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19138691 No.19138691 [Reply] [Original]

He was right.

>> No.19138697

To have killed himself, we know.

>> No.19138703

about what

>> No.19138704

My sides, but is undeniable that he was right.

>> No.19138705

I'm reading Bleeding Edge by Pynchon and yes, I too am sick of irony. Pynchon i think sort of tries to respond to DFW towards the end of chapter 30 but in the usual Pynchonesque way, doesn't really say anything at all. I believe the world, and especially the west is completely trapped in irony and sarcasm. It prevents people from having any actual growth. You cannot ever have a real debate because everyone resorts to wisecracks and the ensuing laughter convinces their vanity that they are right, therefore resulting in a stagnant world. It's just so sad...

>> No.19138706

Was he cringe incel or based chad?

>> No.19138707
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reject irony, embrace sincerity

>> No.19138709

It is taking every fiber of my being to not call you gay or to imply you have sexual relations with your father. This is because I agree with you.

>> No.19138712

but irony is based and sincerity is very unbased

>> No.19138715

Not only irony, I am thinking more about the entertainment side. It's difficult for me to stop using the internet and go to bed for instance. It's infinite content and I want to consume everything jfc.

>> No.19138724

This night was Yuval Harari > Ariana Grande > Korn > Lady Gaga > Zizek > Alerta judiada II > GY!BE > Radiohead > Deleuze > Foucault > Ethereum > etc...

>> No.19138726

Using based as a way to describe the dichotomy of irony is inherently biased because the origin and historical context of based is, itself, drenched in irony. It’s formation as common parlance is solely because of its ironic value.

>> No.19138731

thanks for your ironic insight

>> No.19138752

I know a guy who only reads a book after he's thoroughly researched it because he doesn't want to "waste his time" reading anything "lowbrow". The internet was a mistake truly.
Also this is exactly the kind of shit i despise. Are you retarded? What makes you resort to these clichéd responses? "Thanks for", "its almost as if", why? Why can't your brain understand that what you're doing is useless? That you provide nothing new? Nothing to discuss? You don't refute any of his points in any way by doing this, you understand that don't you?

>> No.19138757

To leave Pale King unfinished

>> No.19138768

I'm not saying it was a mistake. But it's additive as fuck.

>> No.19138793

>You don't refute any of his points
see, i can't take posts like this seriously
it would make for an intelligent shitpost, but a completely retarded, reddit-tier, serious post

if you don't understand why that vomit you just typed is entirely irrelevant to the post that you replied to, then you're genuinely unintelligent and maybe you'd feel more at home on reddit.

>> No.19138802

Go outside

>> No.19138815


>> No.19138925


>> No.19138929

Why can't you just see the funny side?

>> No.19139150

Will that final Pynchon novel be new sincerity?

I have yet to get anywhere in BE, I have started a few times but somethi

>> No.19139889
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He was. We will never have a second Wallace.