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File: 263 KB, 800x1427, 1 pessoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19113261 No.19113261 [Reply] [Original]

was it schizophrenia?

>> No.19113267


>> No.19113274

Deeply closeted homosexuality >>19113267

>> No.19113310
File: 48 KB, 655x509, 6-61483_apu-apustaja-noose-apu-apustaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t complain about the world. I don’t protest in the name of the universe. I’m not a pessimist. I suffer and complain, but I don’t know if suffering is the norm, nor do I know if it’s human to suffer. Why should I care to know ?
I suffer, without knowing if I deserve to.
I’m not a pessimist. I’m sad.

>> No.19113366

It was obviously depression.

>> No.19113421
File: 1.12 MB, 1458x813, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no just schizoid personality disorder

>> No.19113425
File: 83 KB, 936x576, stress tensor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had schizophrenia, but his body was able to compensate for it with a profound depression that prevented him from going completely mad.

>> No.19113443

No, he lived in a society.

>> No.19113674

It was blackpilled genius. He knew better than to expect anything worthwhile out of this world. Every robot should read him.

>> No.19113979

Wtf it's literally me.

>> No.19114058

No. General paresis of the insane, yes.

>> No.19114080


he was role playing due to his life being shit from his perspective

>> No.19114085

It's me too (secret schizoid)

>> No.19114101

No, it was sanity

>> No.19114112

annoying people for perceived power

>> No.19114113

He was actually remarkably sane. He lived the human experience without any of the extra junk like experiencing humanity.

>> No.19114386

haha, that's something you edited in the Wikipedia sandbox for a laugh, right?

Not that knowing this really matters because taking a pill won't genuinely help.

So what I'm schizoid or schizotypal. Why should I really care? How would "officially" diagnosing that help me?

>> No.19115863

Where to start with this guy?

>> No.19116083

Wtf that's literally me

>> No.19116201

I'm a schizoid with 150 iq, am I set for life?

>> No.19116321

The diagnosis should only matter to you if you feel intense distress because of the consequences of schizo behaviour, if you're happy than you can ignore it desu

>> No.19116360

Yes, most likely. He lived a pretty sad life

>> No.19116365
File: 714 KB, 1125x2204, 3A4929AD-C4D0-43D3-A2AA-C50A928E6BA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a 124 IQ schizophrenic with a verbal IQ of 136. Should I read Pessoa?

>> No.19116370

>hungry for love
>intensely needy of involvement with others

Neither of those are schizoid. That's more tinging towards avoidant or love shy. Schizoids don't want to be in relationships and aren't "hungry for love" since love/praise is something they don't value.

>> No.19116375

What is it with dimwits who can't follow along with advanced or even sometimes basic conceptual thought and accusing other people of having a serious mental illness?

>> No.19116386

That's schizophrenia lad

>> No.19116408

These schizo-adjacent personality disorders are just autism but upsold to make the sufferer feel more special and to sell them dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals, aren't they?

>> No.19116420

No. I’m on a new Japanese anti psychotic and it only makes me slightly hungry. Makes me function properly and I blend in now. People are actually surprised when I reveal I’m a nutcase.

>> No.19116422

There are way too many tests to choose from; which one did you pick?

>> No.19116435

Anglo psychiatry has different names for the same "disorders" according to symptomatic manifestation. The reason is mainly to sell drugs, yes.

>> No.19116443

If you're a nutcase, how are you supposed to know how the drugs are supposed to make you feel and how well they're achieving that? For all you know they could be making you make very dumb posts all over the internet and convince you that you're just dreaming.

>> No.19116561

>vulnerable to esoteric movements owing to a strong need to belong
Uh oh...

>> No.19116668

He has feminine ankles.

>> No.19116974
File: 165 KB, 1366x2048, 7C32EF61-DF5C-4363-A1B4-82D93A2D18AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book of Disquiet is the most emotionally-resonant book I've ever read. I'm happy he was born.

>> No.19116998

Psychology Today

>> No.19117166

>supposed to make you feel
They don’t make me “feel” something, they rewire my dopamine receptors to make me stop hearing voices, seeing things, and believing in delusional things like that I’m a Genius or that people are out to get me. I feel functional now and can go outside without the fear of people spying on me.
>it’s just a dream bro
I read Descartes to get out of this rabbit hole.

>> No.19117184

I think he just had a fucked up dick