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File: 193 KB, 1280x675, 0094D3CF-CF25-44BA-84FC-D5191067AE27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19144426 No.19144426 [Reply] [Original]

>character’s actions are explained with a mental illness

>> No.19144444

This photograph perfectly encapsulates growing old.

When I was younger, I could never conceive myself being too exhausted to do anything, yet I'm slowly but surely becoming an old man. I have to take breaks, my back is beginning to ache, I sweat too much, and I'm sure my dick will refuse to remain hard sooner rather than later.

Growing old is a drag.

>> No.19144451
File: 732 KB, 1378x844, 1632111345600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quints.

>> No.19144461

Hey, but you got quints.
I hear ya. We must cheerfully accept what comes with age as youth slips away though.

I see the picture also encapsulating the horrors of wage slavery. He’s probably a delivery guy, no?

>> No.19144469

Fuck off dyke.

>> No.19144537
File: 207 KB, 708x1060, B51DD0F0-C270-4542-B789-A26F2733C63F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, guess what

>> No.19144548

Stupid hag. This is a men's thread.

>> No.19144553

he just havin a rest

>> No.19144612

Start taking care of your blood pressure. Eat better and get on TRT

>> No.19144631
File: 183 KB, 720x1280, 1463467855811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid dyke enters thread
>dismissively acknowledges other poster's observation
>makes leap in logic to make some inane and hamfisted comparison to something she thinks she knows about
>proceeds to shitpost for (You)s

it's like pottery

>> No.19144703

Rent free holy shit none of that stuff hardly even happened.

>> No.19144712

why did you derail my thread with your weird grudge drama

>> No.19144729

>being this insecure

>> No.19144741

You're right in the sense butters can't fucking talk about anything that's not communism adjacent.
>The horrors of wage slavery
Eye roll.

>> No.19144793

At 40 I still bike 100 to 200 miles a week, it is my primary mode of transport and my only mode of transport other than my feet, and I work a physically demanding job. Sure I got aches and pains and feel the injuries of my youth, but you are just giving in because it is easy.

The bulk of the aches and pains of age are just caused by loss of muscle mass, letting the joints take the load. You stay active and don't let the muscle mass decrease and guess what, the muscles support the joints and much of the pain goes away. Stay active and quality of life does not decrease.

>> No.19145202

The Arabs believed youth ends at 40 so your determination phase has just started mate.

>> No.19145284

OP and butterfly believe I should be fat and sedentary by now. I feel fairly confident other peoples beliefs have nothing to do with my health.

>> No.19145404

I bike myself too. Around the city it has become my primary means of transport, but I'm still beginning to feel the aches. I'm thinking of signing up for a gym to more properly exercise other parts beyond my legs and heart.

>> No.19145449
File: 162 KB, 1200x1600, 1630264319546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this photo is now mine. i shall be adding it to the special folder for charming or interesting photos like this one. your objections will not be noted but i do have something for you. it might not be much but it's from that very folder.

>> No.19145457

What is the top picture supposed to be of? Do I even want to know?

>> No.19145832

Never said any such thing.

Some communal living experiment people willingly took part in versus holocaust prisoners

>> No.19145940

It's a shot from the film Black Coal Thin Ice

>> No.19146041

San Francisco pod living.
1200 USD a month.

>> No.19146069

I agree and don't agree. If someone actually wrote a subtle, realistic depiction of mental illness that works well in the story.
unfortunately, it never is, and if it is, then it was on accident.

>> No.19146083

>character’s actions are explained

>> No.19146094

Perfect case of seeing what’s inside, knew it.

>> No.19146732

>Some communal living experiment people willingly took part in
Which one is it?

>> No.19146743

They willingly chose not to be homeless I guess. Welcome to double-think.

>> No.19146813

So it's just a dormitory? It looks to me like one of those emergency things they set up after hurricanes or earthquakes

>> No.19146912

It's basically one of those communist workers houses with a fresh coat of paint, twitter users living there and a 1200$ monthly rent.

>> No.19147039

>please pay attention to mee

>> No.19147271

>proceeds to pay attention to her

>> No.19148007

>When I was younger, I could never conceive myself being too exhausted to do anything
Well i'm still "young", and it happens quiet a lot to me.

>> No.19148183

It takes time, I developed sever arthritis in my knees as a teenager as a result to injury, took a couple years of biking but now I barely notice my knees anymore, just some at season changes.

Since you think biking only exercises legs and heart it is safe to say that you are doing it wrong. Your core supports you, not your arms, people who bike a great deal have six packs for a reason and it is not because they are doing situps every morning, ab/back muscles get a great workout when you ride proper. Arms just stabilize. Go fixed gear, pick a gear ratio that makes you work, high rpm on the flats, struggling to get up the hills, down hill wants to throw you over the bars, it will get you into shape and work your entire body. Ignore what people say about rear breaks on fixed gear, they are great things and the best way to control speed since it trains your legs to pedal the same speed as the wheel is turning. Learn about fit and setup or have a bike shop take care of that and learn about proper riding posture.

Arms do miss out on the workout, they get enough to stay healthy but not much more. I took up wood working with hand tools to deal with that. Gyms depress me, I can get my workout why enjoying life.

>Never said any such thing.
You said we should cheerfully accept getting old, same thing. You go ahead and cheerfully end up essentially bed ridden for the last 20 years of your life, I am going to stay fit and active.

>> No.19148286

I'm no pro cyclist, but I've been riding for years. I have an old Italian 10 speed from the 80s that enjoy immensely. I really do need to find some specialized workouts for my back, though.

>> No.19148315

I feel like I know which movie this pic is from but I'm not sure

>> No.19148320

Seriously, try fixed gear, whole new level of work out. And stay in the saddle when you climb hills, if your bike actually fits you and is properly setup and you are not supporting yourself with your arms, your back and abs will get a work out. Your entire body will be like rubber and exhausted after a week of hard ridding on a fixed gear. Since your bike is from the 80s there is a good chance it has horizontal drop outs so you can just get a second chain and rear wheel to convert it to fixed.

Wood working with hand tools is great from the entire upper body including back, and unlike the gym it results in something more.

>> No.19148330

So is it a fucking dormitory or not?

>> No.19148345

I ain't riding no fixie, pal. I like my 10 speed and I always push myself when riding--even when I really shouldn't since I'll get all sweaty.

Wood working does sound like a nice hobby to pick up. I enjoyed redoing my deck this summer and could stand to learn more about building things with it.

>> No.19148369

>I ain't riding no fixie
Why not? This is an image thing, isn't it. No matter how much of a workout you think you are getting there is no comparison, there is a reason many pros use them for training. You will be surprised at how much you actually coast and how often your pedaling rate drops below that of the wheel rotation.

>> No.19148382

I use toe clips already and I don't coast unless I'm coming up to a stop/need to be going slow since there are pedestrians around. When I'm on the road I don't coast.

We invented freehubs for a reason.

>> No.19148417

it's not "communal"/"communist", it's just like a rented bed in some abandoned warehouse that rich kids pays 1200 a month for. basically a squat but gentrified

>> No.19148453

>We implement rules that we live by – such as 10pm quiet hours, no outside guests (we have enough roommates), and zero tolerance for bullying, drug use or inebriation
America needs to be destroyed

>> No.19148462

ngl looks comfy, but expensive

>> No.19148475

>We invented freehubs for a reason.
Yes, to make it easier, and fixed gears never stopped being made or used despite the invention of freehubs. On a coaster bike you get up to speed and then pedal slightly below rate so you are just putting in enough energy to maintain speed, you can not do that on a fixed gear. And I guarantee you also coast when cornering and probably when riding through bumps. With fixed gear your primary speed control are your legs, not brakes/coasting, you back pedal to slow, this takes great strength and the entire body, brakes are just for quick stops. You can never go faster than you can pedal, on a coaster this routinely happens and is essentially coasting. You don't know what you are talking about because you have never ridden them, from the standpoint of workout, there is no comparison between the two and toe clips are not even an approximation. Just admit that you are hung up on the fixie image and that is the real reason.

>> No.19148494

Based Suzuki

>> No.19148512

I just really don't like the practical limitations of a fixed gear bicycle. The whole "image" thing with fixies was 10 years ago.

>> No.19148632

>I just really don't like the practical limitations of a fixed gear bicycle.
Then why did you fixate on everything else? The practical limitations are gone after a month of regular riding. Anything under 20 miles is nothing, won't even notice it until you get up to about 40 mile rides, but you will notice how much easier gears are and how much less you work even when pushing yourself hard when you get back on that 10 speed. Gears are great and I would never go pure fixed, but there is no comparison between the two as far as workout is concerned, 20 miles of hard riding on a fixed gear is like 100 miles of hard riding with gears, 50 if you just left it in the same gear.
>The whole "image" thing with fixies was 10 years ago.
That does not mean you are not hung up on it.

>> No.19148772

all true. soiboys seething

>> No.19149391

t. someone in his late 20s

>> No.19149574

>low IQ 30-something fat tattooed dyed-hair retard karen who dresses like a teenage thot secretary is giggling and saying her "OCD was bothering her" about some dumb thing
>repeated herself 3 times
>no one laughed
imagine beliving in mental illness. it's just a fashion accessory label that low IQ women throw around like a zodiac sign. there is only 1 mental illness that is real and that is stupidity.

>> No.19149707

based diao poster

>> No.19149782

this movie was retarded. why did he hand the chick in instead of running off with her? did he just want to play detective and fug? did he set off all those fireworks for her? was it meant to be some cheesy romance at the end?
Chinese movies are weird

>> No.19149792

Nah, early 30s.

I really am aching a lot more despite being pretty active. Volunteered at a food pantry to make boxes of food for seniors ~2 weeks ago and I thought I was going to collapse from my slowly aching back.