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19124448 No.19124448 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain this? Why would I worship the demon?

Also anyone here who wants to bring up his later mental illness just fuck off with your ad homs

>> No.19124472

The quote is quite clear, if a metaphysical entity, be it god, or a deamon, was to announce to you that your life will be relived again over and over forever, you'd curse him.

However, if you have live through a truly marvelous instant in your life, it may be enough to make your entire life worthy of being relived over and over again

>> No.19124474

It's asking if you're a living a life that you would enjoy living over and over again (eternal return). If you're someone who embraces master morality and life, then you will be happy upon hearing the news ("worship the demon", as you put it). If you're a life-denying person who lives a miserable slavish existence, then you will be saddened.

At least, that's how Nietzsche wants to present reality.

>> No.19124482

Tbh if you can't understand this and won't put in the effort to understand it yourself, then you're probably not cut out for philosophy.

>> No.19124488

Based, I thought so just wanted to make sure

>> No.19124501


>> No.19124502

Shut the fuck up, some people aren't as good but they can still try. They'll never be at the top, but they can celebrate small victories and take up passive interests in things. They should still be gatekept out of the big boy thinking like the kind that you do, but we all start somewhere. There's a balance.

>> No.19124505

its fairly simple, the quote has little to do with the demon and more with your own satisfaction with your life. If you lived a life you loved and the "demon" said you'll live it many times more you'd thank it. If your life is hell well it's obvious from there.

>> No.19124529

>Can anyone explain this?
Yes, those are the ramblings of a schizo.

>> No.19124545

A schizo wouldn't understand that he's writing a hypothetical, like Blake, an actual schizo.

>> No.19124572

This. Nietzsche was a deeply mentally ill man whose rumblings somehow got popular.

>> No.19124588

Clearly an instance of conceptual theft from Goethe's Faust.

>> No.19124601

> In Faust's study, the poodle transforms into Mephistopheles. Faust makes an arrangement with him: Mephistopheles will do everything that Faust wants while he is here on Earth, and in exchange Faust will serve the Devil in Hell. Faust's arrangement is that if he is pleased enough with anything Mephistopheles gives him that he wants to stay in that moment forever, then he will die in that moment.

>> No.19124907

>confide in demons
What a kike.

>> No.19124988

filtered as intended

>> No.19125818

Demon comes from a greek word and just means spirit.

>> No.19127155

I am literally the last man and live a mediocre life but I would thank the demon from the bottom of my heart

>> No.19127161

just bee happy