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19164545 No.19164545 [Reply] [Original]

I think I've fucked up. I read too much Kaczynski, Ellul and Linkola. How do I get these thoughts out of my head?

>> No.19164557

Read Don Quixote, and then read proper philosophy and see what the real problems are today. Not just commonplaces and an aesthetic sense of how you would like to live with trees.

>> No.19164594

You could try writing some University professors with your concerns?

>> No.19164709

Stupid, naive idealization of pre-industrial life. Yes, some of their observations on technologies influence on the structure of scoiety and the pyschology of man are true to some extent, but you can read their works without adopting their schizophrenia and moralism. Nothing you can do about anything on a societal level, and if technology is such a problem for you on an individual level then cultivate a stronger will and control your use of it, or make a concrete plan to go and live off the grid self-sustainably, or get a lebotomy and go live with the monkeys in the zoo and you don't have to worry about having any surrogate activites.

>> No.19164727

You should read Jünger.

>> No.19164796

you should stop reading things because they're fashionable and start with the greeks

>> No.19164801

and "start with the greeks" means Homer by the way, not Plato

>> No.19164938

Ironically, go into nature.

>> No.19165201

Treatise to The Steppenwolf

>> No.19165214

>read Kaczynski
>post about it on the epitome of modern technology
I love it

>> No.19165232

You literally can't be Tedpilled until you:
1. burn technical manuals
2. destroy the electrical grid
3. kill forestry lobbyists, feds, media executives
4. kill commies and anarchists so they don't weaken the anti-tech revolution

>> No.19165255

You can’t. Welcome to the truth. Read the Bible now to save your soul

>> No.19165278

You need to wean yourself off of them. Read some Edward Abbey, Doug Peacock and Rick Bass. Then read some Thoreau, Emerson and Muir. By then you should be thoroughly calmed down. You'll be holding on to those beliefs which matter to you, but you'll be less extremist and more comfortable within your life.

>> No.19165360

Read some naturalist books, Muir, Thoreau, etc. If you still need some misanthropy, read Bookchin and Kropotkin. After that, read Marx and Chomsky so you can be upset about things that actually matter.

>> No.19165388

Go into a forest, and try to survive for a month without modern technology, so you see what you think "ideal" life really looks like.

>> No.19165408

>You can’t. Welcome to the truth. Read the Bible now to save your soul
Yeah and realize your ability to experience faith is completely fried by modernity.
This is where you actually realize you're fucked (deservedly so).

>> No.19166311

>Stupid, naive idealization of pre-industrial life
Ted is literally a libtard by disposition, his main motive is that of sustainability.

>Nothing you can do about anything on a societal level
anti-tech revolution is the handbook on this.

>> No.19166377
File: 67 KB, 720x678, 4E4E4F33-904F-4F2C-A87D-EF65BEAA71F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only real problem is the dying biosphere

>> No.19166390

You can't even take a shit without checking your phone. I think you'll do fine.

>> No.19166444

That's a practical problem, it's nothing that will ultimately guide one in life such as Op needs.

>> No.19166471

you mean the only real problem is death

>> No.19166705

>Yeah and realize your ability to experience faith is completely fried by modernity.
100% false

>> No.19166872

>I think I've fucked up. I read too much Kaczynski, Ellul and Linkola
You're now prepared.

>How do I get these thoughts out of my head?
You act them out.

>> No.19166884

so edgy so coollll so retarded

>> No.19166891

What thoughts? Put some fucking effort into your thread faggot

>> No.19166895
File: 422 KB, 927x788, forest anon_freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go outside

>> No.19166931

That's a weak argument. It's illegal, the native plants and fauna are gone or Conne5lly out of balance, and primitive people formed tribes because they were required for survival in most environments.
I don't agree with primitivists but your argument won't work. OP needs something else.

>> No.19166936

Gaia Theory by Lovelock:
Earth is one meta organism, humans are the organism developing the power to alter itself. Next comes the construction of AI and genetic editing, which will give the organism godlike control over itself, plus the ability to seed life on other .

Also, OP, for more practical purposes read Apocalypse Never. Global warming is not a threat and nuclear power is an environmentalist's dream..Fussion will save us

>> No.19166984

Stop thinking and do something faggot. Just make or build anything no matter how trivial. Stop thinking about retarded abstractions (unless you are on a walk) and just live the autistic tool-creating, play-ing dream. Can you even Play anon? Or are you non-Playing?