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19142633 No.19142633 [Reply] [Original]

I've seen a "resurgence" of it on that site and very related twitterspheres but it all seems like fake posturing, did someone popular publish something big about it to have a lot of new adepts? I thought it was always lowkey given that to my understanding it is an ethnic religion which perhaps concerned about less than 10k people worldwide.

pic unrelated, I'm in a new computer so no funny pics.

>> No.19142658
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>is ___ reddit?

>> No.19142793
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It’s yet another attempt for alienated Westerners to fill the void in their soul following the death of God. They strive for a religion or worldview that will give them meaning or fulfillment, or bring them a new comforting teleological metanarrative, or reason not to kill themselves, but their LARPs will always ring hollow. They can’t believe anything. This is fundamentally what the pagan revival attempts are at the core. They realize they need meaning and religion so they try everything under the sun, but never find what they’re looking for. It’s pathetic to watch.

>> No.19142863

Zoroastrianism was not an ethnic religion during Sassanian empire. Attempts were made to convert the Armenians, Chinese, and a couple of others. Parsee only became ethnic exclusionists due to an ancient deal with an Indian king who promised to let them flee from Muslims and live on Hindu lands. Some of the oldest Zoroastrian scriptures were found in China, written in Sogdian.
There are certain aspects of Zoroastrianism that appeal to me more than Abrahamic religions, such as its emphasis on purification rather than repentance, but many Iranians who become interested in the religion are involved in a psychological operations to modernize and pozz the country. Many intelligence agencies use Zoroastrianism to push for "secular views" when in fact much of the based persecution elements present in Abrahamism, such as killing impure homosexuals, derive from Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrianism is not compatible with the liberal mentality even though you see a lot of pozzed Iranians embrace it because of muh Cyrus.

>> No.19142898

thx for the insight

>> No.19142947

I think this sums it up. Novel religion, interesting philosophy, its very existence makes Jews seethe, but it doesn't really posit any kind of actual opposition to Liberalism and every schizo """""""""""far-right"""""""""" Zoroastrian, like Reza Negrostani, openly admits that once they take back Iran they're just going to do Liberalism.

>> No.19142961

What's its appeal supposed to be exactly? It's just an old monotheistic religion with a hard Good vs. Evil distinction and not much else interesting.

>> No.19143025

>>19142947 #
You mean Jorjani. Negarestani is a schizo too, but not Zoroastrian (more ironic Druze/sincere Neo-Confucian) and he’s actually intelligent and worth reading.

I haven’t noticed this phenomenon, OP, but I come from a Zoroastrian background so maybe I just don’t notice it. If anything, I’ve always thought Zoroastrianism and its influence on the West have been overlooked by most scholars and laypeople alike. Most people don’t know that paradise/heaven, the apocalypse, the resurrection of the flesh, and monotheism in general (that’s a more contentious claim in terms of influence but Zoroastrianism is not a dualism and it does predate Isaiah and properly monotheistic Judaism) originate with Zoroastrianism. Or that Heraclitus lived in Persian Ephesus and preferred Zoroastrian rule to Greek rule or that Anaxagoras was tried and condemned on suspicion of being a Zoroastrian, etc.

I’d recommend reading the Bundahisn. It’s one of the more fascinating religious texts I’ve ever read. Zoroastrians had a lot of ontological and philosophical texts in antiquity, but ancient sources report that Alexander destroyed most of them at Persepolis.

>> No.19143055


>> No.19143094

You're right, I am. Honestly, they just blurred together in my head and this is the first time I've been forced to consider that they aren't just one guy. I would agree that it's interesting how understudied Zoroastrianism is, however. Even among Indo-Europeanists it seems like they just mine it for words and, at most, discuss the possibilities of some kind of nebulous "pre-Zoroaster" Iranic religion (and whether or not such a thing could meaningfully exist as a separate religion).

Also, I suppose I should be fair to Zoroastrianism and correct my previous statement: while a true Zoroastrian state would obviously be illiberal, Zoroastrianism doesn't exactly have an institution that is actively working against Liberalism. The Iranian Theocracy does, as does for example North Korea, in comparison.

>> No.19143103

I only know about this because of Freddie Mercury so it must be based. Whats wrong with being based?

>> No.19143156

You're Japanese cyberpunk photography is even more reddit though.

>> No.19143172

Maybe some are a little too young to remember, but back in the 90's, Buddhism was the big rage. Free Tibet, meditation and talks of spirituality was the ostentatious show then amongst the liberal minded. I'll give the christcucks credit where credit is due: most atheists are as spiritually inclined as their theists counterparts, as much they have stated; always seeking salvation from the material, in one form or the other.

>> No.19143338

Are you just entirely atheist/materialist?