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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.19111362 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is supposed to be the smartest board on this hellhole called 4chan, however, is full with snobs whose mental age is barely 10-12, and their principal aim is to be recognized as superior(disregarding other anons opinion, regardless how well structured or founded this opinions are) all of this I must stress, in an anonymous forum where nobody knows who the fuck you are.
lighten up fellas, drop the ego.

>> No.19111372

something something the board bad
go read books retard

>> No.19111377
File: 123 KB, 960x960, F60303C8-D264-4201-B664-031FC405FF79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lighten up fellas
>drop the ego

>> No.19111390
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The curse of every hobby board is that only those who are more active talking online about the hobby can be active on the forum meaning all the good users are to busy doing the hobby. Anyone who thinks /lit/ has the slightest bit of worth is just a retard who saw a reddit tier midwit. The true path to becoming the ultimate /LIT/ is to quit all SM sites, including this one, and just read.
I'm not a hypocrite for browsing this board because this is my last post. Bye forever fags

>> No.19111402

suck my dick

>> No.19111413

I do, but irl no one i know read books, and i want to have some dialogue, but on /lit/ I always get onions answers like yours
based take, going to do the same desu

>> No.19111431

>he keeps reading contemporary /lit/

I only ever read the archives these days. Old threads full of memories, they remind me of the past when all was good and the board still had some insightful posters. Now it's just memers, baitposters and flamewars over and over again.

>> No.19111447


does not exist.

>> No.19111451
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>Old threads full of memories, they remind me of the past when all was good and the board still had some insightful posters

>> No.19111500

Eat my cum socks

>> No.19111840

>I only ever read the archives these days. Old threads full of memories, they remind me of the past when all was good and the board still had some insightful posters. Now it's just memers, baitposters and flamewars over and over again.

How do you find good posts on the archive? I've been on this board for a year and the shit:quality ratio has been trending shittier and shittier

>> No.19111858

This board is a test field for opinions. And yes it's actually a very smart way to treat a board. No one actually wants to discuss books. What are you? 15?

>> No.19111860

>all the good users are to busy doing the hobby
Good point. The people still posting here are dilettantes, including myself because I chose to come here today.

>> No.19111891
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Post2015 /lit/ is shit.
The election tourists and reddit refugees effectively killed it.
We now have a literature board where nobody is interested in discussing literature.
We should start a /literature/ general like /sffg/ but I doubt it would work.

The mods and jannies are fags, especially the one that boasts about being over 40yrs old.

>> No.19111892

Real Anons know when it's me posting.

>> No.19111900

Same time tomorrow?

>> No.19111921

See you tomorrow.

>> No.19112171

It's lit tho

>> No.19112177

>this is my last post. Bye forever fags
I'll give him a week tops.

>> No.19112202

all internet resources i've ever used have the same "sifting for gold in a mountain of shit" characteristic, but with different ratios. one thing i've learned is how to quickly identify and inure myself to low-effort opinionated uncurious posters who use this website for a different purpose than you're asking for. there are, on occasion, some actually insightful posts here.

for instance.

>> No.19112211

>The election tourists and reddit refugees effectively killed it.
None of them even know this board exists.
>We now have a literature board where nobody is interested in discussing literature.
Fictioncucks deserve to finally get driven out of here desu.

>> No.19112228

Yes let's start by sending the thomas the tank theologians on an exodus

>> No.19112232

Look, when I want to discuss books and philosophy in good faith I go to Reddit and Discord, places with good moderation and where I have reputation to uphold. /lit/ is where you go to get charts and then goof around.

>> No.19112238

See ye tomorrow

>> No.19112250

>good discussion with moderation
>reputation to uphold
yeah we dont need you here midwit

>> No.19112453

>The true path to becoming the ultimate /LIT/ is to quit all SM sites, including this one
good point, but see you tomorrow

>> No.19112459

Catch me outside

>> No.19112503

This is still the smartest board on the website, take a trip to /mu/, /a/, /v/ and /tv/ to see drooling retards at work, go to see /qa/, /jp/ and /int/ to see where they keep the clinically brain dead users.

>> No.19112519

/sci/ is still better

>> No.19112542

fuck you cocksucker

>> No.19112649
