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/lit/ - Literature

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19139169 No.19139169 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I try to read the Iliad I get filtered. I'm reading the Butler translation. Is that where I fucked up? I don't have a problem reading Plato, I don't get it.

>> No.19139178

Try reading a prose translation with a thorough introduction

>> No.19139180

Yeah the Butler is just a direct translation

>> No.19139182

Then read an introduction. Aim to understand the entire plot and all characters involved before going in so you don't feel lost at all.

>> No.19139195

It's the stupid long Greek names that get me. But thanks anon I'll give it a shot

>> No.19139208

I've had a similar experience. It's hard to find a translation that doesn't seem gimmicky and instead like an actual poem. Lattimore I couldn't finish because it's neither prose nor verse and the "lines" are overly drawn out, droning and discordant with pastichy, phony English words and phrases tacked together lazily. I settled on the second edition of William Cowper's version.

>> No.19140784

Read a Greek history textbook first and an overview of Greek myth. I don't understand how some get filtered.

>> No.19140814

Not to be mean but I dont understand how you got filtered especially if you read the introduction. The whole book reminds me of Star Wars because its so accessible

>> No.19140829 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19140832

How's the Pope translation?

>> No.19141306

Is it okay to read a summary of the Iliad and just go for the Odyssey?

t. tried to read the Iliad more than 7 times and got FILTERED

>> No.19141330

I don't understand how you get filtered by the Iliad. When I started with the greeks some years ago I had no problem reading it

>> No.19141396

>I don't understand how you get filtered by the Iliad

I am a brainlet, anon.

>> No.19141402

I mean is it an attention span problem or do you not understand what's happening when you read or what? Because if you can't read the Iliad I don't see how the Odyssey is going to be any easier

>> No.19141422

>I mean is it an attention span problem or do you not understand what's happening when you read or what?

It could be a bit of both to be honest. I am obsessed with greek theater, and read it constantly so I don't know. The pages filled with a thousand ships names don't help either. Achilles has a bitchy atittude throughout the book. Things don't seem to progress. But then again, I am a fucking brainlet.

>Because if you can't read the Iliad I don't see how the Odyssey is going to be any easier

The plot is more interesting.

>> No.19141493

sounds like you're reading for entertainment rather than to try and understand great art

>> No.19141512


>> No.19141548
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omg I'm here with literal brainlets

>> No.19141565

Butler is a good translation, Fitzgerald is the best imo. Avoid Lattimore like the plague, retards only recommend him because they heard from other retards that they should, if you trace the retardation back it's simply because Lattimore is assigned in colleges and schools for simplicity.

Pope's version is beautiful, but it isn't the Iliad anymore. He takes liberties upon liberties and rewrites the entire epic.

>> No.19141602


Get familiar with Greek Myths
Read Hamilton for basic Myths overview
Then read The Great Courses overview on the book (just google it, it pretty good)
Get Fagles translation and start readibg it
Repeat for Odyssey/Aeneid

You got it OP

>> No.19141639

I enjoyed Iliad, but Odyssey is actually filtering me right now. On book 15 and it's just not holding my attention whatsoever.

>> No.19141795

I’m reading lattimore and while the Iliad is obviously a good book (this shines in combat scenes) it is not as enjoyable as the fagles translation and feels a bit clunky and drawn out.

>> No.19141899

lmao more like Fagles, am I right? One of the top 3 worst versions.

>> No.19142124

How did you enjoy Iliad?

>> No.19142237

>if you trace the retardation back it's simply because Lattimore is assigned in colleges and schools for simplicity
He literally isn't, you dumb fuck. Simplicity is the quality of e.g. Fagles and Wilson. Lattimore is good and used frequently because he's the most accurate outside of prose translations. Has line for line accuracy.

>> No.19142506

Terrible time to stop. You've slogged through the hard parts, and the payoff is coming. Unless you're a hopeless case, it's about to get really good.

>> No.19143397

You belong to the patricians

>> No.19143582
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>ctrl+f Graves
>0 results
/lit/ really is just pseuds and teenagers now huh?

>> No.19143641

Graves is the pseud/teenager/boomer translation, dumb dunning-Kruger poster

>> No.19143692

Go for the Richmond Lattimore translation. Samuel Butler was writing for the very early 1900s audience so his language is a bit antiquated in some aspects.

>> No.19143709

Achilles is supposed to have a poor attitude. The first book is literally called "the Rage of Achilles."

>> No.19144421

>we beat the Trojan
>We push to their city walls
>Oh no they beat us
>They push to our boats
>But Zeus favors us
>We push back to their city walls
>Oh but no, Zeus favors them
>They push back to our boats
>But then Zeus favors us
Repeat for 400 pages

>> No.19145573

Out of Fagles, Lattimore and Fitzgerald, what would you pick for Iliad/Odyssey? I wanna get the overall of the story but I don't want to read it in 20th century style English, and I'd prefer to read the same translator for both. On my next re-read I'll probably do Pope so this time it doesn't need to be full on poetry.

>> No.19145581

Don’t give up on it now my man