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/lit/ - Literature

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19172791 No.19172791 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good Russian literature? I want something other than obvious answers like Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy.
Fiction is preferred, but I'll take anything Russian.

>> No.19172809

>but I'll take anything Russian.
Herzen’s My Past and Thoughts

>> No.19172813

A Hero of Our Time

>> No.19172889

For Gogol, start with short stories like Newski-Prospekt, and if you like it then go for Dead Souls
Otherwise Oblomov

>> No.19172894

Life and Fate is a superb novel. Quiet Flows The Don has some pretty great moments too. A lot of Soviet authors are more interesting to read about than they are to actually read though

>> No.19172990

Learn Russian and start with Pushkin

>> No.19172995

The Twelve Chairs

>> No.19173113

Sologub's Little Demon
Khodasevich's Necropolis

>> No.19173140

Bulgakov, Master i Margarita.
its very known and "obvious" in russia but not too much outside so you might not know it.

>> No.19173146

Also, Pelevin.

>> No.19173251


>> No.19173259

Turgenev, Gogol as mentioned, maybe Taras Bulba which isn't brought up a lot and is very russian or the Overcoat which is a great short story

>> No.19173271

Immensely based

>> No.19173428

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky - everything.
Ilf & Petrov - 12 chairs, The Little Golden Calf.
Alexander Belyaev - anything.
Ivan Efremov - Andromeda: A Space-Age Tale, Thais of Athens, Razor's Edge.
Akunin - his mysteries.
Alexei Ivanov - Parma, Obshchaga-na-Krovi
Glukhovsky - Metro series, Text, etc.
V. Voinovich - Chonkin.

>> No.19173485

If you want some late 20th century/early 21st, try Victor Pelevin - Omon Ra and/or Babylon

>> No.19173500

Just no.
Okay OP, you want something really good? Read Masodov. But first you'll have to find a translation. And I feel like a lot will be lost in translation.

>> No.19173510

Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog

>> No.19173536

What are some russian writers worth reading that became big after WW2? Besides Bulgakow and Pasternak

>> No.19173540

>Just no.
They're obviously better than Pelevin, Sorokin, Sigarev or other Kolyada's vybladki.

>> No.19173553

Yuzefovich "Kasa nostra"

>> No.19173556


>> No.19173560

Don't mind my captcha

Also Shalamov

>> No.19173569

Gorky and Ehrenburg

>> No.19173576

If you want to suffer just for pure suffering, than Sholohov or Solzhenitsyn. If you're here for some smart and thought-provoking entertainment, Strugatsky bros is for you.

>> No.19173666

How is it not known outside? For the XX century he's definitely the most known Russian (with Nabokov)

>> No.19173823


>> No.19174624
File: 1.48 MB, 1364x3391, Russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is unironically gigabased because it includes several works from the 20th-century onwards.
NYRB also publishes a great selection of relatively lesser-known Russian lit. Columbia University Press' Russian Library also has a great selection of Russian lit, most of which was untranslated prior to their publication.
t. Russophile

>> No.19174796

Not the best of Strugatsky to include, by far, otherwise a good picture. Strugatsky in particular are underrated in the west, which is a shame, since they are one of the three sci-fi writers who could actually write.

>> No.19174836
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>> No.19175038

quiet flows the don is super good, my grandfather took a russian lit class in grad school and it is his favorite. if you want some good russian poetry ana ahkamatova is awesome aswell

>> No.19175141

Shklovsky: Zoo, A Sentimental Journey, A Hunt for Optimism

>> No.19175193

Kolyma Tales is 20th century Notes from a Dead House

>> No.19175430


>> No.19176244

Vladimir Megre is a Russian author who wrote the "Ringing Cedars of Russia" series.

>> No.19176423
File: 260 KB, 1080x1206, taras bulba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taras bulba:
>'ate 'em turks
>'ate 'em tartars
>'ate 'em polacks
>'ate 'em jews
>but, most of all
>'ate 'em w*men
it's beyond me why this book is not more often discussed here. there is even a scene of a completely gratuitous jewish genocide perpetrated by the heros of the story. great stuff.

>> No.19176427
File: 210 KB, 1300x922, russian classics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian literature be like

>> No.19176475

red star isn't that good. it has some interesting elements, but i recommend it only for one to "get into" the mindset of the armchair revolutionaries.
pale horse, by savinkov, is a better read. the guy was full schizo and actually bombed people.

>> No.19176585

who were the other two? asking as an ex-fan of sci-fi that today only still likes the Strugatskys.

>> No.19176609
File: 180 KB, 556x741, 22EBD779-3918-4FA3-A3FF-A0E1328C7D36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatoly Karlin is worth reading

>> No.19176626

He used to be good, but became a faggot over the last year desu.

>> No.19176959

What did he do wrong?

>> No.19177906

Indeed it is comfy

>> No.19179209

der bumpen