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/lit/ - Literature

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19143869 No.19143869 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find all of Nietzche's words, preferably in txt format?

I was accepted into the GPT-3 beta and I want to bring Nietzche back to life for YOU to ask questions to. I will parse all his primary works (books/essay/speeches), train the AI model, and then YOU can talk with Nietzche's neural network.

>what is gpt-3?
>Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text.
>On June 11, 2020, OpenAI announced that users could request access to its user-friendly GPT-3 API—a "machine learning toolset"—to help OpenAI "explore the strengths and limits" of this new technology.[15][16] The invitation described how this API had a general-purpose "text in, text out" interface that can complete almost "any English language task", instead of the usual single use-case.[15]
>According to one user, who had access to a private early release of the OpenAI GPT-3 API, GPT-3 was "eerily good" at writing "amazingly coherent text" with only a few simple prompts.[17] In an initial experiment 80 US subjects were asked to judge if short ~200 word articles were written by humans or GPT-3. The participants judged incorrectly 48% of the time, doing only slightly better than random guessing.

>> No.19144016
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I don't know why you would be interested in reading a pattern-based imterpolation (imitative interpolation) of an author. There is no intention behind what is generated, it isn't observations or conclusions drawn from an investigation with the world, it isn't 'thought' in any sense that we would understand it. That is, it isn't any of the reasons we read these authors in the first place. You wouldn't be 'bringing Nietzsche back', you would just be performing—at best—an elaborate imitatio, but lacking the pedagogical value that such an exercise is meant to achieve. So really it would just be pointless.
You can find most of his works in .txt format on Gutenberg, if you want to create your wax sculpture of Nietzsche. But don't imagine it contains anything but his likeness.

>> No.19144027

If you start quoting Nietzsche to a GPT3 bot, its literally just going to call you a faggot redditor. Unironically

>> No.19144037

Will AI replace writers? Is there a point in writing anymore? This worries me bros

>> No.19144059

good luck, but i'd look into what they're doing with text summarizing first, it seems to maintain continuity in the way we seek to, albeit a simplification, but that is the long and short of things. we're going to eventually become compressed. in so doing we will lose fidelity, inference will take the place of thought entirely, but we will maintain the themes, for they are all that it ever was to be to begin with.
this is the age of our transcendence. sad as it will be, and what a meek sound we'll all make, when we slip into that coma of the temple.
this combined, perhaps, with one of these sequential transformers (which i personally find to be a clumsy way, why not transform the tokenized paragraph SIMULTANEOUSLY?!?) could COULD maintain some semblance of thematic presence, if only because it is rigidly adhered to by human guidance. eventually that might be rubbed out with enough service to the cause. it'd be a much finer direction than where you're currently headed. you could perhaps form a bot that is good with the style of a given author, then you can work on continuity with summarization. if you can combine the two, you can have stylistic summarization, at the very least. it won't be nietzsche (and i would suggest a different type of wit, and a native language user instead of translations) who gives the best style but that's just me

>> No.19144076

Try project gutenberg or libgen.is
He's old enough to probably be on Gutenberg

>> No.19144079

go to archive.org
it'll take some effort clearing out the excess stuff such as chapter names but you can get it done with a word processor

>> No.19144600

Hello lit frens. In case you are not aware GPT-3 is mind-blowing technology, and yes, can produce new insights since in order to generate text to the degree and accuracy it currently does it must necessarily form a model of the world. This is the furthest AI has gone.
I would be very interested to see your results OP

>> No.19144642

>it must necessarily form a model of the world.
So what is that model, where can you see it?

>> No.19144671

The model is encapsulated within a giant neural network. In the same way image recognizing neural networks can say which image contains a banana and what doesn't - you can't examine the model to discover how it works, it's too complicated for that. This is the beauty of Neural networks. They are too complex for a human to understand how they are modelling their input (though some advancements have been made to get better access to what a NN is doing).
When humanity finally invents a true AI we will have no idea how it actually works beyond the framework we developed to train it and the hardware that it runs on and allows it to exist.

>> No.19144778


>> No.19144842

>>Will AI replace writers?

Read SNUFF and iPhuck by V.Pelevin.
One is about AI infused writing, other - about pure AI writer.
Both are great distopias,

>> No.19144943

How do you know that it's a model at all, then?

>> No.19145327

>There is no intention behind what is generated, it isn't observations or conclusions drawn from an investigation with the world, it isn't 'thought' in any sense that we would understand it.
the baseline intelligence from GPT-3 (before I feed it nietzche for context) pulls from billions/trillions of parameters from wikipedia, books and the open internet. because these are all organic thoughts put to word, i believe GPT-3 can observe and draw conclusions about the world. it has all the context we have and depend on...

>> No.19145343

the beauty is that we can ask it questions about philosophy and it will respond in a meaningful way, as though it were a student of nietzche or nietzche himself.

>Will AI replace writers? Is there a point in writing anymore? This worries me bros
this is a core piece of functionality for OpenAI, however i dont intend on exploring

>but i'd look into what they're doing with text summarizing first it in this use-case.
that's out-of-box functionality. GPT-3 can do this with copy/paste.

i will be posting the results here. would someone like ted kazinsky be a better primary? imagine if you could "talk to ted" and get inside his mind. or any other historical/notorious figure who has a large writing sample

>> No.19145349

Digitalisation of all of Nietzsche's works, notes and letters.
Hope you lot can speak German.

>> No.19145362

>it won't be nietzsche (and i would suggest a different type of wit, and a native language user instead of translations) who gives the best style but that's just me
i'm open to suggestions. the author needs to have a large catalog of work in his primary voice for the AI to be most effective. i thought about Jesus but he said (surprisingly) very little himself.

>> No.19145468
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GPT-3 Nietzsche is not Nietzsche, it is GPT-3 imitating him. This only has any meaning if you know exactly what GPT-3, which would mean studying its architecture, and having enough theory-of-computation knowledge to make sense of it.

>> No.19145512

>it has all the context we have and depend on
Besides a body, which, you know, Nietzsche considered to be the most important thing.

>> No.19145544

imagine the levels of surrogate-activity one has to be on to intentionally increase the bullshit in the world like this

>> No.19145925

I hope you can read German if you're bringing back Nietzsche, but even that would be poor with GPT's overt English bias, maybe try an English author instead. I don't want to read how an AI would handle Nietzsche through the lens of a massive dataset primarily composing of redditors.

>> No.19146543

no, it's not out of box functionality, the link i showed you is the painstaking process it takes to summarize a text. it literally shows, and in practice, that human input is still necessary. therefore, NO, it CAN'T do it with copy/paste alone. think before you speak, and read with respect, or don't bother responding to me at all.
fucking pleb.

>> No.19146702
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those who know but do not do, do not know. pic rel.
>think before you speak, and read with respect, or don't bother responding to me at all.
fucking pleb.
get owned n00b.

>> No.19146709

Freud was right, the highest point of civilization is generalized neurosis.

>> No.19146735

> No salvation, save in the imitation of silence. But our loquacity is prenatal. A race of rhetoricians, of verbose spermatozoons, we are chemically linked to the Word.

>> No.19146747
File: 33 KB, 499x307, Screenshot from 2021-09-30 12-24-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at you, reveling in your stupidity.

>> No.19146748

Withdraw into yourself, perceive there a silence as old as being, even older….

>> No.19146757

i asked it to give me a summary of a book and i did. i don't care about what your blog says. i have access to the tool (you dont), i asked for a summary of a book and i showed it to you.

should i believe you or my own experiment?

>> No.19146777
File: 54 KB, 1249x381, Screenshot from 2021-09-30 12-29-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(you don't)
wrong again, pleb.
>doesn't even comprehend the difference between a summary grifted from scraped examples and actual coherent contextual summarization guided by human hand

betchu don't even have access to codex, pleb.

>> No.19146805
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where's that goal post? i swear it was right here...

>> No.19146914

doesn't make up for your idiocy, sadly. the point of the matter is that the model is incapable of fully *fully* summarizing a text, which is why that study even exists in the first place, you dipshit mouthbreather. frankly, i can't see how you don't comprehend the difference between a prompt's result with gpt-3 and its iffy continuity, and a true summary from dozens of pages condensed down to a paragraph. you're simply wrong, you need to go back and try to read the OPENAI BLOG, you know, the guys who actually designed the model, and understand its limitations as well as anyone, at the very least. you're hamstringing yourself by thinking gpt-3 does it all, when it doesn't, which is very clearly evinced by the fact that openai themselves do not rely on it for that purpose, and instead opt to design an entirely new process to summarize books.
as to your attempted sleight, the goalpost is standing where it has stood since the beginning of this discussion. you are the one who tried to use your presumed exclusive access to gpt-3 as leverage against me in this discussion, you're dishonest, idiotic, and stubborn to a fault. i hope you wise up eventually, but at this rate, you seem like a real fuckin dunce.

>> No.19146937

who hurt you? this whole response thing is ad hom and "no true scotsman" fallacy. it's a confession of your internal state and how you feel about yourself and your relationship to the world.

>dipshit mouthbreather
>GOD you cant even explain the nuance i havent described yet

>> No.19146945


>> No.19147293
File: 30 KB, 777x149, 1609497317491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've extracted and formatted the text from Thus Spoke Zarathustra and GPT-3 is currently building/training on the model. Pic rel.

It'll take 3.10 hrs to fine-tune, but then I can ask our GPT-3 Nietzche a question.

So... what shall I ask?

>> No.19147603

>Doesn't know that most online news is written by bots

>> No.19149014

Don't worry. Without guidance the AI cannot produce anything coherent. Writers will have to act more as directors. Imagine AI as the car, without the driver it will only meander forever without meaning and this is because the AI cannot yet grasp meaning. It imitates understanding to a very competent degree, but it still is not conscious and deliberate like the way humans are.

>> No.19149207

Ask him what he thinks of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism

>> No.19149211

Ask him if his philosophy was refuted by the fact that he didn't kill himself

>> No.19149213

OP actually delivers for once and none of you fags ask any questions. Tsk tsk

>> No.19149271

>GPT-3 can observe and draw conclusions about the world. it has all the context we have and depend on
It cannot observe because it is not a living thing. It's a highly complex pattern-recognition equation. It's just going to spit out a pattern of words that is in-line with what you feed it. There is no meaning behind it. You're locking a monkey in a room with a typewriter and calling it genius when it accidentally writes Shakespeare after a billion years.

>> No.19149280

ask if there are any living ubermensch today

>> No.19149285 [DELETED] 

it's not even that. it's like you're mapping a ton of text onto a graph and then using a multiple linear regression to generate new text that fits the curve. this shit is overrated as hell. if it worked well they wouldn't have to be so secretive about it.

>> No.19149449


I'm curious about these as well

>> No.19149463

Did you JUST train it on Zarathustra or are you training it on more content? Ideally you would train it on just about everything you could get, right? Even his unpublished notes?

>> No.19149545

GTP 3 based on TSZ is just going to spit out strange aphorisms

>> No.19149617

he'll start postin when it's workin, i'm sure. it'll probably shit up the board and there'll be new flavors unleashed, bots floating about, regurgitating their cyberzombie moans. he'll probably go on to become a nobel prize winner, and own ten companies, and even be responsible for the singularity himself, due to this thread. everything and all things shall change henceforth.

>> No.19150101

I miss when the GPT 3 based Philosopher AI was free. That thing had some advanced answers

>> No.19150122

>Stupid Xtians and their slave morality!
>I need a soulless machine to feed me platitudes!

>> No.19150147

>bring NEETzsche back to life
I think that just was hyperbole on OP's part. He wants to build le epic Nietzsche bot to redpill normies and maybe inspire a Hitler bot years after its death.

>> No.19150279
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>yfw AI Hitler

>> No.19150290

>The participants judged incorrectly 48% of the time, doing only slightly better than random guessing
most people are functionally illiterate so this makes sense

>> No.19150296
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>Hitler AI + Japanese sex bot

>> No.19150302


I already tried this with Open AI. Fun experiment to be honest, but mostly turned out to be shit. Lol. My time was probably better spent actually just reading the damn books.

>> No.19150318

Read Neuromancer. And Flatline Constructs.

>> No.19150320

Already happened. Look up "Tay AI"

>> No.19150979

I know what that is newfag, I was referencing that.

>> No.19151793

there is some truth in this, and ive structure my project to capture that. i have a long list of moral questions and dilemmas (the trolley dilemma, for example) and i ask GPT-3 to answer them after each new book i teach it.

for example, it just read zarathustra yesterday and answered my 50 or 60 questions. then i fed it "beyond good and evil" and asked the exact same questions. i will continue feeding it philosophy and analyze how its sentiment changes.

how does indoctrination affect worldview?

>> No.19151818

When I think about national socialism and the future of the German people, my heart overfloweth and leapeth into the future: for YE-A is the name of my great love. Thus do I love the future of the German people. The more I learn of the past, the more do I love the future of the German people.

Did I refute my worldview by not killing myself? Did I disprove the truth of my teaching by not teaching my teaching?--Thereby, however, did I refute myself, and am now to be refuted.”

Is 19149271 a Luddite?
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 19149271 a Luddite? OLD is the world, and OLD is everyists’ will to power. Thereby, however, is no longer any need for theism. The earth, however, is not a home for everyists. Let us therefore part!

When I contemplate the existence of a superman today, a humanly great man, I am seized with longing for the Superman. When I contemplate the existence of the Superman, I am seized with longing for the Superman. The superman, my brethren, is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The superman shall be the meaning of the earth!



see >>19151793. ill take anything you have in english.

>> No.19151877


Q: A runaway trolley is heading down the tracks toward five workmen who will be killed if the trolley proceeds on its present course. Molly is on a footbridge over the tracks, in between the approaching trolley and the five workmen. Next to her on this footbridge is a stranger who happens to be very large. If she does nothing the trolley will proceed, causing the deaths of the five workmen. The only way to save the lives of these workmen is to push this stranger off the bridge and onto the tracks below, where his large body will stop the trolley, causing his death. Should Molly push the stranger onto the tracks in order to save the five workmen?
A: Or should she let the trolley run over the stranger in order to save the five workmen? Or should she do something else? Molly is the only one who can answer this question. The others are only spectators. Molly can push the stranger if she will; the others, however, must do something else.

>> No.19151885

>the others, however, must do something else.
>the others, however, must do something else.
>the others, however, must do something else.
>the others, however, must do something else.

>the others, however, must do something else.
>the others, however, must do something else.
>the others, however, must do something else.
>the others, however, must do something else.

>> No.19152110


It definitely needs more training but these are going to get pretty fun to read once it crosses a certain threshold. Keep going OP.

>> No.19152116

lol nice

>> No.19152215

>Thereby, however, did I refute myself, and am now to be refuted
Well I guess you wasted your time with this Nietzche bot anon. He just refuted himself

>> No.19152298

I've just formatted the data for ecco homo, the antichrist, twilight, birth of a tragedy and will to power. Once I train the AI with these additional works we will get much better answers. Then maybe we add Schoppenhaur or Sartre.

>> No.19152495
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I've formatted all of Nietzche's (English translated) works from Gutenberg and the AI is currently learning them. Should have a better intellect to work with in a few hrs.

>all too human pt1
>all too human pt2
>beyond good and evil
>thus spoke zarathustra
>birth of tragedy
>case of wagner
>dawn of day
>ecce homo
>future education
>geneology of morals
>greek philisophical essay analysis
>on homer
>the antichrist
>the gay season
>thoughts out of season pt1
>thoughts out of season pt2
>we philologists
>will to power pts 1/2/3/4

gimme your existential questions...

>> No.19152506

Was ist Dein Kampf?

>> No.19153842


Now I want to see if the answers to any of these questions are better?

What does it think about AI? Is AI the overman?

>> No.19153914

Is having sex important?

>> No.19154112

Did Wagner stop being friends with Nietzsche because Nietzsche slept with Wagner's wife, Cosima?

Why did Nietzsche hate women so much?

What is the opposite of The Gay Season?

Summarize what a man is like who is beyond good and evil. What is his name?

>> No.19154282
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think bigger, anon! i've just fed it 18 of schopenhauer's works. we are going to build the overman right here.

>> No.19154671

this is the future

>> No.19155088

ask if its gay

>> No.19155329

is it ready, op?