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19118351 No.19118351 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people work 40hr/week office jobs?
>to make money
This is not true, there is almost nobody who actually works so they can have money in their bank account.
>To use money to do things that they want to.
This isn't true either, because virtually every single thing that people like to do can be done without working a wage job.
Like to hike? Why work in an office when you can just be unemployed and go to the park on weekends, or just work part time at a national park.
Like to play golf? Work at a golf course part-time and they will let you play for free at least once a week.
Like to surf? They're called beach bums for a reason.
>To support their family.
This is incredibly inexpensive. If you want your kids to not go hungry I'm pretty sure you can figure it out. Similarly with shelter and clothes. If you want to give your kids a good education just get a part time job as a janitor or a landscaper or something at a snotty private school and send them there. (Or just teach them yourself).

So what do you think /lit/? Why does our current work culture exist? I have a few ideas myself but I'd be more interested in hearing what you have to say.

>> No.19118388

You're only saying this because you are a single male who lives alone and doesn't have expensive tastes. You probably eat the same meals everyday. You probably live a life of mortification, getting by on the bare minimum. This is the only reason you think this.

>> No.19118400

It's money. People need to be able to pay their bills and some menial office job is less stressful on the body than physical labor work. It's not like people enjoy or are passionate about filling out spreadsheets or whatever, but it provides a stable income without breaking your back over it.

>Being able to live off Unemployment
That depends on the country you live in. In the US in order to qualify for unemployment you need to have already been working and been fired or laid off. The only way to get neetbux is to be severely disabled. Americans don't have this luxury at least.

>> No.19118408

The fabric of society is very complex George

>> No.19118418

To survive

>> No.19118420

Because I will fucking die if not, retard. I have bills to pay. Are you underage or what?

>> No.19118434

>living in america

couldn't be me

what kind of lipstick do you guys wear when you kiss jeff and elon's ass

>> No.19118445

Same one you wear, pleb. Its One World. Youre right in line with me.

>> No.19118458

>This is not true, there is almost nobody who actually works so they can have money in their bank account.

>> No.19118460

Not true, I've worked a few jobs and when I did I went right out and spent the money on a watch or a piece of clothing or a fancy meal. I usually do eat the exact same thing every day though lol
It's so fucking easy to pay your bills. That's not the only reason

>> No.19118478

>I have a few ideas myself
no one's interested in hearing them because you're clearly retarded

>> No.19118487

Where do you live? Just curious. There are a lot of factors that could influence your perspective such as cost of living, the welfare policies of the country, housing costs, etc

>> No.19118493

Yes. When you are single and live in a tiny apartment, and only have to worry about yourself, yes, it is easy to pay bills. But you stagnate. You can't ever leave the mire you're in.

>> No.19118498

You have to save money to retire dumbass

>> No.19118504

Bills seem to pile up as you get older - even just a few years ago, I didn't realize the true cost of many things I needed daily. I didn't have a 9-5 then, but didn't feel pressed for cash.

But now, working a 40hr/week job, I realize that properly dealing with all my living expenses, and paying off debts (mostly student loans from a school I don't even have a degree from) costs a lot of money.

This isn't to say a 40hr/week job is the only solution. But it's the least financially risky. I'm able to save a significant amount of money, on top, and I think many 9-5ers have seriously considered not working a 40hr/week job. But if you're doing fine, are comfortable, saving for the future, there's not a huge incentive to deviate.

Lastly, just because something you do is 40hrs/week, doesn't mean it can't be fulfilling for a person. Not every job is of course, but the prospect of basically having to find new work all the time isn't fun.

>> No.19118512

>It's so fucking easy to pay your bills. That's not the only reason
Tell me how I can pay my bills without working and I will do that.

>> No.19118513
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>This is not true, there is almost nobody who actually works so they can have money in their bank account.

>> No.19118523

I think the more stupid statement is the hand-wavy one about supporting children.
>This is incredibly inexpensive. If you want your kids to not go hungry I'm pretty sure you can figure it out. Similarly with shelter and clothes. If you want to give your kids a good education just get a part time job as a janitor or a landscaper or something at a snotty private school and send them there. (Or just teach them yourself).

>> No.19118599

OP thinks Bitcoin millionaire lifestyle is available will pay bills

>> No.19118632

40 hr/wk was the biggest scam we were ever sold. Anything over 10 is exploitation. No wonder we are so atomized, so unable and unwilling to engage with anything to improve our society, when the entirety of the working week needs to be devoted to making graphs go up. The disconnect between time spent and what we truly need is so vast and I see no bridge that could ever cross it. It needs to be reconciled.

>> No.19118634

>How DARE you defy consumerism!!

>> No.19118640

>30%+ of Americans do not have a single cent in savings

>> No.19118960

>Why do people work 40hr/week office jobs?
Because that's just what you do.. ok?
Is there a name for this kind of thinking?

>> No.19118996
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Americans really do live in rentfree in some of your heads

>> No.19119007

because we are Rottweilers, pulling the butcher's cart to justify our existence.

>> No.19119238

Ok, but you realize they still work to keep themselves afloat, right? You putting the money in the account doesnt mean it stays there.

>> No.19119375

lol yes listen to this anon and consooooom

>> No.19119749

>check out /lit/ to see if there are interesting opinions
>hope it’s not pseud morons completely out of touch with reality typing up heaps of delusional nonsense to justify their view
>one of the first posts I see is “why do people work 40 hrs a week? It can’t be to make money”
Holy fucking shit dude

>> No.19119759

I live in New England but I've worked in Florida too. I am 20 fwiw
it just doesn't cost that much to live in a shitty apartment
do you work so you can have more pieces of paper attached to your name or do you work so you can use the paper

>> No.19119773

>it just doesn't cost that much to live in a shitty apartment
How are you paying for this, plus food, plus bills, plus going out to do things with people, plus gas, plus healthcare without a full time job?

>> No.19119777

In the US - currently I know a handful of people that have been really benefiting from the Covid-era unemployment and direct stimulus payments. And certain cities are very gig-based too, like Los Angeles.

>> No.19119782

these are temporary measures that have already expired. you can't rely on that

>> No.19119784

So you’re on welfare asking why people work to make money

>> No.19119787

Oh, I have a full-time job. But if someone's frame of reference is only the past 2-3 years, I can see why they think there's a lot of options outside of the 40 hour workweek.

>> No.19119788

>This is the only reason you think this.
kek you can feel it through the screen

>> No.19119791

thats not working, thats committing a fraud so good you get wveryone to get you an early funeral with the Fbi

>> No.19119796

Anon the COVID welfare benefits are temporary and you have to show you’re looking for work to have enough to live above the poverty line

>> No.19119799

I'm not using any welfare, Covid-based or otherwise. But the people I do see using it, even if they don't have a full-time job, are doing fine for now.

>> No.19119810

that s not...a job isnt it? is suckling tits and eating, a job?

>> No.19119811

>even if they don't have a full-time job, are doing fine for now.
Holy fucking anon listen to me.
The COVID benefits are extra compared to normal welfare AND you didn’t have to prove you’re looking for work.

It was an emergency measure that is running out if it didn’t already end.

You cannot live on regular welfare and you need to look for a job to keep getting it.

So in summary, you need to work for a living, 40 hours or more in order to make money. You stupid fucking 20 year old. Leave New England immediately, we don’t want you.

>> No.19119814

capitalism is more complex than simple desire

>> No.19119817

tbf everyone is just suckling tits and pushing off younger puppies to get nicer bigger milk

>> No.19119830

isnt it made of halfwit retards living on inheritance and mostly murder runaway?
how is it complex.

>> No.19119900

I never wrote what my job is, but it's a normal, 40-hours-a-week job, not including any commuting. I agree that welfare & all those extra benefits won't last forever, and in fact, many benefits are already going away.

>> No.19120008

>Why do people work 40hr/week office jobs?
So they can retire.

t. spent 20 years in the military, retired at 39
I have a nice house and a nice lifestyle, there's no reason to be a fucking louse or failure in America.

>> No.19120046

Are you a writer? Where can I read your stuff?
Any funny stories from your military days?

>> No.19120064

Absolutely based anon. Love to see it; honestly made my night. IDK if this is a shitpost or not, but you are absolutely right. I am going through fucking hell at my wage-cuck job for absolutely no reason.

>> No.19120121 [DELETED] 

I'm not a writer, no. The US military just has exceptionally good retirement plans which are you eligible for early compared to other careers because it's a revolving door of retards, almost no-one makes it 10 years let alone 20.
>Any funny stories from your military days?
I wouldn't describe it as fun, I was the equivalent of a sys admin for a few years until eventually I had to manage people who did my old job. The most interesting thing that happened to was almost being discharged after getting accused of racism by some unruly she-ape who didn't feel like working. It was entirely her word against mine and none of my coworkers were on my side. She was discharged before it came to a head after 'pissing hot' and her room search turning up 4lbs of meth. You learn how much your friends are worth after that sort of thing.

>> No.19120129

I'm not a writer, no. The US military just has exceptionally good retirement plans/options which you are eligible for early compared to other careers because it's a revolving door of retards, almost no-one makes it 10 years let alone 20.
>Any funny stories from your military days?
I wouldn't describe it as fun, I was the equivalent of a sys admin for a few years until eventually I had to manage people who did my old job. The most interesting thing that happened to me was almost being discharged after getting accused of racism by some unruly she-ape who didn't feel like working because I insisted she did her job. It was entirely her word against mine and none of my coworkers were on my side. She was discharged before it came to a head after 'pissing hot' and her room search turning up 4lbs of meth. You learn how much your friends are worth after that sort of thing.

>> No.19120211

I'm going to start my first ever 40/hr a week job next Monday after years of being a lazy student who spent all their time online and lived on their parent's dime. It's a menial desk job at 18 an hour and my non part time job.

I am not looking forward to it at all and will miss being able to spend time reading and with family but it's ultimately something I have to deal with like the rest of us if I ever want to be able to afford my own house one day.

>> No.19120224

welcome to the rat race kid

its hell on earth
i would give anything to be a uni student again

>> No.19120228

I worked 50+ hours a week for udner two years
I never spent a dime
I think my body acts independently of my mind

>> No.19120651

Is this the state of the military in general or do you think it’s an isolated incident?
Imagine getting top one man army people over “muh skin color, he looked at me weird” or the opposite “muh skin color, he didn’t even looked at me”

>> No.19121490

I just started mine, it's literal hell. How old are you?

>> No.19121800

It sucks, but it has to be done. You'll fell better for it (or at least I did). Good luck bro

>> No.19121976

You're so fucking genuinely retarded that it's not even funny.

>> No.19122923

I don't go out with people
I ride a bike
I'm healthy
I also have a full-time job
smarter than you

>> No.19122973

Mooch :^)

>> No.19123423


>> No.19124512

The only type of individual the system struggles with. A compliment.

>> No.19125324

consooming macht frei

>> No.19125429

This, if I stay in for full military retirement I can be done working at age 43.
My job is easy as shit. Two days a week I go out on the water on inflatable boats and supervise the boys while they practice with little robots, then three days a week I get paid to go to the gym, do paperwork for an hour, occasionally tell my superiors that my guys are turning yellow boxes into green boxes, and read or write at my desk. I get paid entirely too much for this and in a few years they're paying me to go to grad school full-time.

>> No.19125620

You will be promoted against your will at some point.

>> No.19125672

Yeah, I will. By then I may do the math and conclude that it's not worth staying in. We shall see.
For now, I've got my own place and my own car. I have simple tastes that are all fulfilled. In the next few months I'll be on paid travel to Alaska, Hawaii, and Korea. I'm happier doing this than I've ever been doing anything else.

>> No.19125692

>You probably live a life of mortification, getting by on the bare minimum.
Not him but how is this bad? You can have a healthy diet anyway, enjoying food is for degenerates.

>> No.19126098

Any advice on how to escape this? I'd prefer to not have a shitty life. I'm considering trying to get disability for depression. I'm not depressed anymore but still have the diagnosis. I could just tell them I want to kill myself. I think it's justified because if I keep wasting my life away at my job, I will want to.

>> No.19126449

>I could just tell them I want to kill myself.
they will lock you up and pump you full of drugs
you also better say that you have recovered from depression and have that diagnosis archived because they will eventually pass some law that says if you are a depressed white male you are a potential shooter and they'll force you to undergo reprogramming/zombification

>> No.19126576

I'm already on welbutrin and I'm fine. I have no bad side effects, which is a blessing since I've heard a lot of horror stories about antidepressants, especially prozac.

>> No.19126647

Just get decent at art and do furry porn commissions. The money you make is good considering how easy the work is.

>> No.19126659

>You probably live a life of mortification, getting by on the bare minimum.

>> No.19126661

>or just work part time at a national park.
I wish I knew how to get a job there. This is no where near as easy as you think. Being unemployed and going for hikes is easy enough.

>> No.19126695
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>This is not true, there is almost nobody who actually works so they can have money in their bank account.

>> No.19126767

What do you do, anon? Help the rest of us escape.

>> No.19126790

>This is not true, there is almost nobody who actually works so they can have money in their bank account.
Post bank account, contents of your fridge, and what kind of bedsheets you have OP
> when you can just be unemployed
Oh so you still live at home and your parents subsidize your life. Got it.

>> No.19126797

Live with your parents like OP

>> No.19126862

You can't get disability from depression retard. You have to act schizo/crazy which if you go too far is a dangerous game.

>> No.19127945

>This is not true, there is almost nobody who actually works so they can have money in their bank account.
You've clearly never been poor you dumb retard.

>> No.19128130

How could he not be poor and also be a dumb retard? Only dumb retards are poor