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19128835 No.19128835 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that expand on this philosophy?
>99.9% of mankind's problems stem from man's inability to recognize and acknowledge his animalistic nature. The entire edifice of human culture was set up to keep our minds too busy to confront this fundamental fact and foster the illusion of our superiority over the animal world

>> No.19128840


>> No.19128856

Thanks, any particular works?

>> No.19128882

darwinists should speak only for themselves, I don't consider my distant ancestors to be animals

>> No.19128922

Genealogy of Morals, Civilization and its Discontents. Also check out Straw Dogs.

>> No.19129031

Straw Dogs by John Gray?

>> No.19129067


>> No.19130399

The Impeachment of Man

>> No.19130427

>illusion of our superiority over the animal world
But we are superior. We have consciousness, the capacity for reason, self-awareness... Give me a break with this shit.

>> No.19130432

And ability to blow up whole planet

>> No.19130458

you are an animal
lmao. do people really think this

>> No.19130464

Based. Imagine thinking a chicken is your equal. Egalitarianism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.19130469

Even that, especially that. We shape our own destiny, animals live in a pseudo-unconscious existence powered by instinctual bursts, there is no awareness, there's no understanding of death, everything is machine-like. (I'm not saying animals don't feel pain, retards)

>> No.19130470

which makes us superior in power and capability. cope

>> No.19130472

Everyone thinks this. YOU think this, or at least you act like it. If you claim not to think this you're just trying to be interesting.

>> No.19130502

>do people really think this
Yes I do "think this". Why wouldn't I? By what metric are humans not superior? Why are we endowed with the capacity to orient ourselves towards the infinite in various mediums like the written word, painting, sculpting, architecture, even war for Christ's sake. Religious war. To die for a God you can't even prove. To have that capacity for creativity is only something mankind possesses. Keep coping, faggot.

>> No.19130517

what the hell are you on about? religious war? you are lower than any animal

>> No.19130543

You're a faggot. My life as a man is a miracle. The innumerable unbroken line of people living dying and fighting through untold horrors so I could be born and breathe this air is a profound miracle. Fuck you, nigger.

>> No.19130571

I kinda agree, but that does not make me sympathetic to animals. To be an animal is to be a biological machine which optimizes reality for the spread of its genes. If other animals get in the way of that, oh well. If the overall health of nature declines because of this, oh well.

My point is that the animal is inhumane. If we gave ourselves over entirely to the animal aspect of ourselves, then Hitler was the best of role models and everyone should strive to carve out as large a Lebensraum for their genetic descendants and close relatives. Humans must combat the animal aspect of ourselves, we must reach for something higher.

>> No.19130711

Not if it's possible to tame an animal with your voice. Snake charmers, for example. You'd have to argue that animals ignoring their insectoid/bacterial/viral nature, at which point Keanu Reeves will appear in a helicopter and shoot you with a gatling gun and rescue me.

>> No.19130746


>> No.19130773

Thus Camed and Cummed Zarathustra

>> No.19130791

You are not intelligent.

>> No.19130810

Prove OP wrong, faggot

>> No.19130819


>> No.19130834

Totem and Taboo

>> No.19130960

I don't see monkeys setting up any edifices and keeping their minds busy sending spaceship to orbit the planet. It's almost like only humans can do it.

>> No.19130997

Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

>> No.19130999

Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov

it's all about the stuff you're talking about and how to get over it

Nietzsche i feel stole some ideas from Fyodor

>> No.19132419

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

>> No.19132889

Humans are animals you dumbass
If a snake had a brain as complex as yours and a pair of thumbs I pretty sure it would venture out to space as well. Your nothing but a more complex kind of a monkey and your animalistic nature decides 99% of your life. Even if you don't think so.

>> No.19132898

I don't think you'll find any philosophy dumb enough to say the point of human culture was to distract us from being animals like some sort of conspiracy

>> No.19133142

A human can kill any other animal on the planet?

>> No.19133156

Basically Nietzsche, except he probably has a slightly different idea of what it means to be an animal.