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File: 54 KB, 329x500, gene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19138098 No.19138098 [Reply] [Original]

It's finally out.

>> No.19138107
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top amazon review is a long rambling essay about why the author is wrong and a nazi and blah blah

>> No.19138114

I'm curious about how they propose to solve this problem.

>> No.19138122

hasn't been uploaded anywhere yet as far as i can tell

>> No.19138139

It has.

>> No.19138149

when i first hear about something here, that's a sign it's garbage. so i will assume this is garbage

>> No.19138154
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>> No.19138156

The problem is not inequality in one generation, the problem is dysgenic collapse. That's where the horribly right wing ideas start to appear

>> No.19138176

i saw it in the new yorker
the author posed barefoot so it piqued my interest

>> No.19138188

Into the trash

>> No.19138196

holy shit that is long
should i read (the comment)

>> No.19138218

>Kathryn Paige Harden is a professor of psychology.
Into the trash it goes.
Can someone explain to me why women are obsessed with misunderstanding the modern synthetic theory of evolution? Did no single woman study evolution beyond the 19th century?
Women on this board, including the ones with penises, can you weigh in on this?

>> No.19138225

Women just haven't had to evolve, no selective pressure when men will fuck anything

>> No.19138255

They make a couple of good points even though I don't agree with their overall message.

>> No.19138257

Pongo and chimpanzee bros

>> No.19138321

>feminist eugenicist literature

The logical conclusion.

>> No.19138336

where dumbass

>> No.19138346

CRISPR derived MRNA IQ booster shots for minorities.

>> No.19138363

Nah, that's The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen Jay Gould. That book BTFO's both Murray's drivel and whatever this nonsense is.

>> No.19138412

gould was reddit incarnate

>> No.19138420

Lol, she got skewered for this by the left, of which she claims to be a part, and I loved it.
>dumb hole is smart enough to understand genetics
>horree sheeet this is telling me that eugenics is real
>surely, my comrades will understand if it isnt coming from an ebil white nazi, and instesd, from one of their own
I love it. I hope every white woman who isnt already trying to form a family with a man, is burned alive at the stake by the people they aided and supported. Then I can die satisfied.

>> No.19138431

Gould literally fabricated the data in Mismeasure while falsely accusing the older scientists of having fabricated their data. One of the most dishonest books ever written

>> No.19138440

what conclusion? Socialists were eugenics long before it was cool

>> No.19138443

were into*

>> No.19138502
File: 15 KB, 161x195, 1484595684003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart woman emerges
>is immediately removed from gene pool


>> No.19138513

I am tall. I can reach the top shelf. I am superior. I am the ubermench.

>> No.19138520

If it's any comfort, liberal white women are 100% doomed. Either the white men will establish a fascist, patriarchal state, or the African/Muslim men who replace them will. Either way, the current era is ending soon.

>> No.19138576

This book seems interesting then. I'm beginning to realize that eugenics is just something we're going to have to reckon with sooner or later.

>> No.19138593

I don't think we are capable of dealing with it. I'm semi convinced that civilization itself is simply dysgenic. So each civilizational run is just fighting the clock before its material gives out, in addition to the way culture seems to become rotten and fall apart after a while

>> No.19138594

It literally has a rating of 4.5 on goodreads, where are you guys getting the bad reviews from?

>> No.19138609

The fact that "eugenics", which is just standard evolutionary theory, is controversial or even hated on the left is such a massive indictment of their ability to accept unpleasant truths. Illiterate peasants 5 thousand years ago understood that "offspring like parent". Just incredibly fucking retarded

>> No.19138803

>their ability to accept unpleasant truths.
Disagree. They are pragmatists. Evolution exists when it is needed to (owning Christians) and ceases to exist when it is not (denying that all population differences are the result of historical maleficence that can only be countered by channelling funds in to NGOs and a homogenous consumer culture)

>> No.19138820

The left are revolutionary fundamentalists. They believe our world is progressing towards some future better state, which they can't actually describe, but is going to be in some way better.

They are not pragmatists, they are utterly delusional, because their need to believe in their future non-opressed state fucks up their minds. But they are absolute pragmatists about gaining power to enact their insane vision on the world. They will do anything at all to stop anyone who is oppsing whatever new insane measure they invent to create their new world.

>> No.19138846

Most of what you describe is just liberalism desu, which pragmatically instrumentalizes multiple conflicting ideologies within its subjects as part of securing its power base.
The west is so utterly enmeshed in the framework of liberalism that when they try to resist it they only recontextualize their own personal pathologies within an aesthetic derived from propaganda, all efforts are rerouted toward ends that end up being complimentary to American foreign policy.

I mean everything you described is just Whig history, Steven Pinker tier. There are no leftists in America.

>> No.19138853

How is leftism any different, actual communism describes the same process of history

>> No.19138883
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dear god..

>> No.19138972

I'm setting a phone reminder and setting aside an expensive bottle of wine for the day.
I'll still share it with my wife though.

>> No.19139411

>I hope every white woman who isnt already trying to form a family with a man, is burned alive at the stake by the people they aided and supported. Then I can die satisfied.
You sound quite bitter and resentful anon. This isn't healthy or productive. I hope things improve for you somewhat.

>> No.19139420

Based autist reviewer

>> No.19139431

christcucks on suicide watch.lel

>> No.19139435

Every single person who is against eugenics is cope in the flesh. The one major agreement between scientists and philosophers, even continental philosophers (from Plato to Schopenhauer to Nietzsche), is that eugenics would make humanity and the world significantly better by many important metrics. It's literally one of the best intellectual pleb tests, just ask someone their position on eugenics (you have to make them think it's safe to share their true views with you first though).

>> No.19139455

Eugenics is the exact opposite of evolutionary theory. It is the conscious reversal of the evolutionary trend by the human mind with a moral goal in mind, rather than the natural goal of increasing the quantity of a given genome. Eugenics is essentially the theory of quality (human intelligence guiding evolution) against the theory of quality (natural "intelligence" guiding evolution).

>> No.19139460

>against the theory of quality
Against the theory of quantity*

>> No.19139470

What if corona is just one big nudge to make superstitious retards kill themselves?

>> No.19139492

For any problem, the first step to fixing it is acknowledging it exists.

>> No.19139495

I don't think this happens without our societies breaking down honestly.

>> No.19139497

You mean you feel we can't process this information without it destroying our social order?

I think it can be done. It'll be a hard journey though

>> No.19139499

kill industrious and good looking people

>> No.19139514
File: 493 KB, 801x868, Sigma male grindset people are tools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously whites are superior to other races. Just look at humanity through a non-biased lens and you can tell.
>T. Black girl

>> No.19139516

Nice but you're lacking the gene for humility and prosocial behaviour.

>> No.19139517

kys incel
good looking people are in general superior in many ways compared to average looking people be it in intelligence,creativity,immunity against diseases,etc.

>> No.19139526 [DELETED] 

you will never be a woman OR black.

>> No.19139539

>“... a scientist who reported genetic influence on intelligence was also perceived as less objective, more motivated to prove a particular hypothesis, and more likely to hold non-egalitarian beliefs that predated their scientific research career…people who described themselves as politically liberal were particularly likely to doubt the scientist’s objectivity when she reported genetic influences on intelligence.”
>Her point here is to paint the left as hopelessly biased on this subject, but despite Harden’s dubious effort to paint herself as a leftist, many individuals touting genetic determinist views also harbor racist and classist views that are hardly egalitarian. There are obvious reasons for this and it doesn’t take a leftist to distrust their motives, nor should one expect leftists to embrace a sugar-coated version of genetic determinism.
I am Jack’s complete lack of self-awareness.

>> No.19139562

Western intellectuals are fucking vermin. I was reading about some German anthropologist whose ideas on the spread of pottery decorative patterns (or something such) had inspired the evil nazis, vaguely indo-europeanism or something like that iirc. Naturally after WWII this theory was rejected due to these associations but fairly recently the theory had been corroborated in some study and German scientists were too scared to be associated with the project due to the results.

>> No.19139578

>theory about the spread of civilisation
Sounds interesting. Got a source?

>> No.19139691

Eugenics is the same thing as animals choosing attractive and large partners and no amount of sophistry will change this

>> No.19139899

If it's the same thing then why isn't it the same thing?

>> No.19139900

I’d demelanate your progeny

>> No.19139911

>applying science to the immaterial


>> No.19139920

On the internet

>> No.19140587

Genetically modify humans to become the amazon female small male master race.

>> No.19140662

>USA starts a eugenics policy
>perfectly normal orphans, the poor, and even wealthy people with minor mental illness are caught up, sterilized, and sent to institutions for no reason
>eugenics policy continues to this day with black people with planned parenthood, giving rise to the ghetto hood rat black bitch archetype
>hood rat girls are simultaneously incentivized to have as many kids as possible with the worst guy because they’ll get free government money and child support once he’s not around, while the blacks at the more normal level of intelligence abort their kids because they can’t afford them without breaking up their family for welfare gibs
>entire family structure is destroyed in a single generation
>now you can’t go in any downtown in the Midwest without getting shot in the face by a gang member
>nazi Germany follows USA’s lead on eugenics
>ends drawing the ire of the Jew banker class that sustains it, and is firebombed to hell, it’s women raped by Russians at the end of the war, and the entire country was cleaved in two for decades
maybe it’s better if the retarded eugenics proponents just keep their opinions to themselves. at the very least do not encourage the government to do anything to “improve” the population

>> No.19140690

Eugenics in the modern era is directly modifying the germline of a person so that any future child that they have will have desirable traits.

>> No.19140719

and if the “desirable trait” becomes something that is dysgenic or antisocial down the road? or if it causes unforeseen health complications?

>> No.19140736

Go to the reviewer's profile. They have reviewed 'Blueprint' and 'Mismeasure'

>> No.19140741

Fear mongering. There is essentially no risk associated with knocking in genes that you want into a person.
There is no risk associated with making your child have blue eyes or a certain hair color. You're just trying to hold back evolution because you don't like the reality that certain phenotypes are superior to other ones.
We WILL become the amazon female small male master race and no one can do anything to stop it.

>> No.19140789

turn back brah. save your soul

>> No.19140845

>moralfagging on 4chan

>> No.19140859

You just want to use a semitic measure to promote your own I'll reasoned racism you fucking tool

>> No.19140876

still trust DNA? who is lysenko-pilled here?

>> No.19140880
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>> No.19140905

Tbh I'm not worried about it. In 100 years we'll probably have the technology for the average person to afford gene editing for their baby to make them instantly chad. Two chinese immigrants can have blue-eyed 200+ IQ children and all that. 'Race' will just be a matter of fashion.
So I think the real praxis for eugenics is making sure this technology ends up in the hands of the common people.

>> No.19140912

Who holds the controls? Who decides what traits?
Cosmetic changes like blue eyes are nice, but not what anyone means by "improving the species." Focusing on such superficials is a deflection tactic.
The first thing western governments would select for is agreeableness, something our community, or at least the white part, needs far less of.

>> No.19140914

DNA is fake? QRD?

>> No.19140915

You know the rules. Post tits and feet or GTFO

>> No.19140930

>you can't have eugenics because...
>because jews... you just can't ok!
Then kill the fucking Jews. Kill leftist trash. Then have eugenics.
>save your soul
Are you implying making a less dysgenic world is displeasing to God? Why would making a society less inclined to worship filth and ugliness be damnnable? If anything, it would be more indicative towards orienting people back to important things, like religion and civilization, art and architecture, literature...

>> No.19140944

Just graft some hands on yourself, bro.

>> No.19140957

the most obvious place retard

>> No.19140961

Intriguing, I go research

>> No.19140970

I don't think of it as only superficial alterations.
I want to genetically modify humans so that we become the amazon female small male master race. I post on /sci/ and I'm not going to do the whole thing right now on this board. I just wanted to say that you guys who are against genetic engineering of humanity won't stop us. You can't stop evolution.

>> No.19140980

>the genetic lottery
Is there a more retarded phrase than this? It is not a lottery.

>> No.19140998

>Is there a more retarded phrase than this? It is not a lottery.
Liberals believe (You) could have just as easily been a pajeet in India or some African in Timbuktu.

>> No.19141003

Yeah the futurama snusnu thing is your bit you do?

There will be no American eugenics program, for the same reasons there will be no South African eugenics program.

>> No.19141004

no, eugenics is the fucking state choosing your partner for you as part of a breeding scheme. you have room temperature iq if you can't figure out why people would be opposed to surrendering control over their own reproduction to some committee. or did you not even understand that that's what the word meant?

>> No.19141013

You're taking your favorite reddit dystopian novel or movie and applying it to reality. This is what midwits do.

>> No.19141019

>Eugenics in the modern era is directly modifying the germline of a person so that any future child that they have will have desirable traits.
this is your brain on reddit futurism. desirable to WHOM?

>> No.19141020

Then America will be left behind.

>> No.19141048

Yeah, by China maybe. The modern world is so disgusting, but maybe we'll see some truly strange things before we die.

>> No.19141057

no, i'm taking the literal meaning of the term "eugenics" and applying it to this thread about eugenics. you're stone cold retarded. eugenics is by definition the surrender of an individual's control of their reproduction to a breeding plan administered by some larger authority. you have a brain the size of a pea. if you're not being made to breed with someone that you wouldn't be breeding with otherwise then no eugenics is taking place you fucking mental insect

>> No.19141063

No, eugenics is just (conscious) improvement of the human through selective breeding, opening a gene clinic promising babies with +5 IQ points is a better way to do eugenics than barging into people's homes and snipping their testicles. Obviously early eugenics mostly focused on the completely powerless like the severely mentally ill, so that's where you image of "forced" eugenics comes from.

>> No.19141072

You don't have to have them surrender control, simply direct people towards proper choices. This would be done by education, specific types of separation in schools, etc. I see literally no problem with this at all.

>> No.19141074

Like all non-local (potentially) political issues, eugenics is not worth having an opinion on unless your net worth is at least $10MM

>> No.19141082

>eugenics is by definition the surrender of an individual's control of their reproduction to a breeding plan administered by some larger authority.
This is just completely wrong given that plans where people were encouraged to pair with certain types of people but weren't stopped from reproducing with undesirables existed and were also considered eugenics.

>> No.19141083

Anyone who wants to have superior offspring.
That's not how it has to happen anymore. Two people can fall in love and want to have kids, then we just step in and modify their germ-lines so that the kids that they have have traits that we want our population as a whole to have.
So I guess semantically we don't have to call this "eugenics" based on how you define it but in the end the effect is the same - the proliferation of only desirable traits and not undesirable traits. We no longer need to force-breed people, we can just slice out their germline and knock in genes that we want their children to have.

>> No.19141085

>so that's where you image of "forced" eugenics comes from
I think any foundation of eugenics would be focused first on the mentally ill/genetically disabled. Those with severe defects should absolutely not be breeding, this shouldn't be controversial.

>> No.19141093

I can't wait for the government to manually intervene to breed people to be even more docile and bovine this is the greatest plan ever. Your descendents will be too stupid to ever complain about anything except soccer and the weather.

>> No.19141106

>I can't wait for the government to manually intervene to breed people to be even more docile and bovine
They don't need to. Look around you, man. Most people already are the definition of an NPC. Your vision of what eugenics in practice would be is straight out of reddit dystopianism.

>> No.19141117

I assume eugenics in the form of gene editing will only be used by state power to harm me. I have no reason to support it. Now, if I had $10MM and would benefit from structurally retarding my inferiors while enhancing my clan and progeny that's another story

>> No.19141130

this makes sense until you realize it's not going to be you making the decisions, it's going to be the government bureaucracy. What they consider "good" and what you consider "good" are probably at about a 90 degree angle from each other.

>> No.19141132

My descendants will be members of the amazon woman small man master race. This will be members of the Supreme genetic class and will run the world.

>> No.19141136

What matters is who's in power. Western governments in their current form practicing any kind of 'eugenics' would be something to keep a suspicious eye on, but if a different government took power, one far less sick and deranged than our current one, I may be more receptive. Eugenics means very different things to two types of ruling parties. Our type, of course they would love a docile, bovine, racially ambiguous consoomer class; hell, we're practically almost there.

>> No.19141145

My descendants will be members of the cowgirl-woman and normal-man race.

>> No.19141154

There is no real reason in keeping people docile beyond a point, lest they lose productivity and the social arrangement of west already allows you to keep people pretty docile.
In all probability governments are going to encourage people with genetic illnesses to seek gene therapy, and that's about it.

>> No.19141164

>Race' will just be a matter of fashion
Imagine the sheer seething from current leftoids generations then. No race is genotype not your phenotype reeeee!, just like boomers when it comes to trannies today.

>> No.19141174

great, so instead of the state barging in and castrating me/forcing me to breed against my will it will achieve the same results with coercion, manipulation, and various psyops. sorry, but being hypnotized by netflix into wanting to participate in the "amazon workforce of tomorrow" breeding program is not any better than being forced at gunpoint, and in fact much worse since resistance to insidious media campaigns is harder to muster than to naked violence.

the only "improvement" that would even be produced is an improvement in your function as a drone-like tool of capital. anybody who can be bamboozled into giving up real control over the only thing they have (their individual existence) by the promise of future civilizational "improvement" (that they'll never see) is medieval-peasant level of naive already, but to look at the world in 2021 and go "i wish that the people in power exercised greater and more insidious control over me and my children so that we might better fit their purpose" is just off the charts retarded, a complete disappearance of dignity and self-interest. none of that "improvement" treating yourself like cattle would bring would be FOR YOUR BENEFIT you goddamn retard

>> No.19141178

I support these outcomes I just wish we had a more ethical way of getting there
>assuming technology will be used in a controlled, purely beneficient way by our leaders to fix a few ills
I think the automobile would like a word with you.

>> No.19141181

they'll watch "get out" and be appalled at the callous treatment of transracialism, like zoomers shitting themselves over tranny jokes in ace ventura

>> No.19141186

Changing the genotype is how you change the phenotype. What you're saying doesn't make sense.

>> No.19141188

Introducing PRIME PARENTHOOD. It's your body. Now it's your choice. Subscribe and save on Amazon Gene Therapy to make your future more equitable and inclusive.

>> No.19141190

I said further itt that our current government doing it would clearly be to my detriment. This is mere speculation, not ZOG-tier 50s advertisement Based eugenics campaigns.

>> No.19141209

so we just need to definitively solve the problem of government and enter a heaven-on-earth era of perfect lawfulness, morality and justice and then eugenics can be practiced non-detrimentally. no biggie

>> No.19141215

My point is eugenics does not have to be forced in the way most people understand, i.e by literally stopping people from breeding with the threat of violence.
And even if there wasn't a state, but a social convention propagated by influential people with the end result of those considered the "inferior" to not being able to breed then it would still be eugenics.

>> No.19141219

You will get a gene that makes you like the taste of bugs. You will eat the bugs. You will live in the pod... etc

>> No.19141225

Yeah but I assume the nu chinese will still cluster with the unmodified chinese, since the gene therapy wouldn't be WMAF but simply modifying the existing genotype in slight ways to make things like blue eyes happen.

>> No.19141226

The state is almost preferable to social convention because you can wage lawfare against it, based on previous social convention, as the non-violent weapon of last resort. Against current social convention there is nothing.

>> No.19141243

No, we just need Hitler to come back.

>> No.19141255
File: 969 KB, 1074x2262, Screenshot_2020-05-16 Jewish Genetic Screening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get pregnant
>Test pregnancy for any of a 100 different genetic abnormalities
>Get abortion
totally legal, jews solved tay-sachs disease this way
>Get IVF
>Test 10 embryos for any of 100 monogenic and dozens of polygenic diseases
>Select best embryo and have healthier child
Already happened, legal-ish
>Create pluripotent stemcells, produce 1000 eggs, fertilise eggs and produce 1000 embryos
>Test and filter out embryos for hereditary disease
>Test and filter out embryos for intelligence
>Have smart healthy child.
10 years away
Eugenics is already happening, it's just a question of how far you want to push it.

>> No.19141256

Not reading anything written by a leftist sorry.

>> No.19141258

If we are seriously discussing genetic modification for phenotypal supremacy, it converges to giant women and small men. It's not going to be a bunch of blue eyed chinese people, nor is it going to be "chad" and "stacy".

It's going to be a race of tall women with big hips who can carry 4-5 babies at a time without pain, and small 3'5" proportional cute incredibly athletic men with extremely fast reaction speeds, dense bones, and a basal metabolic rate of like 500-600 calories a day.

The amazon female small male master race is unironically and objectively the best morphology that can exist for humans given modern and future levels of technology. Things like skin color, or what we call "race" in the modern world, are just cosmetic.

>> No.19141271

Based monster girl accelerationist

>> No.19141273

No, cowgirl normal man is the optimal race. Normal man still has the civilization building abilities of today, and the cowgirls have the udders and milk producing capabilities of bovines to feed more children.

>> No.19141281

Shit, maybe you're the based monster girl accelerationist. How am I supposed to choose?

>> No.19141325

This sounds kind of based, even though it's obviously filthy fetish shit.

>> No.19141342

Its inevitable and trying to dismiss it as fetish shit isn't going to stop it. There's a great deal of logic and fundamental biological principles that support the idea.
I talk about this on /sci/ in more detail. I don't want to go into it now because I'm phone posting and this isn't sci.

>> No.19141348

You talking about the Marija Gimbutas conspiracy theory of the sunny and peaceful matriarchal bronze age utopia getting destroyed by evil patriarchal Yamnaya

>> No.19141431

I had no idea /sci/ was that horny

>> No.19141522

/sci/ talks about robowaifus all the time. Pretty good board.

>> No.19141609

>genetics is random

>> No.19141621

this is a stale feminist meme, many 70s sci fi stories about this ridiculous foid fantasy lel

>> No.19141671

Psychology student here. Why so much hatred for the field?

>> No.19141683

You do know that animals don't always choose the "best" option, right? If the brightest and prettiest peacock has an awful hereditary disease he will still be chosen over uglier, but healthier mates.

>> No.19141699

>many 70s sci fi stories about this ridiculous foid fantasy lel

>> No.19141720

My body is ready

>> No.19141924

>a scientist institutionally tell you how you should behave.
now you know

>> No.19142291

Blueprint was a great read, short and informative. I highly recommend it

>> No.19142646

Who the fuck writes a leaflet for a review?

>> No.19142661

Not surprising. These socialist/sjw losers literally have nothing to do but attack any mention or thought against their ideology (which is to tear down the current system). The scary thing is that they're on literally every website online. How can this many people do it for free? What a bunch of losers

>> No.19142715

You've posted in dozens of threads over the past few days. Isn't there some containment board for you? Keep your fetish away from our blue boards you deviant.

>> No.19142718
File: 665 KB, 1422x2048, 1632516237386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create pluripotent stemcells
10 years? Why do you say it will only take 7 years? Do you have evidence for this r year timeline? Are there steps before we get to this point in 2 years? I bet you read an article about scientists just doing this, but it was dated two years ago.

>> No.19142734

>I talk about this on /sci/ in more detail.
Too much detail yet to no-ones surprise completely lacking in substance and credibility.

This poster is a fetishist and we all hate him.

shame shame shame

>> No.19142740

The lenght the average american will go to to defend his privilege of 5k ambulance rides

>> No.19142749
File: 135 KB, 980x656, 1630439523089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am tired

>> No.19142788

I've been free for the past few days. I was on a hiatus for a while there but I'm back for a little while (not tonight though I'm busy). We can talk about the idea if you want but only for a bit. I'm also phoneposting so I can't be as thorough.
I go into detail about the idea and my posts have substance but the jannies usually delete the threads.
Most /sci/ anons don't hate me. You and some others despise me, which i dont get. I only post the idea in threads where it is relevant. Anyway why do you hate me so much?

>> No.19142818
File: 27 KB, 600x440, oUTZTwJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because only an autistic deviant like yourself can be so obsessed with such degeneracy.

>> No.19142894

I disagree. The world i want is a less degenerate world where there would be less domestic violence and big happy families.
But you will always dismiss my idea simply because the origin of it comes from a fetish.

>> No.19142956

>In a 1981 book, “The Mismeasure of Man,” the paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould asserted that Morton, believing that brain size was a measure of intelligence, had subconsciously manipulated the brain volumes of European, Asian and African skulls to favor his bias that Europeans had larger brains and Africans smaller ones.

>But now physical anthropologists at the University of Pennsylvania, which owns Morton’s collection, have remeasured the skulls, and in an article that does little to burnish Dr. Gould’s reputation as a scholar, they conclude that almost every detail of his analysis is wrong.

Anti-hereditarians stay losing (and lying).

>> No.19142966

> nothing more then tools

>> No.19143033
File: 570 KB, 1856x1133, gustaf-kossinna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe anon is talking about Gustaf Kossinna and settlement archaeology.

>> No.19143169

So basically PC archeological establishment would rather like to hold indoeuropean spread peacefully among these bronze age hippies? Like a fashion trend or something? lmao

>> No.19144066

Holy fucking kek, checkout the liberal seething on this newyorker article


"“There will be no reason to pursue these types of research programs at all, and they can be rendered to the same location as Holocaust denial research.” By the time he wrote again, several hours later, one of Harden’s few supporters among the fellows had changed the thread’s subject line from “new genetics paper” to “Seriously? Holocaust deniers?” Darity responded, “I feel just as strongly that we should not keep the notions that the world is 6000 years old or that climate change is a fabrication under consideration.”"

The irony of all this is that affirmative action is not only needed, but absolutely necessary. We see the democratic party becoming more and more of an "elite" party. It'll be interesting how they tip tow these truths while controlling their african and mexican pets.

>> No.19144130

Im that anon. My life is unironically great. As for resentful, yeah, of course. Have you seen the way bitches act? I wont be gaslit about any of it. But, that notwithstanding, my lifes aight.

>> No.19144156

I like how she denounces her parents for being conservative, castigates the government for making her ancestors middle class, and has become a single mother. Interesting biographical information in the article. She is indeed trying her best to be liberal, but are her genes against her?

>> No.19144162
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>life is unironically great
>thinks murderous thoughts about women whose standards are too low but not low enough to sleep with him

>> No.19144167

I have a girlfriend who i love bro, it is called satire, have a laugh you dingleberry

>> No.19144511

This isn't a problem. It's just arrogant shitters trying to play God.

>> No.19144681
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> bet you read an article about scientists just doing this, but it was dated two years ago.
If by yes, you mean in mice.

>> No.19145983

We can create pluripotent stem cells in mice? A 1SD increase in IQ for new babies would be pretty significant.

>> No.19146043

>calls himself an anon

>> No.19147025

because social sciences are just politics with half sassed experiments thrown in as justifications ?

>> No.19147309

As someone who likes psychology I hate to admit that this is true.
There are a small minority who aren't fuckwits and carry the torch from when it branched off from philosophy, but for the most part it's a complete shitshow.

>> No.19147550

How do I into modern evolution then
t. not a woman

>> No.19147587

Blame white people and reverse raycism, duh.

>> No.19147643
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>four pages
>couldn't even group paragraphs that are clearly touching on the same point next to each other

>> No.19147647

I appreciate the effort in a way

>> No.19147664

Its relative rarity suggests high intelligence is not a very useful adaptation

>> No.19147708

There's nothing to refute here because it's not relevant to the discussion. You showed up to a conversation about why there are no ice cubes in the freezer and said "the length iceists will go to to defend not having a pool"

>> No.19147780

As someone who was interested in psych, as well as philosophy, and now plans to switch to computing instead, the main issue is its been infested with a heavy left leaning bias along with the other social sciences. You arent getting objective learning you're often getting a narrative supported by their selection of "science"

>> No.19148324

Can someone justify the thought process leftists like OP's author go through when thinking IQ varies amongst individuals BUT NOT groups?

Is it a larp so she doesn't get canceled? Do they all have an underlying secret understanding?

>> No.19148325

Whats contraversial about what he said? White women should be starting starting families instead of spending their maternal instincts on whatever pet is currently favored by jews

>> No.19148331

>“To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.”

>> No.19148534

Burning people at the stake is bad, anon.

>> No.19148629

maybe, but maybe socialism is the Great Filter and we are fucked no matter what

>> No.19148739

Not nearly as bad as failing to fulfill your duty to society you live in though

>> No.19149012

Then this universe has a really dumb great filter.

>> No.19149932

>t. heretic

>> No.19150164
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There's a thoughtful critique on the LA Review of Books which questions her assumptions and conclusions


>> No.19150312 [DELETED] 

nigger logic

>> No.19151340
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>Yet in her effort to convince readers that genes matter, Harden overstates the degree to which they matter. She tells readers that, “in samples of White people living in high-income countries, a polygenic index created from the educational attainment GWAS typically captures about 10–15 percent of the variance in outcomes like years of schooling, performance on standardized academic tests, or intelligence test scores.” She compares this figure to that for household income, which accounts for 11 percent of the variance. What Harden doesn’t tell readers is that much more of the variance is explained by parental education: about 17 percent when only one parent is considered and over 20 percent when both are. The polygenic index for educational attainment therefore captures an underwhelming amount of variance in educational attainment and other socioeconomic outcomes — certainly not enough to justify putting it at the center of policy solutions.
Cutting edge science that can predict at birth from your genes 10-15% of the variance isn't quite as good as knowing the socioeconomic position of your parents - this is not surprising. If anything, parental education explaining so little is shocking.
I haven't read the book, but GWAS are in their infancy (i.e. about 10 years old), and are nibbling away at explaining the total heritability of various traits that twin and sibling studies have identified. Those studies are far more relevant than GWAS at explaining the influence of nature/nurture.

>Her target is historian Ibram X. Kendi, who defines a “biological antiracist” as someone who believes that “there are no genetic racial differences.” But Harden is reading Kendi out of context. In How to Be an Antiracist, Kendi clearly rejects the view that biological, essentialist differences, whether genetic or otherwise, explain behavioral and social differences between Blacks and Whites. As he says: “Biological racism rests on two ideas: that the races are meaningfully different in their biology and that these differences create a hierarchy of value.” Kendi says that antiracism requires rejecting both views, not just the latter, as some would have it. Kendi does not claim that there are no genetic differences between people; indeed, he acknowledges genetic variation between individuals based on geography, but rightfully denies that this is racially meaningful. Harden, who rejects race as a biologically valid category, should agree. Her target is in effect a Strawman view, which no serious scholar holds, that there is no genetic variation across populations.
Damn this shit is hard to follow.

>> No.19151367

>We think Harden misunderstands the liberal resistance here. After all, it was the liberal egalitarian disability activists who fought for disability rights for the genetically, congenitally, and otherwise disabled in the 1970s. What liberals reject is any facile entertainment of the “cognitively superior European” thought experiment because it flirts with centuries of scientific racism. It is not an innocent example, and it is no surprise that the thought experiment isn’t instead a speculation about African cognitive superiority. Liberals balk because there is absolutely no data, as Harden herself acknowledges, suggesting the existence of biological differences that could provide an explanation for the appalling socioeconomic disparities created by centuries of racist policy.
Goddammit this review is funny. It sounds like Harden is trying to break it to them as gently as possible, spoon feeding them the science that is inevitably coming down the pipeline whilst whispering that they can have all their social programs and pretend 'race' doesn't exist and they just spit it out "RACIST, read Ibram X. Kendi, certified genius, genes cannot possibly explain black white inequality, scientifically impossible."

>> No.19152058

And a lot of subversive matridna strategies too. Hence they always team up with other subversive groups like gays and social parasites to disempower the dominant male group. Maximum Power Principle is life.

>> No.19152212

Imagine being religious and believing in science save for those areas which contradict your faith, which you block out mentally. That is the modern progressive. Still, it's surprising to see someone in that camp even suggest mental and psychological faculties are subject to natural selection and thus variation.

>> No.19152258

post it

>> No.19152708

Remember when that jewish geneticist wrote an NYT article trying to gently explain to liberals that "it's literally only melanin" was just a smidgen too unscientific and was going to allow Satan himself to gain a foothold in discourse?

Remember the 1k comments on the article from liberal boomers and jews trying to gently explain that they think he's a demon who's trying to fool everyone with botox and fake eyelashes?

Remember when, right in the exact midpoint of the article, its purpose was realized with that one sentence that mentions that ashkenazi jews are technically allegedly ridiculously purported to be the smartest?

Remember when Steven Pinker did the thing where he he made a powerpoint presentation on why ashkenazi jews are very smart but it's maybe sort of not genetic because that would be nazi idk the science is fuzzy.

God I love jews. Hilarious shit. Can't wait for the next generation to produce its own version of this genre, these skits with free-form jazz. I love it.
I also love the genre of white women doing something mildly intelligent--or even, just something different--for a change and then getting verbally abused by everyone on the planet.

ITT we've got
>the righteous guy who KNOWS that the word eugenics auto-implies authoritarianism
>the guy who insists that eugenics is no different from exaggerated fit mate selection
>the 200 iq who reminds everyone that DNA contains more than just eye color: behavioral cues from docility to psychopathy
>the smattering of christcucks who can't participate in this discussion at all besides meekly muttering "save your soul" non-sequiturs
>once again, no mention of the 14 day embryo rule, its implementation, its relation as a pre-req to genetic engineering, or Israel's recent relaxation of it

I am supremely glad to know that nothing has changed in the past 10 years. Absolutely nothing. Except, perhaps, Israel's biotech scene. Again, glad.

>> No.19152807

Lower the ceiling to simulate raising the floor.

>> No.19152946

pee pee poo poo
this anon is a pseud
pee pee poo poo

>> No.19152961

They need to organize dysgenic masses for political power, of course they're going to pander to the delusions of the sick and unfit.

>> No.19152976

>x is only x when the state does it
this is like some weird inversion of communist logic

>> No.19153004

Wherever did you get the idea that women don't compete for males?

>> No.19153005

I hate the fact that they call it a lottery, as if its all random, and the struggles of people's ancestors over millennia of hardship and selection pressures to get to this point are just irrelevant.

>> No.19153107
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>> No.19153231
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thanks for the meal

>> No.19153356

Ohh watch out boys, we have some edgy fucking reddit tier faggots who want to start burning people at the stake. Aren't they so cool and out there?

>> No.19153694

ironic considering we have digital stake burnings all the time from your crowd,
but as they say DO YA THANG TWITTER

>> No.19153808

>Gould literally fabricated the data in Mismeasure while falsely accusing the older scientists of having fabricated their data.

>His mother Eleanor was an artist, whose parents were Jewish immigrants

>> No.19153921

That fact that families use terms like the smart one or the good looking one is proof enough that it is a lottery. There are clearly siblings that mog other sibling physically or intellectually

>> No.19153995

In Pinker's "Blank Slate" he very quickly avoid the discussion by simply referring to Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Said that I've only read the first 100 pages of the book, so I don't know if he return on the topic (unlikely, he seemed very scared of the argument).
Also I just realized that the Blank Slate was written in fucking 2002, if that was something taboo back then I can't imagine now.

>> No.19154006

tax the genetically gifted

>> No.19154011

they compete for male resources not sperm

>> No.19154018
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>book thats literally been deboonked

>> No.19154030

the list of species led to extinction by humans suggests otherwise

>> No.19154040

Remember that these people don't feel or identify any real connection to the past or future, they're just rootless consoomer bug people living in the moment.

>> No.19154052

>liberal white women are going to get bailed out of the problems they caused by some group of simps for the price of a pussy
I see no changes here

>> No.19154069

>appeal to authority

>> No.19154084

what if they use CRISPR to get rid of jealousy?
whoa leftism gone

>> No.19154214

David Reich's lab at Harvard is pretty much dismantling the whole "race is not real" type nonsense that most modern leftists believe.

Im excited to see the stuff Reich and his team publish in the coming years.

>> No.19154276

1.The two are not independent of each other
2. Women seek biologically fit producers of sperm

>> No.19155243

They call it a lottery because they're good little rawlsians.

>> No.19155586

I think they spaz out even harder in the future. I've seen bubbling signs that the left is going in on incest. I think one of the talking points will be that being against incest is eugenics.

>> No.19155613

Based fellow Archaeogenetics bro.

>> No.19155964

Civilization certainly alters the selective pressures placed upon the humans that inhabit it. This should be common sense. I have very little faith that our current iteration of civilization can be steered out of this current dysgenic death spiral. The best strategy seems to me that intelligent and capable individuals should begin gathering together covertly into a breakaway civilization with the intention of surviving the inevitable collapse and take it upon themselves to design long term plans for healthy sustainable human development. It's either that or just give up and submit to the cycles of civilization and let humanity destroy itself with short-sighted greed and lust for power.

>> No.19155995

how does killing industrious and good looking people increase the average IQ

>> No.19156020

Is this some type of bioleninist autism that wants to CRISPR everyone into a homogenous drone work unit after the any-day-now world revolution happens?

>> No.19156313

They must lack the evolved gene for understanding it..

>> No.19156322

Exterminate white people

>> No.19156326

If you can breed a wolf into a poodle what do you think you can do with a person? Biology is destiny.

>> No.19156338

Women can’t think beyond their fee fees. And because the educated ones don’t have families they latch onto the sub human brown retard races as a replacement for child rearing. Whatever women touch they turn into a child safe retard park with rubber mats and helmets galore. Anything that might pop that safety bubble world view is violently shunned even if were to save their worthless feminized life. The misogynists were right, women never should have been allowed out of the kitchen and bedroom. More then even Jews they are the reason academia in the West has become almost 100% fake and gay.

>> No.19156345

>Stephen Jay Gould
He got caught lying like a Jew

>> No.19156356

This is true. The left, high powered by psychotic Jewry, is hell bent on overturning everything good in order to assuage their inferiority complex. They will stop at nothing to return the world to chaos and dirt.

>> No.19156396

So it seems. So it seems. Without of course having stopped to consider the contents of the book let alone read and evaluate it my impression is that it pushes this kind of inverted viewpoint of eugenics that advocates grinding down those with good genes to reduce the human stock to a middling average in pursuit of "genetic equity."
All but the most willfully self-deluded know that someone without down syndrome is intrinsically favorable than someone with it, and one of the greatest problems humankind faces is the genetic detritus mucking up its lineages . Nobody wants to see more downies walking the earth. People want to see the kinds of human optima we all deep down know are not culturally biased but are innate and intrinsic anatomical and physiological templates of beauty, intelligence, and fitness.

Somehow the nazis, who didn't even have a good understanding of heredity and got caught up on a scientifically far less informative concept of race have become associated with the fact that people are built of varying quality materials and have lent this truth unfavorable connotations when it's just the case that some people are genetically superior to others and others inferior and we have to learn how to deal with it.

>> No.19156473

>your crowd
????? I condemn digital witch hunts too

>> No.19156722

What is true is already so.
Owning up to it doesn't make it worse.
Not being open about it doesn't make it go away.
And because it's true, it is what is there to be interacted with.
Anything untrue isn't there to be lived.
People can stand what is true,
for they are already enduring it.

>> No.19157143

Those are random chances FROM WITHIN an existing fixed distribution of genetic potential that itself got to where it is through struggle, pressure, history etc. It doesn't mean that populations themselves only got to where they did by luck or random chance.

>> No.19157669

Gould himself admitted that he would lie if he ever discovered controversial facts about races. Why would you even read him to begin with?

>> No.19157692

>Bell Curve - Lefty Version
No such thing. It’s like saying “righty argument for why tranny pronouns and trigger warnings are awesome”. It’s an oxymoron, it goes against their most fundamental beliefs.

>> No.19157753

Be sure to read the data, not the spin. Reich's data will probably be solid, but when he writes/talks about it, he will be globohomo.

>> No.19157897

Could you say the right is the inverse of that? Where the right is very cynical about social relations and desires homogeneity and religious similarity to weld people together pragmatically?
While at the same time they are idealist in their attempts to gain power and painted Trump as a messianic figure.

>> No.19157966

>painted Trump as a messianic figure.
No anon, that was just us.

There is no way Harvard [yeshiva] publishing is going to print the races are genetically distinct, especially with regards to intelligence. I wonder what will actually come of it.

>> No.19158345


>> No.19159397


>> No.19159835
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Based, genecels seething

>> No.19159902
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The problem with eugenics is two-fold. First, that everyone who wants it thinks they have "the good genes" and aren't going to be part of the bulk of human cattle sterilized and bussed away to hinterlands to be removed from the gene pool, because in historical practice, no eugenics program EVER focuses on the breeding side, it's always on the extermination and sterilization side.

Second, because the
>many important metrics
change over time, and are extremely political environment dependent. You just need one retard in power who disagrees with you and your politics on what a
>important metric
is to, after a fuckton of slaughter (potentially including you) you don't even get a cool society, you just end up like the Amish where everyone's marrying their first cousin or whatever because the gene pool is so fucked anyways and is so limited after decades of protectionism from outsiders and optimization towards
>important metrics
like "whose family is most religious" that inbreeding is the norm and is completely unavoidable

>we should do intentional societal eugenics
is bad for the same reason
>we should switch to a North-Korean style "one man one leader" system
is bad - you're literally putting all your eggs in one very, very unstable basket.

>> No.19159911

>Literal 2000 word essay
At least they still have passion for writing

>> No.19159937

What we are more likely to get is a eugenic breakaway civilization where the wealthy and powerful practice eugenics among their in-group while intentionally implementing conditions upon the masses that facilitate dysgenics. I'd assert that this is already the case and what we are witnessing in recent western politics exemplifies this.

>> No.19160190

What value is inducing dysgenics in the majority of the population? You just end up with a bunch of useless difficult people using up resources. This is like the argument that science would develop a cure for aging but the government wouldn't subsidize it. Just curing diabetes is worth trillions to society. It would cost so much more to continue paying for all these old problems.

>> No.19160216

Basically subsidize the low IQ instead of pretending that you can just affirmative action their way up; genetic differences would be an argument for equality of outcome because no one deserves their superior genes. Not even kidding, that's what her point boils down to.

>> No.19160243

>You just end up with a bunch of useless difficult people using up resources.
As opposed to intelligent and able people using up the same resources.

Which of the two is a bigger threat to your group?

>> No.19160276
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Then you just sterilize them all, like with some sort of worldwide vaccine program. But no, that is also bad, who is going to run the nuclear plants? Heck why would you expect these dysgenics to show up for any job? Do you want to run everything yourself? You have that many children? No, you want lots of inventive, industrious, and servile people. Beautiful too, so you can have a quick screw when you want. Science isn't there yet though.

>> No.19160456
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>> No.19161132

The majority of the population is becoming increasingly obsolete and a significant percentage of them will be replaced by AI and automation in the not too distant future. The masses are rapidly shifting from being a valuable resource into being a liability.

>> No.19161250

Yes fine. Then you sterilize/kill them (if your ethics allow it), not cause then to breed a bunch of even more useless children (no matter which ethical theory you have.)

>> No.19161434

for the midwits missing the point.
it's not that eugenics don't produce results, the problem lies in who gets to decide which traits should be selected for.
(Pretty sure anyone here can think of a particular group they would be very uncomfortable in knowing they're shaping the evolutionary future of humanity)

>> No.19161518

And we should be comfortable with the fact that your dimwitted mother was able to help shape the evolutionary future of humanity by producing you?

>> No.19161526

Just as we're as comfortable with yours, yes, that is the jist of it.

>> No.19161533

Total anarchy will always be preferable to total tyranny.

>> No.19161588

But what shall be done when a powerful group of humans successfully organizes to engage in eugenics and as a result all of our dimwitted mothers and their progeny are rendered a perpetually inferior class of humans?

>> No.19161793

Sparta was more kind and human than any so-called egalitarian society, while one seeks to bring the best the other seeks to bring the worst

>> No.19161874

David "A Thousand Years" Reich

>> No.19161912

Nice facebook pic Bob.

>> No.19162200

What word processor are you viewing this in? I need a dark mode word processor

>> No.19162398

He's also not a racist.

>> No.19162408

Probably because the Nazis put into practice the most far-reaching "eugenics" program.

>> No.19162419
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>> No.19162427


>> No.19162436

>he believes the China meme

>> No.19162934


okay there robert e howard. i bet we all become apes and worship dark gods in ruins after a long enough time too. you idiot

>> No.19162956

underrated post

>> No.19162957

He isn't exactly wrong. Civilizations rise and fall. What exactly has been achieved in this iteration to prevent the fall? Eternity is quite a long time to hold back entropy, do you honestly believe humans are capable of this?

>> No.19163480


We seem not to far from genetically engineering a new human, which could significantly change the type of civilization we produce.

>> No.19163605

We're very far from it honestly sci news are utter shit and completely fail at describing the (sad) reality

>> No.19163770


>> No.19163888

Where are the bomes? The boines my man, where dem boones?

Ethically distant? Because we are getting lots of the old genome decanted with regards to intelligence. Gattaca is just a few pluripotent stem cells away.

>> No.19163990

Love is the best form of Eugenics you fucking sperg.

>> No.19164235

how did humans get to be as smart as we are without eugenics... that's right. God.
Therefore be zealous, and Repent.

>> No.19164551

Seems to me your God was very against humans eating from the tree of knowledge.

>> No.19164933

>how did humans get to be as smart as we are without eugenics...
Indifference to the suffering of the poor. Intelligence memed itself into being negatively selected for.

>> No.19164988

>top amazon review is a long rambling essay about why the author is wrong and a nazi
whoa, now I'm interested

>> No.19165682

Give all white babies lead poisoning so their IQ matches the average black man

>> No.19166098

after reading this thread in full, i can only say that i wish civilisation never progressed past ancient greece.

>> No.19166388

after reading your entire post i think ur a fag

>> No.19166659

We call that a "bad thing" and last time someone tried at scale, we did WW2 to stop it.

Nukes made it harder to repeat the
>fuck up warmongering eugenicists
plan but since China's up to shenanigans most western nations have been sanctioning them and using Covid as an excuse to move production out, which is helping pressure the regime to stop pretty much as best as we're able without explicitly starting a war that ends with everyone in the stone age.

>> No.19166692

>and if the “desirable trait” becomes something that is dysgenic or antisocial down the road?
such as?

>> No.19166804

The country with the most developed eugenics program before WWII was the United States. The country with the most significant eugenics program after WWII, still the United States. The country that currently has the most active eugenics program is still the United States. So what exactly are you talking about?

>> No.19166870

>So what exactly are you talking about?
WW2 and Pre-WW2 Nazi Germany's mass extermination, eviction, and exile of Jews, homosexuals, the elderly, the disabled, and rounding up of other social or genetic undesirables by the Nazis for the purpose of eradicating these groups in society, with the propaganda's stated purpose of taking these actions being eugenically building and growing a new "master race".

The above things are bad and someone with the power to do that is categorically a
> powerful group of humans successfully organized to engage in eugenics

So what we did, historically, in response, was strenuous opposition, namely
>liberate the camps they were using to exterminate or work these groups to death, kill soldiers supporting the regime, and execute most of the high command for crimes against humanity upon the war's conclusion

>> No.19166875

raping women to pass on seed

>> No.19166956

IQ is a normal distribution and 100 IQ is always the median, so if you kill all the intelligent people then almost every below average person's IQ goes up.

>> No.19167168

Look at Wikipedia over here. Anon, the US eugenics program started by Margaret Sanger has killed at least 5 times even the highest number estimated for the German genocide during WWII. So unless you are now going to argue the US isn't warmongering (a ludicrous claim), I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.19167175

blame whitey?

>> No.19167247

> Margaret Sanger
Are you implying that birth control is a "US eugenics program" and is in any way comparable to a literal genocide?

If so, you've lost the plot, anon. Literally every developed nation uses birth control, making calling it a "US program" pretty stupid, and there's an obvious big difference between those German measures where
>the federal government sends troops to your home to escort you, your family, and your entire neighborhood to work camps and death camps
>private individuals can purchase widely available condoms and hormonal birth control

>But I meant abortion-
Which is not a form of birth control, and so long as I'm Mr. Wikipedia, pulling from the article on Sanger,
>Due to her connection with Planned Parenthood, Sanger is a frequent target of criticism by opponents of abortion. However, Sanger drew a sharp distinction between birth control and abortion and was opposed to abortions throughout the bulk of her professional career, declining to participate in them as a nurse
So you SAY abortion if you mean abortion, because if you mean birth control, you're being retarded making the comparison

>But Sanger supported eugenics-
-and old-timey presidents owned slaves; no one's perfect, more at 11. Also support for something stupid doesn't mean the good stuff you did wasn't good, nor does it make something that isn't eugenics, eugenics.

>> No.19167451

>Eugenics is only genocide or forced sterilisation or some other evil
This low IQ take is the primary reason for opposition to eugenics today unfortunately.

>> No.19167554

Sanger helped start Planned Parenthood to "cleanse the race". I put it in quotes because that's the phrase she repeatedly uses in her book. Planned Parenthood performs 35% of all abortions in America. PP was started, and continues, to target low income and minority women, and their neighborhoods. It is a eugenics program that has killed tens of millions. That is its purpose and it is successful at that purpose. (Including birth control would be far more than just tens of millions) The incarceration rate and life expectancy of American blacks isn't exactly a heartening argument against there being an ongoing genocide either.

>> No.19167584

Seems like a fear based pysop to intentionally discourage people from discussing eugenics. Just because we choose to ignore selection pressures doesn't mean that they cease to exist.

>> No.19167637

Since you seem likely to have trouble following along I will add. Before the war the US had been in the lead on eugenics, the Germans program got ideas from the US model. Then Germany was attacked and defeated for reasons completely unrelated to any Jewish genocide. After the war US eugenics continued to up their game until they moved from involuntary sterilization and birth control onto mass homicide. (Beyond blacks, Jews are overrepresented in those deaths too. Hmm, thinking about it, they probably go to private clinics.)

>> No.19167657

This is the eugenics version of
>REAL communism has never been tried!!!

>It is a eugenics program that has killed tens of millions
The difference you continue to refuse to acknowledge is that in the US, all of these systems you're calling "eugenics" are free and voluntary, whereas in countries like Germany, they were mandatory and forcibly imposed on the populace. Any analogy you try to use to relate the two is just going to fall through because there's a big fucking difference between choosing to use a condom or take a pill or opt into an optional surgery, versus being shot and rounded up.

The core issue with all of your arguments is you're saying we need to advocate for "more eugenics". It's my belief that the only element you can get more on is by compromising voluntariness, because you can't argue
>we should do more eugenics, we don't do enough
and simultaneously complain
>we do literally the most eugenics

>US eugenics continued to up their game until they moved from involuntary sterilization and birth control onto mass homicide
You seem to have a lot of really great arguments AGAINST eugenics for someone whose ostensibly arguing we should do more of it. You LIKE involuntary sterlization and mass homicide?

>> No.19167745

Can I take it you are perfectly content with preimplantation embryonic selection? I promise we won't call it eugenics.

>> No.19167914
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>> No.19167944

Whether or not I’m a fan (I’m indifferent if the decision is voluntary and to prevent known genetic life ruiners like Downs syndrome), my point’s we ALREADY do that, and far more with eg., designer babies.

If you’re advocating for “MORE eugenics”, you’re implying you want more than what’s allowed in the status quo, but for some reason won’t say what - in my view, because you DO want some nazi shit or involuntary program, because why else would you be so fuckin’ cagey about what you want?

>we should do more eugenics
>”like what?”
>”okay, how?”
>”Like nazis where you force it on people? That’s where everyone historically goes first when you say ‘more’.
Quit being a sussy baka, anon.

>> No.19167947

Are there any older, more original books on this take? This book's new, there are barely any reviews and I'm not pulling the trigger if it's rehashing what's already been explained in the past. At this point there's nothing new under the sun.

I prefer 19th or early 20th century studies on this kind of stuff. You can't find modern scholarship on things like eugenics or race realism because those would ostracize you from the academia and "scientific community" and you can kiss all that grant funding goodbye.

>> No.19167952

Beg you to read to the end if you're the anon I'm responding to. Actually talks about the book.
I just assume what my biases tell me, and even if it isn't to degenerate people, there's still a degree of CRISPR'ing everyone into work units. And then all the extra shit added on so certain world society which is definitely the next step of humanity can work, but that's just what I think of when I see left ideologies and them tackling genetics, the book probably doesn't advocate that, after a little bit of research in it, it still seems to propose some utopian alternative though. But I think it's nice some leftists seem to realize genes do matter, even if majorly shunned.

>> No.19167961

There's some shit by Charles Murray, not exactly old though.

>> No.19167965

meant for

>> No.19167969

meant for >>19167947

>> No.19167996

>primary reason for opposition to eugenics today unfortunately.
No retard it's because polite society doesn't like discussions that lead to scary or "racist" conclusions, especially something that suggests egalitarianism isn't perfect or that inequality isn't systemic - this post sort of captures that point >>19167584 although I don't think it's a psyop. It's just not part of the Overton window and saying it publicly will ruin your name. Discussing black crimes rates like "muh 13/52" is an obvious example, as is Asian American academic performance since it's incompatible with the principles of affirmative action (colleges changed minorities to under-resepresented minorities, notice URM is the de facto phrase) and invokes the obvious truth to racial IQ differences. They use all sorts of semantic games without admitting the obvious reason.

Also see >>19167947
>You can't find modern scholarship on things like eugenics or race realism because those would ostracize you from the academia and "scientific community" and you can kiss all that grant funding goodbye.

The Supreme Court hasn't had the chance to overturn the infamous Buck v. Bell case which says compulsory sterilization is perfectly constitutional. It's constantly criticized but sterilization/eugenics have never faced the Court since then so it's still the law of the land. Based Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes put it best:

>The ruling was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. In support of his argument that the interest of "public welfare" outweighed the interest of individuals in their bodily integrity, he argued:

>We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.
He's 100% right.

>> No.19168026

I assume you mean the bell curve, but that's been discussed to death and all the basic details are online.

He wrote a book called "Coming Apart" a few years ago. I enjoyed it. He used a thinly-veiled bluepill by attributing everything to economics so even the NYT said it was one of their books of the year and called it a must-read. Pretty much describes how economic divides have made rural whites (the redneck trash meme) experience a sort of eugenic-like stratification. People associate with their own kind economically and geographically so urban, high-IQ yuppies marry each other while the working class keep marrying their hometown low class rivals. He avoids IQ and uses term like "cognitive ability" so it's not considered wrong think - my professor put it on our syllabus for a course, he must've known Murray's past so it was shocking but based.

>> No.19168087

>Whether or not I’m a fan (I’m indifferent if the decision is voluntary and to prevent known genetic life ruiners like Downs syndrome), my point’s we ALREADY do that, and far more with eg., designer babies.
>If you’re advocating for “MORE eugenics”, you’re implying you want more than what’s allowed in the status quo, but for some reason won’t say what
I think you're pretty ignorant of the state of the art. Anyway, you want a policy discussion - I would as dictator do my best to change the incentives around family formation, which currently does everything possible to discourage smart young women from having any children until they're in their 30s, whilst rewarding those who can't think beyond next week. You can do so with larger tax credits for children and lower benefits; mandate child care at all places of employment; free IUDs for everyone - pay people to have them in fact, like Sanger etc. obviously won't tip the balance much but better than currently exists.

The real opportunities are around embryonic selection, specifically with polygenic scores which are discussed in this book. With a large enough number of embryos you can radically reduce risk for a wide range of diseases and increase desirable traits. This can be entirely voluntary and personalised for each individual. A smart government would subsidise it because of the massive savings in health care and increased productivity.

Genocide is not only evil, it's a clumsy, expensive and politically impossible policy, which I would never advocate.

I don't think we're that far apart, you're just hung up on the cartoon version of eugenics.

Perhaps Sociobiology by EO Wilson. Mostly about animal behaviour and biology, rather than humans, but it was enough for an attempt to cancel him in the 70s.
The Harvard education review article by Jensen is a classic and lays out the fruitlessness of current social interventions in remaking society (specifically the black-white education gap).

>> No.19168134
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They dont always take that attitude

>> No.19168770

Egalitarianism isn't the consensus of polite society, unless you live in a social democracy. In other countries, even those with social democratic movements, like the UK, it's very much in vogue to shit on whatever class of people.

>> No.19169419

>there's a big fucking difference between choosing to use a condom or take a pill or opt into an optional surgery, versus being shot and rounded up.
Not to the baby. The difference also rather lessens when you constantly propagandize to ostensibly less intelligent people in desperate economic conditions, which you also had a hand in helping to create and specifically target them for.

>all of these systems you're calling "eugenics"
They are eugenics. Eugenics isn't about rounding up people for extermination camps. Nor are designer babies actually possible yet. I'm getting the feeling you need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.19169700

How can you do a lefty version of the bell curve? Wouldn't that just be saying that there's absolutely no valid way to examine patterns?

>> No.19169813

Yup and it wouldn't matter if you could because objectivity isn't real man

>> No.19169965

So I'm confused did the guy just write a book to say "Thinking is bad everyone is identical?"

>> No.19170261 [SPOILER] 
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they're quite good trotters desu

>> No.19170418


>> No.19170478

Reich's lab proved the aryan invasion of india myth happened

im looking foward to more deep ancestry studies of West Africans, San and pygmies

its going to show how far removed from the rest of humanity they really are...

>> No.19170638

Isn't it currently over 100,000 years distant? Longer than coyote diverged from wolf?

>> No.19170737

San are 200kya split, West Africans (including Bantu who split from that line) are 100kya.. with "ghost" admixture...

>> No.19170788

All that distance and they still share the cultural universals.

>> No.19170794


>> No.19170810

It's true.

>> No.19170814

humans are much more than "universals"

>> No.19170838

Well duh, but there's some things that all cultures have in common.