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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 367 KB, 958x1280, 3365BA4A-A1F8-4B1F-9D1E-900DE8054E40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19119435 No.19119435 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you read?

>inb4 rooms of cluttered cords and logos filled with 40 WW2 Military picture books

>> No.19119453

Just looking at this torture device makes my back hurt. Exactly how much of a slouchy manlet are you?

>> No.19119457

I read on my phone wherever I am. I can get an hour and a half before I even go home for the day. Then I just sit in a moon chair I have or on my bed, might switch to my computer. I know I could focus more if I had a dedicated spot for reading but I don't have the room or the furniture to create such a space.

>> No.19119466

>40 WW2 Military picture books
people keep giving me WWII books, I don't want them

>> No.19119468
File: 143 KB, 950x297, bclib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College libraries. They're usually open late and don't care if you're a student or not.

>> No.19119482

my bedroom, on my bed
stools > chairs

>> No.19119747



>> No.19119809
File: 2.26 MB, 994x960, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19119858

ah yes perfect sunlight right on the bookcase. beautiful.

>> No.19119863

i listen to audiobooks walking through the wooded bike path from my university

>> No.19119880

agreed, the spines positively glow

>> No.19120286
File: 3.56 MB, 3023x4031, FD8A6586-D05E-4583-BBAB-24D935D105FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will leave my children with sun-soaked spines and unreadable spine text.

>> No.19120292

wtf man they are going to disintegrate with months

>> No.19120303
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, 6BD02236-C898-4D19-8E96-D53B265DFB49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19120446
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>> No.19120460
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Any lamp recommendations bros?

>> No.19120464

The sauna at the YMCA

>> No.19120593

On the floor, on a nice rug. A few pillows scattered about. It's important for me to be able to roll around while reading. I keep the kettle and cigarettes nearby

>> No.19120711

Where is this?
Yeah, you need a heavy curtain on that window

>> No.19120718

Its getting close to your bedtime young lady

>> No.19120725

I would steal your Blake book. Not gonna lie.

>> No.19120739

I would steal your Camille Paglia too, maybe this time I'ma finish it.
Also, nice literary doggo.

>> No.19120740
File: 332 KB, 586x586, 447EC63B-DA29-4F0C-89BF-9404EA496FD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably know I stay up past midnight most nights.
So it is Puget ?

>> No.19120749

are you still being stalked by that ":3" guy

>> No.19120751
File: 50 KB, 1024x679, 9536B2FE-C25C-4A8E-B9C1-F417C8BFD659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the classic green lamp

>> No.19120752

Why are you so obsessed with Bjork?
Is it only because she looks kinda like you?

>> No.19120762

I used to have one of these but I don't know where I can buy it now.

>> No.19120764

Haven’t seen his signature lately. Maybe gave up.
He’s east coast anyway
>young lady
Are you one of the oldsters too?

>> No.19120784 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 750x1079, 24744CAA-582F-4A31-82DB-4519FDDB8A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. That’s Benee. (New Zealand popstar)
2. I like her music a lot. She’s the Bowie of my generation. My sister pointed her out to me when she was with the Sugarcubes “Hey, I didn’t know you were in a band!” She’s prettier though, honestly.

>> No.19120818

>She’s the Bowie of my generation.
Interesting. I never got into her for some reason, but Iike Bowie.
>“Hey, I didn’t know you were in a band!”
Kek. Fair enough.

>> No.19120833

OP here. You are a dyke, get out of my living room

>> No.19120846

You really should be banned for derailing every single thread and avatar posting. The amount of rules you constantly break shows me the mods are actually asleep most days.

>> No.19120855

>She’s the Bowie of my generation
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19120893
File: 1.41 MB, 2592x3948, P_20210926_131801_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can buy a brand new one in pretty much any e-commerce. If you want a genuine green lamp I guess you will have you go to an antique shop.

>> No.19121075

>keeping dust jackets
I bet you use a condom when you have sex, too

>> No.19121469


>> No.19121520

>I bet you use a condom when you have sex, too
Enjoy your aids, Foulcaut.

>> No.19121536
File: 3.73 MB, 3024x3024, 52466E33-9BBF-4C8C-8E60-065CFE8D799C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have any furniture except this thing

>> No.19121604

you read on that?

>> No.19121633

Yeah, I sit Indian style, back straight. Good for your posture

>> No.19121675

Where do you live? Looks very beautiful

>> No.19121683

Really bad idea having bookcases next to a window
>t. archivist

>> No.19121746

I also smoke joints and hand rolled cigs right next to it. The smoke blows all over them. Not to mention when it’s cold and I have the window open and I’m chiefing on my pipe.

How about you archive my nuts?

>> No.19121757


>> No.19121777

All of those things are inconsequential compared to the high energy faggot aura you emit on them 24/7

>> No.19121784

You share a room with the rest of the house

>> No.19121787

I don't have a spot
I walk like reading
Makes me comprehend and think better

>> No.19121796
File: 3.22 MB, 4574x3142, You wanna hear my impression of the nine eleven call from Johnny Carson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19121801

Apparently doesn’t help with your fucking typing

>> No.19121803

But not write

>> No.19121804

Unfathomably based.
Also nice view where is that?

>> No.19121813

this guy fucks

>> No.19121814

Seattle. I’m trapped here, I literally cannot leave because I got into big trouble invoking the governor and a huge cache of weapons/ammo. So I’m locked on the top floor of this building for a year, forced to watch the scum of the earth scream their heads off and bums run rampant on a once-beautiful city. I have no choice but to pace all day, read, smoke, recite Greek plays to myself at 4am.

I talk to my dog more than my gf, who sleeps in the rafters of the loft. I typically don’t sleep.

I want to see a tree planted in dirt, not the sidewalk.

>> No.19121820

*involving the governor

>> No.19121824

It was a mistake retards

>> No.19121860
File: 1.85 MB, 3024x2556, 84B5DDBF-3A1D-4323-8C0D-F0DD3EAFA9F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually just lying on the floor

>> No.19121871

>recite Greek plays to myself at 4am.
Seems comfy.
Not long ago I was reciting my own poems to myself. Kek

You mean reciting in greek?
Plus, I can't tell how you even can get in this kind of trouble

>> No.19121886

there's dirt under the sidewalk and one day there will be dirt above it. can't come soon enough.

>> No.19122041
File: 3.41 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20210902_132628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a printing defect on page 91?

>> No.19122079

I really want that Moby Dick edition.

>> No.19122136


>> No.19122141 [DELETED] 

on the page

>> No.19122169

I think his defect is on number 21.

>> No.19122173

what exactly, is wrong is reading ww2 books?

>> No.19122217
File: 173 KB, 324x324, 1591289356625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to uni library to read
>everyone is typing loudly on their laptops
>girls clonking around in their high heels
>phones dinging with each new notification
And this is at the philological library not law, medicine or something vain like that.

>> No.19122288

my bed, my desk, my restroom

>> No.19122291

which U?

>> No.19122299


Oh wait no that’s semen

>> No.19122303

>addict to sig

>> No.19122429
File: 38 KB, 511x564, 1598629059666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>O divine air Breezes on swift bird-wings,
>Ye river fountains, and of ocean-waves
>The multitudinous laughter Mother Earth!
>And thou all-seeing circle of the sun,
>Behold what I, a God, from Gods endure!
>Look down upon my shame,
>The cruel wrong that racks my frame,
>The grinding anguish that shall waste my strength,
>Till time's ten thousand years have measured out their length!
>He hath devised these chains,
>The new throned potentate who reigns,
>Chief of the chieftains of the Blest. Ah me!
>The woe which is and that which yet shall be

>> No.19122601

You should write a book(s), I'd buy them.

>> No.19123208

I’m calling bull shit

>> No.19123294
File: 1.24 MB, 2180x1634, EA36A07C-3815-48A7-A173-A11888F73694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I’m calling you a dyke.

This doesn’t even show the other 4 felonies

>> No.19123305

I was actually reciting the Oresteia the other night. I need a copy of Prometheus

>> No.19123336
File: 126 KB, 429x600, 68831C2E-E527-46E6-88CE-DA82AF55FA6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so you made a threat to the governor of the state and they only confined you to your room?
Hey, the city and everywhere else needs attention but waving a gun around comes later.

>> No.19123337
File: 1.70 MB, 3072x1728, 1435002609215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey expensive chair anon, i see you've made some upgrades

>> No.19123347
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, 9649BE08-7085-4A91-ADE6-A2070EE3580D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19123352

Books status = ded

>> No.19123371

No, I lead 300 people into his home all armed to the teeth, that’s what the first four felonies are. I got 4 months of jail and a year of probation.

Also you are a dyke and have no children. But that’s unrelated

>> No.19123403
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210817_175045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually read in that camping chair. And I take it with me when I leave town so I can feel like I am at home reading wherever I am.

>> No.19123418

>so you made a threat to the governor of the state and they only confined you to your room?
God bless America

>> No.19123427

I wonder if you actually read this book.

>> No.19123666

Fake and gay

>> No.19123670

Why do you have a photo of my reading corner from several years ago saved on your computer?

>> No.19123673


Sauce on that lamp? Is it any good?

>> No.19123728
File: 607 KB, 2048x1536, 1625511492427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma gave me a few old books. One of which is a 1906 copy of huck fin by mark twain. I saw hemingway but just glanced the cover.

>> No.19123849

1. I am convinced that you are a woman
2. I am convinced that had I ever met you, I would have wanted to date you.

>> No.19123857

Wherever I happen to be? Damn what kind of pretentious fuck needs a bunch of props and stage setting to read?

>> No.19123877

Where is this? is that a cruise ship or am I retarded?

Nice spot anon; looks comfy.

>> No.19123885


>> No.19123891

Yeah, it's a nice lamp as long as you buy vintage. The newer production models are cheap feeling by comparison. Plastic switches vs steel switches, etc.

>> No.19123893

Female hands took this picture.

God I despise women.

>> No.19123903
File: 373 KB, 1400x1104, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, forgot to say, it's a Jielde lamp.

>> No.19123917

cute dog

>> No.19123918

I used to go to the local library, since it's literally across the street from my house, but since the global pandemic of airborne cancer-siphilis-AIDS began they enforce the damn masks, so I bought a Kindle.

I borrow the ebooks from the library and then remove the DRM with Calibre. That, plus LibGen and Standard Ebooks is all I need.

Nowadays I simply sit back in my living room or my bed with my Kindle. I miss the paper though.

>> No.19123921

A chair next to your books is not props
>not liking some tea or coffee with your reading

>> No.19123955


Thank you. Damn but that is an expensive lamp.

>> No.19123987

>I borrow the ebooks from the library and then remove the DRM with Calibre
Why do you do that when you also have lingen?

>> No.19124011

Based Lynch enjoyer. Looks cozy anonette.

>> No.19124023

LibGen doesn't have as many books in Spanish and usually they come in PDF (which is a pain in the ass in Kindle.)

I don't intend on sharing or selling them or anything, just keep them a little longer after the borrow time is up. I'm also opposed to DRM on a moral level.

>> No.19124040

Buy an Onyx Boox and get on Bibliotik.

>> No.19124042

Ah that makes sense.
>I'm also opposed to DRM on a moral level.
Kek I always perform mental gymnastics like this when I download shit

>> No.19124169

>Yeah, I sit Indian style, back straight. Good for your posture
Smart. Do you sleep on the floor as well? That's also excellent for your posture.

>> No.19124215

is there somewhere else in the room your book collection can expand?

>> No.19124222

how do you reach the top shelf

>> No.19124256
File: 1.72 MB, 1030x1204, 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I read much more in the local coffee shop than at home

>> No.19124329

Sure but I like to keep it all in the one place. I still have room for a few more.

>> No.19124369
File: 139 KB, 735x767, 1630153931849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Copenhagen and be my gf

>> No.19124372

Just terrible

>> No.19124377

Der er allerede for mange art hoes i København.

>> No.19124387

Enhedslisten voting art hoes,
not /lit/ posting ones

>> No.19124441
File: 153 KB, 860x602, 599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine falling asleep to the sound of your art hoe gf reading Infinite Jest out loud...damn

>> No.19124455

Why can't I find a news article or anything of the sort?

>> No.19124476

Thank you.

Reading itself as a form of culture is incredibly un-based. This might as well be a thread of toilet seat covers.

>> No.19124534
File: 2.47 MB, 3264x1836, 20200719_173932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does no one sit outside to read?

>> No.19124620
File: 2.13 MB, 6032x4032, 1453402168506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always save comfy reading spot pictures or nice shelf collections to browse when im looking for a new book to read.

>> No.19124669

why do you have two copies of the brothers karmazov

>> No.19124671
File: 3.19 MB, 4031x3023, 6DE855A4-5AF4-49A0-BFFA-E8F46364420D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got new shelves coming in the mail and decided to switch away from organizing by height, to organizing by subject. This is hard when you have to distinguish between books that cover many vague subjects

>> No.19124692

what kind of hippie bullshit is this

>> No.19124722

uh I don't see this as really that appealing desu lol

>> No.19124735

Love the composition in this pic. My man, please exposure bracket this bitch, do a quick hdr merge, and then bask in the glory of infinite (You)'s because that pic will look incredible.

>> No.19124741

He hasn't heard about TBK2

>> No.19124742

Alternatively, post three pictures in this thread (one overexposed 1 stop, one normal, one underexposed 1 stop) and I will do it for you.

>> No.19124758

>ITT: Anon posts the hundreds of books he's never read

>> No.19124784

I don’t know shit about photography. Nor do I care. My iPhone just does it’s own thing. I will say I didn’t edit any of those, just adjusted the brightness before snapping it.

>> No.19124791

feeling self conscious?

>> No.19124793

I live with my mom and two dogs. I usually read on one of my beds, with my dog on the floor next to me. I like to lay on my tummy and look down at the flat book, although the pressure this puts on my elbows and shoulders is unsustainable for my entire reading session; I will usually roll from side to side, alternating as appendages fall asleep or shoulders begin to ache.

I also enjoy reading in the tub, always with the fan on. I think reading in the tub is the best way to block out the stimuli of the world and really become invested in your book. I usually will sit in the tub until the water gets cold, and most of the time for quite a while after it does as well.

>> No.19124807

Looks like a good modern chair to me.

>> No.19124808

seeing a lot of pristine spines

>> No.19124818
File: 2.94 MB, 4574x3142, GOMFY xDDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19124834

OP here. I had 30 books sent into the facility I was imprisoned at, and despite being thrown around by the guards every morning and me bringing them home via walking/train riding 60 miles back home on foot with a net/mesh laundry bag crumpling all the books, they still look pristine.

I don’t crack spines

>> No.19124844
File: 264 KB, 1030x1204, dont think that i like your post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19124845


>> No.19124876
File: 1.68 MB, 4031x3023, SKOLAR xDDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got some interesting books, some of them are on my wishlist for a time, like Sexual Personae and Warhol/Chris Chan
I also ee the Penguin deluxe Storm of Steel, it has really beautiful cover art
Got any better pic of your shelf so that i can read the spines?

>> No.19124889

It's an ottoman.

>> No.19124894
File: 2.97 MB, 2527x3866, D2EF0289-BB95-438D-9C0E-EC10B51044C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha this picture rules. Here’s a slightly older picture before I moved the shelves over to the window. A few missing books and some unreadable spines

>> No.19124906
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x1836, Froliggin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read mostly on my balcony

>> No.19124951
File: 21 KB, 851x750, 10813975841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great stuff, id say that we have similar taste even tho every other poster on lit has rad Joyce, Evola, and the classics
Id post mine but its night so I wouldn't get a good pic

>> No.19124952

LMFAO nice one

>> No.19124962


>> No.19124980
File: 67 KB, 580x580, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, тaбypeт(кa) is a stool.

>> No.19124986
File: 1.50 MB, 4032x3024, 1632673878489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamping chair :DD

>> No.19125009

I’m betting on a complete removal and banning of classic literature in the coming years so I’d like to preserve the best before it’s gone forever

>> No.19125011

eye rape

>> No.19125012
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x3024, 1629171768706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit you are this anon...didn't recognize it from the new angle.

>> No.19125019

Soon it will be three big bookcases this week and it will cover the entire wall near the window

>> No.19125026

your a really talented drawer

>> No.19125035

Used to read for a few hours then fall asleep on a bean bag chair in the library at my college. Only thing is the library is in the middle of the campus and it's impossible to get there by car if you're not a student or faculty. You would have to park at a mcdonalds or something 30 minutes away and walk. My college is so shitty about parking because they want everyone to live in dorms on campus. Fucking jews

>> No.19125061
File: 219 KB, 1200x1600, WhatsApp Image 2021-09-26 at 23.57.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon I actually did pick up drawing as a hobby this year

>> No.19125087

The Spurdo augmented reality drawer is great and you should all be paying respect

>> No.19125090

Garl :DDDD Jungg :DDDD

>> No.19125116

Nothing, unless you only read WW2 books and/or listens to Sabaton

>> No.19125131
File: 115 KB, 604x388, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19125321
File: 2.77 MB, 3072x4096, IMG20210927014521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best, but I'm gonna get a raise, kick out my roommate and use his old bedroom as my reading room.

>> No.19125337

Ei saa peittää

>> No.19125347

ok, this is absolutely retarded, but at the same time seems like a very fun drawing exercise. good work, gondola anon, and thanks for the idea.

>> No.19125350

You have the same poster as my ex

>> No.19125418

are you that one read headed guy who made a thread on /pol. If so when does your book come

>> No.19125430

Talar svenska också. Men du e rätt, ja e finnjävel.

>> No.19125464

sorry this >>19123336 was meant for this guy

>> No.19125507

Vet du om Kalevala funkar på svenska? Är lite småsugen på att läsa den härnäst.

>> No.19125611

The leaf in front of his head is a nice touch

>> No.19125877
File: 40 KB, 400x400, Suomi_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingen aning :D

>> No.19126053

i appreciate you

>> No.19126057

My grandfather has one of these. I straight up asked him if I could have it "when he doesn't need it anymore" and he told me to get in line because my two uncles are fighting over it.

>> No.19126163

I don't read for pleasure so I just read at my desk.

>> No.19126210
File: 118 KB, 1147x825, 1577493911572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed thread

>> No.19126213

I have.
Are you Bypolar? (Agent 99)?
Oh duh. It already has a thick curtain. I am envious of your place. What work you do to afford it, if I may ask
I am not. I wish I had time to dedicate to my book ideas

>> No.19126367

i read wherever.

>> No.19126467

consoom thread

>> No.19126477

>Oh duh. It already has a thick curtain. I am envious of your place. What work you do to afford it, if I may ask

I don’t work. Kill yourself you fucking dyke

>> No.19126578
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer's the only season where this cramped airless closet becomes unbearable. Fall, Winter, and Spring are comfy.

>> No.19126605


>> No.19126632

very nice

>> No.19126655


>> No.19126657

based imo

>> No.19126665

>I read books so I can tell people I read books

>> No.19126673

In recommend electric

>> No.19126683
File: 24 KB, 367x358, 1627701302911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 rooms of cluttered cords and logos filled with 40 WW2 Military picture books
>Posts a picture with... TRANSLATIONS
LOLOLOLOL pseud. 100%

>> No.19126684
File: 24 KB, 595x852, 518LaoT+doL._AC_SX679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of these foldable lamps

>> No.19126686

Get some low-level colored lighting, like a red bulb on a small lamp, and put up some art. You have to make that space look smaller since it’s already small. Make it REALLY cozy

>> No.19126722

My office. My mom bought a couch for me, so with a candle, I can get cozy with a book easily.

>> No.19126743

I have a couch, left of it is my desk and right in my bookshelf, in the corner a little. But as my office has a window, I dunno if I should get a light curtain or not.

>> No.19126782

I'm working on getting a lamp, liking >>19123903
but still trying to decide if the price is worth it. I thought about putting up nice prints of the Flemish masters but I thought they would be too distracting.

>> No.19126810

>just get a lamp with proprietary bulbs bro
Kill yourself

>> No.19126845

Get a nice fan. It should move air around faster and help the air quality. The floor vent can help, but heat can travel up so a good fan should help a little.

>> No.19126849

you mean LED? lol

>> No.19127128
File: 66 KB, 600x800, 1631686349227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't believe you're this fucking retarded.

>> No.19127200

Do you do anything with the knowledge? Do you write or do anything creative? Not an insult genuinely curious.

>> No.19127218

I know that is supposed to be a Finnish Pepe, but it really looks like Mother Teresa to me.

>> No.19127219

Book depository sent two by mistake. I gave one to a friend.

>> No.19127226

I have light-colored blackout shades, and I love them. 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.19127245

I’m writing a book. I take extensive notes. I would like to write a manifesto that makes someone become a great leader.

>> No.19127272

What's the book about?

>> No.19127384

Anon, they're called Bankers Lamps; you can easily order one on-line or drop by a Home Depot and pick one up for about 40 USD.

>> No.19127580


>> No.19127600

I always read in my home on the bed, but when winter comes and is cold outside, I like to go to one of 2 bars in my city where they do "hot cocoa" so I go there, buy pastry and hot cocoa I stay there even 2 hours if they don't say anything I stay there and read. Is really comfy.

>> No.19127617
File: 23 KB, 645x400, pepe kalevala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19127643

what would you recommend practicing for a beginner?

>> No.19127660

Teenage hands typed this post.

>> No.19127704

Eh who cares, sounds nice to me. Reminds me of when I used to live close to this French Boulangerie that had these incredible croissants. They imported their flour from France and shit. I used to visit that place every Saturday on my long walk, get a Croissant au Jambon to-go and then sat down on a park bench in a sunny and secluded area to enjoy whatever book I was reading.

>> No.19127792

do you have a yak on your chest?

>> No.19127833

not him but thats pretty weird bro

>> No.19127860

this guy reads.

>> No.19127872

I exclusively read in my garden, and only when it's sunny.

>> No.19127919 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 250x248, 1632743251970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the window or in a chair

>> No.19128004
File: 1.97 MB, 5803x3869, Pic rel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I sit here and read

>> No.19128038

A dark room with a lot of noise from the street that overheats itself if I open the shutters and the inner atmosphere of the room becomes unbreathable if I don't open the doors of the balcony, but even with the doors and the shutters closed the noise from the street high that I have to use earplugs for the noise and even like that I hear the noise and it distracts me and makes me lose the thread of the reading

>> No.19128065

Don't complain again about capitalism is le bad you richfags

>> No.19128076

Not him, but how's that weird? Saving pretty interiors as sort of an inspo is quite normal desu

>> No.19128078
File: 115 KB, 736x1030, goether karl bauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never go fully cozy
>Splendid edifices and apartments are for princes and kingdoms. Those who live in them feel at ease and contented, and desire nothing further.
>To my own nature this is quite repugnant. In a splendid abode, like that which I had at Carlsbad, I am at once lazy and inactive. On the contrary, a small residence, like this poor apartment in which we now are, and where a sort of disorderly order—a sort of gipsy-fashion—prevails, suits me exactly. It allows my inner nature full liberty to act, and to create from itself alone.
t. goethe

>> No.19128091

Never have, never will.

>> No.19128100

If you weren't a newfag you'd know this is one of the most reposted images of comfy reading spots on /lit/

>> No.19128114

I've been browsing this board for 8 years. I have seen my reading spot reposted by others, even seen others LARPing as if they were the owner, answering questions pretending to be me. But this was the first time it was posted as a reply to me.

>> No.19128549

Den funkar bra, enkel metrisk struktur så det fungerar att översätta även på vers. Den översättningen som finns på marknaden, tryckt av Atlantis, är väldigt bra enligt mig. Bättre på finska förstås, men översättningen är fin.

>> No.19128652

Why target them? Are they complaining?
That’s a big part of the problem, anon. Some people have been bought off, and rather cheap, for their compliancy. This is how corruption works, and you’re just as corrupt for trying to shame-brainwash them further

Should I hope you feel what it’s like to live on the streets soon or that you grow some self awareness and compassion?

>> No.19128677

oh shit I forgot no one suffered under other systems than capitalism

>> No.19128701
File: 69 KB, 500x371, A4AB0CB2-2C5C-4533-B908-39C027EEF792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which other system? State centralized capitalism?
Primitive capitalism?
People read books around here. You read any on the topic?

>> No.19128711

Post your favela shack.

>> No.19128718
File: 2.66 MB, 3559x3024, 20201010_000852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living room

>> No.19128851

Tack polarn

>> No.19128936


Outside; the cool autumn wind upon me, and the last vestiges of the summer sun.

>> No.19128949

This is not an IKEA order form, boomer. Switch to the other tab.

>> No.19129046

Starbucks, unironically the most kino place to read if you have the willpower

>> No.19129065


>> No.19129089

Lazy cunt didn't want to do the dishes

>> No.19129110

>love letters and hearts on upper left

>> No.19129116

Shit taste in books

>> No.19129128

Mulholland is entry level trash for women with an inferiority complex

>> No.19129153
File: 131 KB, 480x220, Cringe_Gring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not knowing

>> No.19129160

There isn't a single book worth reading between those two languages.

>> No.19129236

That’s Gondola you buffoon

>> No.19129308

sir u have a fruit in your beverage

>> No.19129371
File: 2.79 MB, 4128x2322, 20210927_142359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>richfags and expensive chairs
I read on the floor, I don't have much money

>> No.19129744


>Implying communism isn't corrupt
>implying communism isn't just a state-sucking competition where party drones are afforded luxury mansions while the poor starve

Get fucked you absolute TROON.

>> No.19129767
File: 49 KB, 470x636, DEA12906-4020-421D-910A-68228B5A45D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statist “communisms” with their centralized capitalism is indeed corrupt. Do you even know what is proposed by the Left? No, of course not.

>> No.19129862

OP here. I got my chair from the trash of an office building, my bookcases were being thrown away by my gf’s friend, and the nightstand was like $60.

>> No.19130081

based Braudel

>> No.19130105

Lucky you mate, but in the end what matters is the book you're reading, so what you reading now OP?

>> No.19130483

Baby Alex and Living Downstream

>> No.19130546

Too open, this is better.

>> No.19130555
File: 153 KB, 885x560, linen-hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.19130737

>we want like from everyone according to his abilities and liek for everyone according to his like needs my dude mmkay
wtf I love "being a based anarchist revolutionary while making a minimum wage working in a nail salon" now

>> No.19130920
File: 22 KB, 297x287, BC08B8CB-1658-4E51-A8A4-221B9A009D55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit taste, but I’d still fuck you. Unless you’re ugly

>> No.19131050

Why 4 copies of It

>> No.19131502

Pls post shelf pic

>> No.19131547

Puget Man’s shelves were posted here >>19124894

>> No.19131574

One for the visits.

>> No.19131588

Now you know why

>> No.19131664

Oh thanks butters

>> No.19131717
File: 3.45 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210928_005158183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like my house, Butters?

>> No.19131728

>not one but two gay flags
Not very subtle are you.

>> No.19131759
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210928_010517291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American flag actually hides a large radio antenna that I have tacked up to the wall. By the way, it's not two, but four.

>> No.19131763

what's that on the desk? cassette deck?

>> No.19131790
File: 3.71 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210928_011211555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some old radio equipment.
This desk is actually a one-legged table that I built from scratch to fit perfectly between those two shelves. It's supported by the shelves on either side and has a single leg in the middle to provide strength. I had my obese friend jump up and down on this and it didn't even creak.

>> No.19131805
File: 2.84 MB, 3126x2322, battlestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19131913

>threw a hissyfit on 1/6 and is now confined to his room

hope you're still donating to your daddy anon, any day now it'll turn around no doubt

>> No.19131925

This is round about my class level. Can’t say it looks anywhere near what I have set up, but we’re different people.

>> No.19131948

Have you posted yours? I'm interested

>> No.19131952

None of those constitute "people" and neither do you.

>> No.19132557

Is that crock pot next to a plugged in impact driver? What is the story behind this?

>> No.19132566

3 type writers?

>> No.19132573


>> No.19132697

tits or gtfo

>> No.19133081
File: 2.80 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210928_065513699.NIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the drill to power my manual coffee grinder which makes it become automatic. I also use it for drilling, but I grind coffee every day so that's why I leave it plugged in. The crock pot is unrelated, it just sits there because my kitchen is full.

>> No.19133178

LOL recognize ur neighborhood. You ever go to Mercer Street Books?

>> No.19133184

>It allows my inner nature full liberty to act, and to create from itself alone.

>> No.19133196

I used to love to read at the university library pre-pandemic. There was a comfy spot on the third floor overlooking the wide open atrium of the rest of the building and I absolutely loved reading there. May have to start again now that it's back open this semester

>> No.19134589

comfy bump

>> No.19134602


>> No.19134626

law library is best library for reading

>> No.19134874

Can you fucking stop derailing every thread you post in and spewing your garbage, Jesus Christ fuck off already
I get that your brain operates on troon reason and requires constant attention, but why cant you realise how fucking pathetic you look are for using a trip. like people wouldnt recognise your disgusting writings without it
Do you really lack recognition irl that much that you need to tripfag and derail for attention every thread just to feel a human connection?

>> No.19134892
File: 2.11 MB, 3024x4032, Binnegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19134898

Dude, she's the queen of /lit/, don't you realize that?

>> No.19134904


>> No.19134990

get a job hippie jersey faggot

>> No.19135373

Unbelievably kino. Don't let these fags try and convince you that you have to live in a Dostoevskian hovel to be let literary genius.

>> No.19135389

da mike's hard lemonade fo today

>> No.19135411


>> No.19136478


>> No.19138130

Any advice any of you can give me about a reading position that's comfortable and doesn't completely destroy my back and neck i.e some way to sit up straight and not slouch over a book?

>> No.19138297

I wear one of these posture-correcting braces, it basically forces your spine straight and your shoulders back, so you can completely relax all your muscles without curling over into a painful hunch. Trying to sit without this thing feels excruciating now. I realize that's probably bad because I'm causing all my core muscles to atrophy from disuse, but I don't care because I want to die anyway

>> No.19138304
File: 26 KB, 356x500, 41eJ70SijOL._AC_SY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot image

>> No.19138322

The tree of liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

You did well, brother.

>> No.19139101

I might give it a try desu

>> No.19139508

bro do just some situps and buy and elastic band to do facepulls with (or just do them isometrically to begin with)
takes <10m every other day

>> No.19139521

based effort poster, you are appreciated

>> No.19139559

the tree of liberty must be cut down

>> No.19140125

Ugh, no thanks
You've got it backwards btw, you want to do back extensions and rows to exercise your back, to prevent curling over forwards

>> No.19140410
File: 3.72 MB, 4032x3024, 3A73C900-1CD6-47CD-83F7-F701BE581D3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal corner

>> No.19140444

Needs a model ship in a bottle.

>> No.19140762

>queen of /lit/
If that's so it seems there is a civil war against her rule.

>> No.19140781

She’s against monarchy anyway
Would rather be called “auntie”

>> No.19140786

I'll call her fat dyke instead

>> No.19140893

Fat tiddy dyke

>> No.19141311


Imagine bragging about being a criminal.

>> No.19141320

OP is a strange one.

>> No.19141331

in bed with a shitty clip on lamp. I also do my writing in bed.

>> No.19141453

Yea sure, add back extensions, but a strong core also helps
And facepulls are superior to rows, posture wise

>> No.19141588

'Auntie' is an authoritarian role in the Black family. Calling herself this is cultural appropriation.

>> No.19141618
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>> No.19141753

liminal space

>> No.19142727
File: 3.56 MB, 3023x4031, BBDAB1CD-1F95-4CE4-BE3A-8D1D4A51BCF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread will die soon. Here is one last pic

>> No.19142877

What's your dog's name?

>> No.19142927

What do you smoke, anon?

>> No.19142942


>> No.19143038

None of your business
Tobacco, weed, sometimes lavender or other flowers

>> No.19143051

Outside walking around town

>> No.19143069

I have whole folders of reading spots and battle station pics. It's like my own curated pintresh

>> No.19144043
File: 2.45 MB, 660x660, B0F1C658-993C-46E9-B6C8-3CA094692794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would still like to talk with you about some of your books, Puget Man.

>> No.19144128

>invoker mid picker

>> No.19144189

you seem like an interesting person, what makes you so insecure?

>> No.19144568
File: 2.47 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210930_002020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm outside right now

>> No.19144896

That's a really detailed gondola

>> No.19144946
File: 40 KB, 736x734, a1e3a04374b7a4e9e6fa88e3575090a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey KingCo anon, I appreciate you making this thread and giving Gov ClarkKent a hard time (mainly for his support/complicity in 1639). I used to live in the boujee moated place east of you. Hope you weren't one of my students I trained on basic infantry squad movements when I was into the bigigloo scene a few years back.

But anyways, what can I do to make my office space more cozy and reminiscent of commercial air travel? Something like the vibes of pic related.