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19162561 No.19162561 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't read this you're really doing yourself a disservice. A cure for modernity.

>> No.19162582
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>> No.19162600

>Stuff just is the way it looks maaan don't think about it
Can't have ethics without metaphysics and if you don't have ethics you're an animal

>> No.19163380


>> No.19163535

Can I get a Qrd?

>> No.19163609

The history of humanity and religions disagree

>> No.19163612


>> No.19163681

>philosophy by aquafresh bugman

>> No.19164496

I read From Logos to Bios and it was excellent. What's this one about?

>> No.19165139

Give me one good reason to care about things that don’t exist.

>> No.19165213

What do you mean by the word "exist". Santa claus exists.

>> No.19165855

It's basically an overview of the Neoplatonic system and a comparison of it to the modern materialistic worldview.

>> No.19165903

Sorry Wynand but I can't find your book on libgen so I won't be reading it.

>> No.19165946

Just buy it

>> No.19165953

If anything animals stick to their ethics better than humans.

>> No.19165961

Animals don't have ethics they act based on instinctive behavior alone. They have no ability to contemplate the good or to willingly restrain their biological urges in the name of moral virtues

>> No.19166007

>instinctive behavior
That's what ethics are. People are evolutionarily programmed to have a desire to act in pro-communal ways. They're just worse at it than animals because they're smart enough to figure out when they can get away with violating their community's rules.

>> No.19166083

High level ethics are the exact opposite of instinctive behavior. Rather it's the subjugation of biological urge to the will. You sound like a dumbass "I FUCKIN LOVE SCIENCE" retard who hasn't read a book of moral philosophy in his life. If you think ethics can be reduced down to evolutionary biology then you're a fucking idiot plain and simple.

>> No.19166163

>We just pulled a list of often contradictory rules about acceptable behavior out of our asses.
>It has absolutely nothing to do with the process that created our minds or the rules other species have about behavior.
Some ethical rules developed later on as societies competed against each other but that's just another evolutionary setting. The most basic rules like not hurting people (from your in group) are instinctive. I don't know whether you're a reddit atheist who thinks his massive brain managed to logically fashion ethical truths from the aether or if you think jesus is beaming morality into your head but either way you have no evidence for your belief.

>> No.19166174

All religions are based on some kind of metaphysical assumption retard, same with all ideologies.

>> No.19166319

Nobody is talking about the "most basic rules" and the fact that you think ethics is "not hurting other people" shows your basic bitch level of understanding of moral philosophy. Ethics are about the right way to live, not hurting other people is something your mother teaches you when you're three years old.

>> No.19166374

In the same vibe i recommend https://www.amazon.com/Last-Superstition-Refutation-New-Atheism/dp/1587314525 polemical but damn good. And other books of the same author

If u like that go read Lloyd Gerson's books

>> No.19166394

>often contradictory rules about acceptable behavior
Like not killing the weak around you.

>> No.19166448
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>Lloyd Gerson

>> No.19166728

Ethics and morality is a way of coping with the truth of the negative and irreparable impacts of technique as a property of the intellect that dissociates us from our natural animal state. Man is the animal of superfluous needs. Just as we can contemplate the good, we can commit acts so horrendous and perverse that they end up impacting the natural balance in which there is neither revenge nor joy for evil. The human mind created mind-spirit duality. Schopenhauer tried to eliminate it with the will that you spit so much, but in reality all he did was add momentum to the abstract wheel of the intellect.

>> No.19167158

Hylics ITT