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File: 129 KB, 1134x652, jordan peterson william lane craig nestorius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19129964 No.19129964 [Reply] [Original]

>doesn't believe Christ has a human mind
>so the human mind was not divinized and saved
What is this guy's problem? Books refuting his worldview?

>1. We agree with the Council of Chalcedon that in Christ we have one person with two natures – human and divine.

>2. The soul of the human nature of Christ is the second person of the Trinity, the Logos. The human nature of Christ is composed of the Logos and a human body.

>3. The divine aspects of the Logos are largely concealed in Christ’s subconsciousness so that he had a waking conscious life that would be typical of any human being and that like the mass of an iceberg submerged beneath the surface so in his divine subconsciousness there lay the fullness of divinity. The waking consciousness was typically human.

>> No.19129978


>> No.19129998

>Anglo 'thinker' invents his own heresy (which is really just rehashing of an ancient one)
Many such cases.
As your picture suggests, this is Apollinarism which is shared with Lane Craig.
I think it was refuted by Gregory of Nyssa.

>> No.19130008

Juden Peterstein is a pseud, need I say more?

>> No.19130025

>The soul of the human nature of Christ is the second person of the Trinity, the Logos
>soul of the created human nature
>the Logos
if Christ's soul is not created then it is really proper to Christ's human nature? Is there nobody in his circle of Christians who pointed this out to him?

>> No.19130035

he doesn't have Christians in his circle lol. at most, a catholic or two. and we all know caths are full of shit.

>> No.19130047

Woah! Finally we have a correct Christology after 2000 years of the Church!
Thank you, Jordan Peterson!

>> No.19130052

kek, Luther/Calvin lapsed into Nestorianism with penal substitution

>> No.19130055
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Even a Roman Catholic should have big problems with saying that Christ didn't assume the same human nature as us. Protestants go to the other extreme and tend to make His human nature fallen.

>> No.19130065

>elitism among christer sects
Complete nonsense, your religion teaches universal salvation. At least when other religions do this it's usually about some metaphysical principle or other, whereas yours is entirely about convincing people to agree on a miraculous event in order to live for eternity.

>> No.19130071

>your religion teaches universal salvation
entirely false
you're a retard

>> No.19130076

>your religion teaches "universal salvation"
It also teaches that heresy is a sin, if you do not believe correct things as taught to the apostles by the Holy Spirit, you have no salvation.

>> No.19130083

>some sperg with a speech impediment
Sorry but I can’t listen to this. Is there a transcript or something?

>> No.19130085

catholicism has no biblical basis. The bible alone condemns catholicism. Jesus condemns catholicism. Your whole religion is a heretic addendum to the source material.

>> No.19130094

prots and Poe's Law
name a better combo

>> No.19130107

The Scriptural Canon was decided upon by the Catholic Church (with the guidance of the Holy Spirit). Christ taught the Unity of the Church and therefore eternally refuted Protestants.

>> No.19130117

>then it is really proper to Christ's human nature?
Yes. The next line explains it, "The human nature of Christ is composed of the Logos and a human body".
His human nature is the soul of Jesus which is the Logos composed with a human body. The Word became Flesh.

>> No.19130119

I'm literally describing sola scriptura. do caths follow sola scriptura or not? by definition they do not.

absolute nonsense. catholicism is a means of social control, nothing more. clearest example: priests were forbid from marrying because the ruler at the time wanted to cripple rich priest families. Somehow this is holy and part of your dogma now? absolutely idiotic.

>> No.19130120

>disregarding Jesus
>considers himself a christer
Cool story St. Paul, got any more Jesus funkos for me?
Yeah Jesus sat around doing scholastic theology (about himself!) and wasn't really just performing magic and teaching ethics
I actually agree with you the entirety of christerism is like having a ninth harry potter book written by some pornographer on patreon when there is a perfectly good covenant between God and the people who he chose (not (You), who are some Greco-Latin-German sea person barbarian theology thief)

>> No.19130128

>The human nature of Christ is composed of the Logos and a human body
So it is a different human nature from ours and cannot properly be called such. Thus Christ is not really the second Adam, since Adam's soul was a creation, and not the Logos.

>> No.19130129

>and wasn't really just performing magic
A miracle is not magic and to clam is magic is a heresy. The Bible elaborates this by making a distintion between people like the Apostles that created miracles through God and The Holy Spirit and people like Simon the Magician.

>> No.19130133

Protestantism was created because aristocrats wanted to plunder the land and property of the monastery which was being used for charitable works.

>clearest example: priests were forbid from marrying because the ruler at the time wanted to cripple rich priest families. Somehow this is holy and part of your dogma now? absolutely idiotic.
Have you ever read the Bible, specifically 1 Corinthians 7:7-9?

>> No.19130135
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>performing magic

>> No.19130141

Sorry, I don't believe you. If you took over the armed forces and underclass of my empire I might agree to larp along with you to preserve my station.
Yeah you got a problem with magic mister tantric sex franco-pajeet?

>> No.19130146

Peterson spent his youth as an atheist and joined the socialist party of his area. He spent the rest of his life being ambiguous towards Christianity, and in the past 5 years has become more and more Christian through his own interpretation of the Bible (which isn't always correct.)

He's quite literally the meme of the redditor that is enlightened by his own intellect.
No, Christ is fully human and fully God. He's not semi-human or semi-God, or a hybrid of the two. He's both at the same time.

>> No.19130162

>Christ is fully human
He is not human if He does not have a human soul. All humans have a soul, it's a property of the human nature.

>> No.19130165

>both at the same time.
This is formulated specifically to splice Christianity off from the religions of both Egypt(Greece) and Judea. It's just contrarianism as a religion. It's not some mystery, it's a pragmatic competitive decision you are trying to make sense of outside of the original context

>> No.19130166
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>It's not some mystery

>> No.19130167

You are going to far. Let's go for parts.
>So it is a different human nature from ours and cannot properly be called such
The way you expressed this idea is in a extreme way, but there's a fatal mistake in your reasoning.
Jesus is the son of God and he is unique among men, with that said his nature is still that of a human, for his soul in his case The Logos resides in flesh. Humans too have a soul and our soul also resides in flesh
Human nature is the soul and the flesh as one. You are confusing the soul with the flesh and soul as one.

>> No.19130177
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I know, I know, where is the inquisiton when you need them? Where is Cromwell? Where is Carolus Rex? Where is the Tsar? They can't help you.

>> No.19130178

>Sorry, I don't believe you. If you took over the armed forces and underclass of my empire I might agree to larp along with you to preserve my station.
You don't have to be an arrogant moron. I'm explaining the difference between miracle and magic. If you care to listen, that's up to you.

>> No.19130179

>Protestantism was created because aristocrats wanted to plunder the land and property of the monastery which was being used for charitable works.
what a tortured view of history you have.

>Have you ever read the Bible, specifically 1 Corinthians 7:7-9?
oh nice, random out of context scripture. hard pass my guy, you're gonna have to try harder than that.

>> No.19130182
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>Where is Carolus Rex?
In Heaven

>> No.19130191
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>outside of the original context
The original context shows Christ exhibiting divine actions and human actions, in one singular person who is the Word of God.

>his nature is still that of a human
Correct, so Christ has a created human body, created human soul and created human will. These are all proper to any human.
>for his soul in his case The Logos
The Logos is Who became human, it's not some kind of part of Christ's humanity. The Logos is 'who' Christ is, 'human' is what Christ is after the incarnation.

>> No.19130196

>The Logos is Who became human, it's not some kind of part of Christ's humanity. The Logos is 'who' Christ is, 'human' is what Christ is after the incarnation.
I agree. Thanks for correcting my mistake.

>> No.19130200

>still believes in the trinity which was made up 200 years after Christ death as a compromise

>> No.19130201

Source? When did Jordan Peterson say that?

>> No.19130203

Yes, he has a human nature. He incarnates as a human which means both a human body and a human soul.

>> No.19130209

It's if you believe or not. That there is some internal classification is good to know for a doubtful believer I guess.

>> No.19130212
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>nooo you can't use new words to describe ideas already present before in Holy Scripture!!!

>> No.19130214

>It's if you believe or not.
Also true

>> No.19130219

You don't have any arguments because what I said was true.
Sola Scriptura is self-refuting as well by the way.
>And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
>2 Timothy 2:2
>So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
>2 Thessalonians 2:15
St. Paul in the Bible states that there is both a written and oral tradition and this was the position of the early church and the Ecumenical Councils and everyone until the heresiarch Martin Luther.

>> No.19130221

>the idea were already in the scripture because my preacher said so
cope, the son is clearly described as inferior to the father

>> No.19130224

>and everyone until the heresiarch Martin Luther.
Damn right

>> No.19130225

The original context is the Old Testament as compiled and redacted in Babylon. Not the expanded universe comics written by Roman provincials where you call a totally new character Spider Man

>> No.19130228

Sorry, that was William Lane Craig's Christology. Jordan Peterson's would be something like this:

Depending on what we mean by 'Christ' and 'nature', the mythical figure of the teacher Christ may be an archetypal embodiment of both the mythical human and mythical primordial divine.

>> No.19130238

I will never read Peterson but isn't he a jungian? So in other words the whole "gods are archetypes" thing? That would make his "christology" more like The Golden Bough than any theologian's; in short blatantly heretical

>> No.19130242

Peterson is half a step away from atheism

>> No.19130246

>reliable people
laughable to think catholics are reliable people when you people slapped on a bunch of fanfics and called it canon

>stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
Yes, the teachings passed down from the bible-- not catholic teachings that directly contradict the bible.

You niggers are so retarded that if a Catholic teaching was passed down saying Jesus is not the son of God, you would accept it unconditionally. Pathetic.

>> No.19130254

>the son is clearly described as inferior
This doesn't deny the Holy Trinity. Christ is """inferior""" in a certain way since He took an appearance of a servant and all divine actions proceed from the Father to the Son. But He is also described as possessing the same glory of the Father from before all time, even in His humanity.

>> No.19130259

he is made from the same divine substance, but is still subservient to the father

>> No.19130263

>the Old Testament
Yes, in which Moses writes about Jesus Christ, which Christ Himself acknowledges and teaches us.
>>For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”

>> No.19130269

Its funny how you guys always feels compelled to change the term.
I'm fully convinced the name of Christ causes you severe distress

>> No.19130276

>moses said my OC is canon
absolutely delusional christer cope aimed at illiterate gallileans. They're all dead and the adults are talking—it is clearly not in the text.

>> No.19130282

Indeed. To say Christ/Messiah seems to drive them crazy.

>> No.19130283

>he said, smugly congratulating himself for believing in obvious falsehoods

>> No.19130289

>he is made
Christ is not made, but begotten. He is not a result of the Father's will, since the divine will is one and Christ shares in it in His divinity as the Logos.
In His humanity, yes, Christ's human will is freely serving the Father's divine will and completely obedient to it even unto death on the cross.

>I'm fully convinced the name of Christ causes you severe distress
This. The Jews do this to, changing it to "Yeshu" or some diminutive form like this. They're afraid of calling His true name since it saved us from death.

>> No.19130299

I meant made as in "composed of"

>> No.19130313
File: 103 KB, 546x630, Orthodox_icon_of_Transfiguration_of_our_Lord_3_716be4ed-2978-4f54-9dff-a55e56519ef0_1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're all dead

>Now it came to pass, about eight days after these sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray. As He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening. And behold, two men talked with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.
- Luke 9:28-31

>> No.19130319

>everyone who disagrees with me is from the same religion that Jesus was raised in
That's a really funny way to deny God's will

>> No.19130323

This would also be an error. The Logos isn't made or composed out of parts. He is begotten as the Word of God from all eternity and has no constituent parts.

>> No.19130326

You're citing the NT to prove that Moses predicted Jesus (i.e. the new covenant, the NT itself). Do you not see an issue here or what?

>> No.19130327

>Yes, the teachings passed down from the bible
So can we agree at least that those are the teachings of the early Church and the Ecumenical Councils? Because they did not believe in Sola Scriptura. No-one did until Martin Luther.

>> No.19130333

What about the holy foreskin? Not a part?

>> No.19130340

A part of Christ's human body, not of His person itself.

>> No.19130353

SS is the same exact mosaic strategy as this >>19130165 You make an extremely specific breach with the previous religion to isolate yourself from it and prolong your own doctrines as the antithesis of theirs.

>> No.19130357

that implies that his body wasn't part of him, which also implies he didn't really suffer and die

>> No.19130361

Oh boy. So our bodies are not our persons? I can't wait for the coming transcath, transorthodox, transcalvinist movement

>> No.19130384

The only one's to deny God's will are the Jewish, who refuse to accept Christ and systematically attempt to sidestep and defy God since the time of Moses.

>> No.19130400

He did suffer since His body is real and can feel pain. It is just not a physical part of the Logos, which is absurd since God has no parts.
Christ's personhood (the Logos) is ineffable and not contained in Christ's body. He is not limited by His body even when walking around on Earth. His body is an assumed property of the Logos after the incarnation, not a constituent part of the Logos which somehow forms Christ or gives Him existence.

>> No.19130407
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>India, China, etc. are Jewish
>but not the christers who give their children their names, read their books, follow their commandments, honor their covenants
Quack quack quack

>> No.19130415
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>> No.19130417

Notice there is nothing here in this christological disembodiment doctrine to dam the cultural tide of "postmodernism" that petersonian weenies kvetch about endlessly. I appreciate your honesty and wish you luck at keeping election tourists out of your church. But since it has been hard to keep them off this board it may be a challenge.

>> No.19130422

>has bacchanalian cannibal feasts for the wine bearing crucified god
>calls others drunken sots and mongrels

>> No.19130445
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>Christ's name literally makes them tremble
Why have you not accepted Christ yet, anon?

>> No.19130448

What the fuck is that drivel even supposed to mean?

>> No.19130455

when you call everyone who isn't Christian "Jewish" while you walk and talk like a... come on are you guys really this illiterate

>> No.19130456

>Christ's personhood (the Logos) is ineffable and not contained in Christ's body
so he didn't die on the cross

>> No.19130487

>when you call everyone who isn't Christian "Jewish"
I didn't do that.

Since the basis for your statement is false, whatever bullshit argument you thought you were making is false.

>> No.19130489

The Logos died and suffered on the cross, absolutely. But Christ was also never detached from His divinity or limited to His body all throughout this experience. It's the Logos experiencing all of it, who is by His divine nature omnipresent.

>> No.19130497

Christ died on the cross because He was human. C'mon anon, even 5-year olds can understand this one.

>> No.19130516

>fails to understand the Eucharistie
Arrogant moron

>> No.19130522

Yes, you did; you said they were the only one's [sic] to deny god's will... as if the entire debate you are larping as a participant in took place on the fringes of the Roman empire in an area where they had predominated and you were the new rival sectarian group looking to differenciate yourselves

>> No.19130525

Not very humble of you. You won't be able to enjoy the screams of the damned with Tertullian if you've a mouth like that

>> No.19130529

>glorifying and celebrating Christ's sacrifice for our sins
>"""bacchanalian cannibal feasts"""
I am convinced there is a demon behind this post.

>> No.19130539
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>Why have you not accepted Christ yet, anon?

>> No.19130545

Are you or are you not consuming his body and blood? Answer carefully, it could cost you eternal life in the world to come.

>> No.19130554

Yes I'm sure Pride was in his way given his background before deadnaming as Fr. Seraphim

>> No.19130569

>this pseudo-atheist arian who got kicked out of constantinople for being a heretic said that jewish ceremonies are cooler than christian ones!
>this means that it's totally okay to think that jews are god's chosen people and to kiss the ground they walk on

>> No.19130580

If the logos is omnipresent and not contained within the body of Jesus, how was the experience of this crusifiction any different than all the others

>> No.19130586

Yes. I am consuming His entire life-giving Body, not a broken piece of dead human flesh like cannibals do.
>it could cost you eternal life
Calling Christian liturgy "bacchanalian cannibalism" will also absolutely cost you eternal life if you do not repent.

>> No.19130596

Oh, I see. You're just trying to rile up the Christians.

Don't worry, it's not too late to repent and accept Christ as your savior. :)

>> No.19130609

I don't understand your objection. How is your experience of being punished wrongly different from all other experiences you had? It's something else by its nature. Christ did not have to suffer, He was innocent of all wrong-doing yet He was still forsaken by His people and willingly underwent the suffering to save us.

>> No.19130622

This thread and the conversations herein are so garbage it almost makes me tear up. All of you need a lashing.

>> No.19130629

I don't have to repent of anything to you or anyone you worship. You're all terrible debaters to boot, it's just this "you'll be sorry"ing bit over and over.

>> No.19130636

And all you've been doing is calling names. Now it's time to be sorry, no (You)s from now on.

>> No.19130637

>I don't have to repent of anything to you or anyone you worship.
This is what the demon of pride makes you think, that you have no sin.
>You're all terrible debaters to boot
I'm not trying to debate you. I'm just delivering the truth in hopes of you accepting it.

>> No.19130646

>the infidels were mean to me when I told them they would go to hell for not listening to me

>> No.19130648

Imagine arguing about shit that requires you to suspend logical and rational evaluation to make sense of it. Just believe whatever you want about Christianity since none of it relies on anything other than choosing to believe things with no basis in fact or logic for them. Making arguments and justifications for shit is retarded unless you decide to go the 'traditionalist' route and ignore Christian dogma in order to ground things 'philosophically'. If you believe Jesus was 'the son of God' and that you will attain salvation by 'accepting him as your lord' then you've already fucked up your entire system of logic and definition so just do whatever.

>> No.19130655

Sin is invented by priests to manipulate people. It's how Moses tried to keep control of his horde as they crossed out of Egypt. Incidentally it did not work out spectacularly well for him, but the idea was solid enough and later and better situated manipulators were able to use it to great advancement

>> No.19130659

>with no basis in fact or logic for them

>> No.19130715

It's cringe because it hurts that you just arbitrarily believe things about Jesus based on appeals to authority and history and religious social codes. Aka "faith" which is "don't question any of this." Rene Girard has a much more plausible advocacy of Christianity than normal theologists.

>> No.19130728

if god is omnipresent and omniscient, than he would have experienced every single crusifiction and torture any man has or will ever experience, how is the one Jesus felt any different

>> No.19130732

Once you admit that supernatural events like a literal resurrection and explanations like "Jesus was fully human and fully God" somehow make sense, you're essentially free to believe and justify anything you want, was my point. If there's no rhyme or reason to what we see around us and miracles can happen such as biological death being reversed, you can just believe whatever you want in such a worldview and justify it in various ways. The only way around that is to have a naturalist metaphysics and then interpret everything metaphorically and symbolically like Jordan Peterson tries to.

>> No.19130742

>he would have experienced
No, he would see them, but not experience them without the incarnation, since pain is entirely alien to God by nature.

>> No.19130744

so he is not omniscient

>> No.19130760

Yeah I realized this a while back. Since then I stopped giving a fuck about philosophy. Choosing my beliefs has been liberating. Kirkegaard was right

>> No.19130763

1 John 2:18
>Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

1 John 2:22
>Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3
>And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

2 John 1:7
>For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

>> No.19130768

"Believe us.... just because"

>> No.19130775

He knows what pain is and how humans experience it, but it is alien to Him in His divine nature. Knowing externally as God and first-hand experience as a human is different.

>> No.19130786

can Christ really have been human if he wasn't burdened by original sin?

>> No.19130789

Everything you believe is ultimately based on things that you can't fully comprehend or prove.

You claim that Christ's resurrection is illogical and yet the very concept of death has been debated for centuries by scientists. Under every scientific definition of death there are miraculous and unexplainable recoveries from death.

This is because science, human cognition and the tools we have available are insufficient (and always will be) to fully understand everything there is to understand. Being "fully rational" always requires a degree of magical thinking and accepting what authorities assert as truths.

>> No.19130797

This is actually a really big point in Abrahamic religion, though. The testimony of an infallible authority, and the spiritual implications, are THE characteristic of Abrahamic religion in many ways. Compare this to Dharmic religion which admits that (in theory) a sufficiently spiritually advanced individual could recreate the religion entirely ex nihilo.

Strictly speaking the vast majority of Christians don't actually believe in the resurrection of the dead (despite this being the belief of the Church Fathers), they believe that they "go to heaven". It's part of how Christfags on here don't actually believe in Jesus, because it's irrelevant as they don't worship Jesus, they worship Christianity.

>> No.19130800

Adam and Eve were human before they sinned. Humans don't need sin to be humans.

>> No.19130830

>they believe that they "go to heaven"
Yes, to await the resurrection of the dead. This is the most weird false dichotomy I've seen recently.

>> No.19130846

yes but they eventually sinned which means they had the built-in defect that caused them to be tempted and give in to evil; christ on the other couldn't sin because he was God

>> No.19130868

Yes, I didn't see how that would make Him less human.

If Adam and Eve never sinned, they would be human nonetheless. Sin is not a prerequisite to humanity.

>> No.19130873

They had potential for their will to be corrupted. This is just a mode of being of humanity, not an inherent property since after the resurrection there will be no potential to fall away from Christ for the saints.

>> No.19131160

I don't care what the early church did or didn't do. Again, church tradition is meaningless if it contradicts the bible

>> No.19131238

Is this bait? Jordan Peterson? Really? Like, why not Jung? Or other, more refined heresies.

>> No.19131323

And this is the problem with getting your entire understanding of Christianity from old cripchan infographics and /his/ memes.

I don't think it's fair to call Jung a heretic, what he's positing is just something other than Christianity.

>> No.19131357

>what if Christ is just an archtype of Jung, think about it
Very impressive petersonian christology