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1916212 No.1916212 [Reply] [Original]

Kind of /lit/ related. Maybe.

Why do fossils think that cursive is some kind of God's gift to writing? The only arguments you can up for keeping it around as something to teach is nostalgic romanticism. Its a worthless writing system.

>bawww what if they can't read it

Really? Just dumb.

>> No.1916223

I am okay with this.

>> No.1916222 [DELETED] 

There is a different feeling between writing on a keyboard and writing long hand. At least for me.

>> No.1916232

I have no problem with this.

They taught us cursive in 2nd or 3rd grade, required us to write in cursive in 4th and 5th and then I never wrote in cursive again. Pointless.

>> No.1916236

I was never taught to write however you call not-cursive. Having to lift your pencil is for faggots.

>> No.1916239

This is great news. Whenever I get letters from old relatives their writing is illegible. Cursive is dense.

>> No.1916245


pretty much only learned cursive too. have a hard time doing block letters, which kinda sucks.

>> No.1916253

One is hardly ever required to write in block letters though. I actually like that some people have a hard time reading cursive. I don't like people reading what I write so I write mirrored.

>> No.1916256

Cursive writing is archaic to the point of irrelevance and should be phased out of English entirely except for historical reference. It has no more purpose in our world except for signatures and for making haughty geriatrics feel somehow more 'cultured'.

I'd like to mention that the modern young person can't write cursive anyway. Recent education has offered such a cursory glance at cursive writing that most young people today can write little to no cursive aside from their own names.

>> No.1916259

Is cursive just the same as joined up writing?

>> No.1916266

forms mainly. oh and when you have to give written instuctions that absolutely cannot be misinterpreted,
I can write in cursive but i've never needed to

>> No.1916267


Fucking this. It's a waste of valuable school time. How about we just teach kids how to have handwriting without it looking like chicken scratch?
Legible writing > Pretty, illegible writing.
Maybe have an introduction to calligraphy and cursive, but honestly? Not necessary, especially today. When's the last time anybody here has used cursive for anything other than a signature?

>> No.1916268

>replacing learning cursive with keyboard classes

Sounds good.

>> No.1916269

They seriously need to learn how to write properly before they learn to type.

>> No.1916273

Yet America still refuses (I think) to teach the metric system.

>> No.1916276

I write in pretty much everything in bastard-cursive. It's not exactly cursive, but it's pretty close. Plus in the UK we don't learn cursive. It's just a basic knowledge thing. I don't know anyone who can't read it.

>> No.1916278

why should they?

>> No.1916281

Just like the rest of the world refuses to drive on the right side of the road. Where did cars make their big break? That's right, America. When Ford started making cars everyone could afford.

>> No.1916284

Superior system, used everywhere BUT America.

>> No.1916291

The thing is before cars "roads" were used by horse in cart across Europe, so when cars took their place, they... nevermind, you're a troll.

>> No.1916288

Well I assume they'll still have them write their names right? I mean that's the only cursive you really need. Even if legally your signature can look however you want it be, it'd be weird if everyone started printing it.

>> No.1916286

A big part of learning cursive (and why you learn it in 2nd or 3rd grade) is getting better fine motor skills. And learning fine motor skills helps your overall development and learning more than you might guess.
I completely agree that learning cursive for the sake of using it is a relic of the past, but the fine motor skills that you learn from it are important. If we can find a better way to do that then I'm all for it, until then, we have cursive.

>> No.1916289

how is it superior?

>> No.1916293

and Myanmar and Liberia

>> No.1916295

The reason people use and teach cursive is because it much faster than block printing. It isn't designed to be pretty, just fast.

If you wanted a handwriting style that places aesthetic virtues over speed, you'd learn Spencerian script or calligraphy.

>> No.1916296

Am I the only one who thinks anything but cursive looks childish?

>> No.1916301

Lol is that actually true? because those are 2 of the most fucked up places on earth

>> No.1916305

>When's the last time anybody here has used cursive for anything other than a signature?
>several people in the thread mentioned they only write in cursive


>> No.1916307

America is fundamentally broken. Arrested development. That retarded guy might actually be serious.

>> No.1916311

Yeah, it's like what you expect a kid who has only seen printed books to write like. Without the serif.

>> No.1916318
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>[cursive is] a worthless writing system

>> No.1916319

Wrong. Metric system is pounded in your head since elementary. If anything it's more educational since you learn how to convert.

>> No.1916323

Why is it educational to know how to convert a standard into arbitrary measures? What a lame fucking argument.

>> No.1916327

I like cursive, and I write faster in cursive. If you're good at it, it's sexy as fuck.

The end of cursive in America is the least of their problems.

>> No.1916330

When I was that age in school, we were obviously weren't taught metric, but then they decided that maybe they should teach us metric, and threw it in there halfass. When they decided, no we're not going to teach you metric, they never went back and finished properly teaching the 'Murica method.
As a result, I suck at converting off the top of my head, within one system and between system.

Yeah, public school!

>> No.1916332

the conversions are just useless knowledge, 'more educational' makes no sense. I put that parenthetical in there because I wasn't sure at what point you fellas learned metric. It's just so insane to still teach the imperial system.

>> No.1916333

I like cursive.

It's based around multiples of ten and it's much easier to convert units.

>> No.1916335

Perhaps it isn't. But that doesn't change the fact that statement that the metric system isn't taught at all is untrue. It's standard in every math class. The only reason this country doesn't convert completely is the extreme cost that comes from changing every dial on every car, and mechanical equipment ever made. That's why they compromised and show both miles and kilometers on the gauge.

>> No.1916341

Teaching an instrument and a little music theory would get rid of both the hurr durr teach motor skills and the hurr durr practice thinking by converting units that you are claiming cursive and imperial system can bring to children.
Then again did you never play video games? You think your kid will have no motor skills if he doesn't learn cursive? Now THAT's childish

>> No.1916347

Because it practical math?

>How is it educational to teach students to do quick calculations?

U dumb.

>> No.1916356

that's not a compromise, it just costs them more money. The reason America never went metric is because (like always) they bowed to pressure from stupid businessmen who didn't want to pay to change production lines. Then, whoops, the rest of the world was smart and went metric. Then these factories had to add metric systems and keep their old ones, costing them much more in the long run.

>> No.1916361

>multiplying/dividing by 1.6
>so educational

quoting some other guy

>the conversions are just useless knowledge, 'more educational' makes no sense

>Perhaps it isn't.


>But that doesn't change the fact that statement that the metric system isn't taught at all is untrue.

I never contested any of that shit. Why are you telling me this?

>> No.1916373

Isn't most math beyond basic arithmetic "useless?"


pick one

I guess we should teach nothing but how to re-tread tires and punch time cards and bag groceries.

>> No.1916383

Way to show your lack of reading comprehension asshole. The point is that showing how to convert between systems of extremely little difference is the same as teaching how to multiply by itself, you don't need a whole goddamn semester to explain how a mile is 1.6km. "It's educational" is a lame goddamn argument.

>Isn't most math beyond basic arithmetic "useless?"

If you like living like a chimp, yes, it's useless.

>> No.1916390

As a European, I've never understood this. How can you write without joining the letters together? It must be extremely slow, and is no better in any other way than joined-up handwriting (cursive). I've known ONE adult in my life who didn't use cursive, and we always thought it was weird.

>> No.1916396

They only teach writing capitals and cursive to children where I live. And everyone uses cursive until the end of their lives. It seemed like an American thing to write like printed text. Is it common in most countries? For me, it's slower to write that way.

>> No.1916399

Teaching a terribly outdated system of measurement out of pure stubbornness is stupid and useless. Math beyond arithmetic is far from useless, you can't even suggest that it isn't. Aside from HURR DURR knowledge is good, the imperial system is useless. It's time wasted for millions of students.

>> No.1916410

do they chinese have cursive or a faster way of writing?

>> No.1916411

I think it's just America.

Another sign of EURO master race.

>> No.1916416

They have traditional and simplified Chinese. It's quite a bit more complicated than cursive.

>> No.1916449

Because the metic system is for fags.

>> No.1916461


Says you. Enjoy your liters queer.

>> No.1916478

Explain the common uses of math beyond arithmetic, then?

My point is that the "useful" argument for education is absurd. Much of what is learned is never "used"--which is absolutely fine. I can't think of any time I've ever "used" knowledge of state capitals, or of JFK's early life, or of the pythagorean theorem.

>> No.1916492

Stop right now, because you obviously don't have the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about. Just because YOU haven't used it, doesn't mean that there aren't Economists integrating supply and demand curves all over the world right now.

>> No.1916507

hey usa,

wanna stop being racists and get this debt ceiling raised?

>> No.1916521

They're too busy figuring out the difference between fluid and dry ounces.

>> No.1916526

I doubt supply and demand curves require calculus.

>> No.1916540


mfw someone didn't take Economic in college.

This is why everyone here is POOR.

>> No.1916542

You must not know what calculus is because analyzing curves is basically what calculus is. You're also on a computer being powered from a generator that is most likely hundreds of kilometers away. All that requires pretty insane math like complex differential equations. Also your house is standing up due to complex math.

>> No.1916605

>It's time wasted for millions of students.
Yeah, we should send 'em straight down the coal mines the moment they turn twelve.

>> No.1916607

cool argument, bro

>> No.1916617

Why wouldn't they teach cursive? There is not a lot to the elementary school curriculum..surely there is time to spend on teaching them something like this..we are so fucked..my teacher from high school told me on facebook that they held a meeting where he was told that in my former district they are phasing out the teaching of Novels..good thing too, eh? Don't want our kids to waste their time on that escapist nonsense do we?

>> No.1916655

so what are they going to teach instead of novels?

education seems to be getting dumber and dumber.

no longer taught grammar, long division, books, how to write...

seems like theyre just gearing public schooling towards making docile, servile workers, capable of reading and writing as is necessary to keep the economy going, (but not thinking too much, since that would be bad) and meant to mindless consume without question.

>> No.1916660


Yes. That's what state education does under capitalism. What do you expect?

>> No.1916668

They don't teach long division anymore?

>> No.1916674

They are just going to use the text books (decided on by the texas school board, so you know they're good)..whereas in the past of course they had kids read a few novels..but it's like the schools are just streamlining everything so that we only teach what is on our standardized tests...and yes i guess the dumber we make people the more docile and accepting they will be

>> No.1916678

we've had capitalism for ages. only in this late stage of capitalism has it been going seriously downhill.

not in australia, anyway.

>> No.1916692


Nah, it's always been this bad apart from a brief window where they had to make it a better deal because of the specter of communism. Now that's no credible threat, you can expect to eat shit.

>> No.1916698

Well, I'm pretty sure proper English grammar and Shakespeare were taught in the past, but now they aren't taught in schools at all.

>> No.1916701

I always write in cursive. I was never forced to do it, i just picked it up because it makes writing easier and faster so you can get shit done.

>> No.1916711

My cursive is shit but I don't want to see it taken out of schools. I wish I hadn't been such a faggot and stuck to writing in cursive.

>> No.1916742


Before 1990?



>> No.1916756

The only time I ever use it is for writing out checks, and even that I don't do all that often anymore now that there is online banking.