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File: 122 KB, 1008x1546, elantris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1916696 No.1916696 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ I just wanted to recommend something.
If you want to get Elantris in audiobook its well-worth it if you get the Graphic Audio version.

I'd link the demo to you but it's offline on their page.Anyway it's one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced, with voice actors and effects and music, it blew me away.

>> No.1916707

and also started reading Dark Tower series

>> No.1916704

oh and please, now that I finished this I started listenin to warbreaker again in GA form but I need more fantasy books

Wheel of Time and Song of Ice and Fire are all that I've read, also tried Sword of Truth series but it's really dull and badly written compared to the previously mentioned series

>> No.1916715
File: 20 KB, 624x352, boromir is sick of your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody? fantasy is too mainstream for you guys or something?

>> No.1916729
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final attempt at a bump ;(

>> No.1916736

It seems interesting enough. I might go ahead and get it.
Also - more fantasy book recommendations?

>> No.1916748

from me every series I've mentioned except for Sword of Truth and Wheel of Time is incredibly long and people often quit at around book 6, but you can skip to the final 3 books written by brandon sanderson (robert jordan the original author died and left notes for completing the books) if you feel that you can't go on

>> No.1916751

I'm indifferent to Sanderson, borderline dislike. I don't really want to read anything else of his (except WoT 14). Never read this Elantris though, do the effects really improve it?

>> No.1916758

yes I cannot explain how much I enjoyed it, I think I'll start listening to it again

and Elantris in itself is an amazing book I am now going to start plowing through all his books but I fear he will never make a better work than this

GA say its like a movie in your mind and they fucking nailed it at least for Elantris,I feel really bad I can't link you guys so you can hear the first few minutes of the book it WILL get you hooked

fucking GA for not maintaining their website

>> No.1916764

oh and the GA version of this book was so fucking perfect I'm afraid I won't be able to settle for simple audiobook versions with only 1-2 readers

>> No.1916765

I just finished the 10th Wheel of Time book.

Are the ones written by his son as good? If not, then why?

>> No.1916766

Or I might be mistaken, I thought it was his son anyway

>> No.1916773

I've never been able to do audio books but these sounds interesting. anyone got a torrent or something?

>> No.1916774

Wolf In Shadow by David Gemmel is awesome. I havent read the rest of the series yet as I have yet to find them (and finish the wheel of time ^^)

>> No.1916778

the latest WoT books, those that were made by Sanderson are widely considered better than Jordan's

Read The Gathering Storm until the end at least, I think you won't regret it.

>> No.1916782

thanks, added it to my list
choose any link from there except direct download ones

in that torrent there are several audiobooks and it includes Elantris as simple Audiobook but go ahead and download Elantris GA

>> No.1916787

oh fuck I am so fucking stupid, another recommandation from my heart is The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix

it's a unique series that combines technology and magic and necromancy, definitely try it, this trilogy I listened in audiobook form read by Tim Curry, pretty good as well

>> No.1916799

>combines technology and magic and necromancy
that sounds wrong, anyway it's a unique approach and setting for fantasy

think of ww1 where a part of the soldiers guarding the border to an ancient kingdom have learned to use the charter and swords against undead because magic makes their regular weapons obsolete

>> No.1916807


Well I have read up to and including the 10th book (Crossroads of Twilight), and I will without a doubt read all of them in the right order until the story is over, no matter whos written it

>> No.1916818
File: 294 KB, 938x1425, WOT12_Storm_final_rev_150_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga

you will not be dissapointed, Peryn and Matt and Rand will be all equally badass on their own unique levels
actually not only them, pic related

>> No.1916837

Oh shit I actually found a link to a working preview, no download required, enjoy guys


>> No.1916850

and on my notepad of future works I got recommended on 4chan I have



Joe Abercrombie's First Law

Malazan: Book of the Fallen

and Prince of Nothing

>> No.1916876

Yep. I don't tell people they should START Wheel of Time, but if you're that far in you should definitely finish.

You can tell it's a different author (about 60% less description of clothes) but the books are much more briskly paced, wrapping up plot points left and right with some genuine "oh SHIT!" moments in the mix which I will not spoil here.

>> No.1916878


Maybe it is that I know him in rl (took a class from him) or that I am very familiar with the Mormon mythology that practically drips from the book, but I wasn't all that impressed with Elantris. Raoden is sooo Mary Sue-ish, and all of that worlds idea's are derived and practically copy-pasted in a different order.

Warbreaker however, was very entertaining as a standalone novel (for the moment, though he killed off too many of his villians there).

One of the more interesting things about Sanderson's writing is that they are all connected, and that there is a recurring character who increasingly gains power and influence across his cosmology.

>> No.1916888

>One of the more interesting things about Sanderson's writing is that they are all connected, and that there is a recurring character who increasingly gains power and influence across his cosmology.
are you talking about worn? is warbreaker the same universe as Elantris? that'd a bit of a stretch, I just started and the breath system seems alot different

anyway if I am wrong or not please don't tell me I want to find out for myself

>> No.1916891

Of what I've read, all good suggestions.

On the lighter side check out The Princess Bride (which I now prefer to the movie), Diskworld books (starting with Mort, Guards! Guards!, or Small Gods) and Good Omens (a good test to see if you should continue with Neil Gaiman).

>> No.1916899


I add any recommendations in that folder so far I've not been disappointed

>> No.1916908

Much less painful than certain other mormon SF/F writers, though. (Orson Scott Card)

Similarly, step lightly with Dan Simmons. I love Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion (and like the Endymion sequels pretty well) but he's taken a turn toward Crazy Conservative Writer with age.

Another lighter fantasy recommendation: The Eyre Affaire and subsequent Thursday Next books by Jasper Fforde.

And "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell" by Susanna Clarke, in which Victorian era gentlemen rediscover magic.

>> No.1916913

>"Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell" by Susanna Clarke, in which Victorian era gentlemen rediscover magic.
my interest is peaked, thanks

>> No.1918154
File: 169 KB, 450x684, 1303810470768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll read this book just based on this cover