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19151318 No.19151318 [Reply] [Original]

PUAs and similar redpill guys seem to have some interesting points. Are women really as these guys say? Any interesting literature on the nature and psychology of women, and what women want?

>> No.19151395

>Are women really as these guys say?
And that is?

>> No.19151420

>interesting points
The entire "pickup art" is just Dale Carnegie tier advice for socially inept tards.
>what women want
Assertive men.

>> No.19151460

Blackpill Theory: Why Incels Are Right And You Are Wrong by dr Castle
Sexual Utopia in Power by F Roger Devlin
Mind of Her Own. Evolutionary Psychology of Women by Anne Campbell
this is all you will need
Wrong. They want HANDSOME and assertive men. If you're assertive as a low tier male they'll just accuse you of rape and sexual misconduct

>> No.19151462

There are some wonderful, brilliant, self aware women out there, but just like men, they often appear to be in the minority.
Women are more heavily steered by the feminine due to biology, just as men are more heavily steered by the masculine, even though each one contains elements of both, which is why they complement each other when coupled as a unity through love.
As for PUAs and shit, theres actually a LOT of practical truth in how they analyze women. But the women theyre analyzing, are the ones who arent self-aware. When youve a creature guided heavily by the feminine, meaning the emotionally guided and the physically, rationally insecure, youve got most modern women in a nutshell. PUAs problem is that, they are analyzing these women not from the perspective of trying to love them or teaching them to love themselves, but from the perspective of manipulating them for their lack of self-awareness for sex.
That whole thing gets meta as fuck, and is sort of sad, because what draws men toward the sort of sex being offered by PUA tactics, is that they are guided by the masculine, meaning the rationally, physically guided and the emotionally insecure. Men arent frightened by women physically, nor do most men honestly believe that women can out-reason them, but they are often terrified of becoming emotionally vulnerable to one. Women are very secure in their emotions, but fear that men or the world sees them as naive, and they know they are more fragile physically, that they are vulnerable to men in this manner.
So, the whole phenomenon of learning to manipulate unaware women through PUA, stems from being too afraid to simply skip all that fraudulent posturing, and be ones self in front of a woman, because she might not accept what she sees, and most men fear that worse than they fear death.

As for books on the nature of women, Id hate to be that guy, but Nietzsche has good thoughts on the topic. Otto Weinegir or however the fuck you say his name was extremely dramatic and blackpilled about it, but hes another one who had insight into women from the PUA, incelsphere/manosphere angle

>> No.19151512

When you start dating women you'll realize most of the redpill shit is pretty spot on, but you can't let that make you bitter since genuinely good women do exist.

I venture to say Western women in general are spiritually demented, but you can find a diamond in the rough somewhere.

>> No.19151533

I would describe that spiritual dementedness as mere lack of self awareness, and argue that most men experience it too.

>> No.19151580

>They want HANDSOME and assertive men.
Everyone wants to be around attractive people and beautiful things, anon. That's not a woman exclusive thing.

>> No.19151597

Put the fork down fatty

>> No.19151694

Anons here are too cinic. PUA works and is nice for men wanting to learn, just dont turn it into your whole personality and you'll be fine.

>> No.19151736

This anon gets it.

Most people - male and female - are guided on how to live life by the media these days, you can blame them for their lack of awareness but they're just following the stream.

>> No.19152455
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>>Are women really as these guys say?
>And that is?

>> No.19152550

>PUAs and similar redpill guys seem to have some interesting points.
Maybe when it first became a trend. Every year the "redpill" crowd gets dumber, more maladjusted, and more deranged. Same with the whole Right.

>> No.19152590
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> Nice hat fren

>> No.19152593

Lol. And the "left" is doing so much better huh? You don't even exist anymore. You've been entirely coopted and subverted by global finance and NWO supranationality. At least the right exists to some extent (mainly online and among white working class but still). That is important.

>> No.19152601
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>/lit/ - Ressentiment & Neo-Monasticism

>> No.19152622

mostly correct but they ignore the looks issue, which makes sense since they are trying to sell ugly losers the dream of getting a shit ton of pussy

>> No.19152626
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>a-at least we get to cry online while sharing pictures of wojaks
>that is important

>> No.19152629
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Watch the newest Contrapoints video, have ya?

>> No.19152644

really they just want attractive or wealthy rapists

>> No.19152649

Fuck no I don't watch retarded trannies.

>> No.19152658

Xe's not retarded though.

>> No.19152662

PUA thinking on women is pedestrian AF and is ultimately just shit that all misogynists used to think. It's not totally WRONG--there is a subset of immature women for whom it is true--but it doesn't merit in depth literary exploration as it's just street wisdom.
Also: you can construct a jaded unflattering view of men that's partially accurate just like the PUA view of women. Look at radfems with the "men are rapists" schtick. Are ALL men rapists? No, but a larger percentage of men than women are rapists, so characterizing men as rapists does capture some element of truth. Same deal with what PUAs say about women.

>> No.19152676

At least 3 different tells that you're a reddit tourist nigger in this post alone.

>> No.19152692

Have sex, subhuman crossboarding inceloid.

>> No.19152694
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No I actually read as opposed to relying on ecelebs to summarize tweets for me, but it's obvious all the wounded tradlarpers here are both desperately horny and also lacking in the balls needed to be a true ascetic. So instead of getting over it, whether by action or by renunciation, they become hateful and do nothing

>> No.19152704

>not very basedepic my dude caturday pickle rick
Kill yourself and go back, zoomer faggot.

>> No.19152709

I think I read somewhere that this has been the case in every point of civilized history. Can these people snap out of it, or are they really just zombies? Is there a gene for person to shirk independent thinking? I've met these people myself, and only way to I tolerate their company is to get drunk.

>> No.19152726

point proven

>> No.19152737

Yeah, but you still need to engage with them, or else you've lost, right?

>> No.19152754
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>quoting voices in his head

>> No.19152932

Xenon is a chemical element. Not sure what's retarded about it, or why you brought it up.

>> No.19153268

It is basically traditional American conservatism rebranded as self help books
>black pill
Philosophical pessimism for brainlet
The game is actually a pretty interesting book because at some point pick up artistry almost becomes a literal cult

>> No.19153722


>> No.19153727

just take hormones for 6 months and see what its like being a woman yourself. we now have the technology for you to try out being a woman for a while.

>> No.19153840

Don't have sex with them, should have sex with them, owe them sex.

>> No.19153891

>When you start dating women you'll realize most of the redpill shit is pretty spot on, but you can't let that make you bitter since genuinely good women do exist.
More accurate to say its spot on and the healthiest approach is to accept they are beholden to their programming in the way of children and barnyard animals. Men evolved to acknowledge reality or die. Women evolved to group consensus and submit to the dominant men. If the dominant men say kill the jews, they happily kill jews.

>> No.19153957
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>everyone... is le sheeple... except me!
I'm too relaxed to care about your schizo feels