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File: 238 KB, 1400x2132, 71OsS+ePZFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19113702 No.19113702 [Reply] [Original]

pic related. I feel that if you cut away the panentheism and other weird doctrines process metaphysics is actually pretty compatible with more classical Neoplatonism.

>> No.19113717

There is no panentheism (or pantheism) and it's not compatible with Neoplatonism.

>> No.19113741

Whitehead absolute is panentheistic, but I'd be interested to hear why you disagree. Also, given that they share a common source in Plato it seems a little pessimistic to think that no amount of adjustment could allow us to salvage anything from process philosophy and apply it to Neoplatonism

>> No.19113805

Panentheism means God includes and interpenetrates the universe and is greater than it. For Whitehead creativity is what is ultimate. Actual entities and their societies have their own teleology. So he is not a pantheist or a panentheist.
Whitehead converts Plato from idealism to empiricism.

>> No.19113836
File: 424 KB, 1200x1599, 1200px-Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Baudrillard is right about him in the Mirror of Production, but otherwise he got literally not one thing wrong. I guess if Heinrich's reading of him is correct then he's even impervious to the Baudrillard thing.

>> No.19113865

He's not Baudretard has an awful reading of Marx

>> No.19113916

doesn't Whitehead conceive of creativity as beyond God though?

>> No.19113937

>but otherwise he got literally not one thing wrong

You've really not read any critiques of Marx, have you?

>> No.19113940

also, from what little I know of him he came across as quite the idealist to me.I know he references science a lit but he didnt seem like an empiricist when i read him

>> No.19113952

Too architectonic. Felt like Kant all over again

>> No.19113956

That's what I said

>> No.19113958

They are all bad.

>> No.19113965

Kant mistakes the self-evident reality of consciousness for a self-grounding substance. The circularity of "I think, therefore I am" does not necessarily imply the mind is self-generated, independent of its ground.

This is where Whitehead comes in and tries to do justice to "man as part of nature", man as an integral part of a mind-independent reality. He's like a Kantian who is also an anti-Kantian. He believes there is no universe that is not perceived just like Kant (subjects are spatializations/temporalizations of a field or domain that pre-exists them, not spotlights in a noumenal darkness), but unlike Kant, he doesn't believe that the structure of the mind is enough to prove that, somehow, the mind also generates itself. As he puts it, the transcendental facts of cognition are not enough to "authorize" cognition as the author of nature.

The mind is emergent within a larger totality: nature. More to the point, it's an extremely complex output of that field, but again, just one output out of many, human consciousness doesn't have ontological priority over the "prehensive centers" of simpler organisms.

>> No.19114011

yeah I liked Whitehead in terms of what he was getting at but an absolute chore to read compared to others who think in a similar vein like Spinoza or Bergson or William James

>> No.19114027

Alfred North Whitehead had an extremely disagreeable physiognomy

>> No.19114043

Alfred North Whitehead had an extremely comfy physiognomy

>> No.19114049

Ah my apologies I misread you post

>> No.19114054

Both of these are true, it just depends on which photo of him you're looking at

>> No.19114703

he's not

>> No.19114864
File: 96 KB, 707x530, the retroactive refutation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't agree with this dude ever since he got retroactively refuted