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19168090 No.19168090 [Reply] [Original]

>explains human nature in 330 pages

>> No.19168094

he do be spittin

>> No.19168132

Will we ever recover?

>> No.19168137

I can't cope any more

>> No.19168156

we can recover by accepting death

>> No.19168172

how though?

>> No.19168283

If you are an honest, truth seeking person, accepting death is impossible. Even religious people and others who claim to have accepted it are lying, because what they've actually done is replace it with some bullshit cope like eternal salvation. The human condition isn't something we can "recover" from. Contemplating non-existence can be calming, but since we're cursed with such strong survival instincts, we can never really "recover" from our natural state of death denial and fear.

>> No.19168302 [DELETED] 

you just know the guy spamming this crap pulls a check from the becker foundation. no one could be bugman enough to post this mediocre freudian hokum without some financial interest. too bad norman o. brown doesn't have a "foundation" to promote his writing.

>> No.19168323

>triggered mudslime

>> No.19168336
File: 367 KB, 750x829, 107E6845-450C-489E-81A5-CDBA90B3220A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading (((academics)))

>> No.19168352

I got to the part where he starts describing babies fingering their asses and tasting poopoo, checked the early life section, confirmed that it was indeed written by a pedo looking heeb, and stopped there

>> No.19168354

Zapffe and Tolstoy came to same conclusions. He was just elaborating shite.

>> No.19168357

Cope, Schlo

>> No.19168375

The Last Messiah by Zapffe
A Confession by Tolstoy

>> No.19168426

He's right though, there's nothing original in this book outside of the fact that it doesn't have filtration mechanisms like Zapffe and Tolstoy had.

Most Jews seldom come up with something original, it's usually a stolen concept that is taken credit for.

>> No.19168437

said the christcuck

>> No.19168465

Antisemitism is another means of coping by turning real life into a fairy tale. Another kitsch worldview like leftism

>> No.19168541

Why the fuck are you addressing that to me. I think Becker is a hack

>> No.19168656

this route of argumentation is itself kitsch. we should at this point understand that although the extreme interpretations of the JQ are understandably unreal, the questions constant historical recapitulation should be taken seriously. Jews ARE a minority found in every corner of the US elite. Jews DO have a set of common genetic/cultural traits. They DO have an incentive (like all groups) to maintain themselves. These are only a tiny portion of the some of the facts that escape this retarded notion that the 'Jew' only exists as a blank, container for a person or nation to fill with their own interpretation and eventually victimize.

>> No.19168666

Tell me you've never met a Jew without saying you've never met a Jew.

>> No.19168669

Check em and wreck em

>> No.19168683

I've been around them my whole life. I've been friends with them and worked for them. But I kneel to those digits.

>> No.19168723

yup exactly where i stopped as well.

>> No.19168834

If Becker is too much of a Jew for you, read Cioran. He doesn't mention poop once in his entire ouvereue
I think the real issue is you're all afraid of the possibility that
1. there's no meaning available to you.
2. you don't think you can live without some purpose.
Becker touches some nerve for you and he's not even the worst info-hazard out there

>> No.19168841

Came to post this.
Checking Wikipedia has helped me dodge so many shitty books.

>> No.19168859

Jews are just ugly and miserable, and want everyone else to be as ugly and miserable as they are. Their work is infected to its core with nihilism and self-loathing. That's what it boils down to, and there is literally zero exception to this rule.
Reading disgusting Frankfurt School kikes is why 95% of the anons on /lit/ have depression.

>> No.19168861

>A Confession by Tolstoy
Thanks for the recommendation. I'm going through the exact same issues as he was right now. I just read the wikipedia description. I'll probably read it but him going back to God is not an option in my case. I think he was wrong about suicide, Cioran is right. I also don't get his moral argument against epicurianism since material things can be enjoyed at a smaller scale. I assume that poverty was a lot worse then, now it is okay


>> No.19168862

Wouldn't it be better to suggest Heidegger? Considering his notions of authenticity/inauthenticity touch upon death coping.

>> No.19168912

>I think he was wrong about suicide,
He was right. Cioran made many planes to commit suicide but he always delayed them. I am not saying that Cioran should have done it. I have tremendous respect for the honesty of Tolstoy who was bold enough to accept his own weakness.

>> No.19170293

>everything is cope
There I spared you 300 pages

>> No.19170303

begone satan

>> No.19170308

I read it, I fell for the meme, and it's not that good? Nothing special, the interpretation of Kierkegaard seemed a bit too stretched

>> No.19170334

how many shills can one bugman book have?

>> No.19170345


>> No.19170352


>> No.19170360

Yes, it's all cope, you get it

>> No.19170370

>Yes, it's all cope, you get it
I'm glad we agree then, it's just like in the Ecclesiastes
Based christian anon

>> No.19170402

Ecclesiastes is the only good part of the Bible so you're not wrong
Christians are retarded though

>> No.19170430
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>everything is ...le COPE!
Okay, so what? What wisdom am I supposed to derive from this?

>> No.19170431

>Ecclesiastes is the only good part of the Bible
>Christians are retarded though
what about christianity itself?

>> No.19170441

>what about christianity itself?
Yes obviously

>> No.19170445

You're doomed

>> No.19170454


>> No.19170466

>Yes obviously
aaand filtered

>> No.19170475

I am a jew and he's right. Fuck off midwit

>> No.19170479

Nice cope there you have for muh immortality.

>> No.19170482

Based take but retarded self awareness of your ignorance. Read Spinoza

>> No.19170488


>> No.19170497

>seething christian

>> No.19170502

Doomed to what? Say something of value dumb jew

>> No.19170513

Doomed to dumbly rot few feet beneath the earth after living on its surface for few years like 107 billion people who came before you.

>> No.19170520

Ok so nothing of value to say. See you around.

>> No.19170527

Keep lying to yourself and seeking distractions

>> No.19170584

>Contemplating non-existence can be calming, but since we're cursed with such strong survival instincts, we can never really "recover" from our natural state of death denial and fear.
People die on purpose all the time. There is plenty of evidence that people do not fear death more than anything else, and it's perfectly consistent with evolutionary theory that the satisfaction of certain desires would make death acceptable.

>> No.19170647
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>explains human nature in a single sentence

>> No.19170863

What sentence?

>> No.19170918

>everyone is neurotic to the point of derangement like me

its literally not my probelm, grow up

>> No.19170924

Literal NPC
>j-just don't think about it

>> No.19170939

>d-dude, just like, think about it.

>> No.19170941

>There is plenty of evidence that people do not fear death more than anything else

Doubtful that the fear of death -- one of the most basic biological functions -- is so low on the list of fears that everything is above it.

>and it's perfectly consistent with evolutionary theory that the satisfaction of certain desires would make death acceptable.

Removing desire makes death acceptable; satiating it only imbibes it. Desire is self-perpetuating and death is its enemy.

>> No.19170979

>Doubtful that the fear of death -- one of the most basic biological functions -- is so low on the list of fears that everything is above it.
Maybe I was unclear or you misunderstood my sentence. I intended to communicate that death, in and of itself, is not the single most feared thing. That doesn't mean it's "low on the list of fears."

>Removing desire makes death acceptable; satiating it only imbibes it. Desire is self-perpetuating and death is its enemy.
Unless you mean to restrict yourself to sensual "desire", you're falling for shit-tier eastern memes.

>> No.19172900

This is retarded. People sometimes ignore death because it's way off down the line and there are more pressing as well as scarier matters that they have to deal with at a given time. It's like saying why don't people obsess about the news of some natural disaster killing people when there is a lot of stressful stuff happening in their life. Cult of guilt and worry.

Not most religions.

>> No.19172904

Nah it's pretty good rule of thumb for not wasting time or bad books.

>> No.19172931

Is the idea of anality as Becker uses it not widely accepted in psychology?

>> No.19173292

Get rid of the copes.

>> No.19173361

that's true tho

>> No.19173373

based and truth pilled

>> No.19173378
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>nooo you can't just accept death

>> No.19173461
File: 453 KB, 1200x1217, comfy neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mope. Read the stoics, read plato's phaedo and/or the eternal NEET shitposter and then you'll discover it's really not that big of a deal, you fucking whiner.

>> No.19173733

>the eternal NEET shitposter

>> No.19173809

>he didn't contemplate the chinks