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19139299 No.19139299 [Reply] [Original]

I am writing a book about a bunch of dudes just hanging out over the course of about a year, all told from the main character's perspective. I have a decent amount of content but I'm looking for some setpieces.

Does anyone have stories of weird incidents that happened while hanging out with your friends in private or in public?

>> No.19139386

One time when at Dunkin Donuts at midnight my friend and I were approached by a very weird “Vietnam vet” who was asking if I could give him a ride across town. The reason I used quotes is because he introduced himself by saying “Yeah I’m a Vietnam vet”, which les me to doubt his credibility. He became pissed off when I told him I wouldn’t give him a ride, and he said I must hate America since I didn’t want to support one of our veterans. I just shrugged and said “I guess so”. He ended up walking to a different table and bothering some other people and my friend and I left.

>> No.19139390

Anon are you asking me to write your book for you.

>> No.19139391
File: 57 KB, 640x474, rippen 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

>> No.19139392

daily reminder that big lenny is the main character and we're all just irrelevant side characters

>> No.19139400
File: 981 KB, 1538x2476, 918aG25s4OL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dickens did it.

>> No.19139402

black guy has ascites and is going to die soon / dead

>> No.19139406

>black guy

>> No.19139419

I went clubbing with my friends one night, it was someone’s birthday, someone from the other side of the group, or maybe it was someone’s girlfriend, I can’t remember who.
It was a good night, myself and six others decided to get 2 bags each and we all did mescaline covered gummies.
Great night, until the end of the night came and we found those bicycles that you pay for, we broke the interlock mechanism on them and rode them around the city. But then some deformed fucking mutant cunt, a total abortion of gods vision accosts me for money. I don’t know the gender of this creature. It was once human, but this fucking thing, holy shit. It starts screeching at me for money. So i gave it $1.30 and it ran off. We may or may not have assaulted the thing but probably leave that out of your little book okay

>> No.19139961


>> No.19140138

>I'm writing a King of the Hill novel
Boy I tell you hwat

>> No.19141317

>Be me,
>suckered into going out w some friends to a creepy abandoned bunker
>out late at night
>its right on the ocean and waves are making it loud as hell
>prefect setting for a creepy happening
>friend 1 going on about place is haunted blah blah blah
>youre probably expecting me to tell a paranormal skinwalker tier story
>im not
> friend 1 keeps trying to scare us
>he really starys pissing off friend 2 with his wanna be spooky cringe
> he ends up slipping and falling into a upside down gumdrop shaped concrete pit used for artilary or something
> literally no way out of the pit as the sides are smooth concrete
>he crying and friend 2 just starts to leave. Apparently pissed off about friend 1 behavior
>chilling moment as im listening to my adult male friend crying in a pit with an echo like a little baby
> friend 2 leaving w flashlight and wont listen to me. Getting way too serious
>friend 1 has not said anything still just crying down there
> look down using phone light his bone is sticking out of his leg.
> i go pale, not to be bitch, but it was gruesome you had to be there
>friend 2 still walking out of woods with only glashlight
>friend 1 must be in shock wont respond
>go to friend 2 tell him he down there he needs help
> friend shoves me over, acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum and flat out leaves. Friendship never the same after that
>I dont wanna call 911 cause we are trespassing big time, you have to go thru edge of military base and friend 1 got us on base using DoD ID.
> I panic and just leave
> friend1 died down there bros
>I literally to this day cannot liev w what happened.
So shut the fuck up about spooky stories w friend OP and suck a dick
If you saw it you would have panicked too. Literally most gory sight I ever saw. He basically walked into an inverted building 30ft or so
It was on base news as he went out alone drunk.
Fuck me

>> No.19141353

sounds retarded, why not get him out or report it (even anonymously), do you have priors?

>> No.19141386

Link news article

>> No.19141543

which country?

>> No.19141597

Here's what you got to do:
Have the group of friends call themselves something catchy like "The Boys" or "The Gang" or "The Boy's Gang".
Then, here's the clincher, have them talk about in-group out-group dynamics, as groups of men are want to do.

>> No.19141650

To explain why the other anon laughs at you, the “black man” is actually a white man that has painted himself that color for aesthetic purposes related to body building. His name is “Big Lenny” and he consumes massive amounts of anabolic substances, causing his current bloated predicament. It is likely due at least in part to human growth hormone abuse, or “HGH gut”, very common to those who use it. As with many substance abusing bodybuilders, he could also have ascites due to the steroids/HGH causing cancer and or ruining his liver.

>> No.19141771

One time I went to a shady Burger King and there was this stoned Hispanic gangbanger laughing at Judge Judy on the TV. I started laughing too and he pointed at the TV and said "Man can you believe dat bitch, man?" and I was like "I know!" We shot the shit for like an hour after that. I bought him a second Whopper and he gave me $10, never saw him again.

>> No.19141861

Not my story but it's one my cousin told me he experinced (showed me proof too)
>He his friend 1 and friend 2 are near the outside of a major city
>It's an average suburb with houses that are facing forward towards a park
>It was late cold night and their was some heavy fog due to the city's pollution
>Making the whole area look like Silent Hills
>The three friends are just walking and talking past the playset at the park when a man slides down one of the kiddie slides
>"OH shit"
>They all looked at him due to the noise and saw that the man was completely naked , chisled but skinny type figure, and was holding a revolver
>They learned very quickly that he was cocaine addict
>They all start running away as he starts shooting bullets whizzing past their torsos, as they run towards an underpass for the high way
>They all hide at the top of the underpass where's theirs some sand that they're laying on
>They start to talk about what to do escape when a bullet mere inches away from my cousins nose hits the sand
>Guy was pretty far away and just shot without knowing where they were
>It was pure chance that it came that close near his head
>One of the friends somehow recognized the revolver and they all counted the bullets to make sure they got their math correct
>They came to conclusion that the addict had to reload
>They then all ran towards their car while the addict just stayed and watched while he was having trouble reloading

>> No.19141939


Totally unremarkable

>> No.19141948


rip janoy
rip big lenny
rip big richard
rip prince andrew
rip coath andrew
FUCK rich piana
FUCK knee wrap nate
FUCK gideon

long live the misfits

ok peace bye

>> No.19141966

Super weird guys like that are never the main characters though, always side characters.

>> No.19141974

Bullshit. Lifting is hella based no cap.

>> No.19141994

where does a naked man carry his bullets?

>> No.19142018


>> No.19142026

>fuck Rich Piana
Shoo shoo goblin

>> No.19142130

I have no idea, maybe his ass or mouth

>> No.19142152

I forgot to mention that my cousin and his friends were incredibly drunk that night so some of it may be skewed. He also showed me a picture of the police report that he gave and when I drove past the area he talked about the playground had police tape surrounding it. Whether you believe me or not ,what he told me no matter how weird or illogical the event was, the most basic facts are defintley true

>> No.19142229

One time me and my friends got invited to a party out in the woods. It was immediately suspicious because random guys would come up to us and ask us if we wanted to box. Then the girl who invited us alerted us that they were planning to beat us up so we high tailed it out of there, and the majority of the party goers started chasing after the car, pounding on it and jumping on it as we made our escape.

Another time, my friend took us out to the "Rainbow Gathering" which is like a traveling group of homeless people that trade drugs for material goods. We all bought some mescaline and started a wild 20 hour trip. It was pretty chill, we were hanging out with some dudes with names like "Little Treefoot" and "Barbaro Baggins", when an altercation broke out and one of the bums was thrown into a fire by several of his clansmen. Our pleasant psychedelic's journey turned into sheer paranoia as we thought we were going to be killed. A friend had to drive out and pick us up. Really disturbing at the time, at one point I remember thinking the nuclear holocaust was about to occur.

Another, mildly amusing story, me and my friends were on a boat with a few girls. One of the girls got super drunk and was flirting and making out with everyone. But then not much later she got very nauseas and started throwing up everywhere on the little jet boat. It was remarkably disgusting.

>> No.19142593

Once when I was a teenager me and the lads were all hanging out and on guy heard his car alarm start going off. He ran to see what it was and returned with his knife out saying "dude, I'm not even lying I would've killed someone if they were trying to steal my car" that friend later went on to get addicted to DXM and tried to murder his girlfriend and parents in a Shining style attack. You probably already have the characters thought out but I think having someone with the potential for real violence and throwing little warning signs out there might be interesting if pulled off properly

>> No.19142656

>Pick up girls at shitty little bar on my Harley.
>There's a motorcycle club next door, private club.
>A couple of the biker dudes talk me up, we talk shop.
>They want me to bring these two girls with me to their club.
>I decline at first, but get increasingly hammered.
>The girls are already gone by the time they talk me into it.
>Decide to check it out anyways, even though one guy is a skinny Kevin Bacon-looking crackhead and the other is French.
>Go through the door.
>Nice place, lots of fancy shit, but nobody is inside except a few guys, all in patched vests.
>Bartender takes one look at me and immediately slaps a shotgun on the table, freaking out about the "members entrance," I have no fucking clue what's happening, but stand there frozen.
>Kevin Bacon and the Frenchman say I'm cool, I have a Shovelhead outside.
>Bartender still pointing a shotgun at me.
>Finally he relents, and asks, "Are you a cop?"
>"Okay. Good enough for me. Next time, use the non-members entrance and buzz in."
>"Well, what will you have?"
>Whatever you got.
>He gives me a beer, but has full bar service.
>Room is still uncomfortable, but I'm hammered, so whatever.
>Guy in the back is like 6'5 and eyeballing me like he wants to kill me.
>They're watching Naked Dating on this little shitty CRT, chuckling to themselves.
>News brief comes on at some point with Obama.
>One guy says, "That nigger ain't so bad."
>The others agree.
>Leave after two beer, and Kevin Bacon and the Frenchman want to hang out at their place.
>I agree.
>It's under a building construction, bare studs, sheets of plastic, etc.
>I don't believe they live there, but sure enough, there are a couple mattresses in the room best protected by elements.
>Kevin Bacon starts smoking crack and offers me some.
>I decline, but take some whiskey instead.
>Leave shortly after, and drive home drunk, so drunk I almost run into the fence by my building trying to park.
>Never go back.

>> No.19142664

I forgot to mention that the non-members entrance is like an airlock or some shit with multiple reinforced doors. No idea why.

>> No.19142725

I was sitting in the back of a bubble tea café with my best friend and some girl (we were all about 17 years of age back then) was also sitting there, waiting alone. We began to talk and it turned out it was a guy with a really fucking convincing androgynous face. I was a bit repulsed but also fascinated because while he was clearly a faggot he could also talk in a girl's voice and you would believe he was a girl if you didn't know better. He also did some pretty good imitations of Pikachu and openly admitted he was a fag when my best friend asked.
We left afterwards without exchanging numbers even though we both thought he'd made a great friend. I somehow can't forget that guy 4 years later even though I'm 100% heterosexual and won't ever date a femboy. I know it sounds retarded but I can swear it really happened.

>> No.19142973

We all tripped balls on acid for Christmas. Played with a piece of tinsel off the xmas tree which looked like a 0 dimensional mirror strip. Then we went for a walk around the neighborhood at 1 am in the snow.

Went on week-long raft trip. My friend chased and caught a gosling with his hands. Went spelunking in the cliffs above the river.

Week long backpacking trips into mountains. Ran out of food and ate fish and berries.

Friend crashed his car into a tree and died.

Friends baby son suffocated to death in a sleeping bag while camping.

>> No.19143054


>> No.19143459

not writing your book for you

>> No.19143471

you are pure scum if this is true. end your life, there is minimal punishment for tresspassing but you flat out murdered some one

>> No.19143484

It's wont

>> No.19143536

Why not just watch King of the Hill and borrow from there.