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19154796 No.19154796 [Reply] [Original]

Which are the best books refuting Sufism and its dangers for the Westerner? I read Guenon, but was unconvinced of Sufism as something good.
It seems Muhammad was just confused by a demon, and believed in this himself before he was convinced otherwise by a heretical Christian (!).

>- But Muslim preachers now often say that the Koran contains some knowledge about the world, which became known to science only in the twentieth century.

>- Even if this were the case, in itself it does not yet testify to the inspiration of the scriptures, since, as you know, demons have more knowledge about the structure of the created world than humans, and there is nothing unusual here.

>That is, the criterion is not to know the hidden things, which a person does not know, but to know the future, which is known only to God alone?

>- Yes, that's it. Demons do not know the future, because for this you need to be above time. They can give short-term and long-term forecasts, but the more long-term the forecast, the more often they are wrong - remember the "prophecies" of Nostradamus. And to know about the structure of the temporal created world is not difficult for them. However, as far as the Koran is concerned, most often its "scientific predictions" are simply absurd.

>> No.19154798

>- Finally, fourthly, it is necessary to talk about the personality of Muhammad. Even an ethnic Muslim just needs to hear in detail how the first "revelation" took place on Mount Hira, how the "Archangel Jibriil" literally squeezed out the first chapter of the Koran from Muhammad. This is a very striking evidence. Here you can also recall the name of Sura 74 - ""the Cloaked One", which, as you know, reproduces the situation of receiving "revelations" when Muhammad fell in convulsions, blew foam at his mouth, which from the point of view of the Gospel is a classic case of demonic possession. As a matter of fact, Muhammad himself believed so until he was deceived. And so, just a story about it is quite enough. Even convinced Muslims, after such a story, begin to think.

>- I know of cases when people were voluntarily seduced into Islam, and these cases have not yet ended in a return to God. These are cases among a special type of "advanced" Moscow intelligentsia, people who converted to Islam of the Sufi persuasion, they still remain there, and for them Islam is rather one of the forms of occultism, as they themselves say, one of the forms of the "primordial tradition ". They convert to Islam following the example of René Guénon. These are the so-called traditionalists, they often mimic the Orthodox (a famous example is Alexander Dugin). At the same time, they sometimes do not hide their sympathy for Satanism. One and the same person can approve of Sufi Islam and at the same time approve of Aleister Crowley's activities. So this tendency really takes place among certain circles of the patriotic intelligentsia. For them, seduction to Islam often occurs under the slogan of anti-Americanism. I have personally met such people. Most of them are unlikely to return to the Church. They consider themselves already enlightened, superintellectuals who do not need such a "trifle" as Truth. They are not interested in the Truth.