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File: 219 KB, 1292x918, Great-Filter1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19155939 No.19155939 [Reply] [Original]

Do you sense the urgency like I do? The survival of our species hinges on our ability to overcome the death of god and enact a transvaluation of all values. I see it as an imperative that I dedicate my life towards becoming the bridge Nietzsche spoke of. If you love humanity you make it your life's goal to do the same.

>> No.19155951
File: 60 KB, 850x400, quote-i-teach-you-beyond-man-superman-man-is-something-that-shall-be-surpassed-what-have-you-friedrich-nietzsche-114-43-88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless we manage to overcome nihilism it will become the end of our species, we will not make it. What can be done about it?

>> No.19155956

Great filter is probably nanotech or some physics breakthrough we're getting close to. Cheap, easy to make doomsday weapon that doesn't take the resources of a large nation state to build

>> No.19155961
File: 14 KB, 267x400, a-short-history-of-decay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you sense the urgency like I do?
take a deep breath, meaningcuck.

>> No.19155982

not gonna happen, meaning is just a way to deal with pain, further development psychiatric medicine + genetic editing will erase "negative" emotion and transform humanity into equanimitous goyim cattle

>> No.19155986

Quite a lot of us get over nihilism easily enough.

The great filter is not choking on our own fumes, wasting precious resources and turning the environment in an ever degrading spiral

>> No.19155996

Passing the Great Filter requires a global government with an advanced surveillance state. We're already at the point where a sufficiently motivated terror cell could probablt engineer a supervirus (a real one, not COVID-tier). Probably not far off from some other relatively cheap-to-build doomsday device either. It is unlikely humans will do it, pending some political breakthrough that gives the UN teeth.

>> No.19156026

Explain to me how our AI is doing to pass itself into another galaxy that is currently racing away faster than the speed of light? Explain to me how we will come to control the known universe. Explain to me how our post-human construct escapes universal heat death? There is no outcome that did not really in the destruction of all that we build.

So how does escaping the filter grant your little life meaning, OP? What great cause does it serve to you? Sounds like you've got Death Anxiety. There's nothing to fight for, there's nothing but what is in front of you. At best you can give someone your love, nothing more than that

>> No.19156030
File: 2.07 MB, 1483x1719, 78E2E1D7-6A77-43F0-BF00-4E66925308D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with an advanced surveillance state.
The exact opposite

>> No.19156033

social media + AI is the great filter

>> No.19156044

The great filter is multicellular life

>> No.19156087

Before any of you comment any further (because I'm seeing a lot you coming up with your own ideas of what the Great Filter will be) let me make my original post clear: We as a species will never prosper, advance and go beyond the stars unless we overcome nihilism and transvalue all our values. This is the prerequisite for doing anything that's great. A species preoccupied with meeting diversity quotas and sheepishly adhering to slave morality will never make it to space.

A species that elevates the weak and vilifies the strong will never make it past the point were we will ever have to be concerned with threats that may filter us out in the future because our species will not make it to that point to begin with.

>> No.19156088

we are losing

>> No.19156095

we choke on our own fumes ect. as a result of subconscious nihilism my beautiful butterfly.

>> No.19156102
File: 54 KB, 850x400, quote-only-a-god-can-save-us-martin-heidegger-90-38-88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. The only thing that can save us now, I'm afraid, is a massive world war on a scale never before seen. The last two world wars weren't really world wars if you think about it.

>> No.19156118

>We as a species will never .. go beyond the stars
Nothing resembling a human is fit for interplanetary travel, and never will be. Whatever could leave this Earth will be alien to us, and certainly not stupid enough to require Neech

>> No.19156130

damn, that is a based quote. I don't think we will be saved or anything. I think life just is what it is and it will just peter out like an old motor one day. I wish it wrent the way it is.

>> No.19156172
File: 170 KB, 736x981, A954471D-C2F3-4C3B-87F0-E8235408CDEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The local cluster of galaxies won’t be leaving our galaxy’s side anytime soon.
Our mortality can be expanded for quite a while, and “heat death” may just well be proven false by then.
Our “little lives” will be a lot bigger and able to handle it.
>there’s nothing to fight for
Not in the way you want perhaps. Or perhaps your type species will be preserved, loved.

>> No.19156188

The life of a human lasts only for an instant, and I’m speaking plainly.

>> No.19156202

The life of a galaxy lasts for only an instant. I want to play in them. Surely others would too.

>> No.19156234

Preserving humanity would be a grave crime. Immortality is the worst curse that could befall us.

>> No.19156240

Your language is really gay sometimes.

>> No.19156245
File: 310 KB, 1134x1056, 4890C3B9-C7A0-4AAA-98D3-3FBB5E097033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may leave.

Grandiose homosexualis. I’ll take it.

>> No.19156265

The fact no one bred >>19156245 means there's hope for our species.

>> No.19156284

What you are describing IS the great filter, aka, The Globohomo Leftwing Authoritarian Surveillance State. If this psychotic Neoliberal Zionist planet of the apes NWO world wide Brazillification of planet earth establishes itself it’s over for humanity.

>> No.19156292

Jesus THIS! How does anyone not see this at this point?

>> No.19156302

>“Man is a rope stretched between the beasts and the Superman — a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal..” - Nietzsche
We could either become a species of literally gods or we could fall into the abyss of zombified goyim cattle. Why aren't you doing everything you can everyday to make us reach one step closer towards godhood anon?

>> No.19156328

Blacks are the great filter.

>> No.19156331

Brain full of buzzwords

>> No.19156335

and they will not be overcome unless we reevaluate all of our values. There is of course great blacks, like in any other race there are good people, but white people self-flagellation and handing over their civilization to minorities on a silver platter will be the end of our species

>> No.19156605

At the risk of sounding harsh, the bizarre suicide of whites is hardly the great filter. East Asia will run just fine without them.

>> No.19156624

Not my problem.

>> No.19156775
File: 1.68 MB, 1843x3969, 07218834-B1DF-470C-BA55-8E7CD3493F55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you love humanity and want it to survive? Humanity sucks. I hope we do go extinct.

>> No.19156811

You sound like most psych majors I've hung out with.

>> No.19157454

Anyone posting ITT that is not underage should consider suicide

>> No.19157489

There's a set of assumptions behind these kinds of theories, namely that intelligence among complex lifeforms would be uniform across the universe, and that higher intelligence has some kind of teleology. Hence things like the Fermi paradox which I don't think is a paradox at all. Nobody ever asks the question, would another lifeform as complex as a human that developed on a different planet in a different environment and ecosystem even be intelligible to humans? Maybe they're just like dolphins and prefer to chill in the water? In my opinion the people that believe in these theories simply want real life to be like Star Wars without any regard to the non-anthropomorphic reality.

>> No.19157512

And what exactly are you doing, to what concrete goals is all your "dedication" going to

>> No.19157567

To expand on this point, it is often said that animals are not as intelligent as humans, and that humans are the most intelligent lifeform on Earth. But this betrays a Darwinian teleological assumption about intelligence, as if intelligence is something that can be quantified, which is usually thought to be the creation of civilization. Perhaps the reality is that each living organism forms, and is formed by, its environment according to its behavioral needs, and humans are no different. Beavers construct dams, humans use tools. Is a beaver less intelligent than a human? Perhaps he has no need of human tools. I think intelligence is more like strata than goal oriented.

>> No.19157739
File: 7 KB, 157x215, Shestov_Lev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is the only significant contribution in the whole thread. The first question should be CAN we survive, not WHAT IF WE DON'T?
A lot of this chart looks like bullshit to me and ends with something human-spawned living in immortality in some "hiding place"
The question then becomes a more important one do we Want To survive?
Whatever could survive the end of the universe would be akin to an incomprehensible alien machine than any form of life we can fathom. It would be as abstract as to be literally invisible if it's the Planck level solution (most likely option in my opinion)
What kinship do you feel with gravity? or the thing that comes in a fever dream? Radioactive decay?
There's nothing to fight for. All of human effort could - maybe - result in the creation of an immortal entity which once examined seems something like a psychedelic nightmare. At the very least if this disaster occurs I pray it has the capability of suicide

>> No.19157749

>t. the 12 years old who just watched a School of Life video on Nietzsche

>> No.19157772

The passion you have about this amuses me. kek

>> No.19157781

The great filter is the world of the last man. The loss of all cultural vision and striving in favor of comfort and safety. This eventually culminates in the "benevolent" slavery of the experience machine.

>> No.19157787

Most people aspire immortality, not because they want to live, but because they fear death.

In pointless existance. I wonder how could you justify not procrastinating, if you are in post scarcity society and immortal, but not want life.

>> No.19157793

You can set an example of yourself honey :)

live stream self immolation

>> No.19157801

I sense that to "love humanity" means to love one-self; which is to say: a narcissistic avenue.

>> No.19157850

East Asians are incapable of going beyond the stars on their own. They lack the spirit of faust. We need white people, they are indispensable

>> No.19157854


>> No.19157855

The great filter is women and niggers

>> No.19157859

How can you truly love anything more then love you give to yourself?

Love being nothing else but bearing in beauty to reach what is "good".

Can you love a stove? A prostitute? A Mother? More then yourself?

>> No.19158271

It's a serious question, one of the last available sources of purpose in this hellhole existence. My intuition is screaming out to me - this is a pointless goal to strive for and if successfully completed would result in a sentient alien force that is so far removed from what humans value (irrelevantly) that it would be for nothing. Or it could be the construction of a sentience so intelligent that a nanosecond of time (if time even applied to it) would be worse than infinite hells. A manifestation of cosmic suffering. Again, I pray the monster could kill itself. We are absolutely, positively her without purpose and there is no escape, even in our most insane religious projections. The great filter is pure mercy, and the only sign that there is a compassionate God. Perhaps a Planck entity is mercifully blocking all interstellar civilization so as to minimize the expansion of consciousness in this meaningless hell

>> No.19158289

There is no great filter.
The final and ultimate "blackpill" is that the laws of physics, material science and computation put a hard upper bound on what can be constructed and humans are already near the end.
The industrial revolution WAS the singularity and were already getting to the top of the S curve. The universe is teeming with life just as intelligent as us but were all trapped, forever.

>> No.19158300

This isn't true. We already have an example of a low power device made with non-exotic materials that has vastly more computational power than modern computers. The human brain.

>> No.19158302

Here's an essay by Nick Land on roughly that idea


>> No.19158328

>The survival of our species
why is this of interest? the only reason things last long is because they last long. its not better the longer we last

>> No.19158352

To be blunt, whites effectively buck-broke every other civilization on Earth. Look at China for example, where the philosopher most important when it comes to their politics is Karl Marx, a Westerner. On some level, we have all been imbued with the Faustian spirit.

>> No.19158416

Nevermind, I meant to link to a different essay called Disintegration, which is broken on the site

>> No.19159501


>> No.19159518

I feel a sense of urgency to get this off topic thread deleted.