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File: 18 KB, 558x614, 93D34E1E-073B-479D-ACE7-0BC57D0C71FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19127588 No.19127588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are you so against college? It outs you as a prole

>> No.19127590

Because people here are pseuds and if they go to college, they will realize how little they actually know.

>> No.19127598

nobody knows nothing pal.
>except academics

>> No.19127601

Cuz I’m a prole

>> No.19127604

lmao, it's the opposite.

>> No.19127612

being a prole is based

>> No.19127614

Outer Party members have it infinitely worse than proles. I don't know why anyone would voluntarily become one.

>> No.19127641


>> No.19127670
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College is only useful as a technical school to get into a particular profession. Don't bother going if you are going to study some arts subject

>> No.19127750

>Why are you so against college?
It's because I actually went to one of the top universities in my third world shithole(computer science). It was a waste of time and money.
That's a dumb thing to say. Universities are filled with people who believe they are smarter than they actually are. Being accepted at a top-tier university only serves to inflate their egos, and any lessons about knowing nothing go out the window after philosophy 101. The tradies tend to be more humble.

When I see someone praising colleges on the internet, I assume that they never went, and are merely pretending.

>> No.19127832

Tradie cope

>> No.19127878

We call it "cope" around these parts

>> No.19127903

Being opposed to modern universities either makes you a prole or an aristocrat.

>> No.19127907

This pretty much sums it up

>> No.19127973

fuck marx

>> No.19128034

>Universities are filled with people who believe they are smarter than they actually are. The tradies tend to be more humble.
Yes, that's a sentiment oft heard online and on nu4chan in particular. In fact it's virtually the only consistently expressed view in this supposed argument between "smug self-important collegiates" and "humble tradies". Almost makes you think the former don't really exist in any tangible quantities and the latter just keep raging against the insecurity-fueled strawmen living rent free inside their humble heads.

>> No.19128062

>"smug self-important collegiates"
They're in this thread right now.

>> No.19128072
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I bet those bastards keep following you wherever you go.

>> No.19128184

>Why are you so against college?
Because they're barely competent at best and a massive scam at worst. Sending "everyone to college" has been a disaster.

>It outs you as a prole
And this is pretty much why. People are too concerned with social status and not enough with learning, which gets you a lot of members of the fairer sex and others looking for "their cut" of something that can't be given to them anyway, and in effect are instead being given the "college experience" and a brand name and basically corporatized education as a product like a new car.

>> No.19128196

i went to uni and it was pretty shit, nearly impossible to fail and full of retards and normies

>> No.19128268

The fact your instant association is class, which means you see university mostly as a social sphere rather than anything, is part of the reason. The production and circulation of knowledge shouldn't be subjected to people who want a social club for likeminded individuals, the fact it has become that due to the institutions we created to regulate this process means these institutions are doing a bad job.

Other than that, it's just not practical. It's slow, it's outdated, the way classes are structured doesn't reflect how human memory or skill acquisition works, several majors have tons of unnecessary shit in the curriculum, the time and monetary requirements prevent training and later re-training for huge segments of the population, the institutionalized ass kissing is annoying, most universities are irrelevant when it comes to actually contributing to research, etc.

>> No.19128280

An outstanding post. Outlines almost every standard cope there is.

>> No.19128292

It must be nice to be one of the last five people in the world who still associate university with prestige and privilege rather than a chore we all have to go through. I don't want to hurt your delusions of social mobility, dismiss me however you want

>> No.19128297

Your contribution being what, exactly?

>> No.19128303

>Other than that, it's just not practical. It's slow, it's outdated
It really is quickly becoming dated, with all the classes moving to the internet. I see them as holding us back rather than pushing us forward like they would have us think. Something's got to give here, it's just past the point of becoming hopelessly inefficient within the current system as far as undergrad is concerned anyway.

>> No.19128307

Ive been in college for 5 years and I haven't learned anything here that couldn't have been learned quicker and more effectively by simply studying and reading at home. The only benefit it offers is structure and guidance, and even that is tenuous and plenty of alternatives can be found elsewhere

>> No.19128323

>go to class
>professor explains a topic poorly
>go back home
>have to learn the exact same topic on my own through books or online material
>repeat for four years

>> No.19128357
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>university education being completely decoupled from prestige and privilege is a self-evident fact accepted as such by pretty much everyone
>that's why I'm going to write a long-winded post full of everything-and-the-kitchen-sink-style emotionally charged argumentation defending this obvious truism
There's simply nothing sweeter out there than the perpetual asspained seethe of the intellectual Lumpenproletariat.

>> No.19128386

>it took him 20 minutes of constant rewriting, tears rolling down his cheeks, to come up with that
now imagine the quality of his essays

>> No.19128402

I actually think college is helpful in pretty much any field. It's incredibly overpriced here in the states, but I genuinely think the school system in general is good enough. Nowadays, you can definitely learn anything at home, but colleges provide structure and guidance. Some of my professors were great and could teach what was in the textbook in half the time. As an EE major, I have nothing but respect for people in the arts. There's a good chance if I were to walk into their classroom, I'd have no idea what the fuck they are doing, just like if they were to walk into one of my classes. Many of the people in the arts put in a lot of effort; it's just not that apparent. Also, sometimes the arthoes are fine as hell

>> No.19128407

You dont know how to use lumpenproletariat.

>> No.19128408
File: 87 KB, 397x360, pko3t0mybvm41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no you

>> No.19128409

>Some of my professors were great and could teach what was in the textbook in half the time.

>> No.19128413

>>university education being completely decoupled from prestige and privilege is a self-evident fact accepted as such by pretty much everyone
Who's saying that's true? How is he not just answering the question posed by OP?

>> No.19128420

You are kinda right but the purpose of university should be to train you for a job. I cant afford to waste 3-4 on a degree that wont guarantee a good way to make ends meet.

>> No.19128421

>can't even use a meme in the appropriate context
>filename from reddit
the intellectual aristocracy at its finest

>> No.19128454
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>> No.19128461

I kinda agree. When it comes to fields like engineering and business, they should definitely prepare you, but the whole place is supposed to be a learning institution (sometimes more like business than a learning instution). Their job is to teach you what you need to know. Unfortunately, most people don't think students in the arts need to know how to make money.

>> No.19128470

>he typed as he edited the filename

>> No.19128737

Because this is 4chan, anon. A site populated almost exclusively by moody teenagers and underachieving young adults. Sour grapes is their natural way of life.
>socially inept robots on /r9k/ who can't talk to girls without dropping spaghetti telling you relationships are not worth it, true chads only ever practice chastity and thinking otherwise is being a cucked simp
>unemployable autists on /b/ who couldn't hold a McD-tier job for longer than a week telling you working is not worth it, true uebermenschen only live in ascetic neetdom and thinking otherwise is being a sellout wagie-cagie
>underage busriders on /o/ who couldn't change oil without a youtube video telling you modern cars are not worth it, true gearheads only ever drive 20 year old rusty shitboxes and thinking otherwise is being a normie badgewhore
>cheeto dust covered /g/entoomen who haven't produced a single line of production code telling you generating utility is not worth it, true greybeards only write hentai plugins for emacs and thinking otherwise is being a corpo codemonkey
>aspiring dropouts on /sci/ who can't finish their grug-tier undergrad homework telling you studying [their subject] is not worth it, true academics only ever bother with [a different subject] and thinking otherwise is just being dumb and defensive
>rotting alkies on /ck/ who've never tasted anything that doesn't make you go blind for a day telling you consuming fine drinks is not worth it, true connoisseurs only ever enjoy Wisconsin box wine and thinking otherwise is being a pretentious snob
The same thing happens here and you can see it readily ITT: blue-collar losers and mediocrities, who barely managed to get into some borderline diploma mills only to spend their whole time there smoking kush and playing fortnite, are all singing the exact same old song about higher education not being worth it, "le true intellectuals" only ever opting for the "authentic pursuit of knowledge through autodidacticism" and how thinking otherwise means you're either pretending or some status-obsessed pseud. These people live and die by the cope and no amount of rational reasoning will ever change their minds as that would mean admitting their failures. And this is something we just do not do on the Kyrgyzian yak-shearing bulletin boards.

>> No.19128757

>hehe I go to college and I'm smarter than these pseuds because I got an A on my critical discourse paper on analysing how discriminated blacks are in Western literature

>> No.19128765

If you don't see the political agenda problem of unis, you should dilate

>> No.19129214

What have you achieved?

>> No.19129223

fucked yer mum jej

>> No.19129242

>The fact your instant association is class, which means you see university mostly as a social sphere rather than anything, is part of the reason.
Well put. The whole place emanates the presuppositions of the bourgeoisie. Lebedoff's book, The New Elite, is good on this. The bourgeoisie only cares about status acquisition for themselves and their families, not actual excellence or individuality. That's why they deify tests, institutional recognitions, club memberships, etc. Half-consciously and half-unconsciously they know they can monopolize these things and permanently "secure" for themselves a high status, rather than having to earn it by striving or having their children earn it (and risk failing to earn it) by striving.

It's the diseased, rotting leftovers of the middle class worldview that deposed the nobility. They want to freeze history forever at its current level, where wealth and status beget wealth and status and they're always safe and guaranteed a cushy life. Any guilt or shame they feel about this is sublimated into bullshit charity initiatives that skim a few poor people into the upper class to give the illusion of inter-class mobility.

All most people learn in university is that the caste system still exists de facto, it was only abolished de iure. The zombie bourgeoisie should be extirpated from the human spirit so new growth can occur.

>> No.19129276

I’m not against college, per se. I just prefer high school or institutions of lesser learning because I like the youngins if ya know what I mean.

>> No.19129306

Remember when these tumblr types were just fun to laugh at and their nonsesnse wasn't embraced by the powers that be?

>> No.19129325

>Yet another dickhead that wants to criticize everyone and act like he's better
Oh gee, if only there were more of you guys.

>> No.19129339

>nooo we need to dekulakize the world and ensure that RIGHT people get the treasured aura of muh true inellekshual honesty (e.g. me) instead of all the WRONG people (e.g. not me) :^)

>> No.19129341

>why are you against wasting 4 years putting yourself $100k in debt while being fed with leftism
I wonder why

>> No.19129353

Unlikely that that was where he was going with that one, but you probably already knew that, didn't you.

>> No.19129389
File: 5 KB, 200x252, 993901931039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped out after a few semesters and became a tradie.

I will simply say the lifestyle of a bougie diploma-haver is totally unappealing to me, as most of these people do not do actual work and work fake jobs in a first world country that operates on stolen third world prosperity. Managers, soft skills gaylords types, and an abundance of entitled women really make PMC culture extremely unappealing, and even in my STEMcel course the politics were deranged. The really do push tumblr tier "white man bad" shit in college but the people there are so accustomed to it that they will readily say "what SJW at universities?! heh, nobody takes this shit seriously" and think they are all free thinkers except for the teensy little fact that they have to attend mandatory anti-racism struggle sessions and will be personally and professionally obliterated if they dare to step out of ideological line. a very cracker tier trait to say "what's wrong?" as the house burns down around you, so on that point maybe the race hustlers are onto something at least.

that said, the vast majority of people are too stupid to obtain even a shred of "well-roundedness" on their own so uni does help with this, but overall the people there still deserve to be fed alive to pigs. the cambodian shovel enjoyer was correct.

>> No.19129435

>I dropped out
>didn't want that anyway something something generalized meme-strawman
like clockwork. absolutely comical

>> No.19129445

they look very British, but this must have been pre2016 due to no black people

>> No.19129462

>These are the "best and brightest" of our generation

>> No.19129479 [DELETED] 

Yep, this pic is almost a decade old I think.

Funny to think these ugly motherfuckers sabotaged their own professional chances with this shit. Enjoy not having anything else in life I guess.

>> No.19129534
File: 484 KB, 891x497, lunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are suffering from cracker delusion where you view the entire world as a shopping mall, so you can't even see this reality. many such cases.

>> No.19129569

I'm in my last year at one of the top schools in America. I didn't learn much that I couldn't have learned better on my own, and the student social sphere was not the type I would want to associate with. At least the degree will give me a job, but beyond that it had nothing to offer.

>> No.19129663

Your pic is of Oxford. An Oxford MA in the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin qualifies someone for a job wherever that person wants.

There are universities and universities.

>> No.19129674

Does he have two keyboards? How does this work?

>> No.19129686

You cant work in finance with a music degree, sorry