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/lit/ - Literature

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1917245 No.1917245 [Reply] [Original]

so /lit/
what mythology is best mythology

I vote Norse.
anyone who says christian is a Huge Orson Welles considering how much it's just based on fact and exaggerated

>> No.1917247

Greek or egyptian, no contest.

>> No.1917253

Judeo-Christian. I don't even give a fuck. I am including the Inferno and Paradise Lost as well. Angels and Demons and all that shit is just so fucking cool.

>> No.1917254

I'm not sure. I have had this overwhelming interest to learn more about Zoroastrianism but I don't know where to start.

>> No.1917255

Norse is pretty cool. Greek/Roman is also great.

>> No.1917278

Huge fan of Greek Mythology, if I wanted to get into Norse where would you recommend I start?

>> No.1917284

Judeo-Christianity is the only literature that spawned worthwhile fanfiction.

>> No.1917295

>Book of Mormon

>> No.1917305
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>Greek myth
>The Metamorphoses
>The Aeneid

>> No.1917308
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>The Divine Comedy
>Paradise Lost
>very worthwhile

>> No.1917310
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.nope (Pic related)

Celtic. Ulster Cycle > Mabinogion > Mythological cycle > Fenian cycle

>> No.1917314

>implying any of that comes close to Deuteronomy in either merit or value

>> No.1917318
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>implying Deuteronomy is fanfiction and not part of the myth
>implying the bible isn't a bore where only the first two pages are worth reading

>> No.1917319

would Dr. Faustus count?

>> No.1917321
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>> No.1917322

>implying the Eddas weren't mostly fabricated much later on (13th century) and might bear no resemblance to what they really signified..i.e. they were christianized

>> No.1917323

Chinese / Taoist
>In the worlds before Monkey, primal chaos reigned. Heaven sought order, but the phoenix can fly only when it's feathers are grown. The four worlds formed again and yet again, As endless aeons wheeled and passed. Time and the pure essences of Heaven, the moistures of the Earth,and the powers of the Sun and the Moon all worked upon a certain rock - old as creation, and it magically became fertile... Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch. From it then came a stone monkey... The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!

>> No.1917335

is this stuff like fantasy but since people actually believed the shit to be true it holds some kind of merit?

>> No.1917337

Mormons aren't Christian.

>> No.1917340

>ITT: faggots who haven't read about Aztec mythology.
lol fags

>> No.1917341

I'm a huge Orson Welles

>> No.1917342


Greek myth is like fantasy, but good.

>> No.1917345

4chan of course.

>> No.1917347

Don't you think northe and greek mythology are very similar ? There probably where only one religion in europe at a point in time.

>> No.1917348

greek mythology is vastly underrated by the general populous. it should be required reading in schools to just take a book full of the myths home and read them.

>> No.1917349
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highe orson wells thread

>> No.1917382

/lit/ should work together to create a mythology reading list

>> No.1917396
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>> No.1917401

Norse Mythology is a load of crap.

The only bits we know about it were recorded from the 13th century by some asshole named Snorri, which he wrote hundreds of years after Scandinavia had been converted to Christianity.

>> No.1917410

Definitely! And folk tales and shit.

>> No.1917424


>> No.1917426

Norse mythology is disorganized and there's no good primary sources.

Sumerian mythology is suitably ancient, bloody and culturally alien to fascinate me, though Hindu mythology is also quite good.
I suppose objectively, I must consider Greek mythology the most varied and poetic, but I've known about it for far too long, and now it is quite boring to me.

>> No.1917431
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>> No.1917442

Yes! I'm partial to legends--King Arthur, the Ramayana, Beowulf...

It would be interesting to create a guide consisting of primary and secondary sources, the 'best' translations of a given epic/myth/fable/folktale, notable works by mythologists and why they ought to be read, that sort of thing. I'm not anywhere near knowledgeable enough myself on these topics to create the list alone, but if there's interest I'd study up.

>> No.1917448

Buddhism has the most beautiful philosophy and most interesting mythology of all religions.

By extension, Hinduism is pretty interesting, too.

>> No.1917463
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>> No.1917555

Greek mythology is best mythology, though I don't know enough about most Eastern mythology to make a fair judgment.

>> No.1917646

greek/egyptian/west african mythologies

>> No.1917744
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>> No.1918035


>> No.1918969
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>> No.1919106


>> No.1919238
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>> No.1919242

Old Norse.

>> No.1919253

bathory rules

>> No.1919265

I wanted to say Norse/old Greek, but now I have to say Christian because I don't like OP:(

>> No.1919410

>considering how much it's just based on fact and exaggerate

doesnt that apply to norse myth too, fag?

>> No.1919429
File: 143 KB, 500x600, Dagda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, Dagda!

>> No.1919652
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Sorry, but nothing beats good ol'fashioned Greek/Roman mythology. Bestiality, rape, fighting - Fuck.

That shit is cool.

>> No.1919795
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>> No.1920428
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>> No.1920457
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that's exactly what my school did