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/lit/ - Literature

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19143818 No.19143818 [Reply] [Original]

Is unironically a fantastic sub. It would be even better with some /lit/izens regularly appearing on it, because most redditors cant write for jack shit. This is explicitly NOT a call for raiding the site or anywhere else, so jannies, relax.
All I am saying is that where as most of reddit usually sucks, r/WritingPrompts is actually good. They just provide basic writing prompts, then you leave a short story or excerpt reply in the comments. Everybody votes on your work and comments. Its good shit.
How do you feel about it, and does anybody wanna go do a little writing over there tonight?
We cant really mimick that format due to the way chans are formatted.

>> No.19143821

ok what's going on here

>> No.19143826

why would I have a reddit account
just bring over a prompt and we'll write to it. I have time

>> No.19143838

Been wondering when the next raid was gonna come, was starting to think it was never gonna come.

>> No.19143841

Well, we can try it here, but youd have to fuckin make a new post every time you want to put up a writing prompt. Half the catalog would be writing prompts.
Maybe we could mimick it if we had a separate board for it. I dont see why not, theres like 4 boards set up for subtopical discussion on fuckin video games.
So cry to mom and dad (hiroshimoot) about it and maybe we can get a /litprompt/ board.

>> No.19143857

>first three posts
>zombies, demons, aliens
Don't know what I was expecting, but no thanks.

>> No.19143861

We already have writing generals

>> No.19143870

Where wtf
Im such an oldfag that I have gone full circle and become a newfag
Oh you mean writing general threads on /lit/?
Yeah, its a horrible way to go about it. A board would be far superior.

>> No.19143876

Theres a lot of bad ones but there are good ones. Dont be so quick to dismiss stuff

>> No.19144211

You're attacking my only quality. My very existence is in danger.

>> No.19144298

there's no need for a board just some sort of etiquette.
Something similar to how draw threads work on /b/ and the /mu/ makes a song stuff.
Instead of requesting someone draw something based on their premise you add to the story.

for instance:
I pulverize my grandfather's genitalia with the working end of a broken bottle...

... my grandfather slowly bleeds out as I stand over his pitiful wrinkly mass as the light leaves his eyes and the color from his paper thin skin.

>> No.19144590

Just make a mega thread. People can post Promts then you can just reply to the ones that you like

>> No.19145414

>board just some sort of etiquette.
this. yet
>grandfather's genitalia
teeenage anus-pilled agony must be transcended. we are no longer pimpled incels we are literally big guys (aka men) with strong aura (future mana).

>> No.19145419

Just from reading this comment I can tell that you will never be a writer

>> No.19145469

>Im such an oldfag that I have gone full circle and become a newfag
ouroborial. you should write a story about that: death and rebith.