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1912226 No.1912226 [Reply] [Original]

Albus Dumbledore is a jackass

I just watched the first harry potter movie again. In the first movie alone Dumbledore:

leaves Harry with well an abusive magic hating aunt and uncle

slytherin house by announcing them the winner of the house cup, only to give last minute points to gryffindor.

>> No.1912240
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>watching/read Harry Potter

>> No.1912241

dumbledore is a cheap ripoff of gandalf.

only reason /lit/ likes him is because he's a faggot, just like them.

>> No.1912244

>taking Harry Potter seriously

Name one book written by a silly, unintelligent, emotional woman, just for the money, that was actually good.

>> No.1912249

>Albus Dumbledore is a jackass

No, but he was a faggot.

>> No.1912270

you know i was just thinking this same shit.
look at all the fuckin trouble they go through to get harry. you know dumbledore knows about this shit. mrs. figg? you think she would have said something?
also he completely ignores his staff, you think snape would have said something to him about quirell (maybe he wanted to see what voldemort would do)
why wasnt the 3rd floor warded? or at least the fuckin door?
i mean a couple of first years use alohamora and the door springs right open??
no. at the end he is even conceited about the idea of using the mirror of erised as a means to hide the stone.
also. he kills one of his professors..he kills a dude when he's 11 and then is sent straight back to a neglectful/abusive household.
fuck dumbledore. but you also gotta realize dude is like 120..he's basically a figurehead for the light side.

>> No.1912274

I refuse to believe the whole magical community couldn't team up and just go to town on Voldemort and his pussy gang.

You are all walking weapons who don't have to worry about getting food or other shit, you really couldn't militarize for a couple months and clean your world up?

>> No.1912283

He was a manipulative douche who may have been pulling the strings since the first war. It was even hinted at that he maneuvered Lily and Snape into meeting and therefore kicking off the whole feud thing that set more things into motion.

I personally liked to believe that he was creating a high profile hullabaloo with Harry to distract from Neville, whom the prophecy was really about, and that is why Neville became a more prominent character as the series went on. But no, she had to be all explicit when she said no.

>> No.1913007

I laughed my fucking ass off at this thread

That being said, I hate the Harry Potter series almost as much as its fanbase.

>> No.1913097

This always happens when you introduce a really powerful character in a world where (main) characters are struggling.

It's like that in the DC comic universe. Superman is faster than lighting and all that crap and Batman struggles fighting barely supernatural enemies in Gotham City, which is in the same state with Superman's residence.

>> No.1913167 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 689x689, moot trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I realise that 'the goodies' in Harry Potter are the real bad guys.

>> No.1913195

Why the fuck do they use owl post?
Why can't they use e-mail?
What's wrong with a fucking pen?