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File: 286 KB, 889x592, Nihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19133963 No.19133963 [Reply] [Original]

Midwit here, what is wrong with using Nihilism as a cope? Because of the senselessness of the universe, my problems are insignificant.

>> No.19133983
File: 227 KB, 1500x500, 190213524_3992181154192458_481862740790281608_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a fulfilling life through nihilism, then you're not actually nihilistic imo because you're still giving life meaning and purpose. Saying "the universe doesn't matter, so I'll MAKE my life matter!" is, by definition, not nihilistic.

Someone nihilistic believes there's no value in living, therefore doesn't see the value in improving, spirituality, morality, etc.

In other words, nihilism is the shittiest "philosophy" in the world and the philosophical equivalent of le high iq reddit atheism

>> No.19133996

No. All I'm saying is nothing matters, therefore I'll slowly rot away.

>> No.19134004

Great, so you don't believe in what OP's picture states. Unless you feel that way about dying, then yeah, you're le based atheist

>> No.19134043

Huh? I didn't mean rot away in a negative context.

>> No.19134048

I, too, remember being 12

>> No.19134069

>the universe doesnt make sense
If you say this, something is wrong with your brain, you're delusional, and probably depressed. The universe is highly ordered. Hell, read a biology text book. So wtf are you talking about?

>> No.19134364

left is nihilism, right is existentialism. "optimistic nihilism" isn't a thing, that's jusr existentialism

>> No.19134368


>> No.19134377
File: 91 KB, 912x1024, 8425973150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing matters, back to throwing hookers out of hotel windows

>> No.19134381

>t. raging pseud who can't cope with the truth

>> No.19134424

Nothing and all things are wrong with using nihilism as a cope, if you're a nihilist. In other words, welcome to chaos, there is no knowledge here.

>> No.19134427

Then I don't understand, comrade

>> No.19134435

According to Albert Camus you can't be both a real nihilist and alive at the same time, a real nihilist has to kill themselves, if not, they are taking a leap of faith.

>> No.19134442

If anything the pseud side of the argument is going "heh, look at these idiots living their life with MEANING". Why doesn't life have meaning? Says who? Everything points to the contrary

Even at its most primal level, life has, at the very least, one purpose: to pass on genes. So you're wrong

>> No.19134446


>> No.19134463

post face

>> No.19134476

If nothing matters, why should you die? Wanting to stop living means that living is something you don't want - living matters, negatively. If nothing matters, what's even the problem with putting the effort of living? Your tiresome suffering doesn't matter, either. I'm not exactly sure how do you continue after prescribing 0 meaning to everything. What's next? Obviously you must do something, as doing nothing is also a choice. But then what do you do? Taking any action is pursuing, meaning something matters, yet fighing your urges to do is also doing something.

>> No.19134488

>If nothing matters, why should you die? Wanting to stop living means that living is something you don't want - living matters, negatively.
Maintaining life takes effort.

>> No.19134517

True nihilists sit in coma for about 5 days until lack of hydration kills them. They do not feel the pain, it has no meaning. Their biological processes tell them nothing, and they do not reward them, so they perish.
Now, hedonism, on the other hand...

>> No.19134569

that passed your 40s it turns against you

>> No.19134584

Wouldn’t the right be more like absurdism? I don’t know I’ve never read Camus

>> No.19134634

But it can give positive feeling. The real nihilist thing to do would be analysing your life on a cost/benefit basis and offing yourself if the bad feels outweighed the good.

>> No.19134839

Then chasing positive feeling would itself become a purpose, which is called hedonism.

>> No.19134885

It's still absurd, aristotranny.

>> No.19134970

Why does the fact it takes effort matters? How comes nothing matters, yet you still matter?

>> No.19134977

My nigga if you think the existence of ATP-synthase makes one lick of sense I've got a bridge to sell ya.

>> No.19135105

nihilism is pathetic because it's basically the worship of man and his senses. Just a purely solipsistic philosophy that requires you to ignore logic in order to follow it. Do you really believe that our five senses and our brain are able to objectively perceive reality to such an extent that we know for sure that nothing exists outside of it? We can't even hear as much as a dog or cat can. We're painfully limited in what we know, so even agnosticism is more logically sound than nihilism.

Nihilism is nothing more than a mental disorder that comes from depression

>> No.19135116

>Taking any action is pursuing, meaning something matters
Maybe this is representative of the fact that while you're alive on Earth God is always available to you. Only after death, if you are damned, are you truly in a state of pure nihilism.

>> No.19135182

Nothing is more sound than agnosticism

>> No.19135291

Why you bring in god in a nihilism thread.

>> No.19135340

The answer to your question was literally in the post you responded to. Hmm, what's more, death in Christianity is also defined as complete and permanent disconnect from God. So in a sense, maybe it's true that suicide is the true conclusion to nihilism. The complete abandonment of order, and the dive into pure chaos.

>> No.19135448

I don't like order. The idea of chaos is much more comforting.

>> No.19135463

>yet more christcuck seethe
I see you haven’t recovered from the 2013 Richard Dawkins PWNAGE