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19129813 No.19129813 [Reply] [Original]

>read and research a ton in a subject
>make my own choices and experiment
>get good results
>normies will still think i don't know anything if i didn't got a BA on that
why is that

>> No.19129835

Statism demands legal documentation/authorization. Otherwise you’re a burger pusher/cashier

>> No.19129872

>work at McDonalds
>alacarte options memorized but not combo meals
>customers point out I mixed up an order of combo meals slightly differing a medium drink and large drink and medium fry and large fry
>customers rapid fire orders for multiple combo meals
>complicated customizations on combo 1 vs combo 2 vs combo 3
>repeat back after the order
>lucidity and clarity in calling the combo
>ask about the McSpicy with tomato and cheese and Mac Sauce
>"Oh yeah thats a detail on the combo __!"
These people have dementia in everything but ordering different sequences of exact burger and fry portions. The packaging itself is their content. When I realized this I became a super tutor at school and super fast cashier.

Degrees are like drive thru combos. Nice packaging. Info collated and synchronized with habituated institution and providing concrete verifiability. This allows for Branding to substitute methodical thought and mindful perception. Packaging is all about mental shortcuts.

>> No.19129885

>no not the heckin normieriiiiiiiiiiinos noooooooo
If you're so above it all, why do you even care you fucking nerd?

>> No.19129887

>if youre so above it all
Seethe chandala seethe

>> No.19129917

Go get me a mcchicken and fries wagie

>> No.19129925

Are you asking about why an objective accrediting system has merit? I think you just demonstrated why "self education" isn't all that impressive, if it leaves you with this big a gap in reasoning ability.

>> No.19130235

>"Ooh, you're so cultured"

>> No.19130277

college is a debt trap that was partly designed also to reduce the chance of a well rounded education. the modern market requires hyper specialists with no other interests out of the systems desire for obedience

>> No.19130295

>Degrees are like drive thru combos. Nice packaging. Info collated and synchronized with habituated institution and providing concrete verifiability. This allows for Branding to substitute methodical thought and mindful perception. Packaging is all about mental shortcuts.
That... that actually makes perfect sense.

>> No.19130334

Prolly cut you still acknowledge the existence of normies

>> No.19130372

Anon if you don't work in medicine, law, IT, or engineering you're NGMI.

>> No.19131175

Did you publish your results?

>> No.19131255

College was actually originally designed specifically to provide a rounded education, albeit poorly. This is why in the US you're forced to take common core classes outside your chosen field.
The problem is that from a job market perspective, this is bad because the market values specialists over anything else (like you said). And from an educational perspective it's still shit, because it does a terrible job of actually providing a well rounded education

>> No.19131344
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It's all so tiresome. At least I'm a MD and people take my opinion seriously even if concerns a subject that have no connection to medicine. It's funny yet usefull.

>> No.19132434


>> No.19132695

Also there's no certainly that there's been any rigor to your experiment

>> No.19133724

fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19133738

>>normies will still think i don't know anything if i didn't got a BA on that
because in 99% of cases, that would be a correct thing to assume, just look at the shitty takes people with no degree on a topic have to say on it

>> No.19133747

I feel this will have to change at some point. Maybe the decentralized age can do something about it. It's still fairly new that we're living in a time of youtube education so just give it some more time. University is completely outdated at this point for the most part. As far as STEM goes it may have to stay though. I would argue the rigorous testing and competition is required for that area. And since everything is so ruled by exact methods, standards, and procedures you need some order for everyone to walk. When it comes down to it it's about money and funding and you're only going to get that if you prove yourself.

But at any rate I think you're wrong because people aren't going to push for your BA over every discussion. Oh well.

>> No.19133844

Eat a cookie, would ya?

>> No.19133873


>> No.19134120

Higher education offers a standard that both the job market and the government can agree are good indication of knowledge on that field while someone who is self taught is held to no standard other than his own.
There's a reason why, if you where to hire a lawyer or a doctor for a consultation you would hire someone accredited and not self taught. Though the value of a degree has definitely dropped in the last few decades as more people than ever are getting one. A degree is still more valuable than not having one.

>> No.19134538
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lol lmao

>> No.19134542

i generally dont like your posts, but that was pretty based ngl

>> No.19134551

>if i didn't got a BA on that
British Airways?
Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Bosnia and Herzegovina ?

>> No.19134678

normies who want to feel like scientist, when all they do is memorize some crappy stats. Even techincians are above those truds

normies who want to feel literary or jewish.

literally the new blue collars who think they are hot shit because they the public servants give them a diploma after 50 years deflating the value of this diploma. But the manchil's parents are happy to call their brat ''an engineer '' lol

lol all replaced by poos and chinks or managed by normy managers

>> No.19134715

it the easiest field to make it without credentials at all
>wah wah normies
post your big brane virtous intelligentsia fields

>> No.19134762

Lol no Sally Mae salespitch cultist

>> No.19134815

>Higher education offers a standard that both the job market and the government can agree are good indication of knowledge on that field
Is this true or bullshit

>> No.19134853

Where is ghis from