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19130708 No.19130708 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/! I'm planning to start reading "Neuromancer" today, so I'll like to know some of your thoughts on it.

>> No.19130792

its overrated. the characters are dull, the plot is predictable, and prose is overtly flowery and pretentious

>> No.19130815

Johnny Mnemonic is better

>> No.19130821

Take it slow. The writing can be opaque and you may not be entirely sure what's going on half the time but it's worth trying

>> No.19130923

I read it. Every word. Have no idea what the fuck it was about. Technical gibberish and a nonsensical plot. Only thing that made sense was the rich bother and sister talking about how much they love drugs. Overrated crap.

>> No.19130928

dont get filtered. It tends to filter people who dont read.

>> No.19130929

it tastes like salty milk and coins

>> No.19130952

one of the scenes talks about the labia and fucking in a hot way

>> No.19130965

Years since I did, but I would recommend some good dub music and Muslim chanting in the background

>> No.19130968

these niggas do be eatin beans

>> No.19131226

i tend to agree, its only merit is that it created some cool technological concepts and such that other people used and turned into staples of the genre. the book itself is janky, disjointed, terrible. to call it prose would be an overstatement.
i actually think it's the opposite, it's the redditors who learned about this book from cdpr and don't read anything at all that pretend to like it becuase le heckin 2077!!!!1

>> No.19131291

Sharp blades and mirror shades.

>> No.19131305

it’s a noir. they’re like that

>> No.19131425
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It is a very fun and aesthetic read. However although I consider him a skilled writer I'm not a fan of how william gibson just rewrote the same tech thriller for the rest of his career

>> No.19131446

Good idea, bad execution. Gibson is one of those trashy American writers whose imagination is better than his ability to write. Like Philip K. Dick.

If you aren't a literature elitist, you may like it...but if you value beautiful prose, you shall throw this book down and there shall be much gnashing of teeth.

>> No.19131511

The first 40 pages are great, then the book starts going downhill until the last 40 pages. You have to reread it to fully get it but even then, you just can't imagine some things because Gibson is too focused on style and sounding good to give you clear images.

>> No.19131524

Don't listen to this retard, he hasn't read either of those writers.

Here's a sample from Neuromancer, how the fuck is this badly written?

"Now he slept in the cheapest coffins, the ones nearest the port, beneath the quartz-halogen floods that lit the docks all night like vast stages; where you couldn’t see the lights of Tokyo for the glare of the television sky, not even the towering hologram logo of the Fuji Electric Company, and Tokyo Bay was a black expanse where gulls wheeled above drifting shoals of white styrofoam. Behind the port lay the city, factory domes dominated by the vast cubes of corporate arcologies. Port and city were divided by a narrow borderland of older streets, an area with no official name. Night City, with Ninsei its heart. By day, the bars down Ninsei were shuttered and featureless, the neon dead, the holograms inert, waiting, under the poisoned silver sky."

>> No.19131539

im other anon but even if tht prose its not bad its not good either.
i agree with him in that philip k dick have an incredible jawdroping imagination but his prose ability is messy and too basic. never read neuromancer.

>> No.19131546

>lesser versions of the same tech thriller for the rest of his career
few authors get so much worse book by book. Spook Country didn't even have a plot, just characters doing unrelated things that never got to anything.

>> No.19131555

no youre wrong

>> No.19131558

That's just a random excerpt from the book. There are much better passages and even that's pretty good for a SF novel. Gibson rivals Delany when it comes to writing ability.

Also PKD wrote the way he did because he was pumping out multiple short stories plus a book a year. I have never found PKD's writing "bad", it's just not quotable. Simplistic style but it helps building that feeling of paranoia. The reader never knows what's really happened despite the prose being so simple.

>> No.19132336

>lesser versions of the same tech thriller for the rest of his career
Very true unfortunately, though Bridge Trilogy wasn't bad

>> No.19133610

JM sucks

Honestly if you are interested in cyberpunk and also keep in mind that it was written in 1984 the entire book is pretty cool.

For some reason anons on here try to say he uses a lot of technobabble for no reason but he does have a reason. The man literally wrote that shit in an era when the macintosh 128k just came out. Every sort of tech we have now and take for granted he and other sci-fi/cyberpunk writers had to just imagine.

>> No.19133708

>Cyberpunk was invented by some fucking polish video game company

>> No.19133753

the only thing you need to know is in the first sentence.
>The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
see that comma? that's a hack's comma. anybody can see it would read better without the comma. you should stop reading right there, because writers without a grasp of the absolute basics are not worth your time. i've read samuel delany describe a child licking shit off a rapist's dick and i kept going, but that comma is fucking disgusting.

>> No.19134622

Gravity's Rainbow's better

>> No.19134630
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>> No.19134641

don't bother

>> No.19134670

Based autist.

>> No.19134799

Enjoyable aesthetic. Not terrible prose. Was fairly influential for its time I'd guess, not so today. Books should be read hot off the press, not decades later, for best effect.
Plot and characters are pretty meh. The feel of cyberpunk Tokyo sexpat degen life was strong in this book.

No matter what, it was 1000% better than Snow Cringe, which literally the worst book ever written. So long as you don't read Snow Cringe, you have chosen wisely.

>> No.19135807

Imagine being a fat NEET reviewing literature and hating on Snow Crash. Snow Cringe... really. I'm embarrassed for your family

>> No.19135880

>Spook Country didn't even have a plot, just characters doing unrelated things that never got to anything.
this is horrible criticism. plots are not necessary

>> No.19136125

The cringe is the people who defend it as anything other than firestarter.

Unreadable garbage-shit fanfic made by a pedophile whose sole innovative creation was adding rollerblades to pizza delivery with the main character (if there was one) being a sexualized 13yo girl with no development whatsoever.
About 5 good pages with aesthetic at the start, then a slog of YA trash that sounds like it's written by a teenaged boy.

>> No.19136158

I was going to read Neuromancer, but I made the mistake of scrolling through Bill's twitter first. Now I even regret buying it,

>> No.19137268

the intro / first act are really good then it turns into somewhat of a slog

>> No.19137289

This thread is full of morons who have no ability to actually parse or understand writing. They only function by constant contrarian posturing at/for one another. They are without brains.

>> No.19137444

Don't touch your peepee for an hour after you read.

>> No.19137512

oh fuck I don't even want to know. I think I have been subconsciously avoiding his online presence since I read he lived in Berkeley or san Fransisco or whatever. How bad is it? Im guessing a lot of Trump stuff?

>> No.19137532

I am convinced all the faggots shitting on it every thread are brainless NPCs trying too hard to fit in, and 70% sure they havent even read it

>> No.19137548

I can't even tell whose side they are trying to fit into anymore. I like Neuromancer a lot. I read it twice, and I read the sequels too. That's why I don't want to know how much of a liberal faggot the author is irl.

>> No.19137666

If you like over the top cyberpunk, Snow Crash is where it's at.
Neuromancer has a satisfying ending, so that's a plus.

>> No.19137872

Delany a little to gay for my taste, I prefer a misplaced comma

>> No.19137898

The first time may be rough (specially if you are an ESL), but after reading Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive, a re-reading of Neuromancer is quite friendly.

>> No.19139184

One of two good books that Gibson wrote. The other is Burning Chrome. Don't be sucked in to reading the sequels.

>> No.19139278
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burning chrome is just a bunch of short stories though :/

>> No.19139383

This. Stephenson is a horrible writer and all of his books should rot away in a landfill and be forgotten.

>> No.19139701

how neuromancer (and gibson in general) compares to philip K. penis?

>> No.19140841

>13 year old girl
(You can't sexualize something that is already sexual) Based

>> No.19140933

i quit halfway through. it spends too much dropping futuristic catch phrases out of nowhere without letting you understand what it really means.

>> No.19141624

>>Morons who can only post posturing.
>Is a post full of posturing.
You outed yourself.