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19125711 No.19125711 [Reply] [Original]

Cormac McCarthy is reddit-tier fiction.

>> No.19125715

bumping for interest

>> No.19125717

He's anti-reddit. Your typical redditor would be offended at the lines:
>They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women, whiskey, money, and niggers.

>> No.19125753

Imagine actually writing that and thinking it is good dialogue.

>> No.19125807

It is. If it's so bad, critique it.

>> No.19125837

Imagine typing imagine and then expecting them imagining something to imagine

>> No.19125852

It's cliched as fuck.

>> No.19125880

>le too good for quotation marks quirky reddit writer
I hate this faggot and his apologists.

>> No.19125884

Explain why you need quotation marks when it’s perfectly understandable what is and what’s not dialogue without them

>> No.19125902

To visually differentiate between dialogue or inner thought from the rest of the prose, you retarded cunt.
It's nothing more than a quirk and a sad attempt to "stand out". Plus his books fucking suck if you can even get past this shit.

>> No.19125917

>uttering the word "niggers" is cliche
Where is your time machine? I want to go back

>> No.19125949

You just sound like a rube. Maybe you should stick with popup books.

>> No.19125951

>muh vices can ruin the world
>let's add the word nigger to add an edgy characterisation

Stephen King is more subtle.

>> No.19125957

>clichés are bad
Explain this

>> No.19125975

>lack of original thought

>> No.19125983

Lol cool, you stick with your garbage fiction by reddit:the author.

>> No.19125996

Imagine the smell

>> No.19126032

>new is better than true

>> No.19126046

It’s racist. I’m sick of racists and cornac mckarybis acist of them all

>> No.19126056

all fiction is Reddit-tier

>> No.19126195

Why should you visually differentiate that? Why is this option aesthetically superior?
I believe conjunction works better than disjunction in a narrative, specially in such narratives as those of McCarthy, where style is sustained.
Why am I wrong? Provide a good critique, minimum 300 words.
Clearly you are an amateur when it comes to the techniques of literature. I read around 60+ books a year (in six to eight different languages) and think McCarthy is a very fine writer. Bloom, Antunes, Herzog and others, even DFW, agree with me. Why are we all wrong? Provide a critique.

>> No.19126209

Your attempts will not work.

>> No.19126220

Maybe you should read him instead of getting offended, you sad cunt.
Detest your kind.

>> No.19126286

>Maybe you should read him
Yeah tried that shit and the only thing that offended me was the wasted time on such drivel by a tryhard faggot lol

>> No.19126297

Finally, someone said it.

>> No.19126301

Which book?

>> No.19126305

Okay, now try reading one without being an offended faggot beforehand. Works wonders.

>> No.19126441

i am about halfway through blood meridian right now, the first work i've ever read from him
the dialogue scenes are fantastic but i am bored to tears by walls of text of the kid describing the same desert scene over and over again. yeah i get it there's sand and the sun and indians and shit.

>> No.19126468

McCarthy is good in spite of his prose.

>> No.19126600

definitely not

>> No.19126648

>traveling through the desert for years at a stretch is monotonous

>> No.19126676

Western outlaws in the 1800s weren't subtle people, as demonstrated. So then it's good, because it's a true portrait.

>> No.19126687

You will benefit greatly by reading the book instead of running off on tangents for a stray line posted ITT.

>> No.19126705

You’re halfway through the book and you think it’s being narrated by the kid? Seriously?

>> No.19126771
File: 300 KB, 1508x1493, seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao seething manchildren

go live your cowboy fantasies on /r/cormacmccarthy

>> No.19126786
File: 12 KB, 247x59, Anon leaves the nest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knows reddit boards by name

>> No.19126794

>tell people to read the book
>>haha seething manchildren
You don't belong on the web entire.

>> No.19126799

you're moving goalposts. the discussion was about that particular line, which is in fact cliched

>> No.19126806

>politically incorrect
>challenging yet rewarding
what reddit are you using?

>> No.19126816

But your accusation is that it lacks subtlety without even knowing how Mccarthy subverts the line later. How am i wrong then to suggest that?
As for cliches, the line is said by a bigoted hermit, not by the narrator. People say cliched shit all the time, how is that fair criticism?

>> No.19126817

>you is a pretentious midwit faggot he said. nigger nigger nigger nigger
there's your critique retard

>> No.19126822

so you admit it's cliched. argument over, thanks for the (you)

>> No.19126823

McCarthybros, I read Blood Meridan and liked it. What should I read from him next to become a true Redditor

>> No.19126827

I never said it isn't. A 19th century hermit from the south talking subtly would be the cringiest thing ever, even more when you know he is bitter, but it beyond the understanding of certain anons ITT.

>> No.19126831

The Crossing.
If you want to go the extra mile, read the entire Border trilogy, but the Crossing is the true highlight and opus.

>> No.19126835

The road if you were serious
The Border trilogy if you were ironic

>> No.19126836

read the Border trilogy and Suttree

>> No.19126840

i don't read fiction for a documentary experience

>> No.19126879

Then don't read literature. Stick to genre fiction if you just want to tick off satisfaction criteria.

>> No.19126903

Cormac McCarthy is the Chuck Palahniuk of /lit/

>> No.19126908

Then what is chuck palahniuk the chuck palahniuk of?

>> No.19127633


>> No.19127932


>> No.19127942

he'll forever be BASED for shitting on philosophy retards

>> No.19128484

Congratulations on your non-statement, i guess.

>> No.19128543

CM is the James Cameron of /lit/

>> No.19128567

>challenging yet rewarding
Possibly the most reddit phrase I have seen used unironically on 4chan

>> No.19128586

>he'll forever be BASED for shitting on philosophy retards
What did he say?

>> No.19128958


His story telling is fantastic, but he is objectively one of the worst writers on the fucking planet. Reading it is a pain in the ass and that's why audiobooks are essential for Cormac.

>> No.19128970

>one of the worst writers on the fucking planet.
Why do you think so?

>> No.19129023


Blocks of fucking text with no punctuation, no quotation marks. It makes reading it much more fatiguing than it should be. I enjoy the books I've read by him, but it's much more tiresome to read than any other author I've read.

>> No.19129123

I liked The Road, although I thought the ending was shit. I'm reading Child of God now and it's been boring as all hell until about half way in when he finds those dead bodies and keeps the dead girl for fucking. The conversation in jail with nigger John was good too, I guess.

>> No.19129522

I prefer it now, think it confers a great aesthetic quality

>> No.19129561

>think it confers a great aesthetic quality
I spotted a pseud.
Waldun, is this you?

>> No.19129567

why does /lit/ tolerate template threads

>> No.19129590

most people here have nothing interesting to say, so given the opportunity to to talk in a generalised way is very inviting.

>> No.19129592

Waldun got filtered by McCarthy. He was going to read Blood Meridian on Cliff's recommendation, what came of that?

>> No.19129620


>> No.19129747

Why is it that there are so many redditors here bootlicking McCarthy every day?

>> No.19129784

Eternal truths are eternal

>> No.19131324

because this website has become overrun by pseuds

>> No.19131441
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1280, ZEHAHAHAHAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life is so simple it can be reduced to a fixed number of repeated narrative elements
Never thought people would believe this unironically, you made my day

>> No.19131749

Holy cringe

>> No.19131880

If you weren't an election tourist from reddit, you would know the tradition is as old as /lit/ itself.

>> No.19131915

he is fucking awful

>> No.19131922


>> No.19131974


>> No.19132059

All of his characters are normalfags, I can never relate to them.

>> No.19132167

He said he only cares about authors who write about life and death and isn't interested in people who interpret wet dreams of wanting to fuck their mother as some subconscious trigger for entering manhood.

>> No.19132458

>He said he only cares about authors who write about life and death

so... all authors?

>> No.19132466

t. whiskey

>> No.19132587

because you have not read him, I doubt you read at all judging from template comments like that.
someone who actually disilkes an author would put forward the reasons why they do and cite which books they did not like and why, but I guess calling something reddit and leaving it open for replies is the only way for illiterate faggots like you to post on /lit/

>> No.19132596

I liked the road, makes me remember my dad every time

>> No.19132613

It’s intentional, I felt the same as you at when I was at that point in the book
The final third puts the dull bits in context, so stick with it
the kid isn’t the narrator btw

>> No.19132628

You mean to tell me that you see the kid and the judge as normalfags?

>> No.19132629

I know many of his readers like him because of what he represents. His 'muscular, corncabbish, brutal' writing is their daily tea because this modern age makes us go for the symbols instead of the being itself. Go to gym, read Hemmingway, Mccaarthy and all that entails. Personal i find his works tedius and his poiltical in-correctness is not a virtue by itself as young readers aren't aware that injuns have always been portrayed as savages, brutes, barbarians in most of the literature concerning them. Mccarthyism here is a sad state of affairs. Literature post-war is invariably unremarkable.

>> No.19132637

>the kid
>the judge
pretty much a normalfags idea of le ebil man

>> No.19132652

What works do you like?
>muscular, manly, political incorrectness
Which books by him did you read?

>> No.19132709

i'm confused by this as there are numerous books without quotation marks. doesn't ulysses not use them?

it's a stylistic choice, and getting upset at a style rather than engaging with it is like pissing into the wind: you'll feel nice and warm but after a minute you realize you just pissed all over yourself and look like an idiot.

>> No.19132737

the normalfag's idea of an evil man is someone with a justifiable / redeemable character or someone shaped wih a noble goal but questionable methods, this is basically how every normalfag picks their favorite villains from any medium.
McCarthy shits on those people and omits backstory or coherent motivation from the character, he's one of the last few breeds of authors who'll remind you that some people are just fucking evil and there is no point trying to rationalize it.

>> No.19132743

do you ever read things like turn of the screw and get mad that it's such a basic ghost story?

you ever feel like Barsoom is dull and repetitive because it's just aping what Star Wars did?

you ever get the sense that your mind is badly warped and you're missing some historical perspective?

i don't know about you, but there were SO MANY "le ebil man" characters floating around in american lit of the 1970s and 80s and CM is just a torrid hack. i'm sure this is the truth and not just some sophomore whingeing.

>> No.19132750


>> No.19132880

Yeah I think I got half way through blood Meridian then got tired of the edginess and skipped ahead to the last chapter. Pretty good.

>> No.19132885

Why are there so many McCarthy threads? Did he do an AMA or something?

>> No.19132887

This OP is reddit tier fiction

>> No.19132893

A meme has been born do not question it just celebrate

>> No.19132896

CM doing AMA would break this board.

>> No.19132909

No it wouldnt. Everyone would just call him a jew

>> No.19132938

See man, this poster below DEMOLISHED your joke of an argument. Can't you see writing the bald one-dimensional ,supernatural evil man is the peak characterisation and takes guts those other authors don't have? Stephen King should take notes and should have such gutsy characters! Bloom would get frightened to death if others were as brave as McCarthee.

>> No.19132944

There is two types of bucks in this land, the Judge says.
And you gots to break one or the other. A man casts his lot in the breaking. He lives for the breaking.
In the holy communion of the flesh as in the infinite swell of the planes on earth and the last appearance of christ there is an extension of solitude as those first days of man, the holy birth.
Since then there's just the bucks and the breaking.
The judge spat on the ground. The kid took a piss and spat on the ground. An Indian said a prayer.
The judge started dancing until sundown. And he kept on dancing.

>> No.19132955

Who, the evil man danced! I bet that evil man listened to Wagner and suchlike while he was away in the old world. God, that character arouses me!

>> No.19132965

there'd be like 10 guys sucking him off, 20 guys asking one or two questions, and 100 guys shitposting and meming him out of town

>> No.19132979
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I only have one question. Where is it?

>> No.19132991

>one dimensional
>stephen king
You sound like a normalfag to your bones

>> No.19132993

Where is what?
The Road?
You have to follow the Way. The Way of the Road. You do it by pissing in jugs, gettin drunk and playing VLTs.
Youre going to walk that Road boy. It aint gonna walk itself.

>> No.19132999

Ain't nobody else gonna carry that fire boy. Ain't nobody else gonna walk that road.

>> No.19133006

Normalfags don't understand the judge at all. Casing point: They think he is evil to begin with.

>> No.19133009


>> No.19133019

He is instead a gnostic Hermeticist moral utilitarian with a penchant for chaos. Also, I'm very smart.

>> No.19133103

he is based and Luddite pilled
In 2013, a Twitter account impersonating McCarthy (@CormacCMcCarthy) was created by Scottish writer Michael Crossan, quickly amassing several thousand followers and recognition by site owner Jack Dorsey. Five hours after the account's creation, McCarthy's publisher confirmed that the account was fake and that McCarthy did not own a computer.[

>> No.19133112

mm yes I concur. I find everyone else's opinion of him to be rather shallow and pedantic. Like you, I too consider myself to be a wolf among the sheep

>> No.19133127

>They is twelve things that can destroy a society, judge says. Niggers, women, money, whiskey, taxation, Communism, children out of wedlock, abortion, women's suffrage, Industrialization, Democracy, and leftism

>> No.19133129

Then kill yourself. Having an ethnic in-group preference is perfectly normal and healthy, and everyone but White leftoids has it

>> No.19133137

Some narratives are informed by statistical reality. Your apparent xenophilia doesn't change the fact that collectively niggers are ruining everything they touch. If you can't handle this, you should try going outside once in a while

>> No.19133157


>> No.19133248

The Road is basically a redditor's take on religion

>> No.19133285


>> No.19133395

Can we just turn this into a McCarthy posting thread and ride on over the aureo plans and spit?

>> No.19133435
