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19169990 No.19169990 [Reply] [Original]

just finished pic related. ideas of what to read next? taking a break from Marx for now. also vol 2 thread

>> No.19169995

If you liked it, read nothing else.

If you didn't like it, read it again.

>> No.19170011

it's an easier read than vol 1, so I didn't not like it

>> No.19170024

I'm glad you read both. Congratulations, really. It's a feat you should be proud of.

>> No.19170025
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>> No.19170065

I suppose it is. maybe I should get some brandy tomorrow to celebrate. seems appropriate

did you miss
>taking a break from Marx
? also
>secondary sources
>value theory autism

>> No.19170129

Jan Myrdal

>> No.19170144

Read Švejk it is funny. I am reading Švejk these days and it is a funny book.

>> No.19170183

I've heard of Svejk, and I did read Louis Barthas' WW1 notebooks a while back, and I'm still on a bit of a WW1 streak. 10/10 tip

>[Myrdal] beskrev staten Sverige som en skenbarhet; en plebiscitär byråkrati av Napoleon III:s modell
was Myrdar an anti-democrat? the working class are the modern plebs after all

>> No.19170190

Read Lenin now

>> No.19171639
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If you are taking a break from Marx, read some Engels. Origin of family, perhaps, or socialism, scientific and utopic.
Usually, when i've read a Marx volume, i read some stupid idealist conspiracy aka superstructure books. It's way easier to read, and enjoyable. Try Fritz Springmeier, he talks about the illuminatis.

>> No.19171644

Read Sowell, Hayek, Mises, Böhm-Bawerk, Rothbard, Hoppe.

>> No.19171647

Who's Andra Boken?

>> No.19172231

I've read socialism: utopian and scientific already. reading idealists for a laff is not a bad idea (heh) and helpfully >>19171644 has provided a list of amusing authors
I can add that I've read a bit of Mises and Hayek, and they're both hopelessly idealist. the ECP is extra funny because a scientific understanding of information doesn't arise until Shannon in 1948 and ditto for computation with Church-Turing in 1938

"second book" in Swedish

>> No.19172235
