems unfair--and it is.

>> No.1919175
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>it's all about being impregnated by a vampire billionaire sociopath.

>> No.1919182


This is horseshit. Get back to /adv/.

No, I'll answer one point - women don't find men who treat them like equals contemptible. What's happened here is, you've befriended a woman because you wanted to fuck her, she's taken your friendship at face value, and then, when your real intentions became clear, turned you down. She may have thought you were a creeper, and questioned the sincerity of your preceding friendship. Guys like you would be rapists if you had the nerve, as you've established with your horseshit.

>> No.1919186


>Implying the order shouldn't be stranger->friend->lover

>> No.1919187
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She mad 'cause she bad at attracting men.

Seriously, if women fucking want something they can fucking get it. It's really sad how people in general will fucking blame anyone else for lack of luck or blame WHOLE FUCKING GROUPS for mistreatment by a few people.

>> No.1919201



>> No.1919207

People are an enemy to people. As demonstrated in this thread, there are morons of both sexes, each having delusions of grandeur. Again, this is normal human nature, everyone believes themselves to be the surperior force as an act of self-preservation.

You cannot make massive judgements on half of the population, male or female. Clinging desperately to gender roles is a way people lacking a sense of self worth can draw power from and blame their shortcomings for. It's the same reason religion is so popular.

In the end we are all petty, ruthless sycophants desperate for attention, despite whatever is between our legs.

>> No.1919210

The woman in the quoted post was trying to imply something was wrong with trying to befriend a woman before you become intimate;that it was some sort of deceit; She is retarded as people should always be friends before they date.

>> No.1919229
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>> No.1919232


No, that's not what, a man, who wrote it, said at all. I said:

> What's happened here is, you've befriended a woman because you wanted to fuck her, she's taken your friendship at face value, and then, when your real intentions became clear, turned you down.

You've obviously made the classic creepy-guy assumption that as people generally become friends before entering into a sexual relationship, your becoming friends with a girl will result in your getting to have sexual intercourse with her, and if it doesn't, she's let down a social norm you've tried so hard to comprehend. But that's not how it works. If you only befriended her for sex, you weren't a real friend in any case, were you?

>> No.1919243

i agree with the op

>> No.1919254

>And create totalitarian societies where rape is A-okay and lesbians are incriminated. But then again that's intended to mirror real life history.
Isn't there truth in that? Maybe I misunderstand your reply.

>> No.1919326


No, sorry, I'm not generalising from personal experience. You only need to look at the contempt in feminist circles for "nice guys" - ie sexually unsuccessful men who approach women as equals and don't understand why they're rebuffed - versus the success of "game" tactics which involve behaving like an arrogant sociopath. Just look at the hypnotic fascination women have for men who they perceive as "high status", regardless of how badly those men treat other people or the women themselves.

Women are fascinated with and titillated by sociopaths, hence their massive predominance in the audience for 'true crime'.

I don't need to actually take the minor legal risk of being a rapist. I've just learned to treat women I go out with badly rather than trying to meet their needs, because the latter is just the trigger for increasing levels of manipulation and deceit. Women who are happy in their relationships have sex (with their actual partner) less often - depressed women have sex more often.

>> No.1919331


I'm sad that this is how human biology works, but it's undoubtedly true. You accept it on some level, because you implicitly admit that "befriending" a woman as an equal is incompatible with a sexual relationship from most women's point of view. Women do usually view a man who seeks to befriend them and is also sexually attracted to them as a "creeper", whereas they fear and respect a man who just comes out and rapes them. Hence the incredibly low rates of reporting rape, let alone conviction. If it was the outrage that women seek to depict, they would be as likely to report it as a stabbing.

Note that women, especially older women, are actually more likely to have "rape apologist" attitudes than men. Rape prosecutors don't want women on the jury.

Of course, you do understand this all on a subconscious level, but you can't admit it because that would blow the lid off the inherent female strategy of pair-bonding with lower status losers while getting "raped" by higher-quality males.

>> No.1919388


Thanks guys, you brought the told better than I could.

>> No.1919399


It's a mistake to think of this as a "men versus women" situation. I am just describing how human sexuality actually works. It's sad that it is that way, but that's how it is. I wish I had known to treat the women I loved like shit when I was younger, because the relationships would have lasted longer.

Of course, the reason we evolved big brains is for hypocrisy - people who explain this aspect of the human condition frankly will be reviled. Look at how upset people get by sociobiology and evolutionary psychology - not that everything calling itself evopsych is valid, but the very project of objectively describing mate preferences is a threat to cherished human hypocrisies.

>> No.1919405

ITT: People who aren't having good sex try to rationalize why, vilifying half of the world's population.

>> No.1919414


Hate sex is the best sex,

>> No.1919415

As if anyone in this thread is capable of convincing someone to sleep with them, let alone someone who hates them

>> No.1919419


> You accept it on some level, because you implicitly admit that "befriending" a woman as an equal is incompatible with a sexual relationship from most women's point of view.

NO, NO, NO. I did not state anything of the kind. You're not going to understand this because you're autistic, but I'll say it again - you've obviously made the classic creepy-guy assumption that as people generally become friends before entering into a sexual relationship, your becoming friends with a girl will result in your getting to have sexual intercourse with her, and if it doesn't, she's let down a social norm. THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. You don't get to fuck someone just because you say nice things to them, and the men who do better than you with women are not 'sociopaths'. Of COURSE you're generalizing from experience, nothing you've said has the slightest validity. If you attempted the shit you're claiming you attempt with women, you wouldn't get away with it, because your mind can't comprehend the difference between the banter between two mutually attracted people, and violent rape. You literally can't see how a man more attractive than you who makes fun of a woman slightly in the course of flirtation differs from a rapist, can you? Cut the crap and get a real education in how human beings relate. You can't just wing it on "observation", you're too damaged and bitter. Ask some normal people, ask some people who've had sex, and they might help you.

>> No.1919421


No, you're reviled because you use homebrew theories motivated by the incomprehension you feel as a result of autism as a template for everyone else's behavior.

>> No.1919422


Yeah, but one is the loneliest number.

>> No.1919427

Making fun of women works, being emotionally abusive works better. Sociopaths have lots of children. This is what women want, as you secretly know all the while you complain about the "emotionally unavailable" men you let fuck you.

I'm glad I don't have XX syndrome.

>> No.1919433

>totalitarian societies where rape is A-okay and lesbians are incriminated...
more like utopian

>> No.1919435


> as you secretly know

Yes, you must be on the spectrum. Seriously, I've told you at least twice that I'm a man. Another classic creeper formulation -

> you let fuck you

- you don't understand the respects in which sex is different from hugging, do you? Women don't 'let' men fuck them, they fuck back.

>> No.1919437

ITT women get angry cos they're being called on their shit and use a serious disease as a term of abuse. Not very nice if you can't argue without basicaly saying your opponent is a mong

>> No.1919438

A Utopia with no lesbian porn? Does not compute.

>> No.1919440
File: 40 KB, 266x400, 5855_96398769527_507524527_1924952_4093217_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feminism is evidence that women are stupid. Women should learn their place. They are not suited to intellectual discourse or thinking in general. They are childish, and mentally immature.

All feminist 'critiques' of literature and philosophy come down to are pissant non-arguments consisting of ad hominems and genetic fallacies. "moral philosophy is wrong, because men came up with it"

By that rationale, feminism is wrong because women came up with it.

Now fuck off.

>> No.1919442

will the misogynists please leave this forum
thank you

>> No.1919443

sometimes i like to pretend that interent misogyny, alpha as fuck, ladder theory, pua, etc is all an elaborate troll involving thousands of sockpuppets

it's a nice fantasy

>> No.1919444


Same guy? I'm a man, and I'm not being abusive, I'm saying with the benefit of experience of talking to and working with autistic people that the 'rape is nature's waaay!!' guy is coming across as autistic. It's not a disease, it's a condition.

>> No.1919445

you mean women and whipped men

>> No.1919446

being imprisoned doesnt prevent the making of lesbian pron

>> No.1919447

Why does everyone in this thread seem to be blatantly ignoring all of the stupid and worthless men through out history? Just because it has a penis does not make it wise and a vagina doesn't suggest an IQ under 80. There are intelligent and stupid people of both sexes.

>> No.1919448
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>> No.1919449


You're pathetic.

>> No.1919453
File: 56 KB, 347x347, 1227376064550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the great men far outnumber the great women. name one great woman. you can't.

men are superior, its just that not all men choose to be.

>> No.1919454


It's not everyone, at present it's mainly this one guy who's bitter.

>> No.1919455
File: 28 KB, 348x495, 1298316995238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average iq of men is higher than women.

so there.

>> No.1919458

Beta men may think women want Edward Cullen because he's a fantasy figure, but fantasy is just that. In just the same way as you have a fantasy of one day being loved for yourself.

>> No.1919459

Marie Curie.
And the average IQ of people who are taller tends to be higher, does that mean all short people are inferior?

>> No.1919462


I like how you're ignoring most of the evidence/argument and obsessing over a story you've made up where the guy got friendzoned by some woman. He probably thinks you're a woman because you argue like one.

>> No.1919465

These threads are so fucking boring.

>> No.1919466

No real woman would want Edward Cullen, an elderly virgin who drinks animal blood and watches them as they sleep.

The thing that makes women want to be in the book is how much he loves her, which is what everyone secretly wants.

>> No.1919467
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Stupid bitch who died of radiation poisoning.

And you don't have many others, do you?

Whereas I could sit here all day listing the great men in history.

Just face it, you are the weaker, stupider sex.

>> No.1919468


Same guy? There is no evidence, it's anecdotal bullshit of the kind only a failure comes out with. "Women must like being raped because I was more obsequious than that guy she fucked instead of me." It's pathetic.

So pathetic, that it belongs on /adv/ along with all the other threads where bitter guys congregate to discuss how women should be raped, while wondering why their sparkling conversation hasn't endeared any women to them.

>> No.1919473


Men jump at the chance to sleep with the kind of women they fantasise about. Why wouldn't women? Do their imaginations get all tangled up with their fallopian tubes and make them imagine the wrong thing?

The fact is, women fantasise about powerful, ruthless types and would fuck them if they got the chance. Remember that story about some chick choosing to go off and fuck Julian Assange right in front of her long-term boyfriend? Women love that shit. Of course, they then have to cry about how they got raped afterwards, so their boyfriend won't dump them.

>> No.1919474

Also, the reason he's so popular, despite how poorly-written the book are, is because men have decided amongst themselves that all women want to be treated like shit so women are desperate to cling to a character who treats them well, even if he is a total homo. Women don't respect someone who worships them blindly but they do want to feel appreciated and like they are special, as do men.

>> No.1919476


Didn't you see where I said 'may think'?

Women want to be loved so they seek men capable of loving, not men standing around waiting to be adored on the basis of nothing.

>> No.1919480
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>> No.1919482


If you genuinely believe any of this crap, you're going to have a sad and lonely life.

>> No.1919483

Yes, it does. Short people are inferior.

>> No.1919484

How long have women been afforded equal opportunities to men? Ignorant people like you have been in control for a long time, women are encouraged from birth to downplay their intelligence and aren't afforded the same opportunities.

And I'm actually a man myself and not even a feminist, I just thinking dismissing an entire group based on your own bitter life experiences is stupid.

>> No.1919487

lol what

>> No.1919489

And I suppose everyone but white men are as well? Good luck being a bombastic neo-Nazi, hope you don't mind being lonely.

>> No.1919491

No, I'm not a racist. But short people are inferior.

>> No.1919496

I gather you've never taken a course on statistics.

>> No.1919497

This seriously belongs on /adv/.

>> No.1919498

Albert Einstein: 5'9"
Isaac Newton: 5'6"
Napoleon: 5'6"

lol wut?

>> No.1919504

Yes, short people are inferior overall. Deal with it.

>> No.1919505
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for the better part of history, most men were poor and had fuck all opportunities.

yet they managed to be better than their womanly counterparts.

you're just a beta who stands up for feminists in the hope of a pity fuck. you sicken me, with your weakness.

>> No.1919508

Yes, so women need a handicap in order to be as good as men.

Basically we men need to dumb down enough so women can compete. Sounds inferior to me.

>> No.1919511

The only people who were allowed to recieve education were men and most women who displayed tact or intelligence were hunted as witches for hundreds of years.

You're just a moron who likes to feel powerful on the internet because you have no control in your own life. You're just full of hate and rage because you're no one wants to spend time with someone so deluded. You sicken me because of your blatant stupidity.

>> No.1919520

That doesn't even make sense.
If we could get rid of ignorant bigots like you and afford everyone the same opportunities then we could have progress.

>> No.1919521
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enjoy your cuckolded existence.

>> No.1919527

Enjoy unending loneliness.

>> No.1919529


Napoleon was actually a bit taller than a lot of people at the time. People in the past were often shorter, as they lacked the proper nutrition we now take for granted. I'd be willing to bet even the shortest person who's posted in this thread would be almost freakishly tall in the 18th century. He got the nickname 'The little corporal' because he was a then-unknown kicked ass and won battles at a very, very young age. Saying he was short because of his nickname is like saying Caligula was short because his nickname was 'little soldier's boot'.

>> No.1919533
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that isnt the way it works.

Life is not fair, yet men managed to be great. Women just bitch, bitch, bitch about it being unfair, and even now, when universities are modern day lesbian witches cauldrons, a haven for womanish weak-mindedness, it is still the men who manage to lead every field of academia and the sciences. I wonder why that is?

>The only people who were allowed to recieve education were men and most women who displayed tact or intelligence were hunted as witches for hundreds of years.

The average man was not 'educated', but self-educated. Take hemmingway, of Moby Dick, he was not educated by anyone but himself, yet look at what he wrote.

You have no valid reasons, just excuses born from weakness. You disgust me.

>> No.1919536
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I'd rather call it peacefulness.

And I will.

>> No.1919538

A more realistic version of that story goes
The princess said
and the prince went on 4chan
and spend all his time lurking /r9k/ and developing a hatred of women
and tried to cover up for his inadequecy by pretending he didn't want girls anyway
and that it was the worse choice."

>> No.1919543
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>Once upon a time a prince asked a beautiful princess to marry him. The princess said 'no'.
>Because the prince didn't marry and father a a child in an officially recognized union, the kingdom had no heir to the throne.
>Because the prince and princess never had a political marriage to unite the prince's rival kingdom and because there was no true leader, the prince's kingdom was conquered by the rival kingdom.
>There were no survivors.

>> No.1919545

>women's edition

>> No.1919551

Okay, take the chances that men have gotten throughout history.
Now cut those in half.
Now create global attitudes that teach little girls from when they are young that to be smart is to be unattractive and their only value is in their sexuality.

And I'm glad I disgust you, I would hate to be admired by someone so hateful and ignorant.

>> No.1919556

nope, sorry, you're just an idiot who think he will get pussy by sucking up to feminists.

an hero

>> No.1919559

Why can't women and men just be chill with each other? not ever girl is a whore and not every man is a pig

>> No.1919562

>teach little girls from when they are young that to be smart is to be unattractive and their only value is in their sexuality.

But that is the only value women have.

>> No.1919563


What the hell do you study exactly? There are plenty or important female academics, and no I'm not taking about women's studies or feminism.

>> No.1919569

they do. All the time. All over the world.

why are gender issues such an issue on this board? I know 4chan is mostly angry virgin aspies but I though we toned it down on boards like this.

>> No.1919576
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plenty != significant percentage

>> No.1919577


>> No.1919584

As opposed to you who has said that you aim to get pussy by treating women like shit. How's that working out for you?

>> No.1919616

I never said that.

>> No.1919621

Holy shit, how long have you been writing in this thread? I left an hour ago and this stupid bullshit is still here

>> No.1919628

Might makes right. Deal with it.

>> No.1919635
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I for one think we should all welcome our new female overlords.

At least we can still have the sex.

>> No.1919646
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That is until they get their way with trans-genderism, an offshoot of transhumanism. They want a society where there are no men. They think the only way to remove gender inequality is to remove gender all together.

So no more sex for you.

>> No.1919660

power is so fucking lame

>> No.1919708


Sort of true. A lot of my old high school classmates follow/surround this creep that acts like he belongs on the FBI's most wanted list because he promises to (his own words) "protect you from n-gg-rs."

>> No.1919720


A matriarchal society is a better society.

As long as we don't have Bachman and Palin as president and vice president.

>> No.1919757

Handmaid's Tale is my shit.

>> No.1919768

The misogynist fucks on this website need to attend a slutwalk some time. Women aren't just there to put out for you. Don't perceive you men have the right to do whatever you want. Guys like that belong in prison for life before they even think about commiting rapes.

>> No.1919774

if they're not there just to put out for me, how come they put out for me when i act like they are

>> No.1919780


Because some insecure women like creeps.

>> No.1919797

i was just going to see what people said i actually don't leave the house or talk to anyone

>> No.1919801
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Slutwalks are fucking retarded, and only make women look like the morons most of them are.

>> No.1919817


I think they make a good point.

>> No.1919845

I disagree.

Nobody is saying rape is right, but we live in the world. Rapists also live in the world, and being rapists, they don't share the average person's aversion to rape. It is naive to go out expecting the world to live up to a certain value judgement; that the world ought to be a certain way, ie devoid of rape, then complaining when it doesn't turn out to be the case.

Going around dressed like a slut will not change anything, but only invite rape.

So enjoy your rape, sluts.

>> No.1919894
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same thread as the other trololo, but this is an excellent time to extol my bullshit philosophies

Equality is not a prerequisite for a functioning society, nor is society even necessary or relevant at all. This is not to say that expansive feminism is "wrong" or anything of the like, but it is to say that the net sum of societal interactions is merely a question of mass. Factors in unrest agitate and through a process of attrition tend to carve compromises for themselves with their opposition, liberal dogma of the sanctity of human life is merely a culturally entrenched reflection of this phenomena. validity of opinions is zero-sum, social behavior is therefore only a process of opinions in conflict driven and shaped by human factors

>> No.1919996

I object to the idea that nobody is saying rape is right. I'm a moral nihilist and I think it's a neutral act. It's just part of the mating strategies of a widespread primate species.

>> No.1920008

Yeah, if it wasn't for rape, none of us would exist, since all of our ancestors were rapists. In many ways, rape is a valuable and creative act.

>> No.1920017

Rape is not born of sexual desire. Ugly women get raped all the time. You might as well blame murder victims for being alive in the first place.

>> No.1920062

/lit/ falls for this troll


every time I read posts here about women/feminism I cringe so hard.

>> No.1920407


OP here,

it's not a troll you fucking retard, just an observation.

>> No.1920412
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>Ugly women get raped all the time.

not by me they don't. If you're going to rape a bitch, she may as well be a hotty. Otherwise what's the point of risking jail?

pic related: I'd rather give it to her against her will than consensually. I like it when they wriggle and squeal.

>> No.1920426

/lit/ is just the place, the fuckers that post are /r9gay/s
(oh, and i love how this threads start with a book and everything)

>> No.1920749

I can't believe this thread lasted, every assertion made by the /r9k/ misogynists was baseless - including, at one point, the assertion that there are no significant female academics. Seriously, we need to sage this shit next time.

>> No.1920771

what do you think of these men

>> No.1920783

Women can subdue a man tho.

Why you mad?

Beyonce ain't mad.

>> No.1920814


Yes, but that is less common, and usually not a symptom of hatred and aggression.