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19146901 No.19146901 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/. Any books on how Vatican II contrasts from the entire history of the Catholic Church? To further describe what I'm looking for: anything that points out the malleability of a religion as a point of weakness in its veracity would be great.

>> No.19146943

>malleability of a religion as a point of weakness in its veracity
All religions are malleable and change over time. There is not one religion in history that remained the same from its inception to today (or to its death if it’s a dead religion).

>> No.19146982

I mean to the extent of which it has today to conform to a globalized and liberal world. Gay marriage, abortion, immigration, interfaith dialogue, "we're all one", "we are the world, the children". You get the picture.

>> No.19146988

Just read early church father writings.

>> No.19146990

Social democracy and related phenomena are the sickly children of Christianity as developed by the Roman Catholic Church. If anything, the last shreds of pagan antiquity had to conform to it.

>> No.19147007

I suppose. It's just interesting to observe these Christians today who hold claim to a church they say hasn't changed when that is verifiably false. I don't know what church they are a part of, but most practicing adherents of it would look at them as if they had twenty heads, especially priests and higher clergy, including the infamous Bergoglio, pic related, of course.

>> No.19147030

Explain how the gesture depicted in this image deviates from the precepts of Christ as explicated in the Gospels and early Church Fathers.

>> No.19147053
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>Pope literally can't stop kissing feet wherever he goes
If he teamed up with Biden, they'd be unstoppable.

>> No.19147055

It honestly felt like a publicity stunt to me, considering how much of a hot button issue immigration is. Destabilizing Western countries through immigration doesn't exactly solve the problem of irreligiousness among the youth, it seems like there is something much different at play here.

>> No.19147078

Ironic considering the exact allegation against the Orthodox Church that you constantly hear from Catholics is that it’s stuck in the 8th century.

>> No.19147104

Sure, but, ceteris paribus, I don't understand how the image is in itself deviant from Christian teaching, which was my original question.

>> No.19147152

You're not wrong, I'm simply an outsider observing how modern Christians act in the face of a changing world. By the differences I mean more of the institution itself than anything. That being said, I think many people are a little quick to use the words of Jesus to justify things that clearly don't make much sense, but on the other hand, there are people who try and mix Christianity with 'racism' and end up getting insane looks from their fellow-Christians and their priests. That's sort of the phenomenon I'm after.

>> No.19147210

are you retarded? the catholic church spent most of its history embracing the monarchy, then made its official endorsement of corporatism and later fully embraced fascism as an extension of corporatism

>> No.19147234
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OP why did you make this thread if you are merely looking for books that will confirm a viewpoint you already possess? What possible use was there in making this thread, when you just want to read things that will tell you something you already believe?

>> No.19147239

And now the Catholic Church repents of its terrible mistakes. Which was the point of this thread, the malleability mentioned.

>> No.19147245

i mean, you literally answered your own question, the use of the thread is to find books that will explore ideas he is already interested in

why would YOU post this?

>> No.19147255

yes im 99% sure that political pressure has a lot to do with the church "repenting" after ww2 , i wouldn't be surprised if they were threatened with the end of the Vaticans sovereignty, or weren't asked at all and were simply infiltrated and subverted by other means

>> No.19147270
File: 26 KB, 323x400, saint-peter-damian-323x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the Church isn't a few short decades away from rejecting democracy again

You can already see it in the younger priests, in academic circles, in small circles of young Catholics. Francis and his generation are dying out and the Catholics that replace them will not share their ideas. These things are only talked about in small, exclusive circles right now, but we all know they won't stay there. The "Spirit of Vatican 2" will be a blip in the Church's 2000 year history. A brief moment when it looked like the Church was going to be cool with democracy and liberalism before the old ways resurfaced.

>> No.19147304

This is the faggiest thing I’ve read all week

>> No.19147330

The church has constantly been reformed throughout history. Priests being celibate was a medieval innovation, for example.

>> No.19147745

>Priests being celibate was a medieval innovation, for example.
St Paul wrote about priests being celibate

>> No.19147758

Most young catholics are normies. very few ascended autistics exist and they are marginalized. The church won't be saved.

>> No.19147761

Who gives a fucking shit you huge homo

>> No.19149219 [DELETED] 

the church def changed with vatican 2 from a project of salvation for a fallen mankind to an organization out to affirm all human dignity. somewhat similar and maybe some overlap but also very different missions. the church could easily do gay marriage, priest marriage, etc. but i think the line is abortion. if they condone abortion it's over. personally, i'm not even that opposed to abortion rights, but the church, new mission or old, cannot endorse that. that is one too far, but bergoglio is so eager to suck up to powerful american catholics that he wont call out pelosi or biden for promoting abortion. are there any other sins that if you happen to be a powerful enough politician you can get away with?

>> No.19149235

Holy cope....

>> No.19149336

catholic bros we got too cocky

>> No.19149501

"And from those who say, “We are Christians,” We took their covenant, but they neglected a portion of what they had been commanded to uphold. So We let hostility and enmity arise between them until the Day of Judgment, and soon Allah will inform them of all they have done." - Qur'an 5:14

>> No.19149539
File: 127 KB, 800x450, Pachamama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is fine.
>everything is fine.
>everything will go back to normal any day now.

>> No.19149593

You are going to go to hell.


>> No.19149851
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>> No.19149937

Holy cope. The Church has been trending progressive for the entirety of its history; it's not going to suddenly reverse.

>> No.19149952

I don’t understand sedevacantism. Presumably you are Catholic because you trust the religious authority of the Church to define correct belief. If you lose that trust, why believe any aspects of Catholicism at all? Where does it derive its authority? How does one verify that x claim is true?

>> No.19149955

>the catholic church spent most of its history embracing the monarchy, then made its official endorsement of corporatism and later fully embraced fascism as an extension of corporatism
Catholicism was against fascism. Also Catholics have supported social democracy traditionally in many places, as Benedict XVI said

>> No.19151757
File: 392 KB, 622x950, 20211001_084051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any books on how Vatican II contrasts from the entire history of the Catholic Church?
I'm glad you asked. Picrel is exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.19151759

You’re a retard

>> No.19151787

You're free to disprove what I just said, in fact, I want to be disproven.

>> No.19151949

>Hey, /lit/. Any books on how Vatican II contrasts from the entire history of the Catholic Church?
The complete Youtube channel of Don Minutella (pbuh).