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19128790 No.19128790 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I just released my first self-published novel. I wrote it in my early twenties in the mornings before work. It's essentially my "trial run" novel, to see if I've got the chops for something more serious later on. It got a couple of bites from agents when I sent it out on submission, but nothing materialized. So, self-publishing it is. I've shared bits and pieces of it here in the /wg/ threads, so I figured I'd drop the link here in case anyone cares to read it. If you're interested in supporting a fellow anon, let me know what you think of the description/synopsis, and whether you'd purchase the book based on the preview.


>> No.19128848

>threatens boss with murder
>is innocent

>> No.19128855


Yeah, that's part of the paradox explored in the text. To what extent is he culpable, and to what extent can he be blamed, and be redeemed.

>> No.19128884

>my "trial run" novel
So release it under CC-BY-NC-ND. Why the fuck are you charging actual money for your feedback probe juvenilia?

>> No.19128948

Good luck, anon. Is nice seeing someone from lit/ publishing stuff.
Also don't you fear being associated with this place?

>> No.19128971

Well, I'm using a pseudonym. Also, other succesful authors who've been published my big publishing houses are associated with this place (i.e., Tao Lin). Also, no, not really.

Because you can make money using Amazon Kindle publishing, so why not try? If you're interested, I can send you the link for free.

>> No.19128986

>I'm using a pseudonym

>> No.19128995

>(i.e., Tao Lin)
Since when was Tao Lin associated with /lit/?

>> No.19129005

I read some of the excerpt then got bored by the time it hit the dialogue. But it's okay. It looks professional too, so well done on that. The cover is very nice also, although the bottle looks off-centre to me, though that may be a trick of the eye.

That Australian with the short stories is still the best written thing I've read published by /lit/ so far. But this is very good too.

>> No.19129011

He used to come here ten years ago or so and everyone pretended to be him in every thread for a good long time.

>> No.19129017

>Well, I'm using a pseudonym.
White guy masquerading as an Asian woman for those sweet woke dollars. Unfathomably based.

>> No.19129022

>white guy
Oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.19129024


Yeah, I'm old enough to remember when every thread here (2011/12) was Tao Lin related. And every thread author was speculated to be Tao himself, self-promoting.

>> No.19129028

Go to bed, Tao.

>> No.19129044


And yeah, I am a white guy. I used a random name generator, but I'm also kind of self-conscious about it. I have a lot of older, more established writer friends who I could send this to for Amazon reviews that would bolster the book's public profile immensely. But, I'm worried some might get upset about the Asian woman name. If that's the case, I'll just keep it strictly to myself.

It's kind of funny. I got cold feet about using the Asian woman name, so I tried to contact the book cover artist to change the name to a slightly modified version of my real name. But he got pissy because I only gave him 4/5 stars on Fiverr, so he refused to edit the name on the cover (for payment). So, Asian Alice it is.

>> No.19129049

this is better than the Aussie Aligator book lmao

>> No.19129094

Not for me. I can remember a few scenes of that from when I read it a week or two ago - kangaroo killing, the grave in the lonely spot, the hidden weapons from the war, that guy that was dying. I've only just read this bit of Last Call but there's nothing memorable happening in it.

>> No.19129104

Sick, play it up by writing autofiction about the female Asian experience, but remain mysterious like Elena Ferrante. People will eat that shit up.

Vindicated by the author you reddit-tier faggot.

>> No.19129122

well it's hard to compare 20 pages of a 200 page novel against stand alone short stories, but fair game

>> No.19129167

>someone who put a fake name on the cover is totally not lying to me about his sex and complexion on this here anonymous forum
The absolute state of nulebbitors.

>> No.19129203

what book are you references?

>> No.19129212

I don't want to shill it on here anymore because this board has been inundated with self-promotional posts and samefaggotry by the author. But, look up F. Gardner's book.

>> No.19129230

>White guy masquerading as an Asian woman for those sweet woke dollars. Unfathomably based.
>And yeah, I am a white guy.
Anon, they will call you a tranny if you finally make it and they push to discover your real name. Don't you think?

>> No.19129265


What do you mean? "They" (?) will call me a tranny because I self-published under a false name?

>> No.19129304

there's a special place in hell for all you gardner and waldun faggots

>> No.19129310

garnder, waldun...and now...nguyen

>> No.19129315

>because I self-published under a false name?
Because you picked a female name.
The critics of the the posterity will speculate about what you really meant by that.
Then the mainstream trannies will get their revenge. lol

>> No.19129320

>garnder, waldun...and now...nguyen
The new meme cannon

>> No.19129338

Well, I could edit the book cover to include a male name. But honestly, it's not a memoir and it doesn't deal with the female nor Asian experience. The novel's about a white guy. Self-publishing under a randomly generated name, even if its a name typically belonging to another gender or race, shouldn't bear any significance given the subject of the text. If it was about an Asian female, I think that'd be different. Also, funny of you to assume that any critics will care about this.

>> No.19129352

Just a heads up, from reading the synopsis only it is obvious this was 100% not written by a woman. The subject matter, themes, and setting blatantly signal male author and male centric interests. I wish I could actually read some of it to give you more detailed and valuable feedback.

>> No.19129360

I read the first couple of pages and I'm not sure how I feel. You've clearly put thought and energy into your writing and you have a basic grasp of the English language (unlike Gardner and Waldun), but something is "off" or maybe just slightly adolescent about your writing, it's difficult to define. It's little stuff like "night creatures" and "pocket check" that make it feel YA-ish. The premise sounds interesting but needs to be more clear. I'm not a very good critiquer so that's all I have. I can tell most of your focus has gone into not doing things wrong instead of trying to do things right, which is not a bad way to write a book. It's definitely a promising start, fake-asian-woman anon

>> No.19129382


Haha, thanks. I wish people weren't so caught up in the author's name, but thanks.

>> No.19129386

>Also, funny of you to assume that any critics will care about this.
Who knows? kek
What about this pseudonym,
Melanica Watermelon.
Too offensive?
Is it gonna sell well?

>> No.19129391

Waldun doesn't have a basic grasp of the english language?

>> No.19129393

Ass Masterson just released his memoirs

>> No.19129399
File: 71 KB, 389x500, B0859NTT8W.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll read yours if you read mine (probably not though)

>> No.19129419

>The subject matter, themes, and setting blatantly signal male author and male centric interests.
What do you mean?
What would be women subject matters and themes?

Love, Romance and stuff?

>> No.19129468
File: 191 KB, 680x1024, istockphoto-488310562-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, hello, woman here. Reporting in.

>> No.19129603

>lawyer (neutral>0.1)
>family disappeared (+3 ihaveaparticularsetofskills.jpg)
>golf course (+5 not a country club, the description of golf course betrays the author's unconscious bias perception of the facility. A woman would 100% call it a country club because the physical building, its amenities and inhabitants are the locations of her interest compared to the grounds)
>alcoholism (neutral>.3)
>solving problem through violence (+10)

These were the big tells. I mean "there's pedophiles in the country club and a broken father/lawyer is going to administer justice outside the courtroom" screams male protector fantasy. He gets to archetypally slay literal demons to be redeemed in the eyes of his family. Or he transgresses and kills an innocent child. Neither of those occurrences are products of the female mind.

>> No.19131026

Fucking Sherlock over here

>> No.19131168

Honestly OP, this is pretty good. If it's just 3 bucks I'll buy it tonight and get back to you about how I feel about it.

>> No.19131262
File: 150 KB, 750x704, 666F6254-8E6A-40D3-949F-022AD92F1EF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call of the Crocodile is fucking amazing.
Congrats on your book OP. Neat to see more books by anons from here.

>> No.19131325

This. Crazy shit.

>> No.19131339

Fuck off Gardner.

>> No.19131352

Not Gardner. But you are obviously Card.

>> No.19131492


Honestly I cannot believe the extent to which Gardner samefags his shit around here. I want to hate him, and I do, but I can't help but respect the dedication he has to promoting his terrible writing and worthless series of books.

>> No.19131704

definitely some of the better (published) material that I've read from his board. Show us more, Alice.

>> No.19131864

If it were all Gardner he wouldn't just be talking about the fucking Crocodile book. The dude has a million other books that didn't come out a year ago.

>> No.19131926

Duh no shit sherlock. CotC has had ads here for an entire year. A lot of people have read that one but not the rest of F Gardner's stuff.

>> No.19131941

Liam please tell us why you are pretending to be an asian woman???
seriously what's the reason?

>> No.19131976
File: 146 KB, 577x924, captain-sum-ting-wong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm I read the thread
doesn't make a lick of sense but ok I guess

here you go

>> No.19131989

Holy Kek

>> No.19131990

Bro how'd you do that, hit my email and I'll pay you to put a different name on (I might try releasing this under several names). You know where to find my email.

>> No.19132020

use the healing brush tool in photoshop set to content-aware and replace
or if you don't have photoshop, you can prob do the same thing with photopea.com's healing brush tool
or just pay another fiverr random to patch over it and add your new name and remember to ask for the source psd/ind/whatever files this time.........

>> No.19132026
File: 9 KB, 112x112, 9791_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19132472

Just drop the Google doc in the thread Anon.
We will read it, and review it.
You won't get anywhere with 0 reviews.
If it is good, people will throw you sheckles