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/lit/ - Literature

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19147243 No.19147243 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is insufferable

>> No.19147249

>start at beginning
>move to end
>make sure to read left to right!

>> No.19147258


>> No.19147266

Because OP cant read.

>> No.19147323

Imagine spending the time to actually write this garbage

>> No.19147382

why is it so bad?

>> No.19147441

Because it would be ten times more productive to just read any childrens book then to spend time digesting the ramblings of some dust brain that thinks people need to learn how to move your eyes from left to right

>> No.19147453

basically just "think about what youre reading bro"
but in 400 boring pages

>> No.19147471

It seems reasonable to me that there are better ways to go about reading non-fiction than "move your eyes left to right".

>> No.19147933

Filtered by a book about how to avoid being filtered

>> No.19148216

it's not about how to literally read, but how to understand the content.

>> No.19148232

I actually bought it and never bothered reading it lol. Yes I do feel bad for buying it.

>> No.19148248

This is pretty pathetic. Have fun only comprehending at the Inspectional level.

>> No.19148473

Can someone give me a straight answer whether this is worth reading? Or point towards something that is?

>> No.19148496


>> No.19148594

Let me give you a tip direct from the book itself: don't read all the fucking autistic rambling. Do what he says and skim through the book capturing the important parts necessary. The book is valuable, but god damn it's full of just rambling and ego stroking.

>> No.19150092

Just read the the wikipedia page. It's one of those self-help type books that could have been summarized in a blog post.

>> No.19150264

I'm not that far in. The book was written primarily for an American audience with English as their first language. So a lot of the content that isn't strictly about how to read well comes off as outdated in an age where everything is digitally connected. Well, at least I haven't heard of any speedreading courses.

Still, some of the stuff he states might make you feel insecure if you are ESL. Oh yeah, the main focus of things to read are expository works, not fiction novels for entertainment. There is a chapter about how to read novels though.

>> No.19150926

You missed the entire point of the book, retards

>> No.19151045

I was on board with it for the first hundred pages or so, but It gets to the point where he can't make the most basic proposition without quantifying it with several completely unnecessary examples which just overcomplicate the message substantially.
Also has a bad habit of repeating himself and making a fairly unambiguous statement, then following that up with multiple paragraphs saying he doesn't want to mislead the reader or give the wrong impression, when nobody would have rightly felt that way based on his incredibly basic assertion

>> No.19151062
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>> No.19151087

Imagine my shock.

>> No.19151133

Sunk cost afflicted idiot. Stop shilling your useless book

>> No.19151175

So long as retards like you continue to post here, I will shill this book because it's funny how hard this book filters people like you
He's an honorary Aryan

>> No.19151180

This book can be summarized into: just ask questions as you read bro, Which is right.

>> No.19151218

ESLs might find some use in it. It's pretty much useless though

>> No.19152202

I checked this out on /lit/'s recommendation. The beginning is just a slog of information about the decline of literacy in the 70's and the value of reading. I was hoping that it would provide insight on how to read more difficult classical works, but it seems like that isn't the primary focus. This would be a great book as required reading for college freshman but that's it.

>> No.19152226

How the fuck are you supposed to read this without already having read it beforehand?

>> No.19152238

To all the anons asking for recommendations ITT, I'd highly recommend The Well-Educated Mind, specifically chapters 3 and 4; they cover how to take notes on your reading, the different stages of reading, etc, but in a very simple, practical step-by-step format; it also has appendixes at the back of the book with reading lists for different types of books (history, fiction, poetry, etc), as well as note-taking specifics for each of those genres, and questions to ask yourself while you're reading

>> No.19152331

It's worth reading if you want to know how to approach works of philosophy and other difficult non-fiction (and learn some hot takes on education in general, Adler is the reason why some anons are into the Trivium). It's the kind of stuff that a good philosophy program will teach you, but it's very useful if you want to pursue the subject on your own. So it really is a guide on how not to get filtered and it sadly filters many anons who keep coming to these threads to vent their frustration.
Especially this anon, who can never explain why the advice from the book is supposedly language-dependent and why native speakers of English would not benefit from it at all. Doesn't stop him from making the exact same post in every Adler thread tho.