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File: 93 KB, 1122x776, A2534D9A-D112-4E30-88C9-803C058EA262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19146260 No.19146260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I honestly don’t think I’ll ever have sex. I don’t know how it happens

>> No.19146266

Just download Grindr

>> No.19146267

Not my problem.

>> No.19146268

Your height, race, weight, and hair status. Let’s hear it. I’ll tell you if you have a chance.

>> No.19146270

you gotta get your penis hard and then put into a woman's vagina

>> No.19146279

Based, people who have sex can’t do philosophy correctly

>> No.19146282

I think about ordering up a suckboy off grindr to kneel under my desk so I can have both hands free to scroll (hetero) porn, and also have him bring me meth but I'm socially anxious

>> No.19146312

Don't think about sex, take the monkpill

>> No.19146315

Just say you're a straight guy searching for a twink hole to dominate. You will have dozens of offers.

>> No.19146324

Try posting on 4chan more. You never know.

>> No.19146325

Quebecois (European; Brown Hair and eyes)
Underweight (120lbs maybe)
Full head of hair, nice style

>> No.19146329

aiight little nigga, now turn around and show us that hole

>> No.19146332

You need to gain about 40 pounds, maybe more if we’re considering muscle gain.

Otherwise, you can do it.

>> No.19146336
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Women owe me sex

>> No.19146339

Based frog-poster.

>> No.19146343

Men who work hard and contribute to society genuinely deserve sex. Attractive women should be forced to fuck them. I’m not joking.

>> No.19146355

It's over

>> No.19146360

I'm a NEET and I deserve penis in vagina sex.

>> No.19146375

I've had sex before (with two women, separately), but I feel the same. I just don't see a sequence of events leading to me having sex happening ever again.

>> No.19146405
File: 84 KB, 736x736, 9ebf2c7d3c9804d7cc14ce3c86408a5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height, race, weight, and hair status
5'11/6'0 foot.
110 pounds
Long hair, over my shoulders.

>> No.19146430

You are all pretty much fucked because the first step is to function as a human being.
No, it is not genetics or money, that is nonsense incels tell themselves to avoid fixing their personalities.
The fact of the matter is that you are where you are because you have made poor choices, and the responsibility for them lies on you.

>> No.19146437

All men should be conditioned to ignore responses like this. It is just such a frustratingly stubborn denial of reality.

>> No.19146440

OP, is picrel you? If so, I find you attractive. But, full disclosure, I'm a gay man.

>> No.19146441

Finally a decent thread

>> No.19146455

Imagine actually believing that women have a responsibility to enjoy your company.
Your retard echo chamber is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.19146459
File: 6 KB, 225x225, random.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age 17:
"Damn everyone is having sex and it'll never happen to me"

>Age 19:
>My friends offer to pay me a whore so I lose my virginity and become more 'normal'. I literally stop talking to them forever, but I'm still convinced I'll never have sex.

>Age 21:
>Have sex for the first time. Date girl for about 2 years.

>Age 25
>Have sex with a different girl for the first time. Relationship lasts for like 6 months.

>Age 28:
>Start realizing it was really retarded to get in the rat maze macho posturing shit and every single second of my life wasted thinking about "muh gf" and "muh virginity" was a lost opportunity to do literally ANYTHING useful. Like seriously, anything would've been more productive, studying coding, working out, going to a fucking shrink. Anything.
>I can just go out and find a girl to fuck at this point. I'm more confident.
>Start flirting with girl I met a few years before.
>It actually works. I get suspicious that this girl looks too good to be accepting me so easily.
>Ask if she has STDs. Says no.
>After we have sex and we're relaxing she tells me how one or two years before her first boyfriend broke up with her and she decided to have sex with as many men as possible.
>Ask her if she really has no STDs including herpes and hpv. She says of course she has those, who doesn't? She says she thinks it's only on her mouth but she is not sure.
>Spend a few months getting tested for every STD possible, miraculously the condom saved me this time around.

>Age 30:
>Actually really really attractive girl wants to be with me. Not just attractive for me personally, but conventionally attractive.
>I legitimately don't feel like having sex all that much anymore. I used to fap 3 times a day in college, and now I fap once or twice every 6 months, if any.
>Completely disillusioned with sex, relationships. You couldn't pay me to date someone right now.
>Absolutely fucking broken.

Take what you will from this, OP. You're most likely gonna have sex at some point, and it most likely won't be the life changing experience you think it will be. I should've listened to people that told me this before, just like you should be listening to me now. If you're in your early 20's just spend this time building yourself a career, studying whatever it is you have to study. Sex will not fix anything. Let sex come when it comes, and try to have your life in order to actually be able to enjoy it.

>> No.19146465
File: 43 KB, 368x502, Xuyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory that sex requires a radical lapse in personal authenticity that some people are just not capable of. It requires a certain abandonment of the context of one's situation that only normies can do, because the defining characteristic of normies is to be completely unaware of their context and simply seek pleasure within it.

For those with a greater degree of awareness, sex becomes almost a laughable prospect in the face of the larger context of one's life - in the face of the inevitability of death and suffering, in the face of the fact that a relationship will never be the same after two people have sex, and in the face of the fact that the short and pointless pleasure of sex simply won't solve anything about the existential condition.

I say this as a non-incel chad who has in fact had sex before, even had women groveling on the floor at my door begging me to take them back, but I could never truly enjoy sex as such because I could never really immerse myself into the particular aspects of my experience to the sufficient degree to lose my sense of shame about the whole thing, or to lose my sense of time simply being wasted on trivialities.

This is to say nothing of the dishonesty involved in casual sex, which is so loaded with implication that the two partners will be "together forever" or some such notion, which is of course obviously false.

Xuyun, pic related, did not have sexual intercourse with any of his wives, and that is seen as a sign of his virtue. Why is that such an alien concept in our culture? Because our culture is not spiritually developed

>> No.19146473

why does this dogshit thread have twenty-five posts already this website sucks man

>> No.19146487

I'm a level 30 virgin, sex doesn't happen to everyone. I'm sad about it but not bitter.

>> No.19146505

bro, workout. nothing crazy, just do a basic calisthenics routine, eat some more and hit ottermode.

>> No.19146511

Sexlessness is not in itself a virtue. But killing eroticism, romantic impulses and the like is the most disgusting thing one can do, and it's mostly the "spiritual" we have to blame for this. It's inevitable, so they just subjugate it to God, making it imperfect because eros doesn't belong to him

>> No.19146522

>I have a theory that sex requires a radical lapse in personal authenticity that some people are just not capable of.
Sex requires penis in vagina. It's been this pretty much all the way back to unicellular life. You're overcomplicating.

All of what you said is still true, regardless of whether you have sex or not. Glorifying virginity, glorifying having sex, it's all arbitrary cope.

>> No.19146553


>> No.19146562

any books for this?

>> No.19146579

Would you like to be my gf(male)