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/lit/ - Literature

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19162222 No.19162222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what type of literature do zoomers read?

>> No.19162226

The same kind of literature the rest of the rabble reads. Junk food literature.

>> No.19162230

O. K.

>> No.19162232

Whatever their CCP handlers on Tiktok tell them to read

>> No.19162234

You already made this thread and got your answers.

>> No.19162237
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>> No.19162256
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>> No.19162260
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>> No.19162266

>posting the same zoomer thread on every board
you are a dopamine addict beyond saving, you might as well start doing meth at this point and save me these shitty threads

>> No.19162368

If you're already a cuck, why do you need a book on convincing your wife to cuck you?

>> No.19162402

I'm a Zoomer:

Thomas Bernhard in English > Roth, Pynchon, DeLillo, D.F.W., etc.

>> No.19162622

that hairdo used to be bigger, right? zoomer pepe is scary.

>> No.19162627
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Here we go. Pepe happy.

>> No.19162636

I have actually encountered girls my age who read Rupi Kaur, I also knew a girl who read Huey P Newton

>> No.19162676

I read a lot of nabokov

>> No.19162687

Youtube comments and 4chan threads

>> No.19162695

Even if you find zoomers that read books, it's mostly new fantasy YA shit, dumb romance (for girls), litrpg or light novels. I've never seen a zoomer interested in actual literature.

>> No.19162700


>> No.19162702

zoomers probably read more than basedlennials

>> No.19162705

goddammit i hate the gotdamn word filter

>> No.19162710

I had a friend who was very into LGBT fanfics on archiveonyourown (or something like that) and wattpad. It's full of zoomers, and they brainwashed him into cutting ties with me because I said all these transgender communities are a sect.

>> No.19162732

just finished catcher in the rye

just to name some authors: dostoevsky, nabokov, kafka, plato, descartes, voltaire, pushkin, rostand

>> No.19162735

I know a bunch of people aged 18/19 who read some good literature

>> No.19162737

People were writing gay fanfic on the internet before most zoomers were even born

>> No.19162740

That's what you get for being a zoomer who can only think in terms of the latest meme.

>> No.19162749

Personally ? Julius Evola

>> No.19162783

even before the internet

>> No.19162792
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Zoomer here - mainly stuff on political theory and ethics, for example I just finished Burnham's book on the Machiavellians, and I'm a big fan of Alasdair MacIntyre's work. Not really into fiction except for surreal stuff like Murakami and Calvino. I fucking hate that wigger perm and everyone who has one, don't make it into a forced meme associated with zoomers as a whole. btw,