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19119309 No.19119309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does History have telos or is it pointless and ever-changing?

>> No.19119312

Teleology is magical thinking. Grow up.

>> No.19119319

But isn't Hegel's entire thought based on telos? You saying everything he wrote is non-sense? Crazy.

>> No.19119325
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Hegel is crazy gibberish

>> No.19119326

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.

>> No.19119393

schizo libels schizo

>> No.19119408

All telos we know for sure is Apocalypse
Jesus Christ reincarnating soon and becoming king of Humanity for a thousand years, then Satan being released for a short time, and then happiness forever in history

>> No.19119441

Impossible to know.

>> No.19119583
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>Does History have telos

The oligarchy is shaping it toward one.

>> No.19119606

It's cyclical and pointless. Man deludes himself that he has found meaning and eternal principles, gets crushed under the weight of his own folly and the realization of nihilism, and later tries again.

>> No.19119835

At the transcendental level, yes History has a telos, as it is reduced to the emergent succession of already implied and present essences left to be unfolded.
This telos only appears through us through this concatenation, and as such we don't really have anything to use to determine what is its end.

>> No.19119884


>> No.19120068

The Stoics conceived of history as cyclical as did the hindus( Yuga periods). History wasn't thought of to be linear until Christcuckery came along. Christians and crypto-christians like Kant, Hegel, and Marx unironically believe in a linear progression of history as do the majority of left-leaning scholars and academics. From a metaphysical standpoint, the existence of a telos requires a LARGE leap of faith. It's much easier and permissible to have faith in a god rather than telos.

As Parmenides says, "nothing comes from nothing" if this is true then the unmoved mover cannot create a final cause. This is also proven by physics via conservation of mass and energy. God having an end is antithetical to the very conception of God and is illogical therefore, History must be cyclical and infinite.

>> No.19120305

The telos, or endgame, is the creation of God. The body and material world will diminish in time until all that is left is pure mind.

You ever think about the difference between algebra and geometry? One is done in time, while the other is instantaneous. Algebra concerns the relation between quantities (importantly 0), while geometry contains existing visible objects and their relations.

Because we're in time, we experience things algebraically- in other words, are witness to a bunch of scattered occurrences. But what happens to algebra when geometrized? It all seems like an abstract jumble until you make the step of mapping values onto a plane, and they form a visual pattern that was up to that point unseen.

I think existence itself will follow a similar kind of pattern. God was always latent in nature from the beginning, just as the arc of a parabola was always latent in the equation which describes it. All religious feeling is a presage of that ultimate goal, the creation of the highest being possible.

>> No.19120316
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It's a cycle.

>> No.19120319

purse snatchings are getting elaborate