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19172145 No.19172145 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like WB Yeats /lit/?

>> No.19172642

He was great in his youth-- extremely passionate and musical. He didn't improve with age.

>> No.19172669

I find him to be overrated desu. He's too obscure most of the time, and it baffles me when I see him listed in the top 5 best poets ever.
He does have incredible high points, but they are very small in relation to his overall work.
Anyone who says Yeats is their favorite poet has probably read like 3 poets.

>> No.19172676

Also I should add as well that about 70% of his poems are simping over Maud Gonne and that gets annoying very quick.

>> No.19173033

WHO WILL GO DRIVE WITH FERGUS NOW and pierce the deep wood's woven shade
and dance upon the level shore?
Young man lift up your russet brow and
lift your tender eyelids maid, and brood on hopes and fear no more
and no more turn aside and brood upon love's bitter mystery
For Fergus rules the brazen cars and rules the shadows of the wood
and the white breast of the dim sea
and all disheveled wandering stars

>> No.19173035

He's great. Became even greater with age.

>> No.19173038

realized this when I purchased his collected works. Totally frontloaded.

>> No.19173230

I like An Irish Airman and the Second Coming most.
The more celtic stuff does less for me.

>> No.19173521

Yeats is the Irish Shakespeare in terms of his ability to be amazing at whatever he tried. I love him and think he’s the best poet and playwright Ireland has ever had. I don’t think everybody should love him but you should at least respect his greatness but he is very arguably the best poet and playwright ever

>> No.19174113

simping is losing money, dignity, and honour while courting females. he serenaded, gained everything, and was loved. important differences.

>> No.19174144

Many great ones were written rather late. Byzantium, Ben Bulben, etc.

>> No.19175739

>Do you like WB Yeats /lit/?

>> No.19175776

William Butler Yeats is my favourite poet (alongside Ted Hughes and Samuel Taylor Coleridge) and I have read and studied poetry for over a decade. I love his blend of Romantic structures with Modernist sensibilities. "The Tower" and "Leda and The Swan" are two poems that I think capture Yeats' poetics the best.
Kind of true. His early work definitely. I still think that through that simping some of the best love poems, and heart break poems, were produced (the "Rose" poems and "No Second Troy").

>> No.19176064

from Vacillation

Get all the gold and silver that you can,
Satisfy ambition, animate
The trivial days and ram them with the sun,
And yet upon these maxims meditate:
All women dote upon an idle man
Although their children need a rich estate;
No man has ever lived that had enough
Of children's gratitude or woman's love.

No longer in Lethean foliage caught
Begin the preparation for your death
And from the fortieth winter by that thought
Test every work of intellect or faith,
And everything that your own hands have wrought
And call those works extravagance of breath
That are not suited for such men as come
proud, open-eyed and laughing to the tomb.

>> No.19176377

Easily the greatest English language poet of the 20th century, although I haven't read enough of him as I should have. Mostly stuck with his earlier Romantic stuff.

I do deeply love Blood and the Moon, though.

>Is every modern nation like the tower,
>Half dead at the top? No matter what I said,
>For wisdom is the property of the dead,
>A something incompatible with life; and power,
>Like everything that has the stain of blood,
>A property of the living

>> No.19176728

>Easily the greatest English language poet of the 20th century
>I haven't read enough of him
Then begone, pseud.

>> No.19176831

Joyce read this to his dying brother. Anyone that says Years is shit should fuck right off from this board and never return

>> No.19177324

>most shilled author or /lit/ is joyce
>joyce liked yeats, so you must like him too.
Think for yourself, retard.

>> No.19177353

The Second Coming was the poem that got me into reading poetry. Some of his other works can be hit or miss but his high points are amazingly high.

>> No.19177382

Where do I start with the Yeats?

>> No.19177407

Sample some of his individual poems on websites like Poetry Foundation, see which are your favourites, then try to track down the collection in which they first appeared.

>> No.19177596

>>most shilled author or /lit/ is joyce
Do you think so?

>> No.19177601

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
W. B. Yeats - 1865-1939

I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public man, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.

>> No.19178629

Just get his collected works and read him chronologically.

>> No.19178647

>Gonne MacBride is known for having harboured anti-Semitic views. According to the Irish Times, "she was casually virulently anti Semitic."[27][28] Historian D. G. Boyce described her as "noisily anti-Semitic."[29][30]

>The Dictionary of Irish Biography states that she believed in anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic theories.[31] Biographer Kim Bendheim judges Maud Gonne to have been a lifelong anti-Semite, someone from whom even the horrors of the Holocaust could elicit no sympathy.[32]