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/lit/ - Literature

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19136259 No.19136259 [Reply] [Original]

prove me wrong

>> No.19136383

by what definition?
if we take wiki definition:
>magic realism paints a realistic view of the modern world while also adding magical elements, often dealing with the blurring of the lines between fantasy and reality
then it's already ETA Hoffmann's universal definition and formula for the ideal fairy tale

>> No.19136429


>> No.19136440

Pero era latino? Eso es lo que pensaba vato.

>> No.19136450
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Haha you ain't seen nothing yet, read The Golden Ass

>> No.19136462

Una paella con cucaracha del mar y una cerveza nazista por favor, Senor Pepeda.

>> No.19136466

I read the first chapter of The Nose 2 days ago. Is the whole thing written this annoyingly?

>> No.19136473

>first chapter of The Nose 2
The Nose 3 is where Gogol really ups his game.

>> No.19136482

Though it's in pieces, this wins.

>> No.19136537

There is nothing new in magical realism.

>> No.19136656

Except magical realism stems from the realist movement, just realism with a twist. The whole point of such terms is to group things in a sane way which ties things both through style and time period to make communication easier. You are worse than OP.

>> No.19136739

that's why i asked for a clarification.

>> No.19136750

You can't be helped if you could not figure out what the "realism" in magical realism refers too.

>> No.19136888

so you don't think someone couldn't be categorized as such and come up with functional magical realism even before the first appearance of the "realist movement" or its twists? that's a pretty pedantic outlook, confusing the map with the territory.

>> No.19136937

>that's a pretty pedantic outlook,
No it's not. Of course there are earlier examples, this applies to most (if not all) movements, Tristam Shandy is not the first pomo novel despite it having many things in common. If we do not keep magical realism as a movement coming from the realists than most all of mythology and religious texts are magical realism as well, the label becomes meaningless. Might as well just reduce everything to literature at that point. The point of the label is to group a movement together, it is not meant to apply to the entire history of literature and it is autistic to try and do so.

>> No.19136956
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>> No.19137385

wait why am I (OP) wrong? Gogol fits all your criteria

>> No.19137650

Within the context of his worth it fits in more with being a forerunner to absurdism and surrealism, and we can easily see that influence. In my experience the magical aspects of magical realism are almost more atmospheric, it is just part of the world and seems believable from the context of that world, which is not the case of Gogol where they are surreal or absurd. But i am not well read in magical realism, so I could be off there.

>> No.19138912
