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19119771 No.19119771 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19119789

Alcoholics Anonymous also known as The Big Book. I’m not being sarcastic or obnoxious if you need help you should start there and go to an AA meeting and get a sponsor to work the 12 steps with you. Ask me if any questions.

>> No.19119798

>Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
>Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
>Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
>Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
>Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

This does not work for me

>> No.19119800

Alcohol and Its Impact on Myelin
March 2016
In book: Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse (pp.420-432)

>> No.19119813

I would suggest that you shouldn’t drink any books.

>> No.19119828


Absolutely not. I would sooner die painfully of cirrhosis than acknowledge god. t. alcoholic

>> No.19119832

I totally get where you’re coming from but you’ll have to overcome your fedora atheist god aversion if you want help

I think there are some atheist AA groups tho if you want to try that

>> No.19119841

Maybe look at a medical book that shows what happens to your organs after a lifetime of alcohol.

>> No.19119869

"""my""" religion literally requires me to drink alcohol, you absolute ignoramus.
Rational arguments do not work for emotional issues, go out more.

>> No.19119878

>Rational arguments do not work for emotional issues
I don't really give a fuck about your emotional issues, though. I hope you kill yourself drunk driving and I hope the family you run into has black skin. Fuck you idiot

>> No.19119888

Seek professional help
Or consider drinking

>> No.19119918

Are you retarded? The thread is books to stop drinking. Please kys

>> No.19119930


>> No.19119945

>Are you retarded?
No, I'm not a Christian. If I was a Christian, it would be my duty to drink wine.
Stop posting, you are an embarasment to yourself.

>> No.19119976

God isn’t an exclusively Christian deity you fucking moron. Rope yourself now

>> No.19120059

>God isn’t an exclusively Christian deity
What part of
>"""my""" religion literally requires me to drink alcohol, you absolute ignoramus.
You do not understand?

>> No.19120070

Are you OP? You asked for help to stop drinking? How fucking stupid are you? Even better than killing your self, go have a drink you pathetic creature

>> No.19120102


>> No.19120106
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>> No.19120107
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>> No.19120141

Thanks, noted

>> No.19120143

You should actually kill yourself

>> No.19120147

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment With Adult Alcohol and Illicit Drug Users: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials


>> No.19120362

Recently I have spent my days reseraching hanging techniques desu



>> No.19121786


>> No.19121792

Zola (1877) _L'Assommoir_ ["The piss shop"]. Penguin Classics.

>> No.19121793

Alcoholism plays a big part in all of Dan Fante's novels.

>> No.19121809

Don't matter what book it is as long as you pick it up every time you want a drink instead of the bottle. Finding actual support is worth while, plenty of professionals and various groups out there to pick from and you can always take a break and enter a rehab. Nice thing about rehabs, employer can not fire you while you are there (at least in the US), addiction falls under a disability and as long as you are seeking help you can not be fired.

AA is more agnostic than theist, there are probably a handful of strict theist AAs but their general line is that God is what every you want it to be and they replaced the word "God" with "higher power" decades ago. In my experience the vast majority of people in AA are agnostic or atheist. Fucking dilettante tradcath born again larpers.

>> No.19122731

Read that years ago, but Assommoir doesn't mean "piss shop"
>they replaced the word "God" with "higher power" decades ago.
Doesn't really make a difference

>> No.19122752

Something that actually lifts up your spirit like Byron, Blake or Baudelaire - and then start a journal with all your uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. And get some antabus.

>> No.19122856


>> No.19122873

What book would you suggest me to stop jerking off?

>> No.19122899

Just don't buy alcohol

>> No.19123659

>Satanic level of pride and it’s refusal to acknowledge God is not just metaphorically but physically poisoning you as well

Are you this spiritually blind, lad?

>> No.19123742

G*D's fault desu

>> No.19123766

das capital will fill the entire of your mouth with some left over

>> No.19123786

Just look at alcoholics, what alcohol does to their body, and look at yourself. Just tell yourself you're going to end up with hep b or some other disease. It's killing your body, all for what? A dopamine high from being buzzed/drunk?

>> No.19123797

For a serious answer: The Lost Weekend by Charles Jackson.

>> No.19123811

Jew detected

>> No.19123817

It wont matter, OP sounds like the type to think the main character is having a rip roaring time stealing shit and hiding bottles, this is a bait thread by a stupid nigger who doesnt want help.

>> No.19123819

I found Living Sober very helpful.
Probably more helpful than the big book.
I went to meetings a lot back before the pandemic live meetings were easy to find.
Zoom meetings are very easy to find and you get to globetrot a bit.
I’ve been to online zoom meetings in England, Ireland Scotland and Australia
We’ve had people come to our meetings from all over too. Mostly England but we’ve had Japanese, Swedish and South Africans as well.

>> No.19123820

>i-its a juice!
I have the longest foreskin in the world.
No, I'm not sending you a picture

>> No.19123836

Also if you’re getting the shakes without drinking, see a doctor. You might need to detox. Don’t fuck around with the shakes you could go into a seizure
If you just feel miserable, coffee or ginger ale and some candy bars should get you through the sugar crash. And get to a lot of meetings.

>> No.19123838

Give a short single street cant word or phrase for what L’Assammoir means then cunt. Because Piss shop is pretty close in en_Au. You get on the piss. Or buy the piss. Or take the piss. But calling the bottleo the piss shop is pretty fucking Centrelink payday low.

Now fuck off.

>> No.19124196

It doesn't have to be God, it can be a "higher power", if that helps.

AA has proven itself over many years to be the most effective recovery method.

Get on your knees before bed each night and thank the higher power you didn't drink.

Get on your knees each morning and ask for strength to not drink.


>> No.19124211

Are you some kind of Odinist or something?

Please don't say you're Catholic because Catholics aren't required to receive the blood. The laity weren't even able to receive it until Vatican 2....