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File: 68 KB, 768x1024, FB_IMG_1563451650716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19124434 No.19124434 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the best books for someone trying to start their own business? Or for marketing, especially with social media?

>> No.19124442


>> No.19124668

That guy is really attractive. I hope he has at least 5 (white) children.

>> No.19124675

This guy is dating an OnlyFans whore
IT'S OVER for males in 2021.

>> No.19124693

What??? Why would he be dating an OF whore when he's this good looking? He could date just about any girl. I genuinely don't understand. Is he only 5 feet tall and I just can't tell because of the camera angle? It doesn't seem like it. I hope he gets away from her or you are just messing with me. His genes NEED to spread.

>> No.19124706
File: 129 KB, 634x711, EyxpMaHWYAUEsVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is dating a man, actually.

>> No.19124714

Start with the greeks.

>> No.19124724

Ok, no. You guys are just fucking with me. Idk why I took that first response seriously. This male model is going to get married to a healthy European woman and have five children. You can see it in his eyes. Don't lie to me and say he's gay. He's too beautiful to be gay. I refuse to believe it.

>> No.19124729

>He's too beautiful to be gay.
That's an oxymoron.

>> No.19124736
File: 498 KB, 500x701, cf9bef50adbac3085e057996062c16dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i was kidding anon, they are just close friends. VERY close friends. So close, their friendship can be so easily mistaken for romantic love haha...

>> No.19124740

>be young, healthy, fit, handsome, wealthy
>continue to live in the Jewnited Queendom
What did they mean by this?

>> No.19124751
File: 78 KB, 634x527, 33063012-8723279-image-m-3_1599840416992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are so close, he even takes the trash out of their apartment haha (in what they live in together). Just friends!

>> No.19124752
File: 11 KB, 190x303, nordic man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never understand the struggle of being a male nordicist attracted to men.

>> No.19124755

Guys that hot have ascended the lust for roasties

>> No.19124892

What's his name?

>> No.19124950

Not true. Im that hot and still a virgin

>> No.19124978


>> No.19124989

post mug

>> No.19124991

my guess is that he is a manlet

>> No.19125198

Im turning 19 so there is time but its mostly the fact I never really had motivation to approach women. I only really started to look good in the last year or so. I have been approached by women and flirted with them theough social media but it never got anywhere. I only have my looks going for me I guess. Im probably not as handsome as OP pic if we are talking about body though.
Definitely not doing that on 4chan
Im 184cm ~ little over 6 feet

>> No.19125208

>t. 170cm goblin
nice larp

>> No.19125211

You need to get something more than just your looks going for you. Learn a skill and work out. Also have a bunch of kids once you're older.

>> No.19125227

I am working out consistently, its just that I eat very little so I am pretty skinny. I also have a repulsion towards normie women. Being on a date with one I was put my normie mask on and acted like one of them. Probably the reason why i gor rejected for my 2nd date. Take in mind I live in a pretty conservative part of the world and you dont get to fuck around like in an American college dorm.

>> No.19125234

I'm planning on making a retail website aimed at aesthetic larpers (such as academia), could it work ?

>> No.19125240

You shouldn't want to fuck around like in an American college dorm. If you're not wanting to forego the nihilistic temporary pleasure of modernity to have a family so that your nation is improved, I don't give a shit about you. Also, I assumed you were a westerner. If you aren't, I still care about you but I can't really help you since I don't know much about your civilization.

>> No.19125281

Im in the post commie central/east europe grey zone.

>> No.19125309

That other guy is fucking with you but he really is dating an OnlyFans thot

>> No.19125342

I'm glad to know they really are still conservative. I might move to one of the Baltic states if things take a turn for the worse here.

>> No.19125353

>Pimping out your significant other
I don't like this trend

>> No.19125382

That is extremely sad.

I hate it too. I don't get it. How can you let someone you care about do this to themself? There are still good people out there but fuck, man. The society we live in a nightmare.

>> No.19125399

manlets have sex incel retard, find a new excuse. of course most women like taller guys but i know short guys who compensate in other ways

>> No.19125671

Right mog. Proof that jaw>>>eyes when it's not from very close up

>> No.19125742

He's half Mexican, you silly /pol/ack. His surname is literally Gutierrez. He's also quite effeminate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGEnXDijMEs

>> No.19125743

no fucking way. left has way smoother face.

>> No.19125751

He looks northern European in OPs pic

>> No.19125756
File: 91 KB, 1024x887, northern europeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nordcuck europoorians look like this, bruh..

>> No.19125811

Guy on the right is so handsome, I wish I had a boyfriend like that...

>> No.19125936

I fucking hate Spanish.

>> No.19125943

I also bet she smells like beans.

>> No.19125950

Living proof that Castizo Futurism is the way forward. We have to assimilate the Hispanics to create this American Celto-Germanic-Castizo master race.

>> No.19125960

You can tell because of the form of the nose he has native heritage.

>> No.19126009

Still probably over 80% European though. He's white enough to qualify as white if he would identify as such and be pro-white.

>> No.19127047
File: 61 KB, 360x450, Richard_Madden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right mog
i agree
same haha

>> No.19127071

80%? That is easily 95+%, wouldn't be out of place in northern europe.

>> No.19127198


>> No.19127204

Why does he look like he takes it up the ass?

>> No.19127209

because he's pretty. just a guess

>> No.19127929

because he does, read the thread