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File: 114 KB, 1280x720, everybuddhistever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19152796 No.19152796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You will have no fun
>You will not consume alcochol
>You will not offer alcohol
>You will not have sex
>You will not allow others to have sex
>You will repent before the statue of fat buddha or burn in hell for 4734874328342 years
Why don't incels just go for buddhism instead of being tradcath crusaders? It's literally the most annoying, pathetic life denying cult for sad virgins who can't cope with being genetic dead ends. No wonder a colossal faggot like Nietzche loved Buddhism.

>> No.19152813

I don't think Nietzsche would have loved it if he actually had a grasp on it

>> No.19152814

hinduism is superior
the upanishads are nietzsche tier in terms of affirming life

>> No.19152883
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>he's not having fun
sorry, sounds like you've mixed up Buddhists with the Ajivikas

>> No.19152897

Being a tradcath allows you to claim to be a victim of an evil society and corrupt church. Buddhism tells you that you're ugly and unlovable because you killed a dog in a past life or something.
Incels refuse to accept responsibility for their unattractiveness.

>> No.19152904

>[venerable wisdom tradition] is just like [recent american social phenomenon]

go back

>> No.19152916

Dog ugly people are obviously still having sex or they wouldn't still be here. Try again. Buddhism isn't about emotional wound-lickers justifying why they aren't getting laid as a cope, the religion condemns "sexual misconduct" anyway.

>> No.19153275

>Why don't incels just go for buddhism instead of being tradcath crusaders?
Because buddhism is of the devil and leads you into damnation. I don't want that.

>> No.19153293
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>Why don't incels just go for buddhism instead of being tradcath crusaders?

Because Catholicism is true.

>> No.19153296

>OP has been possessed by the Kami
>They have foretold the path of the /lit/ spiritual LARPing calendar
>we shall be Buddhists before becoming Zoroastrians
So we don't have to drop Shinto until we do the Persian dress up day? This death shroud has been the comfiest thing all year; the Catholics couldn't do underwear at all.

>> No.19153302

Feels good to be Sikh bro, our religion is too liberal to ever become tradlarp (although some do try)

>> No.19153306
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>> No.19153313
File: 81 KB, 451x639, 451px-Yamanba_-_tokyo_area_-_2016_7_30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possessed by the Kami
It doesn't count unless OP posts pictures with the yamanba makeup

>> No.19153320

>too liberal
It's probably not on the LARPing schedule because you need to grow a beard.

>> No.19153331

Will they give me refuge at Gurdwara? I just need langar two times a day with some ground to sleep on with my shoes under the head.

>> No.19153348

>lit/ spiritual LARPing calendar
I thought we were just pretending to be Irish pagan influenced Catholics for this month so we could do the lead up to their winter with Halloween? If we're not dressing up as demons to scare away the demons on the night the soul portal is weakest, then I need to order something different because I'm pretty sure this is only appropriate Buddhist wear in springtime.

>> No.19153355
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>> No.19153361

I thought we were Jains now because we didn't want to hurt plants either?

>> No.19153365

Food, you will 100% get, as much as you want. A place to sleep depends on if they have space or not. I know the gurdwara in my area has a couple rooms for people but that depends on availability.

>> No.19153370

No, that's just ereader shill propaganda.

>> No.19153376
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>> No.19153384

Yeah all of Jains are dead because fasted till death.

>> No.19153385

If you're still masked you're a Jain. Won't be able to eat the bugs though.
Yeah all their temples do free food

>> No.19153386

>he hasn't gotten the memo
We're looping back to atheistic nihilism and pessimism now, get with the times and read Becker, Cioran and Bataille.

>> No.19153407
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this post was written by a spiritually blind tranny

>> No.19153423

>implying the water turbines don't disturb the bacteria
Bacteria lives matter too
I admire their costuming accuracy.
>Won't be able to eat the bugs though.
Look we all know /fitlit/'s only religion is protein and weights, but you don't need to be gross about alternatives to GOMAD by proposing mass murder of insects who didn't do nothing. Just get more goats, bro.

>> No.19153430

I am from Pakistan where they're very skeptical of outsiders and rightly so. My parents are forcing me to be a wageslave. Desu I am going to run away some day and I am going to live on Sufi and Sikh shrines. I don't care about any belongings or any of this worldly bullshit. Hopefully I get free food two times a day or otherwise I am going to kill myself.

>> No.19153435

>. I don't care about any belongings or any of this worldly bullshit. Hopefully I get free food two times a day or otherwise I am going to kill myself.

>> No.19153440

>Hopefully I get free food two times a day or otherwise I am going to kill myself
You'd make a great Buddhist but only because they have one meal a day

>> No.19153455

Oh. I am a burger, so maybe it’s different in Pakistan.

As for living off shrines… I dunno. I’m gonna sound like a consoomer, but don’t you want things beyond essentials for life? Like entertainment or an education or anything?

>> No.19153457

I dunno bro. I feel like the underwear could take off where the Mormons failed.

>> No.19153468

what religions has lit not larped about?
>non-european folk religions
>hippie new age movements
>other purely ethnic religions
anything else?

>> No.19153477

Much love from Pakistan I hate entertainment so much

>> No.19153481

He didn't love it, he just said that it was more honestly about its pessimism than christianity.

>> No.19153483

We tried to be Yazidi once but it mostly consisted of taking baths tbph

>> No.19153484

Do the needful.

>> No.19153491

why are you fighting phantoms?

>> No.19153492

Is australian shitposting a religion?

>> No.19153500

You don't have to be a monk if you follow the Buddha, all this things you mention are for monks.

>> No.19153511

Yes I know the fucking contradiction I have read somewhere I think Ciroan was quoting Vedas, that a man should eats what he himself has planted. Before an heroing in going to fuck off to some mountain to try this.

Desu I am even okay with that too. But there are no monasteries here, only ruins.

No, don't care. Most time of day I contemplate on my worms filled body and exact moment of death and absolute silence before my birth and everything seem null. The only thing which makes my imagination painful are worldly attachment that my wretched self carries.

>> No.19153533

I know for a fact I am more attractive than all the trannies posting these shit threads

>> No.19153541

>/lit/s been wearing masks this whole time in hopes they can tell some antimasker they're doing it to avoiding harming mosquitoes
>and tell promaskers that their mask material is not ahisma enough to not cause the death of millions

>> No.19153551
File: 37 KB, 474x523, hatred for consoomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don’t you want things beyond essentials for life? Like entertainment

>> No.19153556

>what pandemic? I'm just wearing this so I don't eat mosquitoes on accident.

>> No.19153570

"He who craves extinction, craves extinction, craves extinction, I say that this man does not know extinction."

"Zeus, whose will has marked for man, the sole way where wisdom lies; ordered one eternal plan: Man must suffer to be wise."

>> No.19153630

The wisdom of Silenus

>"You, most blessed and happiest among humans, may well consider those blessed and happiest who have departed this life before you, and thus you may consider it unlawful, indeed blasphemous, to speak anything ill or false of them, since they now have been transformed into a better and more refined nature. This thought is indeed so old that the one who first uttered it is no longer known; it has been passed down to us from eternity, and hence doubtless it is true. Moreover, you know what is so often said and passes for a trite expression. What is that, he asked? He answered: It is best not to be born at all; and next to that, it is better to die than to live; and this is confirmed even by divine testimony. Pertinently to this they say that Midas, after hunting, asked his captive Silenus somewhat urgently, what was the most desirable thing among humankind. At first he could offer no response, and was obstinately silent. At length, when Midas would not stop plaguing him, he erupted with these words, though very unwillingly: 'you, seed of an evil genius and precarious offspring of hard fortune, whose life is but for a day, why do you compel me to tell you those things of which it is better you should remain ignorant? For he lives with the least worry who knows not his misfortune; but for humans, the best for them is not to be born at all, not to partake of nature's excellence; not to be is best, for both sexes. This should be our choice, if choice we have; and the next to this is, when we are born, to die as soon as we can.' It is plain therefore, that he declared the condition of the dead to be better than that of the living."

– Aristotle, Eudemus (354 BCE), surviving fragment quoted in Plutarch, Moralia. Consolatio ad Apollonium, sec. xxvii (1st century CE) (S. H. transl.)

Now what? We all know extinction when we try to imagine what was before our birth. Why you aren't concerned about your pre-birth?
I am also developing some sort of belief in Reincarnation.

>> No.19153721


>le ebin strawman zoomer meme.

I'm a millenial cradle catholic that attends a latin mass parish. I don't care if you don't believe me.

>> No.19153753

>a latin mass
Didn’t the Pope ban that