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19167644 No.19167644[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does white guilt exists any books explain this phenomena?

>> No.19167645


>> No.19167646

Whites have served their purpose by creating computers and modern technology. The human hive mind no longer needs them, so they are committing suicide as a race. It’s very similar to the biological process of apoptosis.

>> No.19167647

How much of Martin Luther have you read?
What is your stance on Calvin?
For that matter are you or have you ever been an "Anabaptist?"

>> No.19167652

>Why does white guilt exists any books explain this phenomena?
It's Christian guilt above all. Like the ancestral sin of Adam, a Post-Christian phenomena.

>> No.19167654

Americans, man. They love all this race retardation.

>> No.19167671

because of anglo-saxons who turned from extreme racism to extreme anti-racism (among many other things), their civilization ruined the world

>> No.19167683

Industrial Society and its future

>> No.19167699

The UK is arguably even worse.

>> No.19167703

Jews. Whites didn't just wake up one day and started self-flagellation. No, social engineering to do so came from the outside. Read: Culture Of Critique.

>> No.19167815

Re-directed Puritanism
American whiteoids have always been sanctimonious idiots

>> No.19167816

W*myn looking to virtue signal on social media.

>> No.19167817

The difference is that apoptosis gets rid of cancer, whereas this is creating it on a global scale.

>> No.19167854

White guilt does not exist. The phenomenon is explained fully by the reality of virtue signalling, dickheads competing to be the most moral, etc. Find books on human irrationality, purity spiralling, and so on. Gun to head, not a single white in the world feels an ounce of 'guilt' for anything their ancestors did, no matter what comes out of their stupid mouths.

>> No.19167866

it is real I don't know why this fact makes you angry

>> No.19167870

the mother of whoever reads this reply will die unless they respond to this post saying "OP is a fag"

>> No.19167982

He's right. It's not really guilt.
It's virtue signalling coupled with a "humanitarian instinct", which also makes people donate when they're shown images of starving kids and so on.
Keep in mind this only works on people who perceive themselves to be richer/luckier/more privileged, it's not just about being white so calling it "white guilt" is, again, not the most accurate.
There is of course some objective economic reality to all this (whites being on average richer), but it's fundamentally fueled by narratives and it's possible to interpret that economic reality in different ways.

>> No.19168012
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>> No.19168035

Watch this video if you want to know why white people are the most altruistic and inclusive peoples in the world from an anthropological, historical and biological point of view. It will answer many questions pertaining to the recent downfall of white people as an ethnic group


>> No.19168060

>wtf you can't just realize society favours certain people and also respect the lives of black people
why are chuds so dishonest, just admit you are racist

>> No.19168065

Isn't this guy a known anti-semite and neo nazi

>> No.19168067

>muh raycism

>> No.19168069

its called pathological altruism, and its brought about almost exclusively by media propaganda. it also helps that in usa and gb in particular, people are poorly educated in their own history, political systems and basic economics.

>> No.19168071

What if he were? Not allowed to listen to unapproved bad thoughts are you?

>> No.19168072

He is not but I am

>> No.19168073

Its called arguing in bad faith dumbass

>> No.19168077

>Kevin MacDonald
I don't like how guys like him make it all about evolutionary psychology and ignore things like technical advancements, that completely changed the game and the course of history in the last couple of centuries. It comes across as intellectually lazy.

>> No.19168079

The ADL and the (((media))) try to label him like that because of his well-researched books on the JQ. Ever since his release of the CoC the Jews have been constantly butthurt about him

Lol no

>> No.19168080

What it's called is that your government schooling and reddit brainwashing has given you an automatic repulsion to anything that questions your implanted NPC narrative.

>> No.19168083

Yes and to add to what >>19167982 said, all of this woke bs including 'white guilt' is emphatically NOT some bottom-up grass roots phenomenon, but comes from the middle to upper classes, the academics and the media types. Basically people who live easier lives than the masses which makes them feel generally uncomfortable in a way they can't properly articulate so they've found this way to transmute their feelings of wealth-guilt into something like 'whiteness' rather than the particular circumstances of their own parentage. This massively dilutes the uncomfortable feeling by spreading it around society and dragging working class whites into their neurosis. It's the better offs dumping their shit onto the working plebs to deal with, a tale as old as time. It does make me angry yes.

>> No.19168086

My country was basically a 'white' ethnostate until the 1990s going back to the dawn of history. My ancestors built this country and its institutions for their descendants to live and thrive in. Now that people from halfway around the world are flooding into my nation, we are suddenly being told that the structures of our society have suddenly become deeply unfair. Spare me. Unironically, please go back to Africa.

>> No.19168088

>technical advancements
Those are just tools born out of the inherent human need and drive to make life easier, they have nothing to do with all the anti-white and globohomo stuff. It's certain (((people))) who have consolidated and capitalized on those advancement that use them against whichever group they desire.

>> No.19168100

>they have nothing to do with all the anti-white and globohomo stuff
Of course they do. The mass migrations from other continents into "white" countries wouldn't be possible without tech advancements.
Not to mention the industrialization and all that stuff from centuries ago that set the stage for where we are now.

>> No.19168104

fuck off back to your echochamber, you aren't better than stalinists

>> No.19168105

But it's a lecture, not a debate?

>> No.19168110

>culturally instills Christianity for 1000 years which is all about original sin and being sorry for what your ancestors did all the time
>overt christianity dissolves
>deep seated structure of what it was really about remains

ez. Rightwing christfags will seethe, as they always do, but I have nonetheless produced the best twitter-hot-take of the day for this board.

>> No.19168117

>'white guilt' is emphatically NOT some bottom-up grass roots phenomenon
its probably 70 30 or something. its true economic elites love a deracinated, demoralised and multicultural divided workforce, yeah sure. but compared with the rest of the world, white europeans hold themselves to absurdly high moral standards. many actually believe in a kumbaya future and will throw themselves and even their children on the pyre to achieve it.

>> No.19168118

All white people are Scandinavian rape babies. Since only a small minority of them actually reside in Scandinavia, or even know of their origins, it's only natural that they have adopted other measures for what it means to be a human, or a member of society than the slave peoples who are either descended from subjugated empires or tribals
Saying sorry for raping, plundering and pillaging you all only makes sense in a world where we will soon have pocket nukes. We will always be better than you, so we don't need to feel threatened by your being different or pretending to take on aspects of our priviledge

>> No.19168121

nah, as late as the 50s/60s people were bible thumpers compared to now but would have politely declined cultural extermination. if anything nu-wave fedora atheism has been more corrosive.

>> No.19168123

People love to bring up Luther & Calvin, they emphasise human depravity sure but they also solve it. Solve it completely.

>being sorry
Not really. Christ bought us and made us free. The accuser wants you to be sorry.

>> No.19168135

>Why does white guilt exists
Operation Chaos.
>any books explain this phenomena?