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19168297 No.19168297 [Reply] [Original]

Which are the best books refuting Sufism and its dangers for the Westerner? I read Guenon, but was unconvinced of Sufism as something good.
It seems Muhammad was just confused by a demon, and believed in this himself before he was convinced otherwise by a heretical Christian (!).

>- But Muslim preachers now often say that the Koran contains some knowledge about the world, which became known to science only in the twentieth century.

>- Even if this were the case, in itself it does not yet testify to the inspiration of the scriptures, since, as you know, demons have more knowledge about the structure of the created world than humans, and there is nothing unusual here.

>That is, the criterion is not to know the hidden things, which a person does not know, but to know the future, which is known only to God alone?

>- Yes, that's it. Demons do not know the future, because for this you need to be above time. They can give short-term and long-term forecasts, but the more long-term the forecast, the more often they are wrong - remember the "prophecies" of Nostradamus. And to know about the structure of the temporal created world is not difficult for them. However, as far as the Koran is concerned, most often its "scientific predictions" are simply absurd.

>> No.19168298


>- Finally, fourthly, it is necessary to talk about the personality of Muhammad. Even an ethnic Muslim just needs to hear in detail how the first "revelation" took place on Mount Hira, how the "Archangel Jibriil" literally squeezed out the first chapter of the Koran from Muhammad. This is a very striking evidence. Here you can also recall the name of Sura 74 - ""the Cloaked One", which, as you know, reproduces the situation of receiving "revelations" when Muhammad fell in convulsions, blew foam at his mouth, which from the point of view of the Gospel is a classic case of demonic possession. As a matter of fact, Muhammad himself believed so until he was deceived. And so, just a story about it is quite enough. Even convinced Muslims, after such a story, begin to think.

>- I know of cases when people were voluntarily seduced into Islam, and these cases have not yet ended in a return to God. These are cases among a special type of "advanced" Moscow intelligentsia, people who converted to Islam of the Sufi persuasion, they still remain there, and for them Islam is rather one of the forms of occultism, as they themselves say, one of the forms of the "primordial tradition ". They convert to Islam following the example of René Guénon. These are the so-called traditionalists, they often mimic the Orthodox (a famous example is Alexander Dugin). At the same time, they sometimes do not hide their sympathy for Satanism. One and the same person can approve of Sufi Islam and at the same time approve of Aleister Crowley's activities. So this tendency really takes place among certain circles of the patriotic intelligentsia. For them, seduction to Islam often occurs under the slogan of anti-Americanism. I have personally met such people. Most of them are unlikely to return to the Church. They consider themselves already enlightened, superintellectuals who do not need such a "trifle" as Truth. They are not interested in the Truth.

>> No.19168304

would love to break this fag's fat slav(e)shit pig face

>> No.19168307

Didn't take long for the demons to announce themselves.

>> No.19168327

I don't think you need a book to identify the non-sequiters on the epistemic framework of their theology.
Unlike Orthodoxy, it has weak philosophical justification such as Allah essentially being rationalized into Natural Theological monism i.e. an uncarrying unpersonal force that can't enter space & time due to his indivisibility and thus can never experience his Creation. Also Allah isn't omnipresent since he apparently can't exist by bathrooms since they are "unclean".
My God is fine when I shit; in fact I do my best thinking/praying on the "throne".

Anywho, you can tear Sufism up with a kid's mind.

>> No.19168338

Not to mention that Islam is essential Neo-Manicheism where they are stuck in such pointless dialectic tension that they consider Creation (and thus humanity) to be inherently evil. But it begs too many questions in its metaphysical conclusions that the whole thing collapses on itself
Why would Allah's creations be evil?
How is Allah's actions (energies) indistinct from his essence (no essence/energy distinction)?
How can man compare themselves to Allah if Allah is unknowable in essence & energy?

>> No.19168344

>I do my best praying in the shitter
state of christcucks

>Why would Allah's creations be evil?
Why wouldn't they be? You believe that "Satan rules this world" or other such drivel?

>> No.19168348

Don’t Google “sufi shahid bazi”

>> No.19168369

No arguments.
Typical cope of a butthurt coward.

Just ask the question: What if this anon I'm talking to is right?

>> No.19168372

I have, the answer is no
not an argument by the way, lol

>> No.19168377

So you lose the argument.
Great now go post of another Guenon thread.

>> No.19168380
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>Anywho, you can tear Sufism up with a kid's mind.

>> No.19168388

I'm not a sufist or a sophist

>> No.19168390

Also not to mention asking a muslim about the uncreatedness of the Qur'an.

>> No.19168399

you mean asking a christcuck about the uncreatedness of jesus

>> No.19168401

We don't believe in a simplistic monad with no distinction, so this is not a problem for us. Christ's hypostasis is uncreated, but His human nature is created.

>> No.19168408

a must watch takedown of a debate

>> No.19168412

why does god need a son and why doesn't he have a daughter

>> No.19168419

Is it fair to say there are three major islamic understandings?
No philosophy or theology, just a literal understanding of Allah's hands without asking how.
Natural philosophy mixed with gnosticism masked in the Arabic language and Qur'an.
Estoeric new-age perennialism stuff (sufism).

>> No.19168422

He does not "need" a Son, but since the Father is Father He has a Son, it is purely by virtue of who the Father is.

>> No.19168425

now THIS is sophism

>> No.19168431

the latter two can be merged together imo
you either "get it" or you don't

>> No.19168440

Not under any definition of the word I know. That is how God revealed Himself to us and this is what we know. It's absurd to say that God "needs" a Son, as if He has something He lacks.

>> No.19168443

>it say so in the biblerino therefore it true

>> No.19168452
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>>it say so in the biblerino therefore it true

>> No.19168457

I don't like to post in this satanic thread, but you got it halfway right. There are three major kinds and a lot of minor kinds: Purely exoteric legalistic Islam, which is Sunnism; the variant that privilages esotericism and inward spirituality over legalism, Sufism and Ismailism fall into this kind; and there is one that puts equal focus on exoteric and esoteric practice, namely Twelver Shiism.

>> No.19168464

Chrono-Ontological justification.
If God can exist both inside and outside of space & time (as in Christ taking on both Human & God Natures (Dyophysitism)), then God ages through space & time as well as we've seen with Baby Jesus and Adult Jesus and the Ancient of Days.
Logically it is required so that personhood/identity is maintained in the Trinity:
The Father sees His Image in a possible world (let's say this reality), recognizes his Son as Himself, and is reciprocated in agape through the Holy Spirit between them. Thus the relationship between Divine Father & Son is always connected and recognized through the Holy Spirit in a regeneratively circular process known as Perichoresis: every interaction of and between the Trinity justifies their divine relationship further, eternally, and in all realities within an infinitely expanding omnipresence. Thus the Trinity is always in a state of maximized potential through this mechanism where the Son proceeds from the Father and together with the Son is worshiped and glorified; it acts as a Divine Polygon, thee metaphysical building block, on which all Creation is built upon.

>> No.19168469

>words words words words
there is no deity but god, simple as

I accept your concession

>> No.19168471

>Thus the Trinity is always in a state of maximized potential through this mechanism where the Son proceeds from the Father and together with the Son is worshiped and glorified*
*through the Holy Spirit

>> No.19168482

Which God?
I hope you pick the one that offers you legitimate theosis/transcendence.
Also you don't want a monistic God that's too simple, else you'd have no complex ontological justification for yourself and thus would limit your own potential as a creature.

>> No.19168483

he looks like those monks at the top of the mountain in Skyrim lmao

>> No.19168493

>Which God?
there is only one
>your own potential as a creature
materialist bullshit

>> No.19168497
File: 90 KB, 480x640, Schema Monks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except these ones are real and can perform high level miracles.
The West has kept them hidden from you.

>> No.19168503

The other way around. The Skyrim people are a satanic inversion of him who pray to dragons and demons.

>> No.19168506

>there is only one
What's his name?
>materialist bullshit
We live in the material world dum dum. This isn't some fake and gay illusion world, it's REAL.
So are the other composite layers that form our realities hypostasis like the spiritual/metaphysical layers.

>> No.19168507

Did the one God not create matter?

>> No.19168511

yes and?

allah of course

>> No.19168513

This is what Western Natural Theology/Philosophy has wrought: Monistic worldviews where they can't even determine if they themselves are real or not.

>> No.19168521

>allah of course
But it's not justified and you're living in bad faith constantly having to settle for a weaker and weaker God because you can't theologically & philosophically justify believing the stories about him.
Hence why I called you a sophist earlier. I can see you are a man that is struggling with his faith and trying to ignore the truth to preserve the small honor of holding onto a arab big lie.

>> No.19168522
File: 104 KB, 500x441, la-ilaha-illallah-muhammadun-rasulullah-wi-ki-how-to-accept-42808122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Muslim Allah is a creation though.

>> No.19168530

*checks watch*
time for your pills

um, no, he isn't

>> No.19168534

I know that this is cope and that's ok.
Having your worldview shatter like that is a big existential undertaking that most aren't willing to take.
But your here and you've taken the first step.

>> No.19168555

stop appealing to the audience, christshit

>> No.19168558
File: 54 KB, 315x479, b6c1fe50a14c3fba12974698dc3d61e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't
He either doesn't have perfect knowledge or is malicious, since he lies about the Old Testament many times, twisting God's words like a certain creature does.

>> No.19168560

>the dangers of x spiritual tradition
Why is it only Christians that sperg out like this?

>> No.19168563

Because only we really take it seriously that there are evil spirits in the world (most people knew this but still prayed to them). We care for your salvation, anon.

>> No.19168566

don't you want to win too?

>> No.19168570

I've already won though, by being a muslim

>> No.19168571

You will be damned for not believing in Christ's words while claiming to believe in Him. What kind of victory is this?

>> No.19168572

>t. possessed by satan without realizing it

>> No.19168573

the "old testament" is fake you retarded christshit

>> No.19168584

Brother please stop using vulgarities next to Prophet Isa's (a.s.) name. These idolators have nothing to do with him.

>> No.19168586

Well I'm gonna go with the Omnivictorious God that actually interacts with me and helps me win.
Not some metapolitical war deity that theologically won't/can't even look at you. It's the equivalent of worshiping Ares or Tiamat and ascribing extrapowers and necessity onto them.

>> No.19168589

>He was killed in a Russian Orthodox Church by a masked gunman on November 19, 2009. Sysoev was known for his missionary activity, including among Russia's Muslim community, neo-Pagans, and Protestants. In December 2009, Sysoev's murder was claimed by a militant Islamic group based in the North Caucasus.

too late, someone did it already

>> No.19168593

allah knows my intention

you're a muslim too? nice

>> No.19168601

Just because it's Jewish didn't mean is fake

>> No.19168603

How does Allah win if he can't even play his own game?
How can the muslims win if their god doesn't even want to play with them?
Hence why your religion revolves around Muhammad because you're ashamed of your own deity.

>> No.19168606
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>In sha'Allah

>> No.19168610

thought I already told you to take your meds

>> No.19168627

>known for his missionary activity, including among Russia's Muslim community, neo-Pagans, and Protestants
Extremely based.

>> No.19168628

>If God can exist both inside and outside of space & time
That’s violating the law of non-contradiction by ascribing mutually-exclusive statuses to the same entity.

>> No.19168632

based means high on crack, christcuck
it's not a compliment

>> No.19168644

Can people on this board stop pretending that they actually believe in any abrahamic faith and admit that it's larp made to cynically self medicate their modern nihilism? True faith is not the domain of analytical spergs who pour over texts to argue doctrine and live out none of it. If you try to tell me you're a devout Catholic and you're not a border jumper or an Italian grandmother then I immediately know to write you off as a disingenuous dork who has nothing of interest to say. I want the post Charlottesville, tradcath deradicalization op to finally come to an end.

>> No.19168663

>True faith is [...]
says someone who has no true faith...

>> No.19168670

fuck off, amerishit retard
your opinion on anything is worthless

>> No.19168672
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It seems to genuinely anger the demon-influenced to see other people have a healthy faith in Christ.

>> No.19168677

>""abrahamic faith""
This is how I know you are a of the bugman ethos.

>> No.19168679

I agree. Debates are usually a waste of time, especially on places like this where people change their views like socks.

>> No.19168709

>Posts closeted fag who was autistic
accurate representation of the personality type who decides to adopt these trad denominations

>> No.19168718

Does it bother you that your religion is only one piece in a broader Jewish trend, Christcuck?

>> No.19168753
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Yeah. The teachings of Christ, Mohammed et al don't really chime with being a chantard.
There's a strange lack of self-awareness in these threads.

>> No.19168759
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>mfw spreading hate on the internet before I stop for prayers

>> No.19168829

None of these arguments are convincing because you are responding to things no actual intelligent Muslim uses as an argument against the trinity or God's omnipresence. We don't say Allah doesn't enter space and time because He is indivisible, we say that attributing a son to Allah is a lie against Him because Allah owns all the glory in the heavens and the earth, and when you have a son, your glory is naturally shared with that son, and that son inherits your Godhead, which is why the Qur'an says that if Allah were to have a son, Muhammad would be one of his worshippers, peace be upon him. The problem is He doesn't have a son, and people are given less for disbelieving in Allah, let alone attributing to Him lies that He never claimed for Himself.

Anywho, we have the Qur'an and the messenger of Allah as our criterion, which is how we filter through the truths and the lies about Allah, since it is His direct uncreated word and testimony concerning Him and His works.

>> No.19168848

Again, all of these are lies that you are going to have to answer to, since none of this was revealed by Allah. This is just your apology for a belief system that Allah did not legislate. If Jesus Christ is not God, and was just a Prophet like Allah and His messenger claim (and Allah's testimony is sufficient), your "chrono-ontological justification" completely falls flat on its face.

>> No.19168874

>not believing in Christ's words
you mean not believing in what people put into his mouth?

>> No.19169076

>because you can't theologically & philosophically justify believing the stories about him.
Islamic theology is strictly prophetic. Saying that we have to justify prophetic teachings philosophically is a non-sequitor. Allah sent prophets, not philosophers. We do not need to justify what they say philosophically because we have faith in their message like elderly desert women. It seems you haven't had Pascal's night of fire yet! "God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob/not of philosophers and of the learned"